TER General Board

An old fart's response...
Turkana 2206 reads

In my earlier days, the thrill of "variety" drove me to different partners.  It wasn't the cliched "spice of life," but the adrenaline rush from the tension and risk-taking inherent in seeing someone new.  After all, taking your clothes off in front of a stranger is, by its nature, a risky proposition. I should mention, however, that this was in pre-internet days, when seeing a provider usually involved visiting a brothel and picking someone out of a lineup.  

Now, that edge is no longer there for any number of reasons -- decreased (or at least less urgent) sex drive, the certainty of the Internet (so you can know pretty much what you're getting beforehand -- no surprises, no risk, no adrenaline) and the sense of having seen it all.  So my answer to the question now is not particularly different from my answer to why I'd want to meet someone at a cocktail party.  If a provider appears to be intelligent, interesting and engaging, I'll make an effort to meet her and see her.  Otherwise, it's a big yawn.  And as time goes on, the number that interest me has dwindled.  

But as you say, verity isn't the spice of life.

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 2:48:58 PM

Here is a question that might be considered simple or complex to answer but explain to both your fellow Hobbyist and the Providers why when you find a couple of super good Providers instead of seeing them over and over do you seek out others every time you indulge in the Hobby?

Be honest with your replies meaning no stupid answers.  And none of that verity is the spice of life answer either.

I think you can find some of your answers on a thread entitled "Before TER"  dated 11/15/04 on the Los Angeles Discussion Board.

Lot's of thoughts stimulated by your question.

I do a bit of both. Super provider for me means someone who gives me the feeling of being comfortable, accepted, welcomed, cared for (at least for the hour), and, of course, who is an attractive and a fun sexual companion. When I've found all of that, I do try to see the lady more than once - sometimes much more. In fact, I tend to try to book those ladies first, if location and schedule permit.

But I also like the "adventure" of the hobby - the fun of the hunt and the "kid in a candy store" feeling I get from browsing thorough the incredibly rich variety of beautiful, sexy, interesting women all or any of whom seem to be avaialble to me when I scan reviews or ads or websites. Newness and mystery are very strong draws sometimes.

And then there are those women whose ads or posts or reviews make me feel that I've just got to see them. The reasons vary, from "on, my god, she's gorgeous" (pant, pant) to something that suggests a special sweetness and tenderness, or a very interesting person - all of which might lead to the good luck of finding another ATF who I'll want to see again and again.

Thanks for the question. I enjoyed just thinking about not only the "why" of my choices, but the great times I've had with women from each of the catagories.

I enjoy meeting a lot of different women. Some are more enjoyable to be with than others and it also opens up ones experiences to things that one may have not done in the past. I've also seen a variety of women with different looks...similar body features for the most part. Also, I see a lot of traveling girls so its hard to just stick with them because they do not come back on a regular schedule and most dont stay in the business that long.

I entered the hobby not quite knowing where I would fit.  It didn't take me long to realize I need the fantasy of some sort of relationship.  I'm willing to spend for that experience, but I don't shower the ladies with gifts or etc.  I'd rather just see them more often, and hope that familiarity leads to a nice comfort level.  I've been fortunate to enjoy that sort of arrangment with  several women over the past 4+ years.  

If I was to see someone new every time, I'm sure I wouldn't like myself in the long run.  It makes me think I'm trying to prove something. Plus it's just not my personality.

where familiarity and having the lady more comfortable will lead to a more rewarding time together.

But, I still look for that initial excitement of meeting someone new. Especially if you do not know what they look like and the TER brothers give her an 8 or better.

I like AMP's based on the fact that you get to pick your lady.

Lex Luethor2678 reads

...so unless we're looking to fulfill some emotional void, nothing beats the feeling of being with of someone new.

Yes, I've met some truly wonderful women through this hobby and I hope to see many of them again, but the instinctive, "gut" drive is to always find someone new.

I need a lover that won't drive me crazy. Someone to thrill me and then go away.

I find that to be easiest by never seeing a provider twice.

What I have found when visiting a provider for the second time is that the date follows a pattern similar to the first date. This makes sense from one point of view, that the provider found something I enjoyed and repeated it for me.

However, I would much rather go into a date having no idea what is going to happen. In many cases, I will have no idea what the provider looks like, having chosen one who does not show her face on her web site. The excitement of the unknown is one of the things I most enjoy about this hobby.

... falling in "love" and expecting something from the relationship that almost certainly is not there.

Turkana2207 reads

In my earlier days, the thrill of "variety" drove me to different partners.  It wasn't the cliched "spice of life," but the adrenaline rush from the tension and risk-taking inherent in seeing someone new.  After all, taking your clothes off in front of a stranger is, by its nature, a risky proposition. I should mention, however, that this was in pre-internet days, when seeing a provider usually involved visiting a brothel and picking someone out of a lineup.  

Now, that edge is no longer there for any number of reasons -- decreased (or at least less urgent) sex drive, the certainty of the Internet (so you can know pretty much what you're getting beforehand -- no surprises, no risk, no adrenaline) and the sense of having seen it all.  So my answer to the question now is not particularly different from my answer to why I'd want to meet someone at a cocktail party.  If a provider appears to be intelligent, interesting and engaging, I'll make an effort to meet her and see her.  Otherwise, it's a big yawn.  And as time goes on, the number that interest me has dwindled.  

But as you say, verity isn't the spice of life.

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 2:48:58 PM

Okay I don't need the leash part, always.  But I just dig that Korn song.

Anyway, variety is the spice of life even if you didn't want us to say that - and for guys who travel they're going to find someone new in every city. So they're always researching.

But maybe we're just looking for that girl who's perfectly wild. We all have our own kink-o-meter right. And we all define it a little differently. Depending on your life experience a blow job on a hotel balcony is kinky. But the bottom line is that finding a new girl gives you a chance to find the one who matches your twisted little libido right to the core.  The frustrating thing about this hobby and sites like these is that I "see" girls profiles and posts that lead me to believe she exists but dammit they're never where I'm going to be.  I need to inherit a cool million then I can fly to wherever NetM goes!

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 3:38:55 PM

I thought that I was someone that would enjoy seeing the same women many times, but in practice I see different women for the excitement and for emotional protection.  The best provider experience I've had so far was with a girl that I had wanted to date before she had ever started escorting.  I was her second customer and she was better in bed than i had even dreamed.  It was a dream come true that i actually had the chance to be with this woman until I started seeing the rave reviews and what she had done with other men.  In this case it really hurt me and I have not gone back to see her.

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 7:53:46 PM

Here it is, plain and simple.....it's that feeling I get in my stomach as I enter the elevator that takes me up to her hotel room.  Kinda like the feeling I'd get before a big test or when something very exciting or extremely important is about to happen.  God damn, I love when those "juices" are flowing.....if I could somehow put it in a bottle, I'd make a fortune....

-- Modified on 1/10/2005 7:58:30 PM

Because there could ALWAYS be something better out there...this constant thriving for bigger & better is what turns the world around!


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