TER General Board

+1,000! Tidwit needs to go sit at the children's table. -e-
mrfisher 108 Reviews 722 reads
1 / 62

that it is just fine for their hubby to canoodle with you or other providers.

Of course the situation is the same I'm sure with husbands and their wives.

People can be so clingy when it comes to sex.

LisbethNova See my TER Reviews 2045 reads
2 / 62

It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.
From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).
Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.
I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  

What are your thoughts?

Dr Who revived 886 reads
3 / 62

To color it any other way is self-serving nonsense.

The key is to not get caught  LOL
Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
 Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
 From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
 Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
 I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  
 What are your thoughts?

JackDunphy 974 reads
4 / 62

But maybe that is what you are saying?

I have seen my share of people who are VERY happy in monogamy. I'd be willing to bet you have to.

Christ, we even have a few love sick johns here saying they only see one hooker

LisbethNova See my TER Reviews 691 reads
5 / 62

I just think why not cheat together? Which then it isn't cheating.. but I am sure there are many wives who want to play with other people.

Dr Who revived 693 reads
6 / 62

But sometimes that creates a whole different set of problems.

Most people are territorial...and sharing toys just doesn't work long-term.

Give it a shot...if that's what might work for you.  Hopefully you'll find someone who isn't jealous.
Posted By: LisbethNova
I just think why not cheat together? Which then it isn't cheating.. but I am sure there are many wives who want to play with other people.

Arovet 62 Reviews 964 reads
7 / 62

Let's not sugar coat it. But it's worth the risk, I've met amazing women and have had amazing sex and in the end I'd rather die with guilt than regret. And yes, I agree monogamy rarely works in the true sense, though I have seen a handful of what at least appear to be good marriages. Mine isn't, but at least I can say I'm not having sex with both providers and my wife.

cocktail-party 700 reads
8 / 62

They want to take ____ and keep ____ all for themselves. I think it's mostly insecurity and being scared that their SO will find someone "better." A lot of failed LTRs/marriages would endure if the partners could give each other some room for sexual exploration.

inicky46 61 Reviews 714 reads
9 / 62

Also, congrats on realizing monogamy's not for you.  I wish I'd figured out that same thing quicker, it would have been much less expensive.
As for your question, there is no one answer because everyone's different.  Also, I don't buy that seeing hookers isn't cheating.  I didn't do it when I was married, though I do understand there are legitimate reasons and I don't judge.  But you're probably right that it's not as bad as having affairs.
Last, it's naive to think most women (or even most men) can handle and open relationship.

inicky46 61 Reviews 566 reads
10 / 62

It's just not possible.
That said, some of what you say is right as far as it goes.  What you don't realize is, it doesn't matter how compatible a couple is at the beginning because they will both continue to evolve as people.  Sometimes that means growing apart if constant attention isn't given to the relationship.
Also, the longer you live with someone  the more certain things they do will grate on you.  If you can't forgive and overlook that, it can be very destructive over time.
At this point I know for sure I have no interest in a LTR again.

Dr Who revived 511 reads
11 / 62

No different than seeing the kids coming out of school who all have the answers as well  LOL

Relationships morph 1,000 different ways.  Add some kids, pets and in-laws and the whole "young love" mantra quickly devolves into a more mundane lifestyle.

Pros and cons of LTR/marriage.  Some love the deal...some hate the deal.  Nothing wrong with those who rather have a bit of selfishness and only care about themselves.  I've seen that gig many many times.  Was never my interest...and never will be.  

But sharing sex partners is also a very difficult gig to maintain.  Tried that many years ago...and she was quite jealous of the game.  I'm sure there are others who are quite successful.

I've asked Maury Povich to do a show on "Who's sappier...Rod or someone else"?   He declined saying it'd be boring as no one else comes close.  Better to just do another "Who's your daddy" show.
Posted By: inicky46
It's just not possible.  
 That said, some of what you say is right as far as it goes.  What you don't realize is, it doesn't matter how compatible a couple is at the beginning because they will both continue to evolve as people.  Sometimes that means growing apart if constant attention isn't given to the relationship.  
 Also, the longer you live with someone  the more certain things they do will grate on you.  If you can't forgive and overlook that, it can be very destructive over time.  
 At this point I know for sure I have no interest in a LTR again.

inicky46 61 Reviews 623 reads
12 / 62

Just as you refuse to change, so do I.  If you find me "grating," I really don't care.  You are free to not open my posts.  And I am free to keep on posting exactly as I wish.
There is one bright spot for you, however.  As big a dope as you are, there's a new clownguy in town who's much dopier.  I leave you to guess who that is.  The clues are there.

