TER General Board

tokai 4859 reads

> I would also like to know the name of Mr. Tokai's
> planet where women may be expected to allow sex
> outside the marriage.

I have talked with a few escorts, and one recurring theme is a sex drive that is more classically attributed to a man. So, I presume that if you were fortunate to marry a lady like that, a non-monogamous marriage is possible.

In reading the responses, I was reminded of another society where non-monogamy is routine. A year or two ago, there was an article on AIDS in Newsweek. The writer discussed how the epidemiology models needed to be revised for Africa. In the USA, there is predominately serial monogamy. In Africa, there is regular multiple sex partners for both the men and women. This results in a dramatic difference in the spread of AIDS in the two areas. In Africa, an entire group can be infected before anyone finds out.

I did not intend to discuss AIDS, but thought of it as an example of a more permissive society.

Personal note to 40-watt: If you haven't started yet, I suggest you hold out as long as you can. Once you start, it creates even stronger urges to cheat again, and breaks down the fear that kept you from doing it the first time. A much worse situtation to be in.

Suggestion: Go into marriage/sex counseling now. At least you can be honest that it is only urges, and that you have not cheated. Once you have cheated (and she doesn't know), then the "trust" in thereapy is destroyed, and makes it much more difficult to bring up/pursue.

There is a thread below about hobbying while married. I posted it because I believe I would eventually not be faithful to a wife, and I wanted to see how married hobbyists feel about this. I also happen to agree with Tom Leykis in that marriage is disproportionately of benefit to the woman.

There was one poster --- Tokai --- who seemed to get at the heart of hobbying married: He said it will work only in the short term. This was exactly the answer I was looking for, and what I have long suspected.

See if this sums it up: We can't hobby long-term in marriage because that would disfocus us from being emotionally engaged in our primary relationship, and present a more continuous --- therefore larger --- risk of her finding out.

Did I get it?  I just think I would be a bad husband for not sacrificing the enjoyment of other pussy.

I would also like to know the name of Mr. Tokai's planet where women may be expected to allow sex outside the marriage.

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Aphra4378 reads

Thanks for posting the original question in that thread, 40W.  It was a great thread which I really enjoyed reading.  It's a fine example of what draws me back to this site over and over again.:)  So many moving stories, so many personal dilemmas.  It's like a microcosm of what makes us tick as human beings.

And a special thank you to Misshaijones, highlighting that it's not only men who have a foot in that particular camp.


Planet Poly.

Why oh why is it that men always assume that there exist no women who can understand the need for outside physical contact?

Here's my scant .02 worth. If you know, going into a relationship, that you're not the kind of guy or girl who can be 'faithful', then why set yourself up for failure?

This isn't the dark ages - there are other models out there for relationships than the standard 'one man, one woman, til death or a good divorce lawyer do us part' kind.

Lots of us are out here living and working on other modes - poly, open, ethical slut, call it what you like. We're men *and* women alike who accept that, for us, sexual monogamy doesn't work.  With these options available, why would a single person choose not to explore them, if they can forsee that this might work for them?

Almost all major metropolitan areas have Poly groups, and there are a host of Poly discussion groups available on line.


ps: of course, Poly has it's downsides, too. Here's a nice little movie detailing some of the issues... (added bonus: partial nudity!)


-- Modified on 6/18/2005 12:09:25 PM

That was the funniest little movie I've seen in ages, thank you!!!

BILL183563863 reads

if I wake up one morning and my wife is sitting next to me with a knife to my throat she may be unhappy with the idea

which is why I've taken a sabbatical a couple of times.  I'm still struggling with the conflict.  Let me know if anyone finds the magic answer.

One other thing that I think of lately.  When I'm falling apart, drooling into a cup and can barely get out of bed in the morning, the person I'm going to rely on to help me (as I will help her) is the woman with whom I've developed a real, long-term emotional connection.  The hottie at the strip club or the equally vivacious provider is great company for a date and some you-know-whattin' but I'm not relying on a relationship built on commerce for my long term needs.  Which is why I realize I'd better work harder at the real relationship in my life, sex or no sex.  Just a thought.

I read your post, then saw the clip Morgan presented, which shed a interesting context on it.

