TER General Board

Accidental Bare Back???
Rabwin 5155 reads

So here it goes and please save the lectures.  I see a provider for the first time a few weeks ago on a business trip.  I am no newb to the hobby or life for that matter but from the moment I opened the door there was just something about her that captivated me and had little to do with the provider-hobbyist aspect of the arrangement and dare I say it was the same for her as well.  I believe I would have felt the same way if I saw her from a distance on the subway or across a crowded room.  

OK, so long story short (or long story longer).  We had a nice dinner and conversation.  When we get to the action it is just clicking (I think for both of us) and is beyond the "deed" so to speak.  That said, after some mutual oral she tops me and starts to grind.  Not sure whether it was the moment or what but next thing we both know we are going at it bare back! (Like I said, please hold the lectures).  Needless to say it was absolutely awesome and had it of been anyone else I would have freaked immediately and withdrawn.

So, to further complicate matters, I invited her to an overnight (5 star hotel, the whole works).  Question number 1: Should I expect bare back again?  Question number 2:  Assuming I am OK after the first incident should I decline bare back again if it is offered? (I know the answer already but whatever).  Finally question number 3: Am I absolutely crazy here thinking there was a connection or is it actually possible?  

OK…OK… Let the rants, lectures, and criticisms begin because lord knows I have dished out my share to the newbs.

ellobo693634 reads

go for it. Yow will likely be offered bb next time, too. I was. I have a bareback escort provider. She claims I'm the only one not to use condoms.

I had clients tell me they had providers like this and they always sounded like the same girl

use the condoms or get a disease...not to mention if you get the girl pregnant

I had a session with one lady, she was speaking french to me, untranslated, then hopped right up and mounted me.....I stopped her, got the cover on and went back to it, never said a word, never discussed it. I'm not naive enough to think I'm the only one she did this with....another escort, who I know and have "seen", is a friend of hers and confirms this lady has ridden BB with others....

Otherwise, the only occurrences of BB are accidental...if it starts to feel really really good, the cover is off. I don't get so lost in the action that I lose track of the cover. MfSD>>>>

69forever2931 reads

BB escort provider once, and she swore up and down that I was the only one.  When I found out that I had company in this endeavor, I stopped seeing her.  I consider myself lucky that all turned out safely.  This goes on more than people think, but don't for a minute think that you're special and the only one, because the odds greatly favor that you're not.

-- Modified on 6/29/2005 9:53:00 PM

Exec3213388 reads

Dude, I love the thought, but like it or not, most of the ladies have SOs who might be going bare and then seeing other ladies wo see other guys who go bare. It doesn't take a lot as you know and remember, STDs are the result of bad behavior. Any woman with multiple partners or any man has an increased likelihood to share the gift that keeps on giving. No?

SmellingSalts2566 reads

and after your last child support payment 18 years from now, be sure to post a message here reminding all of us how fortunate you were for this "accident" to happen.

sure enough, not many months later, she contacted all of her clients to advise them of possible spread of infection.  No rant, no rave, just play safe for her benefit, your benefit, and all others.

IMO, you're not crazy for thinking there was a connection, it's entirely possible, it does happen.  However, I do think you are off the chartts crazy for indulging in bareback. Use a condom, keep yourself self.  If the connection between you isn't strong enough to overcome a little piece of rubber it was never there in the first place.

BTW, my big head still has enough control my little one. I wouldn't do what he did.

However, I don't agree with your statement "[i]f the connection between you isn't strong enough to overcome a little piece of rubber it was never there in the first place." You're not the romantic type, are you? I think it's more about trust and responsibility. This statement misses the point. When you want to be very intimate with someone you're in love with, you don't want to have that little rubber between you both. He thinks they're both in love but they may not be.  

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 8:00:46 AM

Rabwin1724 reads

Yes.  I guess I should have been a little more specific.  She is grinding her pussy against my cock as it is pinned to my stomach (she is on top of course).  Could have been funnier after all the replies if I said "Of course not, it was a dude"!

Outside of being stoned to the bone and no knowing the damn condom broke there is no such thing as accidental bareback.......ya let the wrong head do your thinking for ya on that one.  Don't do it again son!

Ben Dover2622 reads

Was this a young gal or older, a newbie to the market, or did she have 23 pages of reviews?
 I date primarily in the 18-20 yr.old bracket, and It seems to me that they grew up in the "condom era" so even suggesting ANY bareback activity is out of the question and sharply denied. on the other hand, the older girls often are willing to at least pull the cover for the BJ,(if you stat the review boards by age v/s BBBJ you will see by the percentages it overwhelmingly supports my claim) and for the really old ones, well they just take their teeth out, set them on the night stand, and slurp your dick like they don't have a care in the world!

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 4:07:27 PM

earsay1979 reads

No lecture here for you!!!

But, will you do me a favor? Post your name so I can stay as far away from you as humanly possible.


