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2236707 3 Reviews 1848 reads
1 / 24

do a web search for:

young South African men who lose their penises each year after coming-of-age rituals go wrong

JohnyComeAlready 422 reads
2 / 24
ToniLove See my TER Reviews 428 reads
3 / 24

Why? That is awful! My question is, how the fuck did you find this? WTF were you looking for really? Sorry but the usual stuff I search does not come up with this kind of shit.

hotplants 464 reads
4 / 24

t's great news that South African Drs have performed the world's first successful penis transplant to correct a botched ritual circumcision.  

I'd like to hope these same Dr's are working just as hard on perfecting a procedure to correct every single completely successful removal of a clitoris.

JohnyComeAlready 380 reads
5 / 24

Do they do that in SA too?

ValuedCustomer 480 reads
7 / 24

Unfortunately, it really is a cultural thing.  Unless someone is willing to start hanging the sick bastards who do this by the scrotum from a tree and letting it tear off - it's just not gonna happen.

Hey - I am all for rounding these SOBs up and just shooting them.  Can't think of a better thing to go to war for.  BUT...  

Shooting several million people is usually considered "bad" - and yes, there are several million people involved.

So... until you get to the point where you can at least slow the rate down... not sure I see the point of restoring them one by one.... But you are right - definitely needs to be studied by someone

hotplants 436 reads
8 / 24

There is a deeply complex and intricate historical/social/cultural dynamic going on that supports FGM. Shooting even one single person would not help change anything.  

My comment was really more subtle ironic commentary on the idea that drs have focused time on figuring out how to correct ritual male circumcisions gone wrong, when the problem with FGM of young girls is a hugely bigger problem. There really is no comparison as far as numbers.  

With the backdrop being----some guy on a fuck board uses a penis transplant to correct a bad ritual circumcision, as an example of "good news for  mongers who are wore out....".  

WTF....I'm still not sure where those connecting dots are

Blowing Chunks 387 reads
9 / 24

Remember, ISO existed before ISO existed.  

What if ISO doesn't sell?

ValuedCustomer 299 reads
10 / 24


JohnyComeAlready 316 reads
11 / 24

Posted By: Blowing Chunks
Remember, ISO existed before ISO existed.  
 What if ISO doesn't sell?

Blowing Chunks 326 reads
13 / 24
scoed 8 Reviews 424 reads
14 / 24

It is sad it is preformed at all not doing so under their own free will. But the removal of the clitoris is one of the worse forms. There is one culture where to be a man boys are circumcised, they must then eat their foreskin, then they cut the penis long way and hold it over a fire to cauterize it, that just might have it beat. Who the fuck thinks this shit up? It is a problem (even in good old USA with circumcision of most baby boys) but we aren't fixing it here.  

As for the OP. I think he was making a joke about fucking our dicks off and now being able to reattach it. It was dumb but I think that was what he was going for with the good news comment.

-- Modified on 3/14/2015 1:28:04 AM

GaGambler 367 reads
15 / 24

I would hope that a much larger effort would be put into stopping this horrific practice in the first place.

Somebody has to bring these people out of the Stone Age, or somebody needs to bomb them back into the Stone Age. I am open to either solution personally.

SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 398 reads
16 / 24

Clitoraid! A funky cult is successfully restoring sensitivity to cut clitorises:

Posted By: hotplants
 It's great news that South African Drs have performed the world's first successful penis transplant to correct a botched ritual circumcision.  
 I'd like to hope these same Dr's are working just as hard on perfecting a procedure to correct every single completely successful removal of a clitoris.

scoed 8 Reviews 332 reads
17 / 24

Restoring things is one thing but need to restore ones genitals because some doctor, chief, or clergy decides to cut part of it off is quite sad and has no place. I am glad someone is trying to undo some of the damage. Sadly you can't replace the nerve endings. Once gone they are gone.

GaGambler 311 reads
18 / 24

especially by a mangina, err excuse me, That's MISTER mangina. lol

scoed 8 Reviews 287 reads
19 / 24

I may have to act more like you than I prefer if anyone is that stupid. :D

fartsonhigher1 328 reads
20 / 24

I'm just not sure what that would be.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 306 reads
22 / 24

The Order of the Crossed Legs.  

Posted By: fartsonhigher1
I'm just not sure what that would be.

fartsonhigher1 340 reads
23 / 24
SoftlySarah See my TER Reviews 418 reads
24 / 24

refer to. With the current case of the 4-year-old in FL, I'd argue that while perhaps not as retrograde as the Stone Age, it's definitely Medieval-esque. It's just plain barbaric.

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