TER General Board

Dow-Jones 37 reads

I would want to know.  I've had a couple of experiences with retiring ladies.  Both of them continued to see me after they announced their retirement and took down their websites and ads.

The first was in graduate school and retired publicly after graduation.  She continued to see me as she searched for a job.  After finding something in her desired career, we let me know that she could no longer see me.  She did this in a very nice email that was heartfelt and thanking me for everything.

The second is the complete opposite.  This is a lady that I saw over a period of 10 years.  We spent weeks together and we met in New York, Las Vegas, Chicago, San Francisco, DC and other locations.  I took her to half a dozen Broadway plays, the finest restaurants, and other attractions.  We had a rendezvous scheduled that I had to cancel because of an unexpected family issue on my end.  She had already bought her tickets, but I reimbursed her in full for the cost.  Once that was complete and acknowledged, she ghosted me.  I know her real name, she's alive and well.  I am very disappointed in her failure to say goodbye.

I’m curious if you gentlemen would want to know before if a provider is leaving the industry?

Yes, I would want to know, esp if she was someone I had seen several times.


I’d absolutely want to know if I’ve met with her two or more times. Everyone has to do what’s best for them so I wouldn’t take it personally if she didn’t let me know first; but I’d certainly hope for and appreciate her telling me.  

If it’s somebody I haven’t met but happens to have been on my radar then a public heads up can be really cool, but there’s obviously no expectation there.

RespectfulRobert26 reads

Some of my best dates were with women I saw for the last time. Sharing memories, funny stories with a bit of nostalgia and melancholy mixed in, can all add up to an incredible date. :)

I do get a bit emotionally involved especially if it is someone I have been seeing for several years, which is the case with almost all the gals I know.

I just want to know that the reason I don't hear from them anymore is nothing tragic.

Posted By: mrfisher
Re: Definitely....

 I just want to know that the reason I don't hear from them anymore is nothing tragic.

This. Big time.

I’d like to know. I had been wanting to see a provider for some time, and finally did. She was knockout beautiful, and a really outstanding woman. We were just cleaning up afterwards, when she told me she was going home to retire and go back to school. She’s quite intelligent, and a sweet girl. I was really touched that I had gotten to see her before she retired for good.  Only one time, but I felt lucky to had met her. I told her that she had really touched me, and I wished her well. It was a bittersweet moment. I still think of her sometimes.

If it's someone I've been seeing I would want to know. Ideally I'd like a chance to see her once more time at least.  

I had a favorite up in CT who followed me down to DC. She moved to the West Coast and kept coming back to the DC area every 3 months like clockwork.  

She had a job in healthcare and got a new position so she needed to cancel a planned tour. She said she would be back in the spring or summer. I never heard from her again. I hope nothing bad happened to her and not knowing is difficult. That was almost 2 years ago.  

So yes, a heads up is always appreciated.

-- Modified on 11/22/2023 12:45:33 AM

And I appreciated it. But for most of them I don't expect it, since it's none of my business.

The more info the better.

Many reasons... there's always gals on the tdl that you might want to see before they hang it up. There's some faves that you'd like to revisit before they quit. Also obviously to know not to recommend a fav if she's not working anymore.

I had a fovorite lady I had met a bunch of times. She was an amazing young woman, beautiful, intelligent, successful civvie business, and a terrific provider.
I had one last date scheduled just before she was to leave the business, but then she suddenly contacted me to apologize and say she was done, so it never happened.
I wished her well but was sad for missing what would have been an amzing goodbye.

In fact, a companion I wanted to see again retired before I had a chance to see her again.  :(   She told me she was retiring but I just couldn't swing an appt before she retired.  :(

I ever saw by a provider was a UCLA coed that was about to receive her Master's degree at the end of the school year in June, so in January, she posted on her website that she would not be accepting any new clients, but that her existing clients were still welcome to book with her.  30 days later she password-protected her website for existing customers only.  Then in mid-April, about six weeks out from the end, she announced to her regulars that she would be retiring June 1st because she was graduating and had committed to a job in London immediately after graduation.  May 1st, she put up a schedule that allowed all of her long-time customers to request a last session with her during her last two weeks.  Then she shut down her website and nobody ever saw her again . . . . except for me.  On one of my trips to London the next year, I looked her up and we shared dinner and a bottle of wine, and laughed and talked about all of the craziness she left behind in LA.  She was a class act for one so young (28) that her regulars will never forget.  

