TER General Board

Accepting it, and calling it what it is are two very different things
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 1457 reads
1 / 138

I look at ads on bp  before I go to a new area. I often  read   NO BLACK MEN PLEASE.  I understand personal preference and that's cool.  But given the special circumstances,  I don't believe this is really about attraction or lack thereof.  I am ever so curious about this.  I didn't pay too much attention until I saw a black womans ad that said it.  I am going to start putting the types of men I don't want to see in my ass. NO ARROGANT FUCK STICKS PLEASE.  😉

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 409 reads
2 / 138
PenleyDuke See my TER Reviews 460 reads
3 / 138

I still don't get it though.  Let's just say we meet sight unseen and I have no prior knowledge that you're black or a one eyed martian.  You're a handsome dude,  look nice,  smell tasty,  cash is green and all is well in hooka villa...what difference does it make?  For the record,  the few truly awful experiences that I have had were with white men. I still like white guys because the majority are great. Hence the reason I don't understand the generalization of black men in the hobby.

JohnyComeAlready 271 reads
4 / 138

if she isn't willing to see you.

There is no incentive for her to do so.
Posted By: RodTidweLL
Because I save my time from contacting them. Its all ready embarrassing enough putting at the end of every request, "I am African American, if for some reason that's a problem, its OK".  
 Its way worse when you're casually chatting with a lady and you say you're black she immediately cuts off all communications.  
-- Modified on 5/1/2015 2:12:12 AM

GiantBombing 418 reads
5 / 138

Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I am going to start putting the types of men I don't want to see in my ass.

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 458 reads
6 / 138

Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I still don't get it though.  Let's just say we meet sight unseen and I have no prior knowledge that you're black or a one eyed martian.  You're a handsome dude,  look nice,  smell tasty,  cash is green and all is well in hooka villa...what difference does it make?  For the record,  the few truly awful experiences that I have had were with white men. I still like white guys because the majority are great. Hence the reason I don't understand the generalization of black men in the hobby.
Surely you understand that Black men are viewed as more "disposable" in this hobby, like in every aspect of life in AmeriKKKa??  So if a lady has a few bad experiences or even one traumatic experience with a Black man (particularly a white lady who has limited contact with Black men in general), it is much easier for her to say "no Black men" then it is for any of us to say "Oh I had some traumatic/violent experiences with white men (which most of us have), so I'm not going to see white men anymore."  White men have most of the power and money in this country.  It's simply not an option for almost any provider to stop seeing white men, especially if she actually wants to make good money.  White men are not as disposable as a demographic in this industry or ANY industry basically.  This industry is unregulated, so of course there will be racism that reflects the racism in society.  Black men have traditionally been typecast as violent perpetrators that white women should fear, thoughout our country's history, so is it a surprise that lots of white women have decided to believe this stereotype based on either nothing but hearsay, or a few bad experiences with Black men?  Our society is very racist (are you awake??) and there is no one to stop anyone in this industry from racial discrimination on either side of the industry.

As for why Black women might have this policy, well to some degree that's none of my business and I won't really understand that necessarily.  It could be internalized racism (she categorically thinks white men are preferable), it could be that her whole community is black and she only sleeps with Black men in her personal life, so by only seeing white men in the hobby she is assured she won't run into anyone she knows personally, or it could also be that she has a man in her life (whether boyfriend, husband, pimp, etc.) who requests or demands that she not sleep with any (or any other) Black men as part of her work.  That last option is obviously possible for certain white/other/mixed-race women as well, not only Black women.  It's a popular explanation, but I suspect it's the reason a pretty small percentage of the time.

But yeah... the "disposability" factor that has lead to so many extrajudicial killings of Black men by brutal police officers is the same one involved in why so many women feel no qualms about saying "no black men".  Not only does it not usually hurt their business, it helps attract all the racist men who want to make sure their dick doesn't go anywhere a Black man's dick has been.  Of course, that doesn't work out too well for those racist men in the cases I listed above wherein a provider actively sleeps with Black men in her personal life but not her work/hobby life.

I assume that providers openly state this discriminatory practice in their ads because of what was mentioned above - it saves everyone from wasting time.  It also helps me avoid doing any kind of business with providers who have this type of policy.  Because I refuse.

This reminds me that I've been meaning to add a line to my ads that clearly states that I do NOT discriminate based on race.  It makes me sad when someone has to ask me at the end of his initial inquiry if it's okay that he's Black.  Mostly, I'm sad that we live in a world that creates such conditions where he has to ask that question, not that he's smart enough to ask it based on his past experiences.  I've never had a white man ask me if it's okay that he's white, or am I okay with seeing white men.  EVER.  But that shouldn't really surprise any of us if we're paying attention to the world we live in.

JohnyComeAlready 359 reads
7 / 138

Do you like arrogant fucksticks in your ass?

GiantBombing 449 reads
8 / 138

Thank you, Captain Obvious. Tell me, does day also turn into night?

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 9:53:37 AM

JohnyComeAlready 599 reads
9 / 138

The earth rotates around the sun.

Posted By: GiantBombing
Thank you, Captain Obvious. Tell me, does day also turn into night?

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 9:53:37 AM

hey mikey 8 Reviews 577 reads
10 / 138

... I don't see black men either!  


JohnyComeAlready 546 reads
11 / 138

I'm male, white, and not wealthy I ignore all the racist nonsense, and accept the fact there will always be racism when there is more than one race occupying a nation.

inicky46 61 Reviews 582 reads
12 / 138

I've read several who write that they've been treated roughly or disrespectfully by black men.  It's a shame that causes them to discriminate, but I understand.
I'm opposed to racism for any reason but I accept this form of it because of the nature of the business.  Right or wrong, she's about to engage in the most intimate act with someone who is larger and stronger than she is. It's her body and she has a right to do with it as she pleases. None of this is pleasant but it's not as if she's in a typical business where you cannot and should not discriminate.
Just an aside, many Korean girls will not see Korean men because they come from a small, tight-knit community and are afraid of being recognized.
Some women won't see men under 30.  Others won't see men above a certain age.  I refuse to be offended by it.  A girl has an absolute right not to spread her legs for anyone she chooses.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 185 reads
13 / 138

Yet here you are peppering each and every thread with your 'wisdom.' Too cute.

JohnyComeAlready 343 reads
14 / 138

All working ladies discriminate based on economics.

lopaw 29 Reviews 609 reads
15 / 138

....then waste a lot of time sending emails asking. At least that way I can write her off immediately and not waste my time. I am someone who appreciates it when a provider includes in her ad the people that she WON'T see. Saves my delicate typing fingers for better things, like contacting gals who will entertain "my kind"!

JohnyComeAlready 262 reads
16 / 138

Where else would they get the nagative image from?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 436 reads
17 / 138

And making our pineta look good to boot. Well done

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 7:41:27 AM

GaGambler 268 reads
18 / 138

It is plainly a woman's right to fuck only those guys she chooses to, but let's make no mistake, in the overwhelming majority of the cases it is still racism no matter how you sugar coat it.

and for the record, if I were a black man, YES I would be offended, but I don't really see what can be done about it. I suppose the only thing that a black guy can do about it is to live his life as best he can and hope to change people's mind one at a time.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 495 reads
19 / 138

but still would not give it a rest. Every three weeks someone have to ask again.  

People have the right to provide intimate services to whom they want to. EEO doesn’t apply.

dakine18 413 reads
20 / 138
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 211 reads
21 / 138

You are stating that, if someone makes choice that is PC, they are racists. Let me throw something for you to chew on.