All well said.


You're confusing love with sex - and here I thought it was only us *women* who were supposed to do that.

I don't think there's any conflict in being able to remain emotionally monogamous to one person, while still requiring/desiring outside sexual contact.

Working hard at maintaing a healthy relationship with one's primary/life partner/spouse doesn't preclude still enjoying some outside action. Why are the two things mutually exclusive?


But I don't quite understand the indignant tone. As in, duh, these polyamorous women are around, where have you been? The other thing that's not really being talked about here is that many  men would not allow parity and reciprosity. And I know you ain't going for that shit.

That movie was fun, but shows what a joke polyamory is. Wonderful in principal. Maybe someday also in practice. We are still in a phase where getting married is normal. This a societal sea change, not a matter of an enlightened point of view.

I fully question why things shouldn't be another way. Thing is, they just aren't. I have now looked into the polyamory groups; appreciate the link. These groups appear to be disorganized, mostly made of men, and the women I've seen pictures of are scary, thank you very much.

As for other cultures, I have heard about the wife turning a "blind eye," but not many where it is openly approved. It appears the illusion of monogomy must be maintained.

So ladies, from where you sit, it's very easy to scoff at jealous wives and see with clarity how men really are. Blithely suggest  that a relationship with a woman who can accept our needs is just a blog away. But it just ain't so.

The overwhelming majority of women I have met who had broader attitudes about this issue have been providers, and it turns out that some of them don't even have the attitudes I thought they did when they are really confronted with someone they truly care about.

WebTerrorist2788 reads

but that's beside the point. (sorry...couldn't resist)

Quote:  "Why are the two things mutually exclusive?"

For some they are mutally exclusive because they believe that fidelity begins and ends with the genitals.  They believe sex to be the pinnacle of intimacy.  They don't know or are afraid to accept that real intimacy is about far more than the merely physical, that in it's truest form  it is mental, emotional, spiritual, etc. and whereas this fidelity can be expressed and enhanced by the physical it is so much more.

Most people would not presume to tell someone they loved that they couldn't get mental stimilation from anyone else, or that they were not allowed to have any emotional connections to other people besides that primary relationship...and yet they will make those demands of physical pleasure.

Sexual experiences outside of primary relationship  is only infidelity, if it is being done surreptitiously.  

What I have never understood is why when one's veiws on this matter can be such a point of contention, that people thinking of making a commitment to another tend not to discuss it.
Would it not make far more sense to be open, and to seek in a primary relationship someone that shares one's veiws on this?  and yet instead so many pledge a sexual fidelity to another knowing they can not live up to it, and that by that the other will be hurt.

That's why I haven't married.  When considering marriage, I have told women what I can't do. That's ALSO why I haven't been married!

BILL183564647 reads

Utah :D or at least thats what I've been told

We could keep it going financially by having all of the men pose for dildos. :P

-- Modified on 6/19/2005 6:00:58 PM

tony2424003644 reads

I should have read your reply before posting my own...my point exactly.  One of the principal benefits of this hobby over, let's say, having an affair is the absence of emotional attachment.

Far be it from me to suggest they're mutually exclusive...for everyone.  But for me, there's only so much cognitive dissonance I can handle.  While my hobby life is all about physical connections, it has been my experience that the brain tries to put the physical and emotional sides of my life together.  In this case, I have to actively work against that instinct.  Hence the tension.  And being only human, I find that the physical couplings do take an emotional toll, rendering me unable to offer my full emotional commitment to my SO.  On those days when I have no difficulty separating the two, no problema.  But more often lately, that task becomes more difficult.  So please don't read my put as philosophy for everyone.  It's the zen of my own life that I worry about.  And I suspect I am not alone.

I don't know whether 'allow' is the right word, but certainly, many many societies are tolerant of the need for men to visit prostitutes and keep mistresses when married.

America is not the whole world, though it often seems that way.

I love it when you post!

Its all good shit!