Dr Who revived 467 reads
13 / 62
LisbethNova See my TER Reviews 825 reads
14 / 62

Posted By: inicky46
Also, congrats on realizing monogamy's not for you.  I wish I'd figured out that same thing quicker, it would have been much less expensive.  
 As for your question, there is no one answer because everyone's different.  Also, I don't buy that seeing hookers isn't cheating.  I didn't do it when I was married, though I do understand there are legitimate reasons and I don't judge.  But you're probably right that it's not as bad as having affairs.  
 Last, it's naive to think most women (or even most men) can handle and open relationship.
I am not saying that most can handle it.. definitely I know its not for everyone.. but you may be surprised if they are taught the right way to go about it. I am afraid that women are taught through the media that sex always has to equal love.

1705218 10 Reviews 792 reads
15 / 62

.....but it is less likely in this day and age for so many reasons that if I listed my thoughts you and many others of your age would be terribly insulted and I don't want to do that.  
My wife and I were married for 52 years w/o cheating. In our circle of friends non were divorced. I don't know if any cheated but I know I didn't and if my wife cheated she kept me satisfied up until about just before she died. One couple we knew just celebrated their 60th anniversary. Two other couples are still married. Neither me or my wife were religious. In fact I am an atheist. Nor were we prudes. I'd venture to say, there is nothing you will do as a provider that my wife wouldn't have done if it was fun and not degrading. I was experienced in the carnal pursuits after spending 4 years in the Navy before I met my wife. So what are my thoughts? I think what you propose is Horseshit. lol

GotItWhereItCounts 801 reads
16 / 62

I think most would have a huge amount of respect to someone who could pull off a true life-long commitment to one other person on all the dimensions that go into a relationship or marriage - emotional, financial, family, parenting, sexual, etc.

Unfortunately, when the other areas get complicated its usually the sexual dimension that suffers.  Everyone makes their own choice how to deal with that - all or nothing and terminate the whole relationship or find an outlet to take care of that need and keep the rest intact.  Obviously some here find one or the other much more honorable, and where the line is between filling a legitimate need and just not keeping it in your pants depends on who you ask.

LisbethNova See my TER Reviews 922 reads
17 / 62

Posted By: cooper80
.....but it is less likely in this day and age for so many reasons that if I listed my thoughts you and many others of your age would be terribly insulted and I don't want to do that.  
 My wife and I were married for 52 years w/o cheating. In our circle of friends non were divorced. I don't know if any cheated but I know I didn't and if my wife cheated she kept me satisfied up until about just before she died. One couple we knew just celebrated their 60th anniversary. Two other couples are still married. Neither me or my wife were religious. In fact I am an atheist. Nor were we prudes. I'd venture to say, there is nothing you will do as a provider that my wife wouldn't have done if it was fun and not degrading. I was experienced in the carnal pursuits after spending 4 years in the Navy before I met my wife. So what are my thoughts? I think what you propose is Horseshit. lol
I come from a family where monogamy is the norm... My parents have been married for 40 years and together since they were 16.. and they are happy.. All I am saying it is not everyone.. and I believe that by talking about non-monogamy and the possibility of being happy in non-monogamy that maybe some people can find happiness in relationships... we all take our own path.. and this is one of them. Maybe its a generational thing... but it proves to be far more difficult these days to stay mongamous... I think we question things a lot more than my parents did... my mother tells me that all the time.

Ivysparks See my TER Reviews 620 reads
18 / 62

Others it doesn't, just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it suits other people well. My grandparents are still in love and 50 years strong in their marriage. it takes work to make monogamy work.  For the younger generation, we don't fix things the way our grandparents did. Just saying.

inicky46 61 Reviews 529 reads
19 / 62
inicky46 61 Reviews 588 reads
20 / 62

And don't worry, I am so far from pissed at you that you have no clue.  You aren't consequential enough to be pissed at.  As for "grating" you are once again reading-comprehension challenged.  I was not referring to myself in that statement, just people at large.
Actually, I was (for me) kind of nice to you, pointing out there's someone here even dopier than you.