In free and democratic society, “one can only exercise their freedom as along as exercising that freedom doesn’t interfere with others expressing their freedom”.

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 3:10:54 AM

HotCougarMilf See my TER Reviews 480 reads
22 / 138

It's 2015 for GOD'S sake and it sickens me... WE ALL BLEED THE SAME COLOR.  I don't care if you are black, white, yellow, brown, WE ARE ALL HUMAN!

anavictoria See my TER Reviews 533 reads
23 / 138

It's a great place for exposure and many do use it to get the traffic, even if it's only occasionally. The bad side of BP is it's riddled with the unsavory, you'll find all kinds of goings on that roll through and are gone in about a week/month and then you'll find a lot of those fishing for girls. The comment No AA on BP I believe is to not have to deal with the constant bombardment of handlers (no matter what name you want to place on them) it's annoying to get hit up by someone offering services or wanting to "help" and most of these girls you see probably are tied up daily with offers to work with them. There are plenty upstanding AA out there and I doubt they'd be seeking out the shady posts of BP for entertainment. I do believe that is posted to cut down on the nonsense, it honestly gets tiring replying to the same BS day after day.  

So I wouldn't be too discouraged if a provider on BP doesn't want your business, more than a taste factor it is a safety issue and it's to keep the headaches to a minimum. Plus how weird would it be for two handlers to meet, awkward!!! "Fancy meeting you here, oh, she's yours? Sorry, my bad!" Yes, it's sarcasm FYI and I've seen really tense exchanges happen while driving down the streets here late night.

The best thing you can do is make sure she's well reviewed and be the kind of person she'd like to see. There's plenty text I ignore because "you avail" just doesn't speak to me for some reason. And I'm sure these girls get far worse. Speak/text and act appropriately, what every provider wants is a gentlemen, your ways of communication do come across very strong. Also a well dressed man is nice to see coming to your door...  we'll see your buns soon enough, we don't need a preview before you get inside!

Not to mention size, plenty reasons why a provider can and will shake her head furiously NO! Sometimes it just won't fit, be kind, we're all built a little differently! Never one size fits all! "Open wide" nope, not happening! As lock jaw sets in!

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 609 reads
25 / 138

Look at the news, A white guy is beat to death by LE, for no reason other than  mental illness, police are charged, not convicted, hardly a peep from  the insignificant white crowd.
  Same scenario, Blacks unite with passion, while  standing up vehemently for their rights.
Now, let's put  that passion from  the perspective of rip off hookers who don't perform as advertised.
  White taffy man lays his donation on the table, rip off hooker places $$$ in her pocketbook.
   He asks her to take her clothes off, she replies  take a hike, she ain't no HO!  
   Elmer Dudd leaves without a peep, Hooker keeps Elmer's  money.  
  Next customer, young Black male, 25,  enters room, gives hooker  donation,  asks her to  take her clothes off, she says no, she ain't no HO.  
  He takes his donation back, tells rip off Ho he don't play no Elmer  games, he's a man with pride.  
   Next time rip off hooker's places an ad , "No Black men under 30".  

 I hope I helped your curiosity, with a reply, taffy ass fuck stick white  Elmer's, often forget.  :-D
Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I look at ads on bp  before I go to a new area. I often  read   NO BLACK MEN PLEASE.  I understand personal preference and that's cool.  But given the special circumstances,  I don't believe this is really about attraction or lack thereof.  I am ever so curious about this.  I didn't pay too much attention until I saw a black womans ad that said it.  I am going to start putting the types of men I don't want to see in my ass. NO ARROGANT FUCK STICKS PLEASE.  😉

Stickythong 219 reads
27 / 138

If a guy chooses not to see Ebony providers he just doesn't contact them. A provider has that choice as well. The only difference is how the personal choice is communicated.

It's her body, her rules. Pretty simple. My body my rules.

AlexandraMilw See my TER Reviews 271 reads
28 / 138

the other day on the DC Board. I don't feel like going into all of that again.  

If all things are equal, there isn't a reason to say no to one and yes to another. Yes, that is racism.  

I can agree that perhaps some gals say no for the very reasons you posted.  

I do not have that in my ads at all, nor will I. I don't have time to be posting all the things people do that I won't see. I am more than willing to see any race. Do I see AAs often? Rarely, if ever. Why? I won't see someone who can't talk educated, I seriously hate slang. This is a huge no, right behind the attitude/demanding some guys try doing when they contact us. Guess what? It has nothing to do with race for me at all when I say NO. It has to do with ANY race acting disrespectful over our communications. I say no to anyone that can't be nice and proper while booking. For the ones who slip through and I do see because he portrayed himself as being gentlemanly.... but in subsequent booking, acts a fool, they get told no as soon as he shows that behavior. I decline appts under the same standard for all races.

I have never had a bad experience with an AA guy, the few I have seen.  So while I may rarely book with them, I am still open to it. Just a little FYI, the ones I have seen have been extremely nice to me. All you got to do is screen properly, pay attention to wording in communications, and have a conversation over the phone. Those 3 things have kept me from having but a few bad experiences with anyone. Not saying they can't fool you, because it does happen, but at least you have far less stress getting rid of most by how they act prior to meeting. I do this to everyone.

I don't need to be told what race anyone is. It is not something I care about. I just don't want to meet demanding, rude, or slang talking people period. I do understand if a guy wants to tell me his race just in case, because he has learned that some gals won't see them. I just think it is wrong that he feels he has to. BTW AAs are not the only ones who tell me what race they are.... Pretty much anyone who isn't a white American will tell me. Even some of the white guys tell me too when they are telling me a short intro of themselves. Ie White, 99 year old gent, ED.....  

