TER General Board

A paper cut.
djddla 2352 reads
1 / 29

Mom admitted to the hospital this morning
( email arrives 1/2 hour before your afternoon date )
Everything happens for a reason so these things don't bother me

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 956 reads
2 / 29

to the hospital?
Wow, that is very generous of you...
You should get the Humanitarian of the Year Award for this.
Well done.

DamienScott 746 reads
3 / 29

He was saying her canceling didn't bother him. Geez.............

Epsilon_Eridani 609 reads
5 / 29

... the point of the post is??

aside from the cancellation not bothering you, what are we supposed to do about it?
Posted By: djddla
Mom admitted to the hospital this morning  
 ( email arrives 1/2 hour before your afternoon date )  
 Everything happens for a reason so these things don't bother me

AdelleAnderson See my TER Reviews 686 reads
6 / 29

I have had to cancel because I was sick......
and come to think of it, one time my mom had been admitted to the hospital. She ended up with a pace maker - not that you want to know that...

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 512 reads
7 / 29

I had a lady cancel on me via text 5 minutes before our scheduled time saying she had to attend a family emergency in Mexico. Thought the timing was a bit strange.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 599 reads
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and it's definitely a more forwarding interpretation!

In 2 years, I can only think of 3 or 4 cancellations I've received. All but one were from women I've seen before and know fairly well, and I simply had no reason to question any reason they provided for cancellation. I've never had a NCNS, and I don't think anyone has ever cancelled with less than 24 hours notice.  

LOL, I've had more WORK meetings cancelled, rescheduled or no-showed than dates in this little world

akiya See my TER Reviews 629 reads
9 / 29

Because he cut himself shaving. That was over two years ago and I still don't believe him.

HandleWithCare 537 reads
10 / 29

Depending on what was cut and the severity of the cut, that might be a pretty good excuse!

Hopefully he made it up to you later.

harborview 10 Reviews 715 reads
12 / 29

must have forgot to shut off call forwarding on her phone.  Totally forgot about out prescheduled appt which I totally get in the scheme of life spectrum...  I'm hardly a bump in the road.    
Yes it WAS real...  I saw her a few months later...  Cards & service program were still out on her mantle.  She was a wreck.  Her sister made it all the way through chemo before unexpectedly collapsing...  leaving a family with young children.  Everyone thought she'd beaten the breast cancer.  
No, sister was not a provider.  
I was never able to TER review the provider because TER rules about advertizing.  

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 1:39:57 PM

skarphedin 593 reads
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akiya See my TER Reviews 715 reads
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But I assumed, if it was true, that he cut himself down there. And no, he didn't make it up to me like he said he would (hotel room cost was all I asked for, especially since he knew I just secured the room 30 mins prior to his canceling our appointment). That's really the reason why I didn't believe him, because he didn't make good on his word.

akiya See my TER Reviews 597 reads
15 / 29
SolaLove See my TER Reviews 556 reads
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Yesterday I cancelled a session over a paper cut.  Ok, I didn't cancel - I rescheduled.  It was deep, from cardboard and today the finger is still throbbing.  The option I gave was that I could wear gloves.  Buyers choice!

I've had to cancel over illness and family emergencies in the past... but where else in the world do you call in sick because of a paper cut?!  

I'm still laughing a bit..

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 594 reads
18 / 29

I still went through with the appointment, just didn't do DFK. I cut my lower lip :D

Since then I've stopped shaving...

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 4:56:57 PM

akiya See my TER Reviews 561 reads
19 / 29
smallsteps 4 Reviews 703 reads
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and only an hour before our appointment.  It was a lame excuse, but I don't really know.  Nor do I care.  I had seen her a few times before.  That was awhile ago, and there have been no issues since.   I always will give someone a free pass--but just once.    
Shit happens;  this was not a provider, but her excuse for not showing up was that "a tree fell on my house."

And she had pictures to prove it;  so I always let things slide a bit.   But if it happens a second time, that's a red flag

HandleWithCare 689 reads
21 / 29

Awhile back a provider cancelled on me at the last minute because she had to take her puppy to the vet for a broken leg.  Well, of course, no problem! She did make the reschedule a couple days later.

The next time I scheduled a session with this provider, we confirmed by text a day ahead and also 2 hours before the appointment.  And she was a NCNS. No word from her on why--hopefully not another broken leg on her puppy.  

Then some time later I read a review for this provider that mentioned the reviewer's initial appointment had been cancelled because--you guessed it--the provider's puppy had broken its leg and she had to take it to the vet. That poor dog, must have brittle bones or something!

Too bad, as she was really hot... the provider I mean.

-- Modified on 11/20/2014 7:14:58 PM

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 506 reads
22 / 29

I almost cancelled once for this.
Now I just take care of that part of my prep the night before, incase of any cuts down "there."

abacus17 43 Reviews 682 reads
23 / 29

I once was traveling to a cold upper Midwestern city and had a Saturday play date scheduled. On Friday the lady emailed me that she had "retired."  Miraculously, a week later, she was apparently "unretired," judging from her ads, and the flow of subsequent reviews. Guess my timing was just bad, lol.

IronRooster 13 Reviews 580 reads
24 / 29

For me, it's about communication. An email the night before is more than enough warning for me and much appreciated. If it's within an hour of the time, I'm disappointed but understanding (and don't really need to know the reason). If it's a pattern, I move on wishing them the best.

There's a point (second delay/cancel) where I start to question how well they manage verifications, screenings and client info and move on to the next wonderful lady!

MochaNautteBBW See my TER Reviews 622 reads
25 / 29

I once cancelled a scheduled appointment because I was at a certain no-tell in VA when Uncle Leo came and arrested 5 providers. My room was in a corner and LEO was just steps away from my door. The man was on his way to me and I told him not to show up. I left the hotel when the sun came up and went back home to NYC. Luckily, LE didn't bother me. Will never return to that part of VA ever again. PM me for more information.

djddla 472 reads
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djddla 660 reads
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Think about the question
Think about the time the email was received
I hope it was just an excuse for her Mom's sake
I take blame that I didn't spell out the question
clearly for you to understand

djddla 504 reads
28 / 29

you provided an incorrect statement rather than answer the question.

djddla 581 reads
29 / 29

Yes she promised to do so the next day but I told her not to go through the trouble.
Now take your finger out of your ass and stop smelling it.

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