TER General Board

A forum on TER where providers can give feedback on clients. Wouldn't that be funteeth_smile
Boobsman100 20 Reviews 1076 reads


I was  thinking of you getting  exposed,  that you  actuality  did not make her 'cum' three times during the date .  She  fake the  orgasim to satisfy your ego.

So all am saying is that it would be funny to hear what providers say about us.
So guys like you who like to boast how you  gave her a tongue lashing, might just be making a fool of yourself.  
Not saying orgasm doesn't happen, all am saying is  be sure about that.

Can't  blame the Ladies thought they get paid to put on a show and satisfy our ego.

  I don't need a separate forum to give feed back about an person on here. All a person has to do is be specific on who they are talking about (Client or Provider) and those who read the forum........will  understand it.

a few days ago, you said you do it "automatically regardless", which means even if he does not want a whitelist, he will get one from you.  Did you change your policy in the last few days?  If so, should define the qualifications for what you consider to be a "respectful gentlemen" so mongers know what your new rules are before booking.  It's always a red flag when providers are ambiguous about their own rules and conditions.  

brownjack22 reads

"Be careful what you wish for, you might get it."


"it would be funny to hear what providers say about us."  I'm certain you mean, "it would be funny to hear what providers say about other guys."  You may learn that you don't enjoy an unfiltered review of your performance.  You'll be much happier going on with your life, believing that you're an incredible lay.

True..after all  some guys like to get their ego validated . If the ladies deprived them of this that's bad business.

Providers do not rate clients on performance. Here is a list of things we will for sure tell another provider about you:
Poor hygiene
Haggling rates/screening/deposits (any that are applicable)  
ANY issues with payment  
Late for appt.  
Consistently rescheduling/canceling

And if you want to get blacklisted instantly:  

ANY physical/emotional/psychological abuse  
ANY false info you are using for screening  

Be clean, be a nice person, and be honest. You will then be considered a golden unicorn client!!!!

Good points. Makes sense that these are the things that matter.  

I don’t do any of that stuff, with the minor exception of sometimes asking for a different delivery method for the deposit. If the screening requirements seem inconsistent across various platforms, I might send one polite, respectful message with everything I’m willing to give. I guess some might view that as negotiating screening, but when certain things are asked for on one ad/profile and not on another; I don’t think I’m out of line by politely saying here’s what I can do, can we work something out.  

I definitely do all the things in your last paragraph! Maybe I’m a bronze or silver unicorn. I haven’t met anyone who didn’t seem eager to have me back.

AllTheTimeBaby20 reads

Great idea!

I am so tired of reading "She gasped when she saw my 12 inch dick" or "I'm larger than average, so she told me to go slowly."

Love to see these guys, and their cocktail franks, exposed!

The minute a provider wrote something bad or negative about a client in a public forum her work would start to drop off.

It's never good business to talk bad about your clients in public..never!

It is very much vice versa also buddy, just saying. Honestly is one thing, but when you clearly have an axe to grind and make yourself look like a fool most providers will for sure think twice about booking with you.

That's one of the  problem with a patriarchal society.  
But nonthess,you're right  you're the paying customer and you don't want to hear about your shortcomings, that's not what you paying for,

worried21 reads

It's like a restaurant writing reviews on their customers.  It would be worthless to me.

How about this. Kinda thinking outside the box here.
Have the young lady rate her review. Say on a scale of 1-5, 5 being thst the review is accurate, 1 if it’s it fake and full of shit. No comments allowed. Just a score.
Of course the ladies will have to be participants of TER.
Anyways, its just a thought .., now for my morning run
Think about it  
Dam I must have too much time on my hands 😂😂

If 100% fake reviewer should’ve banned . The issue with that is “he said she said”
Have seen reviews where provider provider did not do outcalls in first meet, reviewer described the apt. as a group setting and hers is totally private, and other similar. Now it is on this site to provider to prove said encounter or service did not happen. The thing then is neither can prove easily an offender will not admitt to the fake or be banned. Best result review deleated but does not stop offender.