I don't flack any female who chooses not to see whomever they want. It is not my body. Some may be racist but not all. Some just don't find them attractive, which is weird because I am pretty sure the gal will see some other guys who would be lumped into that as well. So IDK what the difference is. Regardless it is every gals' right to say no to whoever they chose to. Now if the same gal wants to shit out racist remarks, that I do very much have a problem with.
Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I still don't get it though.  Let's just say we meet sight unseen and I have no prior knowledge that you're black or a one eyed martian.  You're a handsome dude,  look nice,  smell tasty,  cash is green and all is well in hooka villa...what difference does it make?  For the record,  the few truly awful experiences that I have had were with white men. I still like white guys because the majority are great. Hence the reason I don't understand the generalization of black men in the hobby.
 Surely you understand that Black men are viewed as more "disposable" in this hobby, like in every aspect of life in AmeriKKKa??  So if a lady has a few bad experiences or even one traumatic experience with a Black man (particularly a white lady who has limited contact with Black men in general), it is much easier for her to say "no Black men" then it is for any of us to say "Oh I had some traumatic/violent experiences with white men (which most of us have), so I'm not going to see white men anymore."  White men have most of the power and money in this country.  It's simply not an option for almost any provider to stop seeing white men, especially if she actually wants to make good money.  White men are not as disposable as a demographic in this industry or ANY industry basically.  This industry is unregulated, so of course there will be racism that reflects the racism in society.  Black men have traditionally been typecast as violent perpetrators that white women should fear, thoughout our country's history, so is it a surprise that lots of white women have decided to believe this stereotype based on either nothing but hearsay, or a few bad experiences with Black men?  Our society is very racist (are you awake??) and there is no one to stop anyone in this industry from racial discrimination on either side of the industry.  
 As for why Black women might have this policy, well to some degree that's none of my business and I won't really understand that necessarily.  It could be internalized racism (she categorically thinks white men are preferable), it could be that her whole community is black and she only sleeps with Black men in her personal life, so by only seeing white men in the hobby she is assured she won't run into anyone she knows personally, or it could also be that she has a man in her life (whether boyfriend, husband, pimp, etc.) who requests or demands that she not sleep with any (or any other) Black men as part of her work.  That last option is obviously possible for certain white/other/mixed-race women as well, not only Black women.  It's a popular explanation, but I suspect it's the reason a pretty small percentage of the time.  
 But yeah... the "disposability" factor that has lead to so many extrajudicial killings of Black men by brutal police officers is the same one involved in why so many women feel no qualms about saying "no black men".  Not only does it not usually hurt their business, it helps attract all the racist men who want to make sure their dick doesn't go anywhere a Black man's dick has been.  Of course, that doesn't work out too well for those racist men in the cases I listed above wherein a provider actively sleeps with Black men in her personal life but not her work/hobby life.  
 I assume that providers openly state this discriminatory practice in their ads because of what was mentioned above - it saves everyone from wasting time.  It also helps me avoid doing any kind of business with providers who have this type of policy.  Because I refuse.  
 This reminds me that I've been meaning to add a line to my ads that clearly states that I do NOT discriminate based on race.  It makes me sad when someone has to ask me at the end of his initial inquiry if it's okay that he's Black.  Mostly, I'm sad that we live in a world that creates such conditions where he has to ask that question, not that he's smart enough to ask it based on his past experiences.  I've never had a white man ask me if it's okay that he's white, or am I okay with seeing white men.  EVER.  But that shouldn't really surprise any of us if we're paying attention to the world we live in.

HotCougarMilf See my TER Reviews 454 reads
29 / 138
JohnyComeAlready 422 reads
30 / 138

Do you think that Jewish Ameticans are responsible for society's view of black men?

GaGambler 888 reads
33 / 138

Our little tidwit is worse than any lily white "Elmer Dudd" hobbyist.

Next customer is Tiddles, enters room, gushes about what a pretty ladee she is, sets down the donation, never asks her to take off her clothes as he is too bashful, starts some small talk, after ten minutes rip off hooker goes beserk, says she IS a ho, not a fucking shrink and tells him to GET THE FUCK OUT!!! Tiddles apologizes, leaves a thirty percent tip and slinks out the door. lmao

Ooops, I almost forgot, he then goes home and writes her a ten/ten review and starts stalking her on the boards.

lopaw 29 Reviews 628 reads
34 / 138
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 406 reads
35 / 138

If so, then yes.

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 9:01:37 AM

JohnyComeAlready 339 reads
37 / 138
JohnyComeAlready 365 reads
38 / 138

but I have a big nose.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 629 reads
40 / 138
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 127 reads
41 / 138
grumpyolguy 12 Reviews 376 reads
42 / 138

Maybe it is racism. I don't know but personal choice doesn't necessarily equate to racism. I am partial to petite brunettes but that doesn't mean I despise all other women.  

Posted By: Zoey Zacquery
Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I still don't get it though.  Let's just say we meet sight unseen and I have no prior knowledge that you're black or a one eyed martian.  You're a handsome dude,  look nice,  smell tasty,  cash is green and all is well in hooka villa...what difference does it make?  For the record,  the few truly awful experiences that I have had were with white men. I still like white guys because the majority are great. Hence the reason I don't understand the generalization of black men in the hobby.
 Surely you understand that Black men are viewed as more "disposable" in this hobby, like in every aspect of life in AmeriKKKa??  So if a lady has a few bad experiences or even one traumatic experience with a Black man (particularly a white lady who has limited contact with Black men in general), it is much easier for her to say "no Black men" then it is for any of us to say "Oh I had some traumatic/violent experiences with white men (which most of us have), so I'm not going to see white men anymore."  White men have most of the power and money in this country.  It's simply not an option for almost any provider to stop seeing white men, especially if she actually wants to make good money.  White men are not as disposable as a demographic in this industry or ANY industry basically.  This industry is unregulated, so of course there will be racism that reflects the racism in society.  Black men have traditionally been typecast as violent perpetrators that white women should fear, thoughout our country's history, so is it a surprise that lots of white women have decided to believe this stereotype based on either nothing but hearsay, or a few bad experiences with Black men?  Our society is very racist (are you awake??) and there is no one to stop anyone in this industry from racial discrimination on either side of the industry.  
 As for why Black women might have this policy, well to some degree that's none of my business and I won't really understand that necessarily.  It could be internalized racism (she categorically thinks white men are preferable), it could be that her whole community is black and she only sleeps with Black men in her personal life, so by only seeing white men in the hobby she is assured she won't run into anyone she knows personally, or it could also be that she has a man in her life (whether boyfriend, husband, pimp, etc.) who requests or demands that she not sleep with any (or any other) Black men as part of her work.  That last option is obviously possible for certain white/other/mixed-race women as well, not only Black women.  It's a popular explanation, but I suspect it's the reason a pretty small percentage of the time.  
 But yeah... the "disposability" factor that has lead to so many extrajudicial killings of Black men by brutal police officers is the same one involved in why so many women feel no qualms about saying "no black men".  Not only does it not usually hurt their business, it helps attract all the racist men who want to make sure their dick doesn't go anywhere a Black man's dick has been.  Of course, that doesn't work out too well for those racist men in the cases I listed above wherein a provider actively sleeps with Black men in her personal life but not her work/hobby life.  
 I assume that providers openly state this discriminatory practice in their ads because of what was mentioned above - it saves everyone from wasting time.  It also helps me avoid doing any kind of business with providers who have this type of policy.  Because I refuse.  
 This reminds me that I've been meaning to add a line to my ads that clearly states that I do NOT discriminate based on race.  It makes me sad when someone has to ask me at the end of his initial inquiry if it's okay that he's Black.  Mostly, I'm sad that we live in a world that creates such conditions where he has to ask that question, not that he's smart enough to ask it based on his past experiences.  I've never had a white man ask me if it's okay that he's white, or am I okay with seeing white men.  EVER.  But that shouldn't really surprise any of us if we're paying attention to the world we live in.

inicky46 61 Reviews 399 reads
43 / 138

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
but I have a big nose.
-- Modified on 5/1/2015 1:13:19 PM

JohnyComeAlready 141 reads
44 / 138
JohnyComeAlready 157 reads
45 / 138
1705218 10 Reviews 414 reads
46 / 138

Not only is he a moron but also he is one of the top poster on this board.

hbyist+truth=;( 150 reads
47 / 138

I think people who get all up in arms forget or gloss over the very nature of this business. I am not on the the other side of a counter or where there are many people in plain view when dealing with anyone in this business. I am alone.

There are some groups of men I will not see, nothing based on religion or skin color...but solely based on attitudes towards women. And that includes some white men.  

Bottom line...as you said a woman's body and she can let whomever enter for whatever reasons the same way she can refuse to.

hbyist+truth=;( 133 reads
48 / 138

Thank you for illuminating that johns can also be racist, if that's what you want to call it, by omission. I have no issue with whom a guy chooses to see or not see, same goes for hookers.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 401 reads
50 / 138

And never will be. Think what the hell they want for whatever reason because I surely discriminate on people once they open their mouths and show me the inside of their souls and minds or lack thereof. My discrimination is more pointed and reasonable! Lol. Let's say its racism. Even though it doesn't necessarily have to be by any means. I'm no longer arguing that point. Let's go with that for the sake of this.......