I think it depends on how good the provider is. I mean if she's the Hobbyists top favorite (Meaning if that's one of the Providers that he needs on hand). Then I truly believe it would matter.    

I absolutely would want to know especially if I have spent several sessions with them.

Dow-Jones38 reads

I would want to know.  I've had a couple of experiences with retiring ladies.  Both of them continued to see me after they announced their retirement and took down their websites and ads.

The first was in graduate school and retired publicly after graduation.  She continued to see me as she searched for a job.  After finding something in her desired career, we let me know that she could no longer see me.  She did this in a very nice email that was heartfelt and thanking me for everything.

The second is the complete opposite.  This is a lady that I saw over a period of 10 years.  We spent weeks together and we met in New York, Las Vegas, Chicago, San Francisco, DC and other locations.  I took her to half a dozen Broadway plays, the finest restaurants, and other attractions.  We had a rendezvous scheduled that I had to cancel because of an unexpected family issue on my end.  She had already bought her tickets, but I reimbursed her in full for the cost.  Once that was complete and acknowledged, she ghosted me.  I know her real name, she's alive and well.  I am very disappointed in her failure to say goodbye.

I’m truly sorry that happened to you that’s never a good feeling to be ghosted when you were very generous.

Sounds like the second lady provided the fantasy you were paying for. If you are handing them cash to associate with you they are NOT real friends.  
Regardless of the actresses posting here about all their clients as friends, if the money stops, if the "friendship" stops as well, you'll understand the true nature of their association with you.

I totally disagree. Sorry you have not made any real friends in this industry, but they are out there. I have kept friends I met in this lifestyle that our friendship did not end when the money stopped. Friends are people who truly care about your personal wellbeing.

Dow-Jones19 reads

The graduate student I referred to was a friend. I knew a lot about her and vice versa. We cried on each other’s shoulders when our mothers died a few months apart.  

The second did a good job of making me feel like there was some sort of connection, but obviously there was none. That’s OK, but there could have been a thank you.

You must have missed where I said "if."  Of course friendships can form. However it's also a marketing claim. There are quality used cars out there but only an idiot takes the seller's word for it..
What percentage of your own clients make it to REAL friend status, not merely friendly? One in a hundred? One in a thousand?  
The probabilities are low. Nobody can have hundreds of "close" friends. This biz is sex by the hour. That's it. Clients wishcasting doesn't make it come true.

Some friends have never paid for sex it’s pure companionship. Not everyone is interest in what you seek. Thanks for sharing. No need to respond. I have never had thousands, or hundreds of clients. I stopped offering 1 hour dates years ago. My percentage of friends are high because I have been very selective on choosing whom I share my time with. Chemistry & compatibility are important to me. I’m done it’s no sense on going back & forth with you. Good day!

This has been my experience as well.  Not with every companion I've seen, but with several.  We're still good friends today.

I guess I am looking at it more from the business side and would like to know a lady or ladies that can take over my "accounts" and would be providing good service to my gentleman friends after I leave. Financially I will be set to move on when I am about 50, so that will be in about 7 years. Making sure there is a good provider to take my place is honestly more of a concern of mine than keeping in touch. I live in a small community so I am sure I will still bump into people, but life goes on and we all change and move on.

Is that a thing?  Like selling a mailing list.  Except the product was you.  

I sell a service, not a product, my dear!

Unless you are disembodied, you probably sell both, but certainly sell a product.

Unless you are leaving the appointment with one of my body parts, no, there is definitely no product you are purchasing.  
You are smarter than this......

It's actually kind of funny how the government classifies manufacturing jobs vs service jobs.  For instance, if you drive a truck at a mining operation, that's a manufacturing job.  If you drive a truck on the highway, that's a service job.

So i can plow the butthole one more time and give that gaper a nice french kiss adios.

eating my lunch and ended up throwing the rest of it away.  I should not have looked at your review list.  Lol

That would factor into my decisions.

Years ago, I went to Philly and saw someone who retired a month after I saw her. If I knew she was going to retire soon, I probably would've seen someone else (I had a good time either way, but I would've rather seen someone that had a chance of still being around the next time I decided to visit Philly).

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