I reported a fake review it took a month for TER to investigate & take it down because I require deposits to book he had no proof. The review was taken down after an entire month of investigation, but absolutely no penalty for the liar who wrote the fake review. I agree with you oldranger they should be banned.

That's for TER and both parties to iron out while they're going through all the "he said, she said" phase. The review will have a score of "1". And if the reviewer gets enough "1's" then maybe the reviewer could be noted as "suspicious reviewer" or fake reviewer and will be banned.
Look at it this way......
Say for example, there's a girl who doesn't allow FIV. The sessions went fine  without the FIV. per her rules.But the reviewer claims that he finger banged her into 5 O's. She can score the date a 3.  
What this does is to inform the viewing audience if the review is legit, 4 and 5's would be good scores. It's the young lady whos' giving the score.
Well, anyways...that's it...best and final

This is gonna be a medium to long read, so if you want the tl;Dr - such system has no safeguards against abuse, and will further thwart the number of honest, negative or less-than-glowing reviews. As well as it will ostracize clients who have higher standards and are tough graders.  

Let me preface the actual discussion of the proposed system by stating something that should be semi-obvious - as reviews influence money sellers are getting, it is generally within the sellers interest to silence or invalidate negative reviews. The incentive to do that is large because it is a direct monetary gain.

On the other hand, incentive for a client to write such a honest, negative review in this biz is a magnitude lower. Simply because there are far more issues he (or she, love ya lopaw) is bound to run into writing such a review than a positive one, from provider bl to angry provider stans, etc etc. The biggest incentive is really warning the next client, and that incentive cannot compare on the proverbial scale when balanced against enticing monetary incentive by the seller. When money and being fair/idealistic are on the same scale, it is clear what will weigh more.  


So it's fairly obvious to assume here that some percentage of sellers - if they have an opportunity backed up by incentive - would abuse such a system so that they are viewed in a better light.

So let's start from the beginning. Current system isn't ideal. Many sellers complain about turnaround of review dispute. This isn't ideal, BUT something that is often glossed over is that time as well as complexity both serve well as a deterrent of abuse.

Let's say a provider sees 20 negative reviews she/he wants to dispute. If they know if it will take 5 days of back and forth for each instance with typing up explanations, that is a lot of time. They would take the most egregious ones, if any, and won't bother with other ones.  

The amount of time they'd spend disputing these reviews for a chance of those reviews to be delisted is worth a lot of money. Possibly way more than they'd gain.  

However, if let's say we had some tech that you can just rate your own review you don't like as "1", seller can then rate all of these 20 reviews in under five minutes. Just by doing that, they improved their chances of making more money. So why not do it all the time then? If you can in fact make a review seem less authentic to other mongers, these five minutes of downvoting reviews turn into some of the most efficient ways to pump up your biz. Five minutes of "work" is worth it even if it gets you an extra trick, let alone 50 extra tricks. Fifty tricks at modest 400 an hour we'd have 20k profit off five minutes of "work". Why wouldnt every seller do this?  

We can project what will follow pretty easily.  

The negative reviews will be downvoted to the core of the earth. And many reviewers will stop writing legit negative reviews so as not to fall to the "untrusted reviewer" moniker.  

Giving the seller an ultimate ability to rate their own reviews with global visibility is just a not good idea in general.  


And the problem is, any safeguard I can think of - such as putting limits on rating reviews, requiring extra communication and review, that would serve as a deterrent of abuse, will just make the system more complicated and hard to follow, or will not achieve the same result as wanted.

Id argue the "like" system on ter reviews that is present currently does a similar or better job even if bugged (you cannot take back a lkke even when you liked smthng by accident). It is not limited to sellers either, anyone can like a review for whatever reason. Certain other sites that review let's say amp storefronts, enable comments in reviews that allows people to comment on reviews, however a lot of times disputed reviews back and forth become ugly.

and this would just make it worse. Besides, girls can already contest reviews they say are false. This happened on my very first review more than ten years ago. The review was dead-on accurate but I only gave her a 7 and she didn't like it. So she told TER the session never happened. This was a lie but they believed her and removed the review. They must not have been completely sure because they never punished me for writing a fake review. But it's an example for what can, and did, happen.

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