I refuse to want to examine and change people and I mean that as sincerely as I can say it in writing. My thoughts on racism in this hobby or outside of it are very simple. Think what you want. Try to come at me directly with it or try to harm me because of it and I will have your ass in a van with sirens on before you can blink. I'm a different type of soul. You first have to have respect for most people's minds and souls before you can even begin to give a fuck about changing something in them or why it exists. I have no such respect for a lot of humans I've met. Despite color, gender, religion, nationalism, sexual orientation, class and I could go allll day. I love people but most people are fucking idiots and live in boxes and glass houses. Let's just be real. Oh shit, Hector you said you would behave. Oh well, it was bound to happen.  

And I'm sorry, real discrimination that truly matters for many people and effects their quality of life and search for a better quality of life based on many things not just race exist in important places and I refuse to give a cent about it in this environment. Plus, no one is going to even come close to telling me who I'm going to fuck or love! I don't care what the environment is or anyone's stance. For the record, I don't discriminate. Have dated white, black, Hispanic (lord mercy), asian and mix breeds but I surely have my likes to more and not to others on average. Have only loved one and devil knows it had nothing to do with her ethnicity. It was her soul.

I wish this black man would want to change someone's mind who thinks a certain way about things after living decades on this earth. No thanks. I'm good.

Carry On Mofos! We shall ALL be DEAD soon and forgotten as well. LmHectorBLACKao! When will people get it and wake the hell up. White, black, brown, blue, green and fart purple! Christian, Jew, Muslim, Atheist and on and on. Male/female and on and on. Get the fuck outta here. Every single one of us has many things to learn before we perish and most won't.

Arrogant Fuck Stick I Be! With a heart of gold and a mind to match. BLAH  

Church or Hells Kitchen?!!!!!

With all that said, I may be starting to love you GaG!  
Posted By: GaGambler
It is plainly a woman's right to fuck only those guys she chooses to, but let's make no mistake, in the overwhelming majority of the cases it is still racism no matter how you sugar coat it.

and for the record, if I were a black man, YES I would be offended, but I don't really see what can be done about it. I suppose the only thing that a black guy can do about it is to live his life as best he can and hope to change people's mind one at a time.

GaGambler 412 reads
51 / 138

but that's easy for me to say not being black. If I were black I might have a different take on this.

I did have an agency who had an Asian lady that I wanted to see reply back to me with something along the lines of "I am sorry, but you do not meet the ethnic requirements of this provider"

I have to confess, my first reaction was "that fucking cunt" It's the only time that has ever happened to me, and I can only imagine if I were to be turned down constantly strictly because of my race.

Lets be honest here, people has the right to be racist if they so choose, ESPECIALLY where it comes to who they have sex with, but let's at least be honest that most NBA policies ARE rooted in racism, and yes it has to sting to a black guy that a woman will see everybody else in town who has the price of admission, EXCEPT for him because of his skin color.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 752 reads
53 / 138

Tell me what to read and what comment?  
This is public board ass hole

inicky46 61 Reviews 419 reads
55 / 138

there are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis."

inicky46 61 Reviews 370 reads
56 / 138

And mentioned several of them were posters on this board. Double standard much?

inicky46 61 Reviews 341 reads
57 / 138

Are Jewish Americans fair?  What if Jewish Americans didn't sell?  What's a SPOAT to do?

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 327 reads
59 / 138

Ask him to explain to you what that means. See what you get.

Silkysly 29 Reviews 104 reads
60 / 138

I was w/ an a/a provider and she told me - as part of a very long conversation - that they put that in their ads because of prior bad experiences - violent money grabbing experiences from some a/a guys.  
There are some bad people out there - all colors and genders - we all have to be careful.  Have a great weekend.

hbyist+truth=;( 163 reads
62 / 138

An attitude, or a way women are generally treated or talked about or to by that race/religion and very little if anything to do with skin pigment.

inicky46 61 Reviews 118 reads
63 / 138
dakine18 488 reads
65 / 138

This is public board ass hole!!!!!!! Deal with it.

-- Modified on 5/1/2015 3:43:28 PM

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 565 reads
66 / 138

that the first and last people to defend it are the lame ass white guys?

For the record I am AA and I just want to know upfront so I don't waste my time.  I could give a shit about her personal preferences.  Just let me know so I don't take time off then get to the hotel and be left with my dick in my hand because of a personal preference.

I do find it funny that the most notorious case of a violent Hobbyist was a White medical student in Boston that killed a White Provider.  Never once heard jack shit about how that reflected badly on White guys.  Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, never did that come up.  Had that been a Black, Hispanic or even Asian Hobbyist that did it you would have heard non-stop don't take date with (insert that race here) Hobbyists.

RT (my favorite song is True by Spandau Ballet)

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 843 reads
67 / 138

the problem is too many white guys are sooooooooooooo fucking entrenched in defending this SHIT they can't even see when it personally affects them.

90% of the time if you see that NBA on BP it is a rip-off.  The crackheads know brothers don't play that shit!!!!!!!!!!

But I know several White guys i grew up with that would not play that shit either.  Take their $$$ and they are coming after your ass - straight up

Dr Who revived 140 reads
68 / 138

You have the lead by a mile as far as Drama Queens here.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 111 reads
70 / 138
Dr Who revived 143 reads
72 / 138

But you'll also have to listen to hours of whining!

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 340 reads
73 / 138

Though JCA is giving him a firm run for the money especially today.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 608 reads
74 / 138

Your White friends must have  Italian, or Native ancestry mixed  in their veins.
   Almond white, Antique white, Snow white, will usually melt quicker than  a Cream sickle on a hot  summer day, a  Rip off Ho's  Dream sucker .

 Plus, a majority of  under 30 Black guys are not married.
 When you see an ad proclaiming,  "I love older white men" chances are  that rip off Ho
knows,  older  white guys are more worried about  getting caught by their wife than  
losing money.    
 No chance he'll be making a war path disturbance, demanding his dollars  back, from a  
  rip off Ho.  
Posted By: Ridgetucky
the problem is too many white guys are sooooooooooooo fucking entrenched in defending this SHIT they can't even see when it personally affects them.  
 90% of the time if you see that NBA on BP it is a rip-off.  The crackheads know brothers don't play that shit!!!!!!!!!!  
 But I know several White guys i grew up with that would not play that shit either.  Take their $$$ and they are coming after your ass - straight up.    

hotplants 377 reads
75 / 138

Had my ass handed back to me….not surprising ....but, I still stand by my perception that the  ‘no AA men’ is pure racism.  

Everyone has a gawd-given right to be a bigot. So, if you are, at least have the strength of your own personal convictions to stand-up and say what you really mean, instead of hiding being ‘personal preference’.  

Nothing screams bigotry more loudly than someone trying to exclude an entire general category of people from being worthy of their service, while claiming “personal preference”  (and let’s  just throw in “religious preference” while we’re at it)


Then again…providers who say no AA are advertising it pretty loudly and clearly……so…there’s that….

The fact that this subject comes up, here,  as much as it does is a clear indication that providers limiting ‘personal preference’ is not, at all, what’s actually going on.  

Fucking sad

inicky46 61 Reviews 396 reads
76 / 138
Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 352 reads
77 / 138
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 346 reads
78 / 138

of us who don't speak gibberish please? Thanks.

