TER General Board

Alternative Payments
nhskier 11 Reviews 1146 reads


In this day an age of technology is cash still king?  Yes it is easy and for the most part untraceable.  However do any ladies accept other forms of payment?  Amazon or store gift cards?  Prepaid AMEX?  What about electronic option like Google Wallet or Apple iPay?


barter for many products and services, but cash is still king in my book. All those cards that are prepaid made me register the card to use it, so I still had to put someone's name on it. Amazon, Publix, etc. those are better for me because it looks like a gift vs. a payment. I take deposits via money order and have random people cash them for me that I hang out with.  

I would have no problem with a guy paying with a Visa Vanilla, but it would be an UPFRONT payment if he wants to go that route. Kind of awkward to have to call and make sure there are funds on a card right in front of him... um, no.

Dear Ms. Rayne:
Also how long of a history would you need to have before considering accepting an alternative means of compensation?  I ask this question because I know certain practitioners of this demimonde have various stipulations depending on whom is giving them a card. Would the length of time be in months or frequency of visits?  Also what other items of interest would you look for with respect to the character of the person who is giving you the alternative means of payment?  Thanks Ms. Rayne for your input on the subject.

The payment is always upfront, so what do I care. Long as that thing has the funds or the products, bring it. When I say 'upfront' I mean before the day of the date too, not upfront when he walks in the door.

But I have paid deposit and travel expenses with green dot money pack. I also have gave a car for payment, so bartering happens. I have heard of ladies and agencies that take credit cards but that is risky for both her and you. Banks love to freeze accounts that may have been involved in criminal activities and are required to report suspect activities to LE. Same is true of PayPal.

LasVegan283 reads

Wouldn't that create an audit trail for them..........and increase their risk..........and YOURS?

Cash is always King, but I have no problem taking Amazon money as long as it is prepaid.

I only worry since taking such big withdrawals may make things look suspicious.  Never pay more than a couple hundred for anyone here and you should be fine.

I accept major gift cards like visa and master card.  However;  I very seldom have anyone to take of that type of payment.  And of course, I always accept any credit cards. If someone wanted to offer me any other type of payment, they are more than welcome to ask.


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