TER General Board

1:1 Knob Creek manhattan up, stirred not shaken (eom)
stephanietripp 1490 reads
1 / 50

What is your drink of choice when going to meet someone, at the bar, or in the nightclub? Mine is bloody Marry, Apple Martini, or Vodka Cran

Cardinal_Richelieu 680 reads
2 / 50
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 698 reads
4 / 50

I try to restrict my scant bit of hard liquor drinking to gin or bourbon. Gin in the Summer, whiskey in the Winter. One pint bottle at home lasts a season, most years, and I only drink in saloons or lounges when I go out. And my friends have nicknamed me Olympic Torch. Because I never go out.

Champagne or Pinot Noir usually during the session. But sometimes Chianti if the lady is hip to such. Most providers are uncomfortable with beer of cookies and milk.

 But sitting in the lounge of a 5-star, nursing one gin tonic and waiting for her to text me the room number always gives me a calm and cheerful feeling. Gimlets are all wrong prior to playtime. So, final answer, gin tonic. Even in Winter

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 928 reads
5 / 50

normally, Bulliet Rye, on the rocks. It's delicious, and not holy-hell expensive. Sometimes, I'll take a Balvenie 12 year with a Porter, especially during this time of the year. If I'm really feeling like treating myself, Angel's Envy Bourbon or Glenfiddich Reserve (the sherry cask).  If the bar I'm at has it, I'll take Tequila Fortaleza Reposado neat over just about anything.

Fridays117 27 Reviews 821 reads
7 / 50

nothing if before noon, but during lunchtime perhaps a beer.  If later, after dinner time, maybe a shot of Jameson's witha beer chaser.  If not in the mood for beer or whiskey, I go with a frozen margarita.

I am a social drinker and don't always drink, sometimes I'll just have a coke and a smile

mrfisher 108 Reviews 762 reads
8 / 50

A bloody mary is always good for brunch.

In the winter, bourbon is good and warming.

Summertime is gin and tonic. (lots of limes)

A barbeque is always beer.

Formal evening meals usually a red wine, but now and then a pomegranate martini will hit the spot.

Then there are special drinks for special ladies.  One adores Baileys, and another just turned me on again to grappa.  Most gals adore Champagne, especially when made into a kir royale.

I like my liquor like I like my gals, highly variegated.

abacus17 43 Reviews 879 reads
9 / 50

Macallan's, on the rocks

scoed 8 Reviews 689 reads
10 / 50
GaGambler 739 reads
11 / 50

I am like you, I like many different beverages. Everything from a mimosa in the morning to a cold beer in the afternoon (which I now have very very rarely as I don't have four hours a day to devote to the gym) Something very "easy" to drink like a vodka and cranberry juice which is almost like "not drinking" to a drunk like me, or something stronger depending on the mood and the company, I love good tequila. I also love good whisky, Crown has a couple of premium blends that rival an XO Cognac for smoothness.

I will also confess to a definite weakness for wine, especially if a meal is involved. I can't imagine a good/great meal without a good wine to go with it. Without wine a meal is "just food" IMO.

BTW it's nice to see someone else with varied tastes, simply saying "I like Jack and coke" is not the answer of a "well rounded drunk" lol

Flirtyjoe 6 Reviews 839 reads
12 / 50

2 martinis, though, will ensure that things get ugly (or very fun!) Quickly.

mojojo 1 Reviews 792 reads
13 / 50

It's only 750 a bottle, which means I now have to cancel our session. It's so smooth!

cspatz 67 Reviews 630 reads
14 / 50
emorf4077 64 Reviews 706 reads
15 / 50


TaylorSteele 792 reads
17 / 50

Courvoisier Cognac straight up. Warms the tummy on a cold day and puts your giggle on LOL. But on occasion, I do like a nice chilled white wine, crisp and sweet, to celebrate the season ;)

xx kisses
Posted By: stephanietripp
What is your drink of choice when going to meet someone, at the bar, or in the nightclub? Mine is bloody Marry, Apple Martini, or Vodka Cran

theperfectjohn01 747 reads
18 / 50
vantheman666 10 Reviews 733 reads
20 / 50

because beer can cause bad breath.