Glad your having fun!



tony2424002832 reads

A wonderful and thought provoking thread...thanks for posting it.  Being new to our hobby, I may be looking at this through rose colored glasses.  Yet, just the same, it seems to me that if a married hobbyist finds himself in a marital relationship that provides all he needs but a complete lack of sexual intimacy, he can satisfy the need for the sexual initmacy through the hobby allowing the marital relationship to flourish without the pressures that might otherwise result from the absence of sexual intimacy. As long as the married hobbyist is able to discern the difference between sexual pleasure and emotional fulfillment, he should have little problem keeping the two separate.

And it is reciprocated. Then black is white and green is blue and holy-fucking-shit what are we gonna do?

tony2424002829 reads

Well, let's be real, that could happen with any  business relationship or even with a co-worker. Work place affairs happen and are a primary cause of marital infidelity.  I suspect those affairs happen, more often than not, because the participants are emotionally unfilfilled.  If the married hobbyist has a wonderful home life, is emotionally fulfilled but lacks sexual intimacy, the perfect solution is our hobby where the hobbyist can find a veritable smorgasbord to satisfy his sexual desires.

...infidelity, one sided deceit and lying to the partner you presumably made a vow to is all for the good of the marriage because it leads to one's own sexual needs being fullfilled? Would a spouse laugh off infidelity because there is no emotional attachment?

If there was consent then there would be no problem. The historic Christian monogamous marriage is not the only model.

A marriage based on a big lie is not flourishing and is a form of sham, that often has consequences for others, e.g. the kids, down the line.

I'm sure some people struggle with this and I'm equally sure plenty of others do not. They just have their cake and eat it with the only downside being the risk of being caught.

I wonder in what percentage of marriages the sexual intimacy has truly and irrevocably broken down, e.g. because the wife is ill, leading to a genuine need to seek sex outside?

tony2424003900 reads

I'm not suggesting that being a married hobbyist is consequence free; I am suggesting that if the married hobbyist is emotionally fulfilled at home and truly lacks only sexual intimacy that his needs can be fulfilled in a private way with little chance of it ever becoming an issue.  So long as he does not allow his emotional commitment to his marital relationship to wane and he can keep the sexual intimacy purely physical, he should be able to manage both.

...I already posted on another reponse that nearly 2/3's of American marriages end in divorce with adultery cited as the main cause. The incidence of marital infidelity must certainly be highly prevalent since obviously far from all instances end in divorce.

All you seem to be saying is that it is possible for an adulterer to manage infidelity well. That may well be the case, but so what?

tokai4860 reads

> I would also like to know the name of Mr. Tokai's
> planet where women may be expected to allow sex
> outside the marriage.

I have talked with a few escorts, and one recurring theme is a sex drive that is more classically attributed to a man. So, I presume that if you were fortunate to marry a lady like that, a non-monogamous marriage is possible.

In reading the responses, I was reminded of another society where non-monogamy is routine. A year or two ago, there was an article on AIDS in Newsweek. The writer discussed how the epidemiology models needed to be revised for Africa. In the USA, there is predominately serial monogamy. In Africa, there is regular multiple sex partners for both the men and women. This results in a dramatic difference in the spread of AIDS in the two areas. In Africa, an entire group can be infected before anyone finds out.

I did not intend to discuss AIDS, but thought of it as an example of a more permissive society.

Personal note to 40-watt: If you haven't started yet, I suggest you hold out as long as you can. Once you start, it creates even stronger urges to cheat again, and breaks down the fear that kept you from doing it the first time. A much worse situtation to be in.

Suggestion: Go into marriage/sex counseling now. At least you can be honest that it is only urges, and that you have not cheated. Once you have cheated (and she doesn't know), then the "trust" in thereapy is destroyed, and makes it much more difficult to bring up/pursue.

...regarding safe sex that is the main determinant of the different spread rates of aids in the two areas? Probably a combination of both.

I wonder if the USA is pointedly a less permissive society than say Nigeria? Depends on how you want to define permissive I suppose. Apparently nearly 2/3's of American marriages end in divorce and infidelity is cited as the key cause. That is not my idea of a society predominantly based on serial monogamy. That is the story across the major industrialised nations.

If you could strip out the financially poorest groupings in the USA then there is probably little difference in regards to permissive behaviour. Income affects this to a large extent.

