TER General Board

elainaamhurst See my TER Reviews 360 reads

I have had a couple of guys send me their IDs unprompted, and it make me a little uncomfortable.  

I always use a tor browser for my hobby related work, my laptop has full disk encryption, and I use an off shore email account, and I still don't like it. I need enough info to verify you, but I don't want all of your information, especially home addresses, and the type of information such as DOB and DL numbers that could be used for identity theft!!

I was in email contact with a provider about maybe meeting for the first time.  She asked me to email a picture of me holding my photo ID.

I declined - politely - and dropped the request.

Am I paranoid?  I really don't like the idea of sending that information.  I've never even shown picture ID at the door.  

I'm totally cool with providing references of other providers I've seen.  This just felt ... off.  Wondered what others thought.

Just this week I contacted a provider who wanted multiple references from providers seen within the last 6 months. Since my last review was over 6 months ago she instead requested drivers license or work ID. Like the OP, I politely declined. I will happily supply provider references but draw the line at anything bearing my personal info. I think most hobbyists feel the same way. Yes I know that we are "trusting them with our info and they are trusting us with their safety" but it's just too easy for our personal info to be used incorrectly or have it accidentally wind up in the wrong hands

At least not with all of the info showing. Maybe with everything except your name and pic uncovered. Someone you don't know though having your DOB, DL number, home address etc, just doesn't seem like a good idea to me. If a provider is unsure of something I can see asking for ID to glance at at the beginning of the date, but even then I would cover up the other info.

Make sure they would be booking you under the correct name after the arrest.

P411. It's amazing for both parties. If not that then make it a point to be on best behavior when meeting a girl and ask kindly for whitelisting.  

If you are a newbie you kinda just have to find a girl who's screening you are cool with.

Room service and date check are awesome too.



-- Modified on 10/5/2016 4:12:47 PM

How naive women are - and how easy they may accept screening of the john form those adult sites  
And how stupid are johns to send implied indent booking form for illegal services and feel safe sending those forms! That is just an evidence of your participation in this activity  
You are not arrested yet just becuase cops do not have an interest in you - yet if there is any need - they will trap you on this booking forms you have sent and I am sure P ++ would comply with legal actions. You think their will keep your info as medical records? Even medical records would be released to LE if needed  
Yet many johns are s stupid that sending those forms while the most safe way - find a woman there and pass screening via human means with trust and respect to both parties as then and only then fantasy starts - where worries will stop - I wonder girls feel pretty comy see johns with dozens ok *nd white lists? And not knowing yourself who he is? Amazing


You don't pay attention to how arrests for solicitation or prostitution have been made in the US in the last 10 years.

Before you run around making arrogant, blanket insults - why don't you work on actually knowing what you are talking about so you don't present yourself as a horse's ass with an opinion and no actual knowledge.

GaGambler367 reads

Samois, BBBBB has been running around this board for years with no actual knowledge. If you could find a way to make her stop, I guarantee you THAT would endear you to the board for years. lol

Interesting to see you thinking that you are sharp and witty when in fact you just mean and not so developed as a person - your personality is sucks

JakeFromStateFarm304 reads

The problem is that "your personality is sucks" too.  The difference is GaG knows his personality "is sucks." You, however, are blissfuly unaware in your supreme arrogance that you have a clue.
Samois hit the nail on the head.  It doesn't take long for a smart person to figure you out.  Or even a dumb one.

such as this man from farm and gambler
Those kind of people -  can not be  nice to them
I want to say to those people who are intelligent-

As I said my personality does not give any easy ways out to such as Gambler and this man from farm  

That is CORRECT  I would not be nice to bad people.  

Yet, after reading my reviews ALL not just about Juicy details you will see more of my personality toward to gentlemen  who are not coyotes  yet nobe lions.  
Not many are posting on boards .. but  they are around. How you think I am making it?  Tell more that I am over 60 or what ever - you do not know - as you never met me - yet those whom I date here those know ALL about me  I mean ALL as I am about them.  

Online is all distorted  even  you sound as a broken record ..Are you really soon miserable man ? Why ?

JakeFromStateFarm295 reads

what is "nobe lion?"  And how do I think you are making it?  Section 8 housing helps, I'll bet.

Couldn't agree more. The use of these services makes it easier for everyone. We understand the concern about sharing information, but at the same time need to know the person we are meeting with is legit. The services go a long way to doing this.  

Tori & Nick

Posted By: sensualnatalie
P411. It's amazing for both parties. If not that then make it a point to be on best behavior when meeting a girl and ask kindly for whitelisting.  
 If you are a newbie you kinda just have to find a girl who's screening you are cool with.  
 Room service and date check are awesome too.  

-- Modified on 10/5/2016 4:12:47 PM

For example if a woman is traveling from outside of the US her screening might be up & beyond of a US citizen.  Sitting in a holding cell waiting to be deported is a lot more stressful than calling a friend to bail you out of jail.    

This is a risky business with a variety of women.  For some, getting busted is just another day at the office. For others not so much. Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered is my motto. In this business; greed is not good

I would never send a provider a copy of my photo ID, even with the info blocked out, since your photo can also be used to search for personal info on the internet via facial recognition software or even using google images.

I also use DateCheck, RS-AVS, and TER which seems to provided enough info for the providers that I've seen.  So, I've never been asked for any photo ID or additional references.  I don't mind showing a provider my ID when I arrive, if she needs to confirm that it's really me.  Although, I've never been asked to show ID in all the years that I've been in the hobby.