Dr Who revived 423 reads
21 / 62

I would have loved to see him do a stand-up live.  Never had the chance however  :(

Posted By: RodTidweLL
Have you seen, Brewster's millions or the toy?

Haywood-Jablome 673 reads
22 / 62

If women went out and cheated on their significant other, they would have a stroke!  If they paid to get a release from another man, the husband/boyfriend would be angry about the deceit and the money spent.

the Majority of men just cannot handle the thought of another man pounding their woman. (possibly better than they ever could)
Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
 Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
 From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
 Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
 I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  
 What are your thoughts?

Dr Who revived 696 reads
23 / 62

It's the human condition.  There's a reason prostitution is known as the world's oldest profession.

As for the chat from your mom now...she has conveniently forgot the thoughts that "she" may have had 40 years ago.  Shit...I don't remember stuff I may have said 15 minutes ago  ;)

Life experiences tend to create us.  If you want to play around...go for it.  Will you be doing that in 30 years?  I don't know nor do you.  But like I posted earlier...throw a kid or two, some pets and the in-laws and your life will change forever.

It'll be up to you as to how it will change.  
Posted By: LisbethNova
Posted By: cooper80
.....but it is less likely in this day and age for so many reasons that if I listed my thoughts you and many others of your age would be terribly insulted and I don't want to do that.    
  My wife and I were married for 52 years w/o cheating. In our circle of friends non were divorced. I don't know if any cheated but I know I didn't and if my wife cheated she kept me satisfied up until about just before she died. One couple we knew just celebrated their 60th anniversary. Two other couples are still married. Neither me or my wife were religious. In fact I am an atheist. Nor were we prudes. I'd venture to say, there is nothing you will do as a provider that my wife wouldn't have done if it was fun and not degrading. I was experienced in the carnal pursuits after spending 4 years in the Navy before I met my wife. So what are my thoughts? I think what you propose is Horseshit. lol
 I come from a family where monogamy is the norm... My parents have been married for 40 years and together since they were 16.. and they are happy.. All I am saying it is not everyone.. and I believe that by talking about non-monogamy and the possibility of being happy in non-monogamy that maybe some people can find happiness in relationships... we all take our own path.. and this is one of them. Maybe its a generational thing... but it proves to be far more difficult these days to stay mongamous... I think we question things a lot more than my parents did... my mother tells me that all the time.

LisbethNova See my TER Reviews 989 reads
24 / 62

Posted By: Haywood-Jablome
If women went out and cheated on their significant other, they would have a stroke!  If they paid to get a release from another man, the husband/boyfriend would be angry about the deceit and the money spent.  
 the Majority of men just cannot handle the thought of another man pounding their woman. (possibly better than they ever could)  
Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.    
  Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
  From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
  Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
  I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?    
  What are your thoughts?
That's totally speculation.. i have met plenty of cockholders in my time... some men love watching their wife get banged.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 767 reads
25 / 62

If I encounter someone with whom I want a defined couple "relationship" with, the WAY that I define that in my mind involves monogamy. Otherwise, I remain single. As a single person I can still have women in my life with whom I enjoy sex, and I can have women, maybe the same ones maybe not, with whom I can "do things," "go places with."

I understand that sex is not the only reason for two people to become a couple. But if I enter into a pair-bond, the sexual interaction would, for me, need to entail more than intermittent sex time set aside to explore a variety of positions. For me, personally, that means celebrating being happy with each other as a monogamous couple.

Now, there are other ways of enjoying intimacy, and having sex with someone whom I share feelings with, knowing that she will have other partners, myself intending to have other partners, not wanting the relationship to be defined otherwise, and convinced that she does not want the relationship defined in any other terms either are frequent and thoroughly fulfilling. That's called two single people interacting with each other.

If you agree to commit, then either commit to the agreement or dissolve that agreement. If you dissolve it, a person still might want to keep his or her sex life private, but it no longer needs to be a secret. And at that point, you are NOT in a "non-monogamous relationship" you are two single people. Only my opinion, and I know most here see it differently, but it really seems that there is no other honest and free way for me to look at it.