Ridgetucky 2 Reviews 225 reads
80 / 138

I guess since the Jewish Kapos helped with the murder of 6 millions Jews that means that the Holocaust was not really directed at the Jewish people of Europe, right?

Ya see all those Nazis could say how was it Anti-Semitic?  Look at all the Jewish Kapos that are helping.  Jeez, you people cry Anti-Semitism all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The system was designed to turn victim against victim, as the prisoner functionaries were pitted against their fellow prisoners in order to maintain the favor of their SS guards. If they were derelict, they would be returned to the status of ordinary prisoners and be subject to other kapos.  

Learn your history so that a Black guy from the hood doesn't have to teach it to you:(

inicky46 61 Reviews 172 reads
81 / 138

Or are you trying to help Slingy? He could certainly use it. Though not from you. I mean, you're just not very good at it.  Are you?

hotplants 202 reads
82 / 138

and brown guys and....and...and....the list goes on....

How often do you see "no white guys"?  Or  no....{fill in the blank} guys?


Posted By: inicky46
As a result of being mistreated.  Are they racists?

inicky46 61 Reviews 140 reads
83 / 138
inicky46 61 Reviews 113 reads
84 / 138

Don't try teaching history to me, fool.  I'm way ahead of you. Your argument is weak and pathetic, like you are. You are not worth my time.

hotplants 424 reads
85 / 138

You know a couple of AA providers who have said: "no AA men", in response to some kind of abuse from AA men. OK.  

OTOH, there are many providers (and, again...women everywhere) who have experienced some kind of abuse from white guys or...other guys---(abusive behavior is not race dependent).  

Any incident of abuse---in whatever form that takes---is never OK, under any circumstances. But it's not ONLY AA guys who behave badly.  

ANY general category of people can be called out for bad behavior, based on a limited sample. But, "AA men" is the only category of people who get put into the openly advertised providers "NO fucking way " category.

Is that bigotry? Yes. It is

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 373 reads
86 / 138

Even though they’re making a sweeping generalization about their own race, it’s still a race-based judgment. They’re still working off the idea that race is the driver of these guys’ behavior. As opposed to the fact that they just might be individual assholes.

Twist it in your mind a little bit. Even take race out of it. Say a lady sees a guy from Santa Barbara and he mistreats her. Then she sees a guy from San Francisco and he mistreats her. Then she sees a guy from San Diego and he mistreats her. Would she be justified in saying “no California men?"  

Because, you know, sometimes that’s all we have in common. Brown skin, a certain kind of hair, and the ability to dance real good and jump real high. And sometimes we don’t even have that in common. Culturally, we run the range from Neil de Grasse Tyson to Lawrence Taylor to Shelby Steele to Taye Diggs. And many of us respect the hell out of women. We’ve seen too many impressive women not to.

So, even though it’s pain-based (and I do feel for them), for these ladies to say “no Black men” is illogical at best and racist at worst

HotCougarMilf See my TER Reviews 558 reads
87 / 138

I'll be giving an update next Thursday after I meet with the Oncologist again.

Seafood 187 reads
88 / 138

Certainly agree with you.  It is better they be up front so I don't waste my time.  No hard feelings.  It's bad enough when providers don't show for appointments they themselves have scheduled.

Seafood 143 reads
89 / 138

Nothing new to black men.  We been dealing with this for years.  It comes with the skin and eventually all black men have to come to the realization that it is and will always be that way.  Really!! As a black man, I don't want to see providers that don't want to see black men because it reduces the fun and pleasure of the union.  I would think the same feeling I have, men from other races feel the same.

Seafood 181 reads
90 / 138

There is no need to change providers mind.  As a black man are we to sit around crying because some provider don't want to see us.   Most of the providers I have seen that say no black man don't have outstanding reviews.  I think the ones that say that know that they better bring the energy when dealing with black men.

Seafood 181 reads
91 / 138
Seafood 105 reads
92 / 138

Hey.  It is no different than "Tell me your race" required before a provider will see you.  When they say that you know what they are saying.  It is just more Politically correct.

Seafood 104 reads
93 / 138

They say that because they are weak and just don't have the skills in the bedroom and outside of the bedroom.

Seafood 627 reads
94 / 138

They say NO BLACK MEN OR NO AA because they lack the skills and talent.  I've study providers that say that and 90 percent of them have poor reviews or no reviews.  Very few of them have high ranking in their performance.  Check it out for yourself.

Seafood 147 reads
95 / 138

True and I agree with you.  So why don't you list those type.

Seafood 139 reads
96 / 138

As a black man.  We don't sit around crying about those comments when we looking for a provider.  I prefer them.  Tell me what you don't like so I can move on.

donholmes 16 Reviews 196 reads
97 / 138

Excellent points!  Thank you for such an intelligent, sensible, well-written and well thought out commentary.  If more people thought and truly felt that way, the world would be a far better place.

inicky46 61 Reviews 152 reads
98 / 138

And please note I said in my original post on this that it sucks.  All I"m saying is that because of the nature of this business I am understanding of the policy, though sad it happens.
For example, I don't think girls should refuse to see RodTidwell because he's black.
But I understand those who won't see him because of his board persona and stalker-ish behavior.

Looking4FitGFE 31 Reviews 524 reads
101 / 138

The provider that I was with who had that posted in her ad told me it was because most all of the black guys want to try and recruit her and make her work for them. They supposedly offer to get them alot more business if they will allow the black guy to become their pimp. She said it had nothing to do with not being attracted to black guys, but by posting no black guys in her ad, that it prevents the drama of the black guys approaching her to work for him.
I forgot to mention that this is mostly only on BP. I don't recall seeing No black men on any of the P411 ads and if so, it's a very small percentage compared to Back Page postings.

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 7:16:00 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 189 reads
103 / 138

I've often viewed  inicky as a weakling wearing a  transparent disguise.
  He's funny too. I LOL when he's replying to someone while claiming he doesn't  
have time.
   Now that you've  brought it up, I believe you're right, he's a  a typical Kapos , weak at heart, born to denounce, spy and stalk.

Posted By: Ridgetucky
I guess since the Jewish Kapos helped with the murder of 6 millions Jews that means that the Holocaust was not really directed at the Jewish people of Europe, right?  
 Ya see all those Nazis could say how was it Anti-Semitic?  Look at all the Jewish Kapos that are helping.  Jeez, you people cry Anti-Semitism all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
 The system was designed to turn victim against victim, as the prisoner functionaries were pitted against their fellow prisoners in order to maintain the favor of their SS guards. If they were derelict, they would be returned to the status of ordinary prisoners and be subject to other kapos.  
 Learn your history so that a Black guy from the hood doesn't have to teach it to you:(

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 404 reads
105 / 138

I don't know about Rod, but I wish to God I could dance like Fred Astaire. I probably wouldn't be on this board right now if I could. Channing Tatum? Nah, you guys can keep him.

hbyist+truth=;( 387 reads
106 / 138

I am more subtle than listing...."no arrogant woman haters or men whose culture treats women like trash etc. etc."

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 575 reads
107 / 138

Here’s the thing, though. If she cut off all Black men after say, five pimp calls, how does she know there weren’t 15 other non-pimp Black men waiting to become regulars? And another 10 after that after eight of the original 15 moved on? It’s not like there’s an infinite supply of pimps out there (and for the sake of argument, we’ll assume there’s no such thing as a non-Black pimp, though there are), so after they tried to reel her in and got nowhere, they’d eventually go away. (I hope.) Meanwhile, she’s turned away a steady supply of customers.