"We can't hobby long-term in marriage because that would disfocus us from being emotionally engaged in our primary relationship, and present a more continuous --- therefore larger --- risk of her finding out."

I'm not sure I entirely agree!

I'm in my late 30's, practically been married since the age of 21. Yes I am a Leykis 101 flunkey!  

For all of those years I was as faithful as anyone possibly could. It wasn't until after my 2nd kid's birth that I realized my place in the priorities list has fallen behind item 136. I needed a release and the hobby gave it to me. It wasn't just the sex act and the climax.  It was the searching for the next girl, making the call, flirting, making arrangements.... the whole ritual! Like many others, I struggled with the guilt at first, but finally found the justification for the hobby in realizing that had actually become a better husband and father.

Then came the indulging!! In one week I had sex with 6 escorts, and I was still horny as hell.  It was as if the more I got, the more I needed it. I think it also did affect me in how I treated everyone around me including my family. When two different people call you a cocky mother fucker in the same day, you have to think there might be some truth to that!  Since then, I've been trying to keep my encounters very limited and only seek the hobby when it's considered vital.

I think this hobby, like food is a necessity (at least for me), but too much of it can lead to problems.  I too agree with Tom Leykis about marriage and having kids!  In our society today, we really don’t need to be married to be “complete”.  That’s a pretty obscene notion.  The culture in which I was raised, considers marriage a right of passage.  It’s how you become a  “man” I suppose.  It also allows men to have mistresses and enjoy the benefits of being the “boss” so long as they keep their responsibilities the first priority.   Deep down, I do subscribe to that belief system.  There are a lot of hobby related activities I’d love to experience, but stay away from.  I would love to be able to take a girl out for an all-nighter.  I'd Love to go with a hot looking brunette to a restaurant and have the envy of all men. I’d love to take a vacation with a chick other than my wife.  Hell, I can afford it, but won’t do it.  It’s not because I’m afraid of my wife. I know she won’t leave me.  The way I see it, she’s been a great friend and has supported me through thick and thin.  I could never risk fulfilling some of my wants by being seen in public with other women.  That would humiliate her!!  I’m not expecting a medal for this, but I think that’s a much better choice than leaving her and the kids in pursue of better sex. I suppose this “sacrifice” is made a lot easier by the fact that my wife is still a fine piece of ass, even after two kids.  

One thing I should add is that I don’t really know what it feels like to be a bachelor having all of the money I make to myself.  Before I started the hobby, I used to long for it.  Oddly, I don’t any more!  

tony2424002505 reads

I wonder whether you've ever considered going to one of the destination retreats such as Viking or Xotic Beach House with "the guys" on a "fishing trip". I coulnd't agree with you more about not humiliating your spouse by being seen in public, but how about a well-covered (no pun intended) private retreat?

Heard nothing about your level of emotional engagement in the marriage. Maybe you do agree.

I guess what I was trying to say is that my conclusion about hobbying is slightly different than yours.  I would change your sentence to “that we can’t hobby with full commitment (rather than long term) in marriage because that would disfocus us from being emotionally engaged in our primary relationship…….  I can't see myself not hobbying for the rest of my life. However, I’ll never fully commit to it, and do all of what I really desire.

Good relationships allow you the luxury of not being reminded of the emotional investment every day. I consider myself very much engaged emotionally with my wife.  The problem is that “living happily ever after” tends to get boring after a while.  Knowing that I’m not stuck with ONE wonderful and beautiful woman for the rest of my life actually gives me a much better focus on the relationship. Monogamy is so freaking unnatural!

I have struggled with the hobby while married.  I feel guilty about the money from my family.  As treatment I e-mailed several providers pretending to be a woman to ask about the business.  They don't have much respect for us hobbyists.  Most see us as losers.

The unmentioned issue inside marriage is disease.  There are stds that a condom doesn't stop (HPV).  A condom is only 97% effective against AIDs.  Think about the damage to your family with that.

Thanks for listening.

...I think you'll find that there's a high "loser factor" there, too.  In general, the two genders don't have high regard for each other.

A condom is actually 99 percent effective against AIDS-- and that's overall, one does get better with practice.  Hobbyist and providers have a lot of practice.  

But for a thread like this, I'm not married.

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