TER General Board

netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3115 reads

Anybody see the movie "Secretary?" Enough said. Some of us like to mispell on purpose.

I am a hobbyist in Portland Oregon.
I am also a Student in college.
I am writing a paper on hobbyist an providers and I need your help. If you could take a few minutes to fill out my survey I can write my paper. This is not spam, I DO NOT want any personal information.
Please help me out, without your input I can not write this paper.
Thanks Mike
[email protected]

Sorry to hear you don't want to help me, but I understand. I knew I was picking a group that likes it's privacy, and I made every effort to keep this completely anonomus.
Thank you to the five of you who have filled out my survey. All I need now is about 15 more hobbyist and 20 providers to fill it out.

Glad you did too-  I'll be the vanilla hobbyist end of the spectrum- and you'll be the totally cool end that everyone wants to read over and over again....

"Herrrre's Johnny!"

...believe this was from another of his movies

"I'm just your average horny little devil."

works for me too...


freefall42422018 reads

Sorry for the DP and I am not intending to flame. However you will get flamed in the business world or even on the grading of your report for piss poor spelling. This just wasn't a typo as I've seen the same post on four other boards and all had the same spelling of "anonomus" (anonymous. I usually don't nitpick spelling on message boards but since you are soliciting help as a college student you really should remember to spell check your messages.

Yes I misspelled it, I am human, and I am sorry for my truly heinous error. I did catch it and fixed my error after a few hours rest. It was late, I was in a time crunch, and I was sleepy. I will try harder next time. I did cut and paste the message to three boards, but I am not sure of the forth. Is some one out there trying to help get my message out?

Well Verdammte Scheiße!
That's a first for me. I've never brought down my server and had no idea a simple text only html file would do it. Seriously, there are no bells or whistles on the survey. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE HELP! Your overwhelming response has been so great it took down my server... Cool! ;)

How the hell did you get into college?  Then take this outrageously stupid idea and defenestrate it along with your hopes of writing the great American novel.

Stöcke und Steine können meine Knochen brechen, aber Wörter
verletzen mich nie.  :)

OK, I'm shutting her down.
I received fifty eight surveys from the hobbyist and twenty eight from the providers. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
I can not believe the overwhelming responses and support from all of you. You are all truly great people.
I will be closing down the survey tomorrow morning, May 26th, around 11 am if you want to get your survey in please do it before then. I will post another message here when I am done writing it and have it up for you to view.
Thanks again!

get over yourself2866 reads

It's "appalling," not "apalling."

but you have got to wonder about a  student who has written a questionnaire for broad distribution and doesn't even proof read it, haven't you?  Is he legit, or just some time waster wanting to get off?

get over yourself4233 reads

That's a two-year college, as far as I know, where students can complete their lower-division work and then transfer to four-year institutions, or earn a vocational degree, or take classes just for personal enrichment.

From what I remember, he indicated that he is writing this paper for an English class. I suspect English is not his first language and that he is working his way up to English 1. His survey had some problems in its construction, but, hey, he's learning, which is what school is for.

Then again, he could be lying and actually doing marketing research or just prying into our lives. (shrug)

Anybody see the movie "Secretary?" Enough said. Some of us like to mispell on purpose.

Let me set the story straight, even though I don't need to. I am a poor speller, and I have bad grammar, I know this to be true. Both of which were caused by the fact that I never had an education before now. I am 31 and 2 years ago I could barely write a complete sentence. I was on my own from 13 and I had to work to survive; school was the last thing on my mind. I did how ever learn to program, and have built websites for a living for years. I decided, finally, to go back to school and complete my education and better myself. As far as grammar in my survey... YES it could have been better, but I had a deadline to meet. My original group bombed out and you were my backup. I wrote your survey on very little sleep and in 20 minutes. I have been polite up till now and I have taken what you said as constructive criticism. I am doing the best I can, so please understand that I am STILL LEARNING what I was not able to learn when you did. Maybe someday I will be just as good as you, and able to look down upon others who are trying to learn and scoff at them. Or, better yet, show them some encouragement, not publicly ridicule them, and not try to embarrass them. Thanks, I think I have learned something from you; I will be the latter.

get over yourself3171 reads

To the contrary, I was responding to a person who was putting you down for your grammar. Maybe I was wrong in my guess that you are an ESL student (it was just a hunch). I support you in your efforts. I went to a community college for a time, too.

I'm sorry if it sounded like I was riduculing you. That was not my intention at all. I wish you all the best.

I just read the 'He wrote that he's attending a *community* college' post and see nothing of a put down in it.  On the contrary, I see respect and encouragement. Re-read it when you're calm and relaxed and see if you agree with me.

Actually, your real story is important.  Of the 'advanced' economies, this country is at the very bottom when it comes to literacy.  It's good for us to be reminded of that every now and again.

His very first post was a putdown.  But not of you, of the poster who first made a nasty crack about your grammar.

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