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wholewheelofchz 6 Reviews 198 reads


Hello all,

I was curious to hear how either clients or providers broached this side of our worlds with health professionals. Were you concerned that confidentiality would fail to extend to an "illegal" activity? Did you feel some measure of anxiety that your doctor/practitioner/therapist/priest/etc. would change their opinion of you? Did any of you actually witness this happen, either in a change of demeanor or reduced quality of service?

I've been weighing the matter of telling my shrink about my recent involvement with escorts but I haven't figured out how to broach the subject (or, really, whether I should; complicating matters is the fact that my mother used to see this same therapist so life could get complicated in a hurry).  

Just curious how you handled a similar situation. Thanks!

No rectal exams from him, I hope. LOL

And why would you tell your shrink that you like to fuck hot women?

What do you think he does with the money you give him?

Right into a white envelope it goes, I am sure. :)

GaGambler505 reads

and changes into bragging about it?

and who needs a shrink when bartenders are so much cheaper, plus shrinks never have anything worth drinking, or at least so I have heard. The thought of me going to a shrink is laughable, he (or she) can pay for his own damn hooker.

...but I don't think paying for pussy is one of them. Lol

Still smh about the priest comment.


GaGambler319 reads

Some of them are pretty damn traumatic, enough to make my dick shrivel up and hide.

Yes, there are some things that a person can go through the most definitely merit some professional help, but a lot of people seek out a psychiatrist for issues quite easily solved by a bartender (or hooker)

when I saw a provider, I WAS getting professional help.  What am I missing here?

Senator.Blutarsky405 reads

I bet they're not as fun as my "therapist"...lol. 😎

bonordonor292 reads

Posted By: Senator.Blutarsky
I bet they're not as fun as my "therapist"...lol. 😎
She must moonlight. Who knew?

Yeah, I included priests as part of a "catch-all" for similar situations where I could envision someone - either client or provider - discussing a side of their lives they often keep private with a confidante. You're right that "health professional" isn't a suitable definition across the board.

As for discussing the hobby with my shrink, I'm of the opinion that honesty is pretty critical when therapy is concerned. I'm just worried about potential backlash, hence why I was curious in hearing other peoples' experiences.

GaGambler200 reads

If you are going to pay someone hundreds of dollars an hour who isn't having sex with you, does it really make sense to hold back vital information if you have hired them to help you "figure shit out"

Like separating church and religion ... I let my company pay for my "life coach" and I pay for my hookers. Tried to negotiate reversing the coverage with my company ... no luck

-- Modified on 4/12/2016 5:45:07 PM

I'm no expert on the contours of the patient-psychotherapist privilege. My guess is that they have a duty to report if you're going to engage in a harmful crime? Don't test their judgment of that line. At the very least I'd say, past tense only

We,, first of all you're supposed to be a grown ass man...that implies there are cajones somewhere.
Drag them out and dust them off. Because as of right now they've shriveled and shrunk somewhere.  
You do need to tell your personal Dr is whatever you are doing is risking your life or health.  
Stay covered and worry free.  
As for your shrink or priest? See first two lines above.

Pretty sure you're projecting, detective. =)

Could very well be...never said I was either unbiased or a walk in the park

PRS2005471 reads

That I like to go to "the big city" as often as possible to have sex with hot women. I don't tell him it's P4P, as that has nothing to do with it.

When I was seeing a counselor, I told him right off the bat. You can't get very far working with a shrink if you're holding back.  

He had no problems, and understood completely why I do it. His only concern was that I was spending more than I an afford, which I often do, shrink or no shrunk.

bonordonor252 reads

how much you could afford for P4P, unless you were paying him on a sliding scale based on income. And if that's the case, I suspect he started fucking with you...and not in a good way. lol

PRS2005202 reads

I'm open about that, too.

JakeFromStateFarm277 reads

stop seeing your shrink.  Keep in mind the endorphins released during sex are very therapeutic emotionally.

GaGambler269 reads

My advice is to still get rid of the shrink and start getting more pussy.

PRS2005319 reads

I have stopped seeing him. Near the end all I was doing was talking about providers.

GaGambler236 reads

but no lame stories about "I fell for a provider and I can't get up" or I'll start you on electroshock therapy. lol

JakeFromStateFarm245 reads

The meetings must take place in a bar.

PRS2005254 reads

He was my counselor for helping me quit drinking. I don't think meeting in a bar would be a good idea.

JakeFromStateFarm185 reads

Paying a shrink to talk about providers instead of using the same $$$ to actually SEE a provider seems, well, not productive.

Sorry do not use slang.. yet reading your posts.  

