TER General Board

about 40% of the time they don't even look at my profile
Pablito 1741 reads
1 / 23

if an independent  provider who subscribes to P411 doesn't check your creds on P411 after you have supplied them?

I gave a stranger provider my P411 ID several days ago for an appointment and she didn't look me up. Of course she also could look me up by my TER Id. She doesn't know me nor do we have anyone in common.  

How often do providers you've never seen fail to check out your P411?

Just seemed a little strange to me

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 673 reads
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and while most do, I've had  times where they didn't.
The dates still worked out fine.
As long as she is well-reviewed, I wouldn't worry about this too much

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 630 reads
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in the community it would be nothing, or could be sign or providers not doing due diligence before meeting the guy.  

A lot of gals will tell you tall tales of how they check references and verify you, but a lot of them (not all) don't do much at all.. I've noticed this for years...

Without knowing more details of who you are, what your reputation is, and what else you provided during verification its hard to comment anything beyond what I said...

AZCalvin69 480 reads
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It has happened to me a few times. Does give one pause...

Pablito 444 reads
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P411 allows tracking if a provider views your profile. You can even be emailed when they do.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 404 reads
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if right option is checked..

I am assuming the OP has it checked on his profile.. If he doesn't have that checked, there is a way to track the provider activity as it relates to accessing your profile..

USGrantlover 220 Reviews 516 reads
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You get notified when they check your profile. When they don't open the profile they still can see your # of ok's, who gave them, when, how long a member etc. I don't THINK we get a notification when they just view our overall profile. I saw a gal recently who didn't check my profile directly and asked her why not. She said "I saw your ok's, checked with a few of them that you were ok and moved on. Just my 2 cents.

inicky46 61 Reviews 662 reads
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If she's got a good review history, the fact that she didn't check my P411 account wouldn't bother me.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 526 reads
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inicky46 61 Reviews 547 reads
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But you have so much more to be embarrassed for.  And you don't know it.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 530 reads
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Contact THROUGH P411.  If someone just gives me their P411 ID, I disregard it and use my other usual methods.

Also though, she can confirm your name, that the ID exists, and number of ok's without clicking on your full profile and triggering a "viewed" message.

impposter 49 Reviews 610 reads
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A few things of concern in this thread.  

I'm on Date-Check but the lady I was in contact with was not so she couldn't check me out directly.  However, she had a D-C friend (provider and sometimes doubles partner) of hers check me out.  On D-C, you can see who has recently checked your profile, so that's how you know that someone checked you out.  So the friend-check worked out.

Then, of course, I never just drop my name or handle but I prove that I'm really me by PM or email from my D-C email and stuff like that.  I guess providers should wait for an authentic contact and just not take someone's name-claim as a matter of fact

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 424 reads
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mojojo 1 Reviews 746 reads
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I'm not on p411, but I do get nervous if a new lady doesn't check my impeccable references. I know, there are many other ways a lady can check you out. If she's going to use the other methods, why ask for references? I've taken the time to provide references. I've taken the time to give my references a heads up someone may be contacting them. Often times they'll send a quick reply. So we've jumped through a few hoops to help make you ladies feel safe.  

So what does it mean if you don't check? Here's what runs through my mind. You're lazy, and your session is going to be lazy. Or, you're busier than hell, and your session will have a busy, herded cattle feel to it. Or, you're unorganized, and your session will feel scattered, if it happens at all. Or, you're on drugs, causing all of the above to happen, and more. Or, you're not who you say you are....blah blah  I'm not getting a very good vibe with all these thoughts I'm having. I think I'll cancel my request to session. So if you've asked for refs, and are using your other methods to check me out, you might want to communicate that to me.  

I have a really good relationship with the ladies I use for refs. So what really happens when you ask for them? What normally happens yes, but also the reverse. I'm using those same refs to check you out. It's fair and open communication all the way around. You see, this is a very expensive endeavor. Very very expensive. As a gentleman, I'm going to use, in a highly professional manner, every means available to insure, not only a great session, but more importantly, my comfort and safety. In return, especially for its expensiveness, I think it's fair to expect that same high end professionalism on your part.

freebore 80 Reviews 541 reads
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When she received your request, she was sitting in Olive Garden eating a salad with her BFF. She turned to her bestie and asked, "Do you know this guy?"

Bestie tells her, "Oh yeah he's great, shows up on time, clean, got a little bitty dick and cums in two minutes, always tips"  

And you are screened. Never underestimate the good ole gal network.

earthshined 463 reads
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but some look at it 2-3 times before the appointment.

i don't know if  they call/check my OK references because  I don't ask.

hljockey 2 Reviews 548 reads
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.... with the last 4 ladies I contacted through P411. The last one even told me she never looked at my profile before she scheduled the appointment.  Doesn't make me nervous but it does make me wonder what information they get when P411 sends them an email with an appointment request. If it includes the number of provider okays it makes more sense but if they are just going by the fact that you are P411 verified, then why bother to even get the Okay's?

Another thing it's leading me to think is that is that high-end escorting is becoming a fairly low-risk business for the ladies at least as far as getting busted by LE goes

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