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Addicted hobby?
PLEASURE7 5 Reviews 837 reads

I personally know couple of friends who quit this hobby and then came back because of an addiction and end up broke,How many of you believe this hobby could be addicted?

Anything that involves the Pleasure Centers of the brain can be addicting. What did I win?

Posted By: PLEASURE7
I personally know couple of friends who quit this hobby and then came back because of an addiction and end up broke,How many of you believe this hobby could be addicted?

wrps07290 reads

Especially when you realize it is the one of the biggest things you spent money on. You are always looking for providers, always thinking about sessions, etc. You go home and fuck your wife or girlfriend, imagining you are fucking your favorite provider.  

When you over spend cut back and get the cash reserves back up. Also get a pit = pussy investment trust. Set up a brokerage account with mutual funds and stocks. Use the capital gains distributions and capital gains to hobby with.  When it runs out don't hobby until you get more gains. Takes a lot of discipline to do that.  

You know you are in trouble when you are digging into cash reserves all the time and pay them back.

For many guys it is cheaper to hobby than divorce.

I'm addicted to my atf at the moment.  Been seeing her once a week and it's been draining my funds.  Gotta stop but she has been letting me do things that keep me coming back.  Hooked af!!

Yes, absolutely it's addictive. Are you kidding me? None, count em none, of the women I've had the pleasure of spending time with in this hobby would give me the time of day IRL.

I could only hope I hobby so much that I end up broke, can't take it with me when I go, and there sure ain't any reason to line my pine box with Benjamins only to be pushed into the kiln.

Yes, I'm an addict, I love it, everything about it, but most of all that I don't have to settle anymore, ever.

Posted By: PLEASURE7
I personally know couple of friends who quit this hobby and then came back because of an addiction and end up broke,How many of you believe this hobby could be addicted?

But I will hobby to the day I die.  In fact, very possible that I will die of heart failure while having an orgasm in the mouth of some provider.

-- Modified on 2/7/2016 9:40:58 AM

I quit the hobby for 2 years.
Came back because I did not want a civie relationship and this works.

I'm glad I was able to

wrps07144 reads

Because at the end of the day I want variety.

So the hobby is just one slice of that pie.

I've learned to limit myself to a certain amount spent on either hobbying or sugar baby allowance. But it is difficult to do when you're basically hooked. Always figuring I can sneak in maybe "just one more session" this month. Or just one more cute outfit I can buy my 20-something year old friend with benefits.

Even just the occasional wine and dinner with a civie closer to my age that I find real interesting. It's all part of the mating ritual that I'm pretty much hopelessly addicted to in one way or another.

play with discretionary income. Do not use the rent, utilities, food, etc. money for P4P.

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