Googled definition .. ( even I do know that verb thinks means decrease in size) yet what you are talking about?
 Are you .. sorry.. want to stop your decreasing in size? but you say stop to see your "shrink"..
eliminate your "shrink"
It is .. sorry ,  for erectile dysfunction you do use word "shrink"..
 You are talking so freely about that ..
 Oh American gentlemen are so special and vulnerable and kind creatures.. and can so openly to talk about own problems in public. Who would know...
I need to reconsider my point of views on most of you.
Do not worry, shrink mostly happened when there is no mental stimulation and deep intimacy - even porno performers -males need also motivation and women performers also tell them - I love you , make love to me while riding his face or his dick.  
 Then there is no need to worry about shrink.
Oh.. may be I misunderstood usage of this word?
Please do not refer me to Urban Dictionary. Or I will add you to my " not to talk- not to see" list.


Apologies for the idiom, Pavliena.

"Shrink" is English slang for "head shrinker," a tongue-in-cheek, usually self-deprecating and sometimes derogatory term for a psychologist, psychiatrist, or psychotherapist.

Thus far (thankfully), I haven't experienced any erectile dysfunction. =)

Good to know that gentlemen here do not experience any shrinkage ..
 or from this post someone who do not speak slang would think that it is big problem in states.- shrinkage !!!
 Good to know that our gentlemen here are in good shape!!

 Thanks for explanation.  

 But I still I am confused and how come psychologists earned that deragatory nick name and are valued  so low..

Of course we can talk about that a lot.
Yet I just will wrap it up here.

[email protected]

-- Modified on 4/13/2016 3:42:56 PM

Every language has its quirks. Best not to tell your Russian friends that you like The Blue Man Group.

ed girl - Krasna deva.  

Americans i bet would say - am I red?!!  
In Russia all red has meaning of being beautiful  

red girl, red square.  etc .
 You  do know Russian language not to bad ?

and he asked me for more info. I just told him what he needed to know, and things proceeded from that. I now have them regularly, and talk freely about my sexual health. I don't worry about him keeping my confidence ever, not for a second.

What most don't realize is that an experienced MD has heard it ALL, and is already very well aware of the need to maintain confidences about anything related to their patients. They are also human beings with their own confidences, ones you can be sure they want maintained by those they have shared with.  

In general, I think who you are boning and the circumstances involved are of less importance to a medical professional than you might imagine.  

As for a therapist, I haven't had a need so I can't offer any advice there.

I also trust my doc 100%. I worry not one whit about his honesty. BUT when I am in his office, the visit is being filed on my insurance so people there gain access to info. And if a test comes back positive for certain types of communicable diseases, they are reported to the CDC, etc. Just me, but I don't tell my doc. Get tested anonymously, negative result, no need for doc to know.

bonordonor275 reads

Can't TER hire some monkeys to cover for lunch breaks so we don't have to sit around and wait socialize with our friends???

to comply absolutely and without error with confidentiality laws and rules, let alone all the medical hacking reported recently. And more and more, anything that any doctor enters into her/his medical file will find its way into your Cloud medical dossier to be shared with every other medical facility that you ever contact, with insurance companies, and with who knows else. Test anonymously if you have anything to lose with public or SO disclosure.

Great point.
And my primary care now uses "patient portal" which allows you to message him, see lab results etc.  
then I found out that anything in my chart goes onto the hospital server.  
No thanks.  
I go get an STD panel a few times a year...just in case.

JakeFromStateFarm180 reads

Lord, the things people worry about.

cuppajoe229 reads

So I always think that if I got really sick, my family and especially my wife would have access to my medical records, and whoops, the dude was boning hookers and hitting the bong regularly.  Like weekly for the one and daily for the other.  

I'll keep my confidences and take my chances, find some pretext to get those tests.  Working so far.

You mentioned the word "confidentiality" yourself.  Any and all healthcare workers that you see should practice 100% confidentiality.  It's simply the law.  There are very stiff penalties for violation of Privacy.


Your physician including psychiatrist or psychologist can be subpoenaed to testify in court or real your records.  That information would be available in a divorce action, s child custody hearing, in a suit brought by you for damages, etc.

GaGambler278 reads

Once upon a time I was a firm believer in "Doctor Patient confidentiality", but now that the Federal Government has taken over health care, combined with the fact that the internet is forever, I am would suggest being a little less candid with your doctor, at least when filling out forms.

Private insurance companies including of course HMOs and those providers of your medications for your insurance company all can and do access your records any time they have to make a payment. I regularly get notes from medication providers (these are the companies that your insurer has provide your meds at the lowest price possible) telling me that such and such a medication is too expensive and wouldn't Ms. Jones do just as well with a cheap and often not nearly as good substitute. They often also write Ms Jones telling her to ask me for the cheaper substitute.  They review clients meds to wring every penny in costs out and in passing know what meds my patients are taking as the insurer knows what my patients problems are.  Psychiatrists and psychologists often have to account to insurance company by revealing why they are treating a patient and the insurer will then tell the shrink how many visits are being allowed. (I am not making this up, unbelievably it is true.)

...and this is a complete goddamn shame.  Now I can't be 100% honest when filling out the forms or speaking with my Dr. because I have to preemptively play defense/damage control in case some shit ever happens where I might be exposed like in a custody case, divorce, etc.