And, don't do it again and make her go get tested as well. You don't want to be spreading anything to anyone else even if you don't care enough about yourself to refrain!

Jeremy Bender4179 reads

being so hard on this guy. Maybe they are really in love. During Sex ED at my right wing religious school, I learned that there is no chance of disease if you are in love, or better yet, married. So if he comes down with something, couldn't he just marry her and it will go away?

call me stupid2855 reads

Whoa, be very careful, if she has review's here read them! I had a situation like this sometime ago, before ever being a part of this site. At this one encounter I thought I had hit the jackpot with this gorgeous provider (I was a total greenhorn at the time). She seemed as totally into me as I was of her. From the first minute we met it was truely like a very serious girl friend, or even fiancee, experience. She was all over me and I was all over her, going at it like crazy. One thing led to another and there we were, all out BB. Luckily, even though the big head was dazed beyond all sanity and the little head had total control, the big head did manage to have enough pull to not finish inside. That was one of the hardest thing's I've ever done, pulling out. This was absolutely the best experience I had ever had, even counting real girlfriend's, it was out of this world. She was it as far as I was concerned, I was ready to fly to Vegas, I know, what an idiot. We saw each other a couple of time's afterward's, some on the clock, and some no charge, off the clock. BB was the word of the day each time. Fortunately I never finished inside, even though she was very vocal about wanting me doing so. That really raised red flag's, here is this beautiful woman that I don't really know a thing about and she doesn't know a thing about me wanting me to finish inside her. To make an already (too) long story shorter, after not finishing the deal any of the time's, that pretty much ended whatever relationship we had. Evidently she is one of those people who want's, (or at least did) to have a baby no matter who it was with. I guess her biological clock was, or still is, ticking. If for one minute I'd have thought that there was really something there and she would have been part of the package I'd probably be a daddy now, very scary. Thank God I didn't make that mistake, there are too many miserable people in that type of situation already and the most unfortunate are the poor kid's. She's still out there and ever time I read one of these stories it make's me wonder. Like I read in a post yesterday, some of these women are actresses in a class all by themselve's. After becoming a member here and reading her review's, quite a lot of the "specialness" that I experienced is the norm to a lot of guy's who see her. Talk about an absolute crush to the heart and ego. Eh, you live and learn, life goes on. Most of the married guy's here seem to have, or at least hopefully have, more sense than to even consider such a mistake but being single it was an all out fantasy to me. Flame away I deserve it for that stupidity.

Lecherous Old Man2135 reads

Sure it was an "accident". It's just like being a little bit pregnant. Maybe if the condom broke, that would be an accident. Are you off your rocker? Do you have a hidden death wish? Do you know what diseases you could be giving to the rest of us? Have some consideration for your fellow hobbyists. (Is that good enough ranting for you?)

A few months ago, I had a similar situation with two different ladies, on two subsequent nights. Both ladies are experienced, and in their late 20's/early 30's.

With one lady, the expectation is more BB, and with the other I dont' know. With the first lady, it was clear she wanted BBFS when it happend. With the second lady, the moment overcame her, and she just jumped on top. I asked her if she was sure, and after a few minutes, sanity prevailed. BTW: both ladies knew I shoot blanks.

The answer is obvious on whether you should decline. It all depends on which head you think with. Maybe I have a hidden death wish?

In my situation, there was a connection that was apparent well before the "accident".

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 4:05:44 PM

call me stupid5455 reads

You know, where I certainly deserve the flame and any other's that I may get, after reading your post you have a lot of nerve. You blast me for doing it once then turn around and admit to doing it twice, ooookay.

"Do you know what diseases you could be giving to the rest of us? "

If you, or anyone else, is being careful what do you have to worry about that you don't anyway. With your two experience's were you worried about the rest of us?

"BTW: both ladies knew I shoot blanks."

Oh, how is that, because you told them? People in glass house's shouldn't throw stone's.

-- Modified on 6/30/2005 4:39:05 PM

...let alone permit any sort of skin on skin contact.

Bareback? Ha! It would never happen.

SailorRipley2223 reads

I have hobbied for ten years and once I did have an accidental bb. I will never forget the terror I experienced the following day as the possible reprecutions set in. Luckily all turned out well. The memory of that day will ensure that it won't occur again. Risk is always the other side of reward but in my mind a very poor bet.

Rabwin2375 reads

OK.  So maybe I used the board as an affirmation but I decided to cancelled the planned trip and move on.  Thanks for putting me back in my place.

PeterPickle2518 reads

Sounds more like she made a heat of the moment decision rather than a concious/thought out decision.  Heat of the moment lapses in judgement are typically regrettable, so she could very likely realize the error of her judgement and next time slap a jimmy on you the minute your pecker sees light of day.

I'd suggest that you don't assume you've got a free pass to BB in the future,  that way you won't be dissapointed when it doesn't happen.

If it does happen, YOU need to be capable of accepting the consequences.  You've had plenty of time to think it through in advance.

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