Arovet 62 Reviews 619 reads
26 / 62

I've had quite a bit of sport with you, really jusr having a bit of fun and you make it so easy, but this is something you should pay attention to: marriage is one of those things you will know nothing about until you are in one. You can observe all you want, ask questions, listen to complaining or bragging, hell you can even move in with a married couple for awhile and you will still know precisely dick about marriage. And I'd venture to say that given your cartoonish chivalry and overdeveloped empathy you're at risk of having a bad one yourself, but maybe like your sappy friend you'll find a girl that isn't sickened by that stuff after a little while. Most girls, despite their complaints about us, still want their men to be men.

inicky46 61 Reviews 596 reads
27 / 62

I never thought or said "EVERYONE else is grating," and do not "nitpick the shit out of everyone."  I do find you and a small handful of idiots grating and you just can't handle it.  But keep it up.  The only reason it won't damage your credibility is you had none to begin with.
It's a shame you have fallen back on your old ways, but mainly for you.  Because you are certain to become the Board Piñata again.  And even a piñata has its uses.
PS: If I really wanted to waste my time I'd put up a list of all the people on this board whose posts I have never attacked.  But it would take too long.  And you are simply not worth the effort.

GaGambler 752 reads
28 / 62

If you would try reading for a change, you would see that he said nothing about marriage. He said,  and quite clearly I might add,

"Fucking strange while committed is cheating..."

and no one with even half a brain (which of course leaves you out) can argue with that statement. The "key" if you will, is to "Not commit" Once you commit, fucking strange is by definition "cheating" whether you swore to God, Allah, or the Great Fucking Pumkin, a commitment is still a commitment.

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 4:55:37 PM

inicky46 61 Reviews 566 reads
29 / 62

He is very free with opinions about things he knows nothing about.  Not sure if you were around for his "I'm 100% certain it's pee" statement, but it's one of many.  So his opinions about marriage, never having been in one are hardly a shock.  He is nothing if not predictable.

Dr Who revived 454 reads
30 / 62

But until he experiences the day to day it's just nonsense.

Posted By: thehumanist
I've had quite a bit of sport with you, really jusr having a bit of fun and you make it so easy, but this is something you should pay attention to: marriage is one of those things you will know nothing about until you are in one. You can observe all you want, ask questions, listen to complaining or bragging, hell you can even move in with a married couple for awhile and you will still know precisely dick about marriage. And I'd venture to say that given your cartoonish chivalry and overdeveloped empathy you're at risk of having a bad one yourself, but maybe like your sappy friend you'll find a girl that isn't sickened by that stuff after a little while. Most girls, despite their complaints about us, still want their men to be men.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 642 reads
31 / 62

Monogamy was imposed on the world by Puritanical ass holes in the west. In the east, every does it, every one knows it but no one cares enough to talk about it. Most of the west is over the puritanical judgmental crap but US is not there yet

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 836 reads
32 / 62

in America and in some highly religious countries in Africa and muslim world then you are correct. Otherwise, you are full of crap.

Muslim world is different though. They are allowed to practice polygamy.  It is cheating because puritanical ass holes made it so.

Back_In_Black 780 reads
33 / 62

the restaurant , Courtney politely declined and shot rod down . he offered up his empty shell and made a friend ! but as far as an aphrodisiac the THEY SUCK WORSE than rods oral abilities ...lmao  

happy holidays to one and all and yes laugh as much as you can its like sex, sometimes better .  
Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
 Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
 From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
 Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
 I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  
 What are your thoughts?

Dr Who revived 582 reads
34 / 62

Some gal may like how you are today...but after years of dealing with you, kids, in-laws and life....people morph.

Maybe even you?
Posted By: RodTidweLL
So you are the Alpha male, correct? Why isn't your marriage working?  
 I feel that's a fair question since you say if I ever get married, mine will fail because, as you say "women want men to be men".  

vegasgirllover 853 reads
35 / 62

I'm sorry but if you are married and go out and fuck someone else its cheating, weather's you pay for it or not.......my take is if you want to fuck other people then don't get married or get out if you are, being cheated on can destroy a person, I know this from personal experience, yes I could have left my husband when he cheated ,but 23 years for a one time mistake is a lot to give up.......and even though he paid someone it was STILL cheating.......lucky for us we now hobby together and together only, neither of us could ever stand to go through what we did ever again.  

Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
 Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
 From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
 Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
 I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  
 What are your thoughts?

inicky46 61 Reviews 556 reads
36 / 62

Clearly, you are not cut out for this place.  But something keeps drawing you back.  Is it masochism?  Who knows.
Just remember what Harry "Giive 'em Hell" Truman said when a reporter asked him, "Why do you give 'em hell, Mr. President?"
He replied, "I don't give 'em hell.  I just tell the truth and they think it's hell."
See the connection?  Probably not.

inicky46 61 Reviews 819 reads
37 / 62

Our Puritanical society makes us a laughingstock in Europe (not that I care). When Clinton was nearly thrown out of office over a blow job they were laughing up their sleeves.  It's standard procedure for politicians to there to play around.
But you're not completely correct because in extreme Muslim sharia systems women are executed for having affairs.  At least we don't do that.

Dr Who revived 712 reads
39 / 62

Can't you and the others keep him over on the P&R board?

Posted By: GaGambler
If you would try reading for a change, you would see that he said nothing about marriage. He said,  and quite clearly I might add,  
"Fucking strange while committed is cheating..."

and no one with even half a brain (which of course leaves you out) can argue with that statement. The "key" if you will, is to "Not commit" Once you commit, fucking strange is by definition "cheating" whether you swore to God, Allah, or the Great Fucking Pumkin, a commitment is still a commitment.  

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 4:55:37 PM

Dr Who revived 574 reads
41 / 62

Others just wallow in pity.

Some never have problems...but given the published statistics those tend to be in the minority.

How about putting a tickler on your calendar for 30 years from now and a marriage or two...some kids/step-kids, a few crazy in-laws and let's revisit this topic.

Even you might now be able to relate to some 21 y/o kid that shows up at your office that plans on taking your job.  Don't those punks realize that with your experience they can't possibly understand the nuances of the job?

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 1052 reads
43 / 62

One thing I'd like to ask you to rethink is the comparison of giving up "23 years" for "a one-time mistake." Not just the obvious, that you HAD the 23 years and therefore you aren't giving them up if you dissolve the marriage, but more that you know the one-time mistake was a change in direction for your husband. The relationship changed with his decision. Now you are hobbling together, so another way of looking at it is that you found an arrangement to continue on for--what--? the next 23 years?

People's happiness ought to be more important than the longevity of their relationships.

tonightoutcall 658 reads
45 / 62

beautiful, stunning, sexy wife I'd share and brag about it.  
     It's cheating but better than breaking up an otherwise happy home. If you're not happy 80% of the time in your relationship time to move on, at least I would.  

Posted By: LisbethNova
It took me until the age of 30 to finally accept that monogamy is bullshit. In fact, the very idea makes absolutely no sense at all to me and the idea is terrifying.  
 Now being in the hobby world and seeing a number of lovely married men, I realized just how much monogamy does not work and that many women (and men) are in complete denile that this is something even humanly possible.  
 From what I have analyzed in my experiences both in and out of the hobby world, majority of people cheat and if they are not already cheating, then they are in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether... or maybe they just play the skin flute to keep their sanity, (my guess is that this is probably VERY true).  
 Hobbying in my opinion is not cheating, but is simply a release for those stuck in such mongamous relationships. I can honestly say that if my man went and paid for a service, I would find that a hell of a lot less threatening than if he were to be screwing someone from work.I have come to understand that most married gents who hobby probably feel the same way.  
 I often wish the wives of these gents would see the value in having more sexually open relationships. But I often wonder, if their wives and girlfriends were more open, could these men handle it?  
 What are your thoughts?

inicky46 61 Reviews 734 reads
46 / 62
Skyfyre 772 reads
48 / 62

Wrong. It is not cheating if you're not caught.

Skyfyre 925 reads
49 / 62

Well stated. Left unsaid by many poster is this HUGE fact: changes! Everything changes with time. So when two people first got married there was no way that they could have anticipated how they were going to change, physically, emotionally, spritually etc... over the course of time.

I'm willing to bet that a majority of married men would not have seeked out professional service of this hobby if their wives remain EXACTLY the same way they were when they got married

Dr Who revived 605 reads
50 / 62

Most who have met me tell me that my online persona is pretty much what you get IRL.

If you find that extreme...so be it.
Posted By: RodTidweLL
The boards. I don't know you from Adam, but seriously its extreme

keystonekid 114 Reviews 787 reads
51 / 62

might be true for those in the under 35 age range.  Not the case for those above the 35 age bracket; more likely "some wives" and as the age increases to say 50, "one in a 100 wives" or less.