Because of this, I can't get the treatment and care I should be entitled to because I have to anticipate and fear some future consequence or blowback.

Also, the lines are moving on mental health further blurring/complicating the issue.  There are people who are suffering from anxiety, lets say, and those people choose to not get treatment and maybe a prescription for something like Xanax that would help them because they fear a spouse or employer or the government may use that against them in a divorce/custody battle or pistol license hearing or other court matter arguing the person has known mental health and behavioral issues.

Why should you reveal that you are a hobbyist to your healthcare provider? Tell the doctor you have had multiple sex partners, whether you paid or not for it is inconsequential. Unless you are feeling guilty over something why tell a therapist or priest? It's your sex life and no one else's. Not judging, but DO NOT TELL your wife if you are cheating on her. That would be very bad for your health (financial & physical).

my doc always asks me if I'm sexually active (which implies some my age are not -  I would shoot myself if that were the case), and follows up with "one partner, or multiple partners?"  I say multiple, so he suggests I get a full STD panel twice a year, which I do.  He never, nor should he, ask for any details about my partners, and I don't volunteer any.  If we're still having this annual conversation in 20 years, then I might be inclined to brag a little.  Just a little.  

Reminds me of an old joke.  A 70-year-old guy goes to the doctor and says he's having great sex with a 20 year-old woman every night.  The doctor says, "Aren't you worried about a heart attack?"  The old guy says, "If she dies, she dies."

-- Modified on 4/12/2016 5:23:38 PM

Somedudesjunk288 reads

when we go get our STD tests together. Nothing like sharing a kiss over a specimen jar. We misbehaved a lot last week and are getting a run through on Friday.


Posted By: Whybother79
Hello all,  
 I was curious to hear how either clients or providers broached this side of our worlds with health professionals. Were you concerned that confidentiality would fail to extend to an "illegal" activity? Did you feel some measure of anxiety that your doctor/practitioner/therapist/priest/etc. would change their opinion of you? Did any of you actually witness this happen, either in a change of demeanor or reduced quality of service?  
 I've been weighing the matter of telling my shrink about my recent involvement with escorts but I haven't figured out how to broach the subject (or, really, whether I should; complicating matters is the fact that my mother used to see this same therapist so life could get complicated in a hurry).  
 Just curious how you handled a similar situation. Thanks!

expertiamator355 reads

I can make sure my wife doesn't bring anything home lol
Then again the doc and nurse envy more than anything the thought
of SHARING TIME & COMPANIONSHIP ( legal ) with young beauties.
After all this isn't commitment time its FUN time and enjoy the moments
while you can get it up. Furthermore ditch the shrink, wayyy too close to
home & GA is right, a bar is easier cheaper and you'll save money for the

It is not necessary to pay if you are a good seduction artist.  The Interwebz is rife with so-called pick up artists who bed several ladies a month -- or so they claim.  Anyhow, that's an alternate explanation besides p4p.

-- Modified on 4/13/2016 1:34:38 AM

Taking into consideration that it is somewhat "illegal" so the fear of your health professional telling on you may be a bit frightening. I wouldn't disclose the person's title i.e provider , if you just call her what she is "a mistress" then you could leave out little details such as her being a working girl

If your shrink is judgmental of you time to get a new shrink. Besides if he spills you got a hell of a case.  Anyway my doctor knows I have done this and may do so in the future again ,as does my shrink. They also know my wife provides and sees sex workers as well. Medical staff, unless your a danger to yourself or others, legally can't disclose such information and would be risking both a huge law suit and losing their licence should they break that confidentiality.  

Anyway I haven't had an issue. But I don't have much risk should anyone spill the beans. Most everyone who is important to me knows.

I have not told my GP as I know many of the office staff/ other doctors in the office.  I have told her that I am exploring and swinging so that I can adequately test and be responsible to myself and all of you.  The older you are the less likely that they would assume you are in a high risk category so they will not suggest std's and paps etc.  I am tested every 3-4 months.  Overkill but I feel better and safer.  

As for a shrink, I would not tell a marriage counselor or psychiatrist involved with the whole family.  HIPPA does cover this but being human happens so if it is critical to be discreet...make sure you keep it that way so that you can really open up.  

Not all healthcare providers will understand...they may be riddled with myths and stereotypes so do not let them in your head if you truly have a healthy balamce with the hobby.  

Posted By: scoed
If your shrink is judgmental of you time to get a new shrink. Besides if he spills you got a hell of a case.  Anyway my doctor knows I have done this and may do so in the future again ,as does my shrink. They also know my wife provides and sees sex workers as well. Medical staff, unless your a danger to yourself or others, legally can't disclose such information and would be risking both a huge law suit and losing their licence should they break that confidentiality.  
 Anyway I haven't had an issue. But I don't have much risk should anyone spill the beans. Most everyone who is important to me knows.

WildJimmy!264 reads

Was that a risky thing to do? Seems more risky to not tell him, healthwise

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