I am not all that concerned about my personal info. Someone clever or tech savy can dig out most of it PDQ, and what does that prove? Not a damn thing. If that same person (or detective) has the emails along with a damn picture of me holding my ID how the hell do I have any shred of plausible deniability left? I think if I ever decide to send that picture to a stranger online I'll be sure to dress like a dork and put a real dumbass look on my face so the cops can get a real kick out of it.  

Wait, nevermind, that's what I look like anyway...still not sending a picture!

Always depends on the provider, their comfort level, the type of population they are working with and the type of client they are comfortable seeing.

In my limited experience, the one consistent thing I have seen is that the males most resistant to offering ANY personal info are often have little to nothing to lose in terms of real world assets. Their jobs weren't that high up on the food chain (occupations can be guessed by speech, education, attire, and physical condition. Laborers will never be confused with CPA's.) Their opinion of themselves in terms of blackmail value or their level of paranoia about the integrity of any provider that isn't clearly attached to a crack pipe and a drug habit is always mystifying. The males who had experience with seeing providers and could clearly afford better ones than the walking liabilities, I can only assume had the ability and intelligence to discern potential problem providers and marketing BS from actual providers worth investing time and money into. These gentlemen typically knew the drill and never tried to withhold any information that would help the provider (this provider?) feel good about extending an invitation to meet.

So the photo ID? Weird but not unthinkable depending on how YOU presented yourself OR what the general population around you where you found her is like. You have no idea what she is dealing with on the phone and in email all the time and there may be a damn good reason she is going this far with trying to establish your identity as acceptable.  

Your gut feeling telling you this is off in a not-good way? Doesn't matter what the details were. Your gut is your best navigational tool. What is a intoxicating for one man is poison for another. Do your own assessment. Other people's opinions only tell you what works for other people. If you can't trust yourself, you have no business doing whatever you are undecided about - in anything

Who are any way would not be my friends.  
Just say at it is - gentlemen, let' s say Yale graduate or Harvard - those do not mind share and facebook  
And those who are on the bottom of social structure - those are making big deal - (look above)  
But that is because they are bound to see those providers whom their can t trust and afarid of them.  
Fear and no means to escape to better levels makes those people to suffer from not ability to trust  
Their even possibly would not have physiologist to get help on many issues they do have.  
Poor girls have to deal with those johns here  
I do not afraid to push hard on them as I any way not let slip one such to my sigh.  
It is wrong conception - to be nice to everybody  
Just to own kind and keep it strict - men also not just we women have to watch who is who

Because my dates any way would provide all real information - and public professional websites and press where I may read about him, or your tube, or news channels or scientific or political conferences which he is participating and have publicity    then he sends me his pic - and I then match what I found on line about him - deposits and presents via paypall or to my address also are helping to resolve trust issues  
Sometime gentlemen just sending scanned paSport - even without me asking for that - yet passport alone would not prove he would be a good date..we becoming freinds on facebook or linked in amd basicaly we know all about each other during many years - that are my dates:)  
And I say no to johns with dozens white lists and ok s from high volume providers - just now one is trying to pass screening via adult sites only means - I asked him send his real name - registred sex offender. So what is apoint to have real ID name - he may be just very bad person - as well as have many white lists here - the key is to meet true life people with well balanced and professional lives who do not want to mix themselves with this public here and have mind to analyse whom their can trust whom not - seems as here all who refused give real names have something to hide.  
Does not work with me not only form positions of danger yet just duscusting to think how miss trusting people are  qnd what for they do hire sex worker. I am just a woman have mutual fun. Yes I am not an american by birth and backround so I will say you all as it is - when you will ask for a date - you will see and yourself what kind a woman I am

-- Modified on 10/5/2016 8:35:22 PM

not share any document that contains personal information such as address, DL number, etc. Too much identity theft out there.

Once when in Las Vegas, a local lady asked to see my boarding pass to verify I was a tourist. She glanced at it then handed it right back to me. Yes, she told me ahead of time so I knew to keep it after landing in Sin City.

Anyone sending personal and/or financial information over the internet just needs to think about WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, the fact that some of our country's government agencies have been hacked.  
You really think a provider's website is more secure?
I have no problem showing my ID in person.  
Her safety and comfort are important to me.  
But in advance and over the net?
Not a snowballs chance in hell.

I have had a couple of guys send me their IDs unprompted, and it make me a little uncomfortable.  

I always use a tor browser for my hobby related work, my laptop has full disk encryption, and I use an off shore email account, and I still don't like it. I need enough info to verify you, but I don't want all of your information, especially home addresses, and the type of information such as DOB and DL numbers that could be used for identity theft!!

Lord forbid a client was a victim of home or identity theft, I don't there to be any reason to consider me a suspect.  

I had a new gentleman send me his home address (unprompted) and the dates he was visiting Chicago. I gently let him know that this was probably not the wisest of decisions.  

Stay safe out there! xoxo

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 9:50:26 AM

In my experience I am newbie friendly and if there isn't enough sufficient references and verification information I have on several occasions asked for a picture of an ID as part of my process usually it's just the picture and the name the rest of the information is not really necessary. This industry is a risk for both parties involved and in my opinion those that try to hide information and their identity seems that they would be the ones that have intent to harm opposed to the person whose forthcoming with any information and their real identity in my opinion it's somebody who's not coming at you with the intent to do harm not all the time but it's one way of assessing.

I wouldn't dream of sending my picture ID to any one individual.
There are sites for that and they make it their business out of collecting data.

There are other ways to feel comfortable about a rendezvous.
Most people are not out to..... "Get You"

There will always be providers that rely on other things, for the feeling of safety.

-- Modified on 10/6/2016 2:10:40 AM

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