But hey, it’s literally her business, so I guess her pockets aren’t hurting because of it. And everybody has a limit on how much irritation they can take. And it has to be scary. So God bless her.

I would like to know if the ladies who say specific things like “no pimps” in their ads and use other kinds of pimp garlic have any luck with their warnings. I don’t have the time, money, or energy to find out

hbyist+truth=;( 188 reads
108 / 138

It can't just be skin color? To outright ban of a whole section of the population by some hookers in regards to sexual activity, intimacy and alone time...well I guess the question is why?  

When maybe these very same women might have friends that are black, if they have another job, possibly work side by side with a black guy, or work in another industry with many black guys as customers/clients.

What is it about having sex or being alone with a black guy makes these women run in the opposite direction?

hbyist+truth=;( 159 reads
109 / 138

I won't see men under 40. Does that make me a bigot? Some hookers won't see really heavy guys...does that make them a bigot? If I get an email from an asshole and don't see him does that also make me a bigot...or does it make me someone who knows what she can handle and has made those choices from experience and would prefer to be as comfortable as she can while doing something so fucking intimate and I will stress while I am ALONE?

Here's the thing I get riled up about...we all condemn racist people or bigots but we do almost nothing about sexism here, which is as bad.  We can't use the "n" word but we can say bitch, whore, slut etc. I know it is a fuck board but would you go up to a woman in a bar and say hi bitch, want to dance? Yes context aside, that word and many others, is not a term of endearment and is usually used as an insult. I digressed but only to make a point.

So, given that if I get an email from a man of unknown ethnicity and he write "yo, baby, I got what you need here in my pants, how bout cutting a brother a deal, you gonna love what I do" , I refuse, am I racist pretty much knowing this guy is black or am I using my better judgement and realizing that this "man" is not the right type of client for me? Technically, I can be accused of being just as much a bigot without saying anything on my website because I refused him because he was an AA man by the very nature of his email BUT by his approach NOT by the color of his skin.

-- Modified on 5/2/2015 9:17:10 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 404 reads
110 / 138

If a woman has had more than one bad experience with anything and she then cuts her losses and says..."no more of that for me"...should she still not keep going to find the diamond in the rough or should she learn from her experiences and play it safe?  

Of course no man or woman can say ALL of anything is bad or even good, unless they have experienced everything or everyone on this planet.

hbyist+truth=;( 725 reads
111 / 138

And they were perfect gentlemen. I am thinking the demographic that might be the cause of such ire are those who might troll BP. And that might also depend on what state and if BP is the only form of advertising. I used to advertise in other areas and had no issue with pimps or slang talking anyone.

hbyist+truth=;( 147 reads
112 / 138

But I have seen a no hobbyist thread and a no TER guy thread where hookers will not see those guys and the vast majority are white dudes.  

I am guessing the reason behind that has nothing to do with a guys skin color and a lot more to do with his attitude and the way he is with women

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 464 reads
113 / 138

And one of your messages up there about those type of emails, exactly. Being at a certain donation point, screening your clients, and paying attention to how they express themselves, will get you more times than not (most times), those two black gentleman you have seen. All lower class black guys are not assholes and talk down to women but the environment most of them are in unfortunately welcomes that type of bs too much. For the record, there are a lot of black women within those environments that can't stand that crap.

I've been in a melting pot since I was 5. I've seen, known, befriended all types of people. All colors, a lot of nationalities, rich and poor, and so on.

You're not at all wrong about the way you're looking at it. If a person can't even begin to express himself properly in writing and give respect in writing, why would anyone take the chance to see that person. Just to say you don't discriminate. Hell no. Agreed.

I could go all day about this but I won't. You seem to be one of the only ones on this thread with legitimate intellectual thoughts running through your mind. A few others but you are surely one.
Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
And they were perfect gentlemen. I am thinking the demographic that might be the cause of such ire are those who might troll BP. And that might also depend on what state and if BP is the only form of advertising. I used to advertise in other areas and had no issue with pimps or slang talking anyone.
-- Modified on 5/2/2015 4:49:44 AM

hbyist+truth=;( 204 reads
114 / 138

Accusing all of those women for having less skill than white hookers? And what extra skill is needed to deal with an AA man?

hbyist+truth=;( 174 reads
115 / 138

To believe it is ONLY skin pigment. Is there not more to an AA man than that? What about attitude and how he views woman in general and how he speaks about them and to them. And that goes for every race and religion and sex too. Public perception is huge.  

Sadly the black male has been portrayed negatively BUT in some instances has fed off the gangsta thing and run with it

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 199 reads
116 / 138

race of clientelle that contact you cause drama then you have every right to pick and choose and to say to hell with it i dont even wanna meet with any one from that group of people .  

I meet with every race and do not discriminate, BUT.
my first time i ever posted an ad for escort work was in 2002, in boston phoenix and also craigs.


    Does this mean none of them have money? well no it doesnt  but if i chose i rather just state no black men in ads and deal with white sincethis isnt legal i can make my own laws and rules if i choose.

then in past few weeks i got annoyingly harrased by not one but 2 black men, They were rude to me, annoyed the fuck outta me, and again it made me say geesh, I CAN kinda see how after bein in the biz a while, IF OVER AND OVER AND OVER your experiencing dramA, RUDE BEHAVIOR, NO MANNERS, CLASSLESS TREATEMNT, BY ONE PARTICULAR GROUP OF MEN ,  


               I personally always run into drama and nonesense in my dealings with black men, I also in all my years have yet to see one book more than a half hour.
                            Oh yes and just this week I had one call me seventy times and ask if i will claw his back and skin open on film, for 15o for the hour, and will i do a second hour for 50 bucks. ...........

              he said he wanted to kiss my stomach and be dominated and have me yell at him scratch him with my nails, ..........he harrased me by email and phone and did an awful lotta time wasting and when he pinned the  oh , so how about the second hour of video how does 50 bucks sound?


then he ALSO  asked if i can arrange the camera man or camera women to do the video shoot, further expecting just an awful lotta work outta me for a shit money pay.


at some point i have to say i grasp and can understand and see thier concept and there reasoning,  



                 Many many black women I knew well at the clubs also refused to approach black men for dances for the same reasons, they felt they simply just dont spend ect ect.

            if you been repeadetly treated like dog shit by a certain cluster of men folk, and by a landslide. sure i can get deciding to set a rule.  

I also had tons and tons of voicemails a w few weeks ago with some one screaming i am an asshole cuz i wont see black man on my voicemail and tryin to sound like freddy crouger into my work cell phonw,

i have had more drama surrounding black men lately.

BUT i still am not racist i still dont post no black men, I still would be open to trying to meet with them...

