TER General Board

Actually, the "same game" would be young men who are attracted to women who are old enough to be
WhatTheHeck 7239 reads
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rdrunner 3524 reads
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Where are these women you're refering to and if you know, could you send them in my direction?

CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 2794 reads
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THey didn't get enough attention from Daddy when they were younger...

Kidding !!!!!!!!!

We like older gents.. many reasons

know what they want
have what they want
know how to get what they want
they have wisdom

Wisdom is the most important thing to have in this world.

catsmeow 2614 reads
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Dani-Banani 3543 reads
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...age is all on how you act and view things. I know some 45 year old women who look and act just as young as I am, and I know some women in thier late 20s that you would want to help across the street when you see them at the light. Its more a mentality-- wrinkles and gray hairs aside.

One of my former clients and borderline SOs is 47, and he and I have so much in common-- even down to the little things-- that it is very easy for us to be comfortable around one another. We (at least I) dont so much see age as we see compatability. We still get strange looks in public, though I think he sees them more than I do, it doesnt bother me much because I know I am happy where I am. My more recent involvments have all been 40+ers; not that I was looking in that particular direction, but because they are the dearest, kindest, and most intellegent men I have found, and we have fun together- thats what counts to me....

Plus I have been in emotionally and very physically abusive relationships with young guys (they took advantage of my upbringing-ingrained more submissive nature I take to when in an actual relationship with someone), and that is also what prompted me to seek older men as my constant company... not that I think all young guys are like that though-- dont get me wrong...

So to sqaush your curiosity (at least on my part)-- its not a paternal thing... and yes I have a good relationship with my father... older guys= nice guys; all around less trouble in my opinion....

I also rarely accept guys under 35 as clients; I find that my time spent with older clients is more enjoyed, and not as sexually oriented... I love going on weekend get aways, or even having over nighters with them-- I feel more relaxed, and like I am actually on a vacation... they know how to treat a girl!


Emma Bond See my TER Reviews 2803 reads
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They are simply responding favourably to the attention bestowed upon them by men who are attracted to women young enough to be their daughters.

WhatTheHeck 3285 reads
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Doesn't make sense, though.  Women aren't particularly attracted to men who bestow attention upon them.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2556 reads
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Dream on.  the ladies of whom you speak are still MORe attracted to young men who have the asame attributes (wealth, power, smarts).  But if they like nice things older men have more usually.

Sexually, some older men are more skilled and last longer, but if they could get those attributes in a younger man, they go there too.

Its so damn easy to get an older man hooked, tho!  And they will do the dumbest things for their arm candy!

The number of ladies TRULY more attracted to older men is really small.  There, but small.

rbhobbydude 6 Reviews 3357 reads
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(1)Older guys can have a lot of fun, but still have a level of maturity that keeps everyone from getting arrested.
(2)Older guys are generally more financially secure and like to treat a lady well.  When I take a lady out for a night on the town in Vegas, for example, it is VIP all the way.  Little gifts help too.
(3)Older guys not only treat a lady well from a money standpoint, but also show them respect and will be nice to them in little ways that mean a lot.
(4)Older guys hopefully know their way around a woman's body and keep their girl purring contentedly, while still allowing them time to get their beauty sleep.  
(5)Many young ladies have had very bad experiences with young guys. Hate it for the girls but sure helps us older guys out!  

These are generalizations, but I think these are types of things I have seen that attract younger women to older guys, and I don't blame them now that I see it in black and white.

SheerUtopia See my TER Reviews 3511 reads
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Could be a combo of reasons, mostly security, not only financial but physically, especially in a situation where she may have grown up with an absentee or no father in the home. For me personally the attraction of an older gent is sort of a hope for intellectual osmosis.  I personally find the company of an older gent refreshing, enlightening, and their experience and insight a real turn on.  Added bonus of the mature gent, hopefully he's lighthearted, not too serious, and fun but not overly silly and irresponsible.

SirPrize 3484 reads
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Stempy 3307 reads
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Danielle Dubois 2926 reads
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...the older the vintage the sweeter the wine I say!

older guys aaaalll the waaaay!


Arizona Angel 3175 reads
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Maturity, Stability (mental, financial too.), Knows how to treat a woman, Makes a woman feel safe, Has the cuddle factor down pat, Doesn't mind just talking sometimes, Many are romantic, Many take the time to make the time to spend with you, Hmmmm to many other reasons to list. I adore older men for many of the reasons above and for many reasons unknown. Sign me up on the list for Lovers of Older Gents.

WhatTheHeck 2909 reads
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see if a woman would see it that way.

Most women are defensive about that reason, and tend to be in denial about it.  At least they are in denial when they talk with it about others.  Hopefully they are not in denial when they think about it within themselves privately.

WhatTheHeck 4076 reads
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WhatTheHeck 3246 reads
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DomYetSweet 4033 reads
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Well, I thought it would take an older lady to get this right.  Although, I am in not an officially "young" girl, I have and still am very attracted to older men.  What do they give me?  I'll be very honest here.

More attention; a broader outlook/perspective; a stronger sense of security and safety; no hangups; among many other things, but the most important part is the sincerity and genuine company they provide.  They appreciate you more.  Young, old, in between.  With an older gentleman, he learns (and sometimes has always known) how to respect and treat a lady.  Bottom line.  That is my experience and my taste for older men.  

Someone said before that you can find these qualities in younger men.  Ha!  In the generations to come that will diminish.  I did not want to say that, but I already see it happening.  

In essence, men are like wine and scotch.  They need to brood before they can be completely and thoroughly ripe and ready to taste!  Just my experience...

greatrush 3 Reviews 2761 reads
25 / 26

The money and the time to 'hobby...' How many of you would really like a 40-something bus driver who drives a 1980s Honda, drinks a six-pack and day, and sits in front of the TV most days after 6PM? I suspect not many. Most of the female population catch on quite early that men want a few things and in quantities that are not consistent with our cultural mores. Providers (the good ones)learn the lesson best and obviously take advantage of it better than most. The typical 20-something outside of the hobby doesn't have a clue and gets mostly used and abused until she wise up. It's then that the slightly graying guy who is in good shape, takes care of his body, treats women with respect is their major target. And the smart guys know that if they want what they want and are willing to forego true intimacy, then this sport is the place to be and without the hassles of so-called relationships. Just a point of view.

SweetTina 2788 reads
26 / 26

I love older men. The conversations, company and importantly the sex. I won't date a man in my personal life unless he is at least 16 years old than myself. A man in his 40s is a sexy bastard to me.

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