There are lots of women out there with strong religious and other moral type beliefs.

Arovet 62 Reviews 559 reads
52 / 62

As for my marriage not working very well, I guess it's mostly because I expected she wouldn't change, and she expected I would. A gross oversimplification, but more true than not.

-- Modified on 11/24/2014 9:02:48 PM

EWarren 6 Reviews 718 reads
53 / 62

I am not qualified to comment on a monogamous relationship / marriage (I am single and never married), instead of giving reasons why I think monogamy works / doesn't work, I can give you my perspective on how a non-monogamous relationship can be difficult to work out.

When I was younger (shortly after college), I was fortunate (or unfortunate?) enough to experience an open relationship with an attractive female friend of mine.  We were close friends, and I knew she was seeing couple guys.  She worked as a fitness instructor with a sexy 4 pack.  Slowly I became attracted to her, and before I knew it, I was her latest friend-with-benefits.  It was quite awesome, but there were certain things that she would only do with a particular guy.  I tried not to ask, but I did learn that she had preferences, and the "Alpha Guy" title changed hands from time to time... I only got to be "Alpha" for a limited time (before novelty wore out?)

It took some effort to not be jealous, but the biggest drawback was uncertainty (what if I get "downgraded" from "B guy" to "C guy"?) Eventually all these became a hassle for her as well, and she reduced her guys to just down to a few, and I didn't make the cut (cue Survivor or Bachelor sound effect)

I enjoyed the experience despite it wasn't always easy, but it wasn't for everyone (just think about the logistics!).

Arovet 62 Reviews 507 reads
54 / 62

ask any provider I've seen if they find me "extreme" or in any way abrasive, pretty sure I know the answer you'll get. But I find it funny as hell to jump on ridiculous posts, and if any of mine are ever stupid or sappy I'll take the stomping as well as I dish it out. What exactly to you want this to be, a touchy feely support group complete with digital group hugs? I love it just as it is, a Darwinian jousting arena: sarcastic, salty, at times abrasive and even brutal, occasionally hilarious and always interesting. Kids' table is two flights down on the newbie board, hang out there if your sensibilities are easily wounded. I wouldn't have this board any other way.

djddla 1008 reads
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She and I are opposites yet married, as best friends often have been 30 years. I am open minded she isn't, I love sex she never appreciated it, I'd want to snuggle she wanted to stay on her side of the bed, etc etc. So, who is cheating whom? Thank G-d for providers. I'd have been miserable and probably out of there the past 3 years. Long ago I kept a sweet young lady and that helped the marriage better than therapy. The kids never knew or the wife. The experiences have been amazing and very satisfying. Honesty is the best policy except in a relationship.

Jstgttnstrtd 18 Reviews 794 reads
57 / 62

Pretty easy claim to rally the troops here.
Everyone makes choices in life.
For whatever reasons we are all in this little game.
But I know PLENTY of very well-adjusted happily married monogamous folks.
Does this mean their lives are all rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns?  Hardly.
But to say that those in monogamous relationships who are NOT cheating are "in one hell of a torturous relationship where they are either in denile about sexuality or have lost interest in sex altogether," well, that is a complete load of bunk.

Make your life choices and live with them, but don't make up absurd generalities to make you feel better about those choices - if indeed that is your motivation.  If not, then you need to get away from this hobby more and meet other people who are perfectly happy living in monogamous relationships.

GaGambler 511 reads
58 / 62

grown to be even more clueless and annoying than ever. lol

Sorry, but that one was waaayyyyy too easy to let pass.

GaGambler 632 reads
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his movies by and large were "dumbed down" his stand up OTOH was brilliant. I had the pleasure of seeing him live several times as I lived in Vegas during the late 70s early 80s during the heyday of his career.

HarryWotton 11 Reviews 810 reads
60 / 62

Face it, if you are a guy, you see attractive women and one of the many things you think about is fucking them.  You can suppress those feelings and go rub one out now and then or you can go for the fuller experience.   I prefer the fuller experience of cheating with a woman rather than with my hand and imagination.  It is cheating and I am a selfish prick for it but I don't want to cheat myself out of those experiences.

inicky46 61 Reviews 548 reads
61 / 62
mash1000 11 Reviews 726 reads
62 / 62
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