TER General Board

A Question on the ethics of reports; long & probably boring
Mr. Oneeye 3 Reviews 3724 reads

Please forgive me if this question has been asked before, but I am somewhat of a newbie here, having only discovered TER early this year. So far I have seen 4 ladies, two of whom I reviewed; one of the others specifically asked me not to review her & I am still mulling over the last one.

Please permit me to digress, but the relevance of this will soon become apparent. There is a history of annual performance reviews at my company for as long as it has been in business, however when we bought it a few years ago I was instrumental in bringing in some changes in the procedure. Before these changes the reporter & the subject would have a meeting where the subject gets their first sight of the report & they would then discuss it. The new system requires that the reporter prepares their report 10 days before the scheduled meeting & then gives it to the subject who has one week to prepare their response which is then given to the reporter & both are then discussed at the meeting.

Knowing the above, obviously when I did reports on the two ladies I have seen, I offered them a chance to read the reports prior to submission to TER. Their responses were interesting, one said “Oh my God, No. I never read my reports” and the other read the report but made no changes or deletions.

So my question to the readers of this forum, on both sides of the bed, is; to the ladies, “Would you appreciate seeing a report prior to posting?” And to the gents, do any of you ever show reports to the lady in question prior to posting; or is doing this contrary to the spirit of TER?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

ChrissyStone3343 reads

On rare occasions, I've been given an unsolicited copy of a review before it was submitted. I would never ask for any changes (unless something minor like calling my eyes the wrong color in the review.)

I don't think TER has any particular policy about showing reviews to the ladies ahead of time, but I think in overall fairness, reviewers probably shouldn't be doing it on a regular basis. There's too much room for pressure from the lady to have the review altered and improved.

(With the corporate scenerio, since the lady is usually not sleeping with the boss, LOL, her threats of cutting off the BJ's if the job review is too low isn't going to happen.)

I ALWAYS give the lady the option to see the review before it is submitted.  The reason is simple...there is a mutually erotic encounter that has taken place and I don't want the other person to feel uncomfortable, if they don't want it published.

For the record, I NEVER CHANGE ONE WORD.  It does not effect what I write or how I review (I'm sure you have read some of my stories and style).  I have only been asked once not to publish a review.  I honored her request out of respect.  She wanted to keep what happened between the two of us.  BTW, it was one of the most erotic experiences of my life.  The review was not posted because it was bad.

Just one man's thoughts.

I think in this arena, to each his own. Provided no wording is changed to make the encounter seem better than it was. I would have no problem showing a provider a review before submitting it. Some providers have offered me more than is on the normal menu for various reasons and may not want the service provided to be advertised. I have never actually emailed a copy of a review to a provider but I usually ask if any part of our encounter should go unmentioned.

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