89Springer 832 reads
21 / 50

Exciting, I know. I quit drinking 7 years ago, after drinking enough for five people for about 40 years.

I always bring wine or champagne to a session, and at every first-time session the lady isn't comfortable having a drink with a non-drinker. I have to explain that I'm from Milwaukee, where beer and booze is served anytime there's more than three people gathered, even at church festivals. (The churches learned decades ago that, in order to compete with the bars that are literally on every corner in blue collar neighborhoods, they had to server beer, wine and liquor at festivals).  

I don't mind at all if a lady gets a little buzzed with me. It makes me feel more relaxed.

GaGambler 947 reads
22 / 50

Like you, I just drink too much of it to ever have a stockpile. lol

I got to be friends with the Bartender/Sommelier/Wine Purchaser for the Gourmet room at one of the casinos I used to frequent "back in my gambling days" lol  He had the dream job, he got paid well into the six digits to do a "job" that many people would pay to do. Because of him (and my gambling habit) I got to try all sorts of wines I would probably never would have ordered on my own, including a bunch of aged Champagnes (think 40-50 year old Krugs and Veuves) and wines that I just never would have thought of like bone dry Rieslings, which I always thought was a contradiction in terms, and considering some of them were around $400 liquor store price, I doubt I ever would have taken the chance except on his word.

I guess it's my Sicilian half, but I can't imagine having a "fine dining" experience without at least one bottle of wine, actually I used to measure my dinners by bottles,in the order of "We had a three bottle of wine dinner last night" lol

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 828 reads
23 / 50

I'm actually finding myself more and more into wine.  I'm in the process of studying for my Certified Sommelier, which means tasting lots of things I've never had the opportunity to drink before. It's really exciting.  

I definitely love it all, from good whiskies from around the world to champagnes to cocktails (I'm a sucker for a sidecar or a margarita).  

Drinking should be an adventure; there are just too many interesting things out there to limit one's self. :)

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 931 reads
24 / 50

I'm jealous! Have you had the opportunity to taste this? I love Sauternes, and that one is on my bucket list.

rembrnad0284 12 Reviews 821 reads
25 / 50

preferably in Saratoga Springs.  Preferably after I've won at the track.  Otherwise, bourbon and ginger on ice, especially when I lose.

GaGambler 729 reads
26 / 50

but it does have the effect of making my most expensive hobby (gambling) cost so much more. It also goes quite well with my most favorite hobby lol

I can't remember a time in my life when I didn't drink wine, although the cheap crap I drank during my teenage years would barely qualify as wine by my standards today. I cook with better wine today than I used to drink as a teen.

I do remember one New Years around the same time that you are talking about that between two of us we drank an entire case of "Grand Dame" and a couple of bottles of Krug. I still have a bottle of Krug Clos du Mesnil 1986 that I have been saving for a special occasion, I didn't actually buy it as the casino gave me a few bottles of the stuff and I find very few occasions to drink thousand dollar a bottle Champagne, or anyone both hot enough and with the taste to appreciate it. I guess that is one of the hazards of seeing mainly much younger women. lol

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 903 reads
27 / 50

That was a move I'll never be able to ever accomplish again. But, I've learned to sabre champagne bottles. I'll do that off the balcony next time. ;)

Arovet 62 Reviews 957 reads
28 / 50

I am impressed! I'm a lifelong lover of wine and a collector on a very small scale, mostly because I keep drinking it, but in so many ways still a dilettante. When I see someone wearing one of these I'm impressed (and maybe a tad envious!).

Good luck!

