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Agreed. I wouldn't see someone a second time if they slapped me
Cosette 910 reads

I would either have to ask for it or be asked and say whether it's ok.  

Spanking is different.

curious_guy992120 reads

I always thought spanking during doggie and face-hitting during mish only happens in porn, and its probably only an act with enhanced sound effects.
So, I was quite taken aback when a lady during a session asked "yeah, spank me harder, that ass is yours", and another one, after I hit her lightly, "ooh, spanking, hit me harder".
Question is: what should be the protocol in a session: see it on her review and then start with a light attempt, ask her first, or wait for her to direct.  
Especially about the face-hitting part, I don't want to ask "hey may I slap your face", and then no more sessions from then on.
And I am not talking about BDSM or S&M types of dates, just regular providers' that post here.

and its best to have a safe word, so things don't go out of control.  

There is nothing wrong with slapping or smacking a woman, if that's what you have mutually agreed to do.

These are boundaries that should be pre-set.
You should understand if your partner is into BDSM, yes, a safe word, and a good idea of, "What is your pain threshold?"  

But how is a man supposed to know these things?
Don't know how to ask?
Google is your friend...
I myself, am NOT a BDSM girl (although, I've been spanked & have given & received face slapping, although it was very mild.) It was a bit kinky, not against it, but not for every partner.

Not Todd, I wasn't calling & crying to anyone afterwards. :D haha

Perhaps you should explore considering this genre since you apparently are curious...
I just googled & there are questionnaires for such a purpose, who knew?
I'm guessing that'd be a good way to set some boundaries before-hand.

Posted By: CurlyW - Nats Fan
and its best to have a safe word, so things don't go out of control.  
 There is nothing wrong with slapping or smacking a woman, if that's what you have mutually agreed to do.

Seriously. Unless we've met a number of times and I've given you very clear signs that I would want to participate, do not hit my face.

I have literally had people smack me in the face, HARD, as soon as I open the door. This generally isn't a fantasy that implies anything fun for us, and for the most part, we aren't going to be ok with it unless you explicitly ask.

Spanking? Start with a light tap and I promise you'll know where we want to go with it, lol

They slapped your face as soon as you walked in?  Jeesh I would have seriously gone ballistic on their ass.  I tried the whole face slapping thing once after the client asked permission, I did not like it at all as it felt really demeaning.  Getting slapped on the ass however feels more animalistic and passionate so I do enjoy that as long as it isn't too hard.

"I have literally had people smack me in the face, HARD, as soon as I open the door."

 No prior discussion about said activity? And what type of guy/s were these and where did they come from?  

If someone walked and in and the first thing they did was slap me hard, they would be returned the favor with a closed fist or an elbow to the jaw and that's just an appetizer.

I cannot believe some of the things I hear from you ladies about this shit.

Cosette842 reads

and to read a post by someone where "things went wrong," man, it's quite an image.

As long as you are just talking about enough to just make a pink mark.  Gals like to spank and be spanked, and I find that quite delightful as long as she does.  Light to medium pinching is another related practice.   Some gals like to go with a paddle, but that is hardcore BD/SM, not my bag.

But slapping, that is another level altogether.

I do have an experience with a gal whom I have known for a very long time.  She likes sex but never had an orgasm, so I asked her about that.  The answer I got was not quite what I was expecting, but she told me that as a result of a very disturbing childhood vis a vis sex, she could only get off if her face was slapped during sex, and she entreated me to help her by doing so.  I was pretty concerned and not at all feeling sexy doing this, but at her behest I started to slap her, enough to leave pretty noticeable red marks on her face, but she kept saying to smack her harder and harder, so I did. It took a couple of minutes that felt like ten times that but doggone it, she did get off from it and thanked me profusely for doing so.

We did this maybe 3-4 times over the course of a year, and thankfully she said she finally got the need out of her and we don't do it now.  She doesn't always come when we have sex, but she says she enjoys the closeness and the feeling more than the orgasm anyways, and I'm coming around to the same point of view.

Another upsetting practice is verbal abuse.  Now I don't mind if a gal wants to do dirty talk where she says stuff like "I'm a slut, fuck me hard.", etc., but recently a gal wanted me to say like things back to her, and I found that a buzz kill, especially with this gal since I hold her in very high esteem.

She was a little tipsy at the time.  (That's putting it mildly.), So in the future I hope we can have our session before we go out and wine and dine.

we just stumbled into on our first meeting. In mish she just slapped me across the face, quite a surprise, and told me to fuck her harder. I said, ok, but lay off the face slapping. Then we switched to k9 and yepp, she wanted her ass slapped. Ok, I can do that.  At the end of the session we discussed the aspect of her getting off on rough sex, so the ground rules were set for the future. It's all about communicating, hopefully before the activities begin,  and now whenever I want that type of session, I give her a call.  

Posted By: curious_guy99
I always thought spanking during doggie and face-hitting during mish only happens in porn, and its probably only an act with enhanced sound effects.  
 So, I was quite taken aback when a lady during a session asked "yeah, spank me harder, that ass is yours", and another one, after I hit her lightly, "ooh, spanking, hit me harder".  
 Question is: what should be the protocol in a session: see it on her review and then start with a light attempt, ask her first, or wait for her to direct.  
 Especially about the face-hitting part, I don't want to ask "hey may I slap your face", and then no more sessions from then on.  
 And I am not talking about BDSM or S&M types of dates, just regular providers' that post here.

But that most certainly does have an element of BDSM to it. If I were in your position, I'd search for ladies whose profiles include BDSM to some degree. I think those of us who like it are probably fairly rare.  

That said, don't go crazy with the smacking. A light slap here and there is cool with me personally, but I once had a guy slap me so hard that everything went white for a second. This morherfucker put his shoulder into it. Not cool.

I'm not into bdsm though.  I don't find pleasure in degrading or hurting people. If the girl wants it,  I can reluctantly slap the shit out of her though...  with body weight and shoulders put in.  Ha ha jk

great band as well... But I was talking about the likes of the Poseys and  the Molinas..

As in Buster Posey and Yadier Monila..

And I didn't even stutter.... :D

But I still had to Google those baseball players (who I now know are baseball players thanks to aforementioned Googling).

But will I ever miss a chance to deliberately misconstrue your comment and pick on you.. :D

Yes dear.. Those are esteemed catchers. Yes, they are professional MLB players... Its not a fun position to play when you are behind the plate and the likes of Wainwright and Lincecum are on the mound.. You can get lot of concussions by being hit by the pitch...not to mention the collisions at the plate.  

-- Modified on 3/29/2014 9:11:02 PM

you've gone all Brokeback Mountain on us again.  Are you a catcher????  Or a pitcher????
(Sorry, dude, I just couldn't help myself.)

Wanna hear a fun fact, though? I grew up a few houses down from a big time hall of fame baseball player. His son is my age. Super nice kid.

curious_guy991073 reads

My question was: should I even ask her about slapping on face.
The answer seems to be "No, unless if its a BDSM or S&M session", which I too find quite loathsome and doubt if that's something I will ever ask for.
Spanking seems okay to begin with a light pat, and then let her dictate.
Thanks every one

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