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An even simpler solution (e)
cgreene33572 116 Reviews 464 reads


Whether you use your iPhone with an app for hobbying , or a burner phone you should remember the Location Services feature on iPhone that records the locations where your phone has been and how long you stayed there. It is set by default on the phone and you may not be aware of it. To disable it go to "Settings", "Privacy", "Location Services" then scroll down to "System Services" then to "Frequent Locations." If that feature is on, then there will be a history of your various locations and the durations of your stay.  Click "Clear" all locations and set the feature to "Off"

We can never be too careful.

even had the hotel listed.. thanks for the tip.. u are right, cant be too careful

Stickythong380 reads

Calls and texts, all I need. If I get robbed, they will be disappointed. Never use my smart phone.

And I OVE it...hold a charge for days, and I'm not one of "those people" married to my phone, constantly looking down at it while walking, dining, shopping, sitting. I'm just fine with NOT have my emails go to my phone, that you very much. I enjoy looking at my surroundings  or the person I'm with. not my phone.

Here's what my phone looks like and I love my hot pink Razor flip phone!

Great tip. thanks from someone who could use all the technology help he can get.

Posted By: cgreene33572
Whether you use your iPhone with an app for hobbying , or a burner phone you should remember the Location Services feature on iPhone that records the locations where your phone has been and how long you stayed there. It is set by default on the phone and you may not be aware of it. To disable it go to "Settings", "Privacy", "Location Services" then scroll down to "System Services" then to "Frequent Locations." If that feature is on, then there will be a history of your various locations and the durations of your stay.  Click "Clear" all locations and set the feature to "Off"  
 We can never be too careful.

Is set on a per application basis. One can go to settings and turn location services on/off for each application. One can also turn off location services completely but some apps like maps would not work. I went through each setting on my iPhone and none of the apps had the information you are referring to. If such information is captured, and stored, please let us know where it is stored and how it can be access to that information on an iPhone. Otherwise, stop spreading mix information. Especially,  calculating how long someone spend at particular location and calculating and storing that information is waste of CPU Cycles, memory and drain on the battery and all three are limited in all smart phones. I could not find the information stored any where on my iPhoe, let me know where it is and how I can access that information.

I have a iPhoe 6 and the iOS is up-to- date..I am very curious about your claim

and use spell check before writing misinformed and insulting responses.If the Frequent Locations is on in the System Services, subsection of Location Services, which is in the Privacy section, it will indeed keep a history of where you have been and how long you were there. You have to turn it off to avoid this problem.

He'd write a whole page of stuff on something yet often completely wrong on the subject. I have never met a guy who's knows his shit all wrong like our village idiot. Every board needs a grump though, I'm sure he will retort by telling me to shut my shitty mouth. rofl

Or shut their mouth, especially it is clueless response like yours.  

-- Modified on 4/30/2015 9:01:59 AM

Are you going to steal Christmas this year?

what's a no message,  is that like pimples no email?

Posted By: cgreene33572
Whether you use your iPhone with an app for hobbying , or a burner phone you should remember the Location Services feature on iPhone that records the locations where your phone has been and how long you stayed there. It is set by default on the phone and you may not be aware of it. To disable it go to "Settings", "Privacy", "Location Services" then scroll down to "System Services" then to "Frequent Locations." If that feature is on, then there will be a history of your various locations and the durations of your stay.  Click "Clear" all locations and set the feature to "Off"  
 We can never be too careful.
-- Modified on 4/30/2015 4:59:39 AM

I keep location services on my iPhone OFF unless I need to use the map app, then I always turn it off again when done with that app.  

Since we are on the topic of privacy, do any of you use the device you plug into your car's OBD port so you can get a discount of up to 10% on your car insurance (Allstate calls it Drivewise)?  Those little boxes are also tracking your location as well as how you drive.  Of course LE would need to subpoena that info from the insurance company BUT it's just another violation of our privacy, which we have very damn little of these days.  I told my insurance agent NO (and btw, he admitted he wouldn't use it either).

Just got a new phone. Quite helpful.

and that is, that when you take a photo and send it to someone, the photo's pixels reveal where the photo was taken, and that info can be used by LE or your wife's divorce attorney, or whomever.

Is there any truth to that?

Yes about the location revelation. Don't know about the legal stuff.

I guess there is a reason?

As for LE using evidence...sure, but why bother with that.  They've already arrested you for being in a room with them!

And for some divorce attorney...most states are no fault.  Hence, why should it matter if you have pics of Lindsay Lohan or any other skank on your phone?  I've yet to be involved in a divorce case that isn't driven simply by money and if appropriate...custody issues.  Fucking the neighbor or some hooker has never, ever been part of the proceeding.   It does make for fodder...but won't impact the results of the litigation.  Unless you've successfully dissipated the marital estate...and the soon to be ex is looking for a division based on that dissipation.  But that becomes a forensic issue, and has nothing to do with your pics of Lindsay.

Posted By: mrfisher
and that is, that when you take a photo and send it to someone, the photo's pixels reveal where the photo was taken, and that info can be used by LE or your wife's divorce attorney, or whomever.

Is there any truth to that?

Sometimes folks had so much fun the first time around they do it again...and again  LOL

Honestly, it's just a part of life.  Much like most business partnerships, end up in divorce.

Simply a PITA for all parties concerned.  And in nearly every case...it comes down to money.

If both sides walk out feeling shorted...then in reality everyone's a winner.  They may not know it at the time...but a look back in a year or so and they realize it.

I've done more than my share of arbitrations/mediations....and if I can get each side to take the "I'm going to teach them a lesson" out of the equation, the process is fairly quick and painless.  When folks want to "teach someone a lesson"...well, I tend to make a shitload of money when that approach is taken.

Ironically those with the fewest dollars seem to want to make a "Federal" case out of nothing.  But damnit...someone wants the fucking dog, or vase  LOL   I've seen combatants spend thousands to "win" the damned silverware.  But "they" taught someone a lesson  ;)

And honestly, most sides know that their future ex is fucking around.  This paranoia that permeates here is highly exaggerated  LOL

Posted By: mrfisher
It sucks.


In fact, the judge even commented that we were the most respectful and well behaved couple she had yet come before her.

But it still sucked.  I had to create subterfuges to find money to continue to hobby and worry that I'd get caught, their was the feeling of the kids to think about, the added hassle to my life, etc.  

And it took nearly 2 years because the courts are jammed and the lawyers need to pad their bills.  The total cost on both sides was mid-five figures.

That could have bought a lot of escort time.

The freedom I now have is well worth it all, but I didn't realize that at the time.

It's sort of like having gum grafts - painful and expensive - but later highly appreciated when you can still chomp into an ear of fresh corn.  That by the way, is another grueling experience I've been through.

Oh well, what is that saying the kids toss out:  no pain, no gain.

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