Arovet 62 Reviews 790 reads
29 / 50

And I can't remember the last time I had a nice dinner without wine, and I wouldn't want to. For me it started with a 1990 Bordeaux, I bought two bottles in 1999 to ring in the millennium (for any calendar wonks yeah I know it technically wasn't until the next year) and it was the first time I really understood what wine could achieve. Expensive habit, but I know one that costs more. :-)

-- Modified on 2/4/2015 1:19:16 PM

Arovet 62 Reviews 22 reads
30 / 50

but I did use the wrong words and implied that it gets worse. I humbly prostrate myself before you and beg forgiveness for the error that you so graciously pointed out, without even being a little bit of a dick about it.

And I would also submit that "the right conditions" are not found in most households that don't make a point of collecting, and it's always a shame to see the nice bottle that would drink nicely now slowly turning into salad dressing in the built-in wine rack over the refrigerator.

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 913 reads
31 / 50

I'm doing the Court of Master Sommelier program, and going as far as I can. My collection is small too, because I keep
Having to taste things. ;)

The Court doesn't give out anything that fancy; I'll get a pin. Womp womp..

MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 777 reads
33 / 50

I recently went to dinner with a friend of mine. In Chicago, we've got some pretty awesome BYOB restaurants that offer great dining experiences. My friend and I brought 3 bottles with us; 2 bottles of champagne and a red. The table across from us, that had a party of 4, had one bottle of wine. I mean. Who were they kidding? One glass of wine for a 4-5 course meal? I couldn't.  

I'm just too much of s hedonist I guess.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 787 reads
34 / 50
JoelGoodsen 715 reads
35 / 50
HawkEyePierce 749 reads
37 / 50

Unless you are trying to tell us something about your Ex? He He!

-- Modified on 2/4/2015 1:21:35 PM

kwikhit 19 Reviews 891 reads
38 / 50

Posted By: abacus17
Macallan's, on the rocks
This right here!!!!!

rogue 40 Reviews 679 reads
39 / 50
sydescortcouple 681 reads
40 / 50

Belvedere's Cherry Mary (a Martini X Bloody Mary) is a great alternate

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 772 reads
41 / 50
mojojo 1 Reviews 978 reads
42 / 50

Yes, and it definitely is a 100. Also drank a bottle of the 1988 Yquem. Not quite as good, but very close. I recently purchased a bottle of the 2011 Yquem, to be saved for a special occasion.  

With ladies who are sweet wine savvy, I've been known to bring a Sauternes for the after party. I've still got a few 2001s sitting around, including a Rieussec. The only other 100 rated that year.

angelexotic See my TER Reviews 870 reads
43 / 50

My fill clubs for what was it, fourteen years?
My first time in the club was fifteen. Lansdown street. Scool night!
And I drove some college guys car after.sans license or permit.
Then singing in bands five years later for eight years.
Then first time dancin at a strip club. Age 18.

I may be only 32 but I experience enough club life for like twenty life times.
I prefer healthy drinks like my fav is those fun flavors polar seltzer makes. Coconut is a good one.
Coconut water good.
Fresh cut fruit and lemons in the water with ice.
I love those emergency fizzy packets for water too.

lordchesterfield 2 Reviews 880 reads
44 / 50
MissErinBlack See my TER Reviews 599 reads
46 / 50

That's pretty awesome, if I do say so myself. I hope you find people to share with. :)

meeezie 711 reads
47 / 50

Straight whiskey out the bottle.

Molly Feinstein See my TER Reviews 746 reads
48 / 50
Molly Feinstein See my TER Reviews 652 reads
49 / 50
mojojo 1 Reviews 796 reads
50 / 50

No, I'm the lucky one. I get to lick the Sauternes off selective body parts. Talk about making a sweet wine sweeter. And yes, Yquem mixes well with a woman's body.  

You and I are pretty far apart, so it's unlikely. But if we ever get to meet, you bring the body, and I'll bring a Sauternes. If there's any leftover, we might even share a drink.

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