BUT in my experience so far I have yet to ever have one book a full hour, and as of late i have had some drama with mean voicemails and also the guy that waNTED THE DOMME VIDEO WHEN HE SAID OH BUT I AM A BLACK MAN DO YOU MIND?

    i said no that is fine.

but then he sprung the offer for 50 bucks for the second hour the video is filmed, then he sprung the wanting me to arrange some one to film it, I was like seriously?

all in all i am sure one say a black man will book a full hour and be polite and be ok with being screened, I am still waiting on that day but , am open to it possibly happening .

but I do kinda get it, and dont see an issue if people wanna see certain races because of thier personal experiewnce, i do get it.  

the end result at end day is to have fun make money and deal with as little bullshit possible

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 256 reads
117 / 138

on their ads or websites. How did I manage to see them. I contacted them, presented myself respectfully, gave them references or other means of verification explained below. For a few of them, I was their first contact with a black guy in or out of the hobby. Actually one of them was with an agency when she or the agency had no black guy allowed and then she went independent. It wasn't on her new website, so I contacted her. We eventually talked on the phone and I told her I was black. There was a pause and she said I've never seen a black guy ever in or out. I told her my background and that she couldn't be safer with any other human regardless of color than with me. She agreed to meet. Fun fun times and I mean fun!

There was one provider who was very different in this environment. Could tell and she admitted she hadn't done this a lot. No reviews to be found but her presentation of herself said enough for me. She desired a face to face meeting with all before setup. I asked her to skype, she agreed. Her eyes dilated when we saw each other and she said, why are you doing this? It was cute and I explained why! Lol. Nice convo but quickly admitted she had never been with a black guy ever. We met and saw each other four more times after that. Nice nice lady. Now she never had anything on her ad about no black men but she wasn't lying about never being with one. Our conversations proved such. I hate this word but she was a Milf. Absolutely stunning.

I have three more stories about women I've seen with no black guy on their ads or websites. It's freakin amazing what a nicely constructed email or conversation will do. Funny thing about it, the number of providers I've contacted who said my emails were some of the most connecting ( for lack of a better word) they had seen overall are plenty.

That's why I say to some of these folks it's not always racism per say because I'm talking from experience. Of course depending on how you define racism and I'm not getting into my def or views on that. Lol. Now would all these ladies necessarily want me in their home or their lives or for their friends to know they were around me if this was in the real world.....who knows and this man does not care. I live in the south, so I've seen and heard it all. A very very good chance not but again who the hell cares. It's not that deep or serious to me. Why? Because I don't need the validation and approval :)

Try it out bro! Those ladies can be so much fun my man.
Posted By: Seafood
Nothing new to black men.  We been dealing with this for years.  It comes with the skin and eventually all black men have to come to the realization that it is and will always be that way.  Really!! As a black man, I don't want to see providers that don't want to see black men because it reduces the fun and pleasure of the union.  I would think the same feeling I have, men from other races feel the same.

hotplants 198 reads
118 / 138

But it doesn’t mean that this perception is one that can be accurately, or fairly applied to all black men.  Some men behave badly. Some of these men are white. So why don’t we see “NO white guys” posted?

Zoey nailed the concept that black guys are more easily expendable, economically. If a provider that had a bad experience with one (or a handful) of white guys responded by advertising “NO white guys, she’d be out of business.  

I think the “why” of this ubiquitous NO AA men policy stems, in part,  from the relatively benign impact of refusing service to black guys----and to a greater degree from the same deeply rooted, complex, systemic racial issues that still exist in the US, in general.  Why is it harder for a black guy to get a cab? (or a job?). Why is “getting pulled over for driving while black” and actual thing? Why are black men so disproportionately imprisoned, and for longer periods of time, than white guys who commit the same crimes?  

Now, maybe it’s true that out of a random sample of white guys and a random sample of black guys, statistically speaking, there is a greater risk of a black guy behaving badly with a provider. It seems unlikely---but I doubt one could find any hard numbers on this, one way or the other. So, providers go by their gut and personal experiences. They go by what they’ve heard from other providers. Makes sense.  

But, sex workers are just people. So, it would be expected to see the same distribution of internalized racism/bigotry from sex workers, as in society in general. And lots of people ‘just know ‘ in their gut that black guys are trouble.  

Regardless of the “why”, since this is such a personal business----I think most people agree that a provider having complete control over who s/he chooses to see (or not see) is a good thing.  If s/he wants to say: NO AA, then so be it.  

But, a categorical “NO black guys” sign on the door of your business is still inherently racist

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 331 reads
119 / 138

Where's Conan when needed? You need to rally here son.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 180 reads
120 / 138

Posted By: angelexotic
race of clientelle that contact you cause drama then you have every right to pick and choose and to say to hell with it i dont even wanna meet with any one from that group of people .  
 I meet with every race and do not discriminate, BUT.  
 my first time i ever posted an ad for escort work was in 2002, in boston phoenix and also craigs.  
     Does this mean none of them have money? well no it doesnt  but if i chose i rather just state no black men in ads and deal with white sincethis isnt legal i can make my own laws and rules if i choose.  
 then in past few weeks i got annoyingly harrased by not one but 2 black men, They were rude to me, annoyed the fuck outta me, and again it made me say geesh, I CAN kinda see how after bein in the biz a while, IF OVER AND OVER AND OVER your experiencing dramA, RUDE BEHAVIOR, NO MANNERS, CLASSLESS TREATEMNT, BY ONE PARTICULAR GROUP OF MEN ,  
                I personally always run into drama and nonesense in my dealings with black men, I also in all my years have yet to see one book more than a half hour.  
                             Oh yes and just this week I had one call me seventy times and ask if i will claw his back and skin open on film, for 15o for the hour, and will i do a second hour for 50 bucks. ...........  
               he said he wanted to kiss my stomach and be dominated and have me yell at him scratch him with my nails, ..........he harrased me by email and phone and did an awful lotta time wasting and when he pinned the  oh , so how about the second hour of video how does 50 bucks sound?  
 then he ALSO  asked if i can arrange the camera man or camera women to do the video shoot, further expecting just an awful lotta work outta me for a shit money pay.  
 at some point i have to say i grasp and can understand and see thier concept and there reasoning,  
                  Many many black women I knew well at the clubs also refused to approach black men for dances for the same reasons, they felt they simply just dont spend ect ect.  
             if you been repeadetly treated like dog shit by a certain cluster of men folk, and by a landslide. sure i can get deciding to set a rule.  
 I also had tons and tons of voicemails a w few weeks ago with some one screaming i am an asshole cuz i wont see black man on my voicemail and tryin to sound like freddy crouger into my work cell phonw,  
 i have had more drama surrounding black men lately.  
 BUT i still am not racist i still dont post no black men, I still would be open to trying to meet with them...  
 BUT in my experience so far I have yet to ever have one book a full hour, and as of late i have had some drama with mean voicemails and also the guy that waNTED THE DOMME VIDEO WHEN HE SAID OH BUT I AM A BLACK MAN DO YOU MIND?  
     i said no that is fine.  
 but then he sprung the offer for 50 bucks for the second hour the video is filmed, then he sprung the wanting me to arrange some one to film it, I was like seriously?  
 all in all i am sure one say a black man will book a full hour and be polite and be ok with being screened, I am still waiting on that day but , am open to it possibly happening .  
 but I do kinda get it, and dont see an issue if people wanna see certain races because of thier personal experiewnce, i do get it.  
 the end result at end day is to have fun make money and deal with as little bullshit possible.  

GaGambler 139 reads
121 / 138

and forgive me, but who else is he accusing of being a stalker?

Could it be that he is accusing you are being a stalker because, well because you've been stalking a friend of his?

and Inicky is hardly the only one who posts on multiple boards, just how long have you had this persecution problem?

KattieGold 487 reads
122 / 138

If you speak about provider about "lady" you are respectfull gentleman.

