TER General Board

"an adult diaper under her thong"
S Guy 5363 reads
1 / 22

So, I made an appointment with a new provider. Standard two-call, "Go to such and such a street and call me back...."

WHOA! That's MY street!

Has this happened to anybody? What did / would you do?
- Go for it, save some gas
- No, waay too wierd
- Depends, house vs. apt, AAMP vs. agency vs. indie, etc...

How about the providers out there? What if you had a client who lives down the street?

LadyBJ See my TER Reviews 4451 reads
2 / 22

I got an appt request recently. I noticed his phone exchange was the same as mine. He lives around the corner from me. Too close for comfort for me!

Just my .02!


BBrain 55 Reviews 2290 reads
3 / 22

. . . but good for me.

My regular is thinking about moving to my neighborhood; that would be great for me. But I live a busy neighborhood so she would not seem like a neighbor.

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 5:25:28 AM

MIKE1010 8 Reviews 3510 reads
4 / 22

I had something similar happen a few years ago with a bit of a different twist.  The lady I saw did outcall and she kind of freaked out after she realized that I lived around the corner from her less than a mile away.  

She went through with the session and hinted that she lived near me but didn't say how close.  I enjoyed her company enough to call her back and we ended up developing a bit of a friendship and really enjoyed each other's company.  We both enjoyed having a "booty call" so close and visited each other often over the course of a few years.

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 2825 reads
5 / 22

...though in my neighborhood it would be a good bet that any provider would be wearing an adult diaper under her thong.

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 5:30:23 AM

luv_women 28 Reviews 2776 reads
6 / 22

Now isn't that an awful image??


Make it go away!

BBrain 55 Reviews 2037 reads
7 / 22
CumToThinkofIt 2280 reads
8 / 22

Living 70 miles from LA's epicenter of carnal consumerism I would consider it a distinct blessing. You ever fight traffic for an hour and fifty minutes just to have the provider flake on ya'  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

SheerUtopia See my TER Reviews 1649 reads
9 / 22

If she has screened properly you she is probably sure she does or does not know you.  So in a case where she does not want to be found out she would not take the appointment.

If your in a large city, chances are you may very rarely cross paths again, but you will know she exist, but if in Small town, USA I would not chance it.
By the way do you have any daughters in the area????  The scenarios are endless, probably better to look into a different provider.

SweetGirl2006 2080 reads
10 / 22

I had this happen to me. The gent lived right across the street from me. He did not tell me until he arrived. I was very stressed out because I talked to his wife & children everyday. He children would come over to my house and play with my dogs all the time.

little phil 37 Reviews 1463 reads
11 / 22

I was just thinking that it would be really cool if the redhead down the street was a provider.  Does that answer your question?

eztrick 29 Reviews 1826 reads
12 / 22

I once showed up for a massage appt., and the massage girls was the mom of one of my friends.  She's a bit past her prime, but she had a decent tit job, and she 's a bit skanky in the exciting sort of way, so I biefly considered staying.

She left the room to get a towel, and while she was gone, I decided to bail.  I tried to give her  a few bucks for her time, but she wouldn't take it.

Now, I'm stuck wondering if this provider told her daughter that one of her guy friends showed up for  a rub n tug.  Or maybe my friend doesn't know what her Mom does for a living?

Either way, too spooky for me.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2288 reads
13 / 22
splunge 72 Reviews 1950 reads
14 / 22

-- Modified on 2/2/2006 1:04:15 PM

NaomiMadrid See my TER Reviews 2581 reads
15 / 22

If the client were 'too close for comfort', I'd arrange to meet them at a neutral place, a hotel away from both of our places unless I lived on a huge anonymous street where I'd be assured that my client had nothing to worry about when venturing by. Here in Paris, I meet my clients at THEIR hotel or residence, so it usually doesn't pose a problem.

balto 27 Reviews 2264 reads
16 / 22
trustno20 822 reads
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It's one thing to make the six o'clock news in a state where you are not known. Quite another where you family will recognize your name.

Not that I really give a shit if my wife ever did find out. As far as I'm concerned after 17 years of "I got a headache... not tonight" for 52 weeks of the year. I think she long ago gave up the right of having me exclusively. But the reality is, why invite the headache that would ensue if you don't have to?

Now if I were single. I'd think it be pretty cool to have a provider so close.

governator 11 Reviews 2715 reads
19 / 22

I had a different version of this.

I replied to an ad and as I approached the apartment I realized that the lady was one of my wife's friends.  She was at my wedding!  Scared the shit out of me.  Needless to say I didn't knock.

I am pretty sure that she knew it was me but has never said anything.  I guess you could say plausible deniability for both of us.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 2142 reads
20 / 22
Captain Midnight 35 Reviews 3132 reads
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I've got a regular that has an incall about four blocks from my workplace, and just recently saw a lady who lives in my downtown neighborhood and suggested a hotel within walking distance of my house and hers, but I shut down the idea. Instead, I met her at a hotel out by the airport, which works out better for all concerned, I think.

We did chat about some cool stuff in our neighborhood -- we swapped restaurant recommendations, and I gave her a recommendation for an excellent wine shop.  We do seem to have some other interests in common, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that I'll run into her in an entirely different context.

templar_1307 5 Reviews 2553 reads
22 / 22

I met a lady in a downtown hotel used a reference for vrification and had a great time

Later that evening my daughter asked me if I would help her friends Mom cause they had no heat. So I jump in my truck dirve 11.5 seconds 2 streets over and guess who answers the door. I fixed the heat chrged her for the full hour and left. I no longer travel that street

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