TER General Board

mojojo 1 Reviews 400 reads

C'mon, it was double figures!

Ok, to you reviewers  who find it necessary to to tell us in your review to "treat her nicely " I'm asking you "nicely" to please stop. Am I the only one who finds this a little insulting.Do we really have to be told to act that way? It's just common sense that more respectful you are to our lovely providers, the better the time for us. But aside from that, it's simply the right thing to do. And if some jerks out there(and I'm sure the ladies will vouch that there are some) you telling them to "treat her nicely" won't make one bit of difference to those idiots. I know in the scheme of things this isn't a big deal, but I just had to get it off my chest. Stay safe and have fun everyone.

He is telling you that that hooker is special to him and is looking for a way to curry favor with HER, and this isn't really written for the johns reading it.

Of course it's idiotic and stupid, but when you read all the shit here about dudes falling in love with every hooker they meet (don't laugh, a dude here actually posted that shit not too long ago), this issue is small potatoes.

Ouch but you are correct. Dudes fall in love. So do the ladies. Does it matter how they met? If you are lucky to love, I think it's great. Besides, guys love forbidden fruit. Step on another guy's territory does give some a hard on. I don't know. Just saying.

Yes, it's annoying.  So is "we fell into each other's arms like long-lost lovers," and "run don't walk." And they've been ridiculed many times on the boards. And they will continue to be used because people have no imagination.  Oh, well......

Here are a few of many others:

Standard 2 call system.
Run don 't walk to see her.
We greeted each other like long lost lovers.
She was impressed with my size.
She pulled out the magnum.
I gave her 4.765 Os.
I almost didn't write the review because I wanted to keep her all to myself.
The stars were aligned.
VIPs read on.

You can find all these and more in "The TER Review Writer's Guide." Contact Dr. Who or Jack Dunphy for your free copy before they run out.

-- Modified on 3/4/2015 8:10:56 PM

"I made her an offer she couldn't refuse."

Very cliche, but I love it nonetheless. :D

are in the guide book. I know you and The Doc are still sitting on a bunch of copies. I already gave out my share We may have to order a second printing soon. Let me know when you are almost out. :)

Standard 2 call system no longer gets to be a standard though. It's more like texting or emails.  

Is texting fair? What if standard 2 calls don't sell? Remember, smartphone texting existed before phone calls. Should we file a restraining order against treating her right?  

Is treating her right fair? What if the whole world is gay and you're the only one who's straight? Is it fair to be straight

Did the quick LE check.
She took it like a champ.
She didn't spill a drop.
Went on to K9, she said that's her favorite.

C'mon, it was double figures!

Especially the ones where the first O happens as soon as the door opens, but there are also Some zero O reviews, and many in betweens. The 4.765 is the tabulated average of all the 1.16 million reviews. :)

-- Modified on 3/5/2015 12:25:23 PM

To me, when I hear "treat her nicely" it conveys that she has a certain vulnerability and natural sweetness about her.  That is how I'd interpret it anyway.  And quite frankly, I'll accept any little nuggets I can get from reviews to help me determine if a lady is a good fit for me.  Do cliches abound?  Sure - but many still relay some useful information, so they don't bother me.

I'm pretty sure it's a rarity to find a girl who likes to be treated like dirt.

dbptolemy453 reads

Posted By: sajer1
Ok, to you reviewers  who find it necessary to to tell us in your review to "treat her nicely " I'm asking you "nicely" to please stop. Am I the only one who finds this a little insulting.Do we really have to be told to act that way? It's just common sense that more respectful you are to our lovely providers, the better the time for us. But aside from that, it's simply the right thing to do. And if some jerks out there(and I'm sure the ladies will vouch that there are some) you telling them to "treat her nicely" won't make one bit of difference to those idiots. I know in the scheme of things this isn't a big deal, but I just had to get it off my chest. Stay safe and have fun everyone.

I don't think I've ever use the phrase that has upset you. But find it hard to accept any advice or complaint from someone who has never contributed to the community.

May I suggest you take the time to submit a review or two before you bitch & moan about others who are helping you make you hobby based decisions !

It's bad enough being a taker....but then whining about the content....really?

He's still technically contributing to TER financially as he falls into the smaller percentage of TER visitors that actually pay and fund this site.  

On the other hand, is VIP fair?  What if VIP doesn't sell? What if reviews don't sell? What if sex doesn't sell?  

What if all the reviews were written by gay hobbyists instead? Is it fair to be straight? Is sex fair? Remember, hobby existed before moaning existed. :)

"It's just common sense"
"in the scheme of things"
"this isn't a big deal"

Hmmm, OK, I'll add one that is appropriate to this thread, "pot calling the kettle black"

So do you think that a lesser review would call for someone ending it with, treat her the opposite?
Just asking. Sort of a pay it forward? To prevent her from getting a really good review right after a not so great review - Like a "White Knight " short term vaccine? Some say the White Knights fog the reality. Hope this does not cause a stir. Just asking. It is a form of bullying though. So usually a really good review does end in treat her right

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