Posted By: realcrimsonlass
I look at ads on bp  before I go to a new area. I often  read   NO BLACK MEN PLEASE.  I understand personal preference and that's cool.  But given the special circumstances,  I don't believe this is really about attraction or lack thereof.  I am ever so curious about this.  I didn't pay too much attention until I saw a black womans ad that said it.  I am going to start putting the types of men I don't want to see in my ass. NO ARROGANT FUCK STICKS PLEASE.  😉

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 163 reads
123 / 138

Sir Rodless, it would appear YOU are the liar. You tell folks  a poster is from MN and clearly he's not. You claim to not have vip yet like a little school girl you report kind hearted pm's to admin which requires vip according to my personal Cpa. Then you claim someone here forced dear Angel to toss you under the bus when she seems to be her own woman or are you claiming she's spineless and can't think for herself? Maybe I'll ask her to opine here? What say you? You truly are a sociopath.  

I guess lunch is out?

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 4:53:31 AM

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 181 reads
124 / 138

Claiming you can't think for yourself and are easily manipulated? Just curious.

GaGambler 102 reads
125 / 138

I did NOT mean that you will be changing the minds of any hookers. I simply meant that by going about your business of being a decent human being, eventually attitudes will change. It's a shame that there are still people that feel this way, but we have made huge strides over the last few decades, and hopefully we will make further progress in the future.

JohnyComeAlready 581 reads
126 / 138

I've never met a black man whose admitted to seeing a provider.

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 142 reads
127 / 138

I have seen his wife. She almost made me a watcher of "Witches of East End," but I couldn't make it through a whole hour. There might not be enough heat in the world to make that happen.

VuittonNeverfullGM 545 reads
128 / 138

Anybody check the news?  Ferguson, Baltimore....Too bad "the button" does not exist to blow those ignorant, looting fuckers and those states off the map.

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 530 reads
129 / 138

Posted By: ChaChingChump
Anybody check the news?  Ferguson, Baltimore....Too bad "the button" does not exist to blow those ignorant, looting fuckers and those states off the map.
-- Modified on 5/3/2015 3:29:50 PM

-- Modified on 5/3/2015 3:31:24 PM

VuittonNeverfullGM 454 reads
130 / 138

And presently what I'm seeing is a lot of black folk burning down and robbing their communities when shit don't go their way.  Raise taxes and build more prisons!  If you can't kill em, lock em up.  

If the Jews can get over Hitler, I think Black Folk can drop the whole slavery debauchery, no?

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 404 reads
131 / 138

someone else communities would have been "smarter". It was surely ignorant, foolish and misplaced but there were waaaay more black folks along with many other colors voicing their concerns the right way. The mere fact that you think that faction of black young idiots were doing that because of their thoughts or anger at "slavery" surely makes you one of the most ignorant. You won't find the average black person to disagree it was asinine. They were opportunists. They weren't angry at any injustice which may have occurred in Baltimore and definitely weren't angry at "slavery" as you call it because they have never experienced it motherfucker. I won't get into why those idiots are the way they are but they are not the majority of black men. Multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and I know for sure too complicated for your simple mind. Without question.  

Your simple-minded, sensationalized thoughts and "solutions" prove you are indeed ignorant. Now I ask you plain and simple, what is your reason for such ignorance and short-sided thought process.  

You can raise taxes and build more prisons for sure. You wouldn't need to if too many poor black, white and brown dudes were in there for non-violent drug "crimes" anyhow. Thanks to the dumbass Ronald Reagan who children don't even respect him. You know, the one who listened to psychics for advice during his terms. Yeah, him. While the white motherfuckers who for the most part only have the money and the connections to PUSH those drugs in BULK are chilling and still pushing them. You want some jails for them too? You want jails for those crooks on Wall Street? Huh, do you?  You want jails for those white pedophiles running a muck out there. For them kidnappers. Mostly white. Them older white men with 5 to 10 DUIs on their record and still driving drunk? Huh. You want jails for them sports nuts burning shit, and causing chaos for their team losing? Huh. Did you want jails for them hate groups who burned shit, actually Killed people in the past and still now if you pay attention to more than just the sensationalized news cycles. Huh?

I'm sorry that your mother and father were brother and sister. It's not your fault and I know you're still mad at them! Let it go! You're breathing! Btw. Are you Jewish? I've known a few Jews and The Holocaust effect still reigns strong in the minds of many but it's beyond the point.  

You're not living in the present if you think a lot of black men are savages who need to be locked up more than the corrupt dangerous white men out there. You're living with your head in your ass! Funny Goggles my man or my woman! You surely sound like a female!

And you had best be an atheist! That still wouldn't help you out in my eyes but you at least best be that or I could come at you 10 thousand ways sideways with your hypocrisy on that front.

Wake up and if you don't want to actually help people even in the face of what you see as being savages, shut the fuck up. Those savages ain't worried about you and never will be! Stop worrying about them because you saw them on your TV!
Posted By: ChaChingChump
And presently what I'm seeing is a lot of black folk burning down and robbing their communities when shit don't go their way.  Raise taxes and build more prisons!  If you can't kill em, lock em up.    
 If the Jews can get over Hitler, I think Black Folk can drop the whole slavery debauchery, no?

HectorBlack 12 Reviews 535 reads
132 / 138

you want jails for them too. I could go all day with you but I'm tired.

Peace out Mofo! Good luck to your KIND! Lol. Smh.
Posted By: ChaChingChump
And presently what I'm seeing is a lot of black folk burning down and robbing their communities when shit don't go their way.  Raise taxes and build more prisons!  If you can't kill em, lock em up.    
 If the Jews can get over Hitler, I think Black Folk can drop the whole slavery debauchery, no?

FTMZacharyPrince See my TER Reviews 461 reads
133 / 138

Posted By: ChaChingChump
And presently what I'm seeing is a lot of black folk burning down and robbing their communities when shit don't go their way.  Raise taxes and build more prisons!  If you can't kill em, lock em up.    
 If the Jews can get over Hitler, I think Black Folk can drop the whole slavery debauchery, no?

fartsonhigher1 587 reads
134 / 138

Gorilla Pimping is fading and being replaced by Finesse Pimping. Pimps need to recruit and contacting girls who aren't on the track is now necessary. It doesn't matter if the girl has a pimp or not.  Girls now have the option to leave one pimp for another with a certain protocol. If a pimp is smooth he will be successful.

The second problem in Wannabees. Thug culture glamorizes hustling. There are young guys who are enamored with the idea of being a pimp, but have not been on the streets and don't know what pimping really is. They are usually just crass, rough, misogynistic jerks. They don't try to break into the game on the street. They don't know how. They just call ads, book a session, and wing it. (These are the same knucklehead you see at strip clubs posing as rappers.) They are assholes when it comes to women.

Easy to understand why any provider who ran into one of these guys once would decide no black guys.

hbyist+truth=;( 375 reads
135 / 138

Racism, like sexism is here to stay.

hbyist+truth=;( 415 reads
136 / 138

There will always be a lower element in any race. if that is not your cup of tea, then advertise (website, images etc) to who you want to see. It really is not that hard.

fartsonhigher1 468 reads
137 / 138

Rampant naivety.  
I mean you are spot on. Unfortunately, not everyone can figure that sort of thing out on there own.

batmanbegins 83 reads
138 / 138

Sorry but racism is far worse. You are a moron if you think otherwise. White women if anything control too much so give it a rest.  Between a AA person and white woman, the AA had it worst. White women owned slaves in the South. Seeing a AA or another minority suffer is more heartbreaking.

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