TER General Board

A question for the Ladies....
WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 5269 reads

Hello Lovely Ladies,

Would like to have your opinion on something. I think that it would be great to have a board for us providers. They have a board for porn stars and TS's but not one for us.

It would not have to be private, like the other board. I just think that it would be nice if we had our own place to chat, as sometimes we have questions that only another provider could answer or understand. Also, it would be a good source for the ladies to have for safety, as dangerous clients could also be posted. I just think it would be a good place to look out for one another.

What do you ladies think?

The 1st National Providers Appreciation Day is May 2, 2004
And since this date was made by the TER members, maybe staff will consider a board for the wonderful providers on TER.

Luv to my Sisters,

SuperBowlKen2198 reads

The ladies need and deserve a board of their own.  They need to be able to express their thoughts and opinions among themselves.  The ladies need to be able to help each another; whether is is advice or references so they have a sense of security.

I am all for this idea and NPAD on May 2nd would be a great day for TER to kick this one off.


are for hobbyist to interact with those special groups as they do with you ladies here. They are not restricted boards. You can even post there. But your idea is still a good one.

I was speaking of the providers board on TBD. It is private and for providers only. I don't post on TBD, but think it is a good idea to have a providers board, whether it be private or public.
Would be nice to have one on TER, as this is where I like to play. ;)

I'm sorry, if I didn't make myself clear on this issue.

-- Modified on 4/27/2004 5:27:26 PM

without giving out the posters name.Dont know if this is workable but if only the providers could read the names they could use it for whatever and if just the text of the messages were readable by hobbiests think of the insight it would be.

How would you keep out those who might pose as providers?

I believe you have to have an active website, and be known/reviewd.  A password is sent to your e-mail.  You then simply log in with your chosen user name and assigned password.

Sounds like something that can be done very easily. Have you considered pioneering it yourself, with TER's endorsement?

I'm in Portland, OR and the main local board I use has a providers only area. The information I've found in there has been absolutely priceless and so helpful to my business. From dangerous clients, to health issues and often times, just the opportunity to blow off a little steam without having to worry about hobbyists taking offense.
It has also helped us providers grow closer as a community. We've actually started a girls night out every other month. For many providers, the opportunity to talk about our work with other people (family/friends) is extemely limited, if it exists at all. I can't tell you how meaningful it's been to me to be able to have open and honest discussions with other providers...no one understands what we do better than other providers.
It's an excellent idea and I think TER would benefit as a whole from adding such a board. Let's face it, at present this board is more geared toward the hobbyist and their concerns/issues...I think it would be a good way for TER to support the providers concerns as well, since without us, who would the hobbyists be seeing? Just my .02. xxxx Octavia.

it would be pointless.  An open provider board would be no different from this board.  You will have the same reservations about posting certain remarks as you do here.

That you'd withdraw attention from this board for that one.  I'd feel that it would detract from what I pay for VIP status.  If it's to be open, then why have it?

However, I've got to think that such a service must be offered somewhere.  I was rather surprised the board doesn't already provide it.


I honestly, don't think it would take away from the ladies posting on this board. In fact, I think that it may  bring more ladies to this one! Can, never have enough good ladies around! LOL

A lot of us providers are VIP, so I think it would be a little something special for us.


-- Modified on 4/28/2004 9:09:36 AM

sexxygirrl2895 reads

At first glance, it seems like a great idea.

However, with an "open" board (where eveyone can read the posts), I think the ladies would be hesitant to bring up some of their concerns for fear of alienating some of the men.

For example, on the "other" ladies board, I've seen posts where ladies describe female medical problems--bleeding, discharges, etc, and ask for advice. If a guy read that, he might be turned off and never contact her mistakenly thinking she has a STD or some horrible condition. (Even with aliases, after awhile, you can sometimes figure out what city a lady is from, and then deduce her identity.)

I've also seen ladies post very personal information about their SO's (marital problems, the SO's drug problems, physical abuse, etc). They post because they want to vent and need other ladies' emotional support and advice. Again, however, that would be a major turn-off to the men who scanned the board.

So, if the ladies are afraid or embarrassed to post their real concerns, it may turn into a boring vanilla board where all you see are recipes and women bragging about how much money a certain client spent on her (that petty stuff goes on as well at the other board.)

So, in order to be useful, a ladies-only board would need to be completely private (no men).

Yet, many guys are concerned, and rightly so, that ladies may reveal too much client ID in a private board. The moderators are supposed to remove all such posts, but even on the other board, those would stay up for a few hours, enough for the cut and paste.

So, if TER could develop a private board that could be assured of protecting client privacy, that would be perfect.

Can it be done, though?

Staff1981 reads

Many of you may know this but TER used to have a provider only board.  It was removed a couple of years ago when TBD was arrested.  Some of the issues we ran into:

There is no such thing as a completely private board.  Don’t get me wrong, the software is very good at keeping unauthorized people out, but that did not stop providers from allowing “the guys” to peek over their shoulder or copying messages from the board to email.

“The guys” had a huge issue with any part of TER that they could not access.  Believe it or not, I still get complaints from some guys that they cannot get on the moderators board. (The private board the TER moderators use to communicate with each other.)

Because of legal restrictions, no real names, etc were allowed to be posted on the board.  Providers could only tell the story and ask people to PM them for “details.”  Most providers were cool with this part.

Our attorneys were a bit uncomfortable with a provider only area.  Though it was within the law, they were afraid that it would bring unwanted attention to TER from LE.  After TBD’s vacation, we decided to pull it just to be safe.

I am not saying that we cannot have a provider only board again. (Technically, the board is still here, just turned off)  I would need a huge amount of support from the providers in order to make it worth the amount of effort.

What do you think?

-- Staff

I thought that this would be a great thing for the ladies and I have to admit, I was a little disappointed in the lack of responses from the ladies.

Thanks Again,


-- Modified on 4/29/2004 9:43:20 AM

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