TER General Board

sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 2882 reads

Most people participate in conversations they feel they can contribute to and avoid any where they might feel stupid or unable to support any statement.

I avoid politics like the plague for all the above.

However, abortion is something I feel I could discuss..

Weather Underground4217 reads

Hey folks, come on over and join in on the discussions!  We could use some more diversity of opinions over there, especially women's views!  It has been pretty rough-and-tumble in the past over there, but since the high feelings of the now-past campaign have died down, people are being a lot more civil nowadays.

Right now, we have been discussing abortion, an issue that certainly has something to do with women and sex!  It's not too late to express your views on some of the threads going on now, or to start a new one on abortion, or any other topic of interest to you.

Come on over!

Most people participate in conversations they feel they can contribute to and avoid any where they might feel stupid or unable to support any statement.

I avoid politics like the plague for all the above.

However, abortion is something I feel I could discuss..

followme2471 reads

Politics.....poly= many
            ticks= bloodsucking insects

Thank You

I need to moderate myself.  Getting that worked up will put me in the hospital.  Now, where is the Religion Board?  Oh, that's right...

As for abortion issues and rescinding what was supposedly a step forward, it pretty much sums up to me how fragile our freedoms are.  At any rate, I need to finish getting sick over this first ...

And speaking of PC,

As for writing any clear and present opinion of mine, (not that it matters on ANY board) I fear that if I get too crazy on the Political Board, some bozo will write some nasty hurtful fake review.  It doesn't take much sometimes, or is it a wonder that some women stay silent on ANY board, except to make announcements and say how much they love their jobs?

-- Modified on 11/21/2004 2:38:07 PM

*2056 reads

It distresses me that there are people who want to come into my home to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body!!!!!!!!!! What really gets my goat, are those men who are pro-lifers! I remember when I was growing up, all those pregnant girlfriends I knew, whose boyfriends  never "owned up" to helping to make to make those babies. Hmmm..makes me wonder if they now found "christianity" and are the pro-lifers that I see outside the planned parenthood down the street from me.

-- Modified on 11/21/2004 2:54:45 PM

Both of the major parties have their issues where they want to control the individual and/or society.  However, if you agree with your party's version of control, it just doesn't seem like control, but rather, what's natural and "fair".

*2525 reads

to be honest, I can care less about who is with what party. But, when it comes to my body, I should be the only one who has say to it. Now, I do know of both dems/repubs, that are also pro-choice. So to me, it has nothing to do with politics. It has to do with my body, my mind, my soul, and what I think is best for me, NOT what some other person (especially a man, sorry) has to say. The day that they do away with a woman's right to choose, IS a step backwards, for it has taken us that long to get here, only to have our rights taken away. What will people do next? Tell a woman that she can no longer vote? Then what next? That is the point. Bit by bit, a little bit of of who we are, are takened away. It only starts with just repealing one law, then the next follow. What a shame.

Candace Of ATL2054 reads

Thank you for the invite but I think I am too passionate to discuss my views there. I made a few comments after I returned from The Middle East and it seemed to fill my email with people who wanted to convince me of their views. I just couldn't devote the time it took to address everyone.... kisses Candace

followme3566 reads

I cannot agree that it is 100% true.....Hey I post on some of the other boards ! !

Thank You

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