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hotplants 584 reads


solicitation or patronzing a prostitute is a crime involving Moral turpitude (yea okayyyy lol) which is a big deal for immigration
i am a permanent resident but if i get caught my green card renewal and application to be naturalized for american citizenship are in jeopardy :/

lol just thought id share

sucks, being the paranoid person i am

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 10:03:44 PM

There are some funny ass questions on N-400 form.  

Shit like were you ever involved in terrorist activities. Were you ever associated with NAZI Germany. Did you ever try to overthrow US government.  

Once you do fill up the form, you will have cite if you were ever detained for questioning and shit like that. Even if you were not convicted of anything.. So if LE detains suspecting you are a John, you will have to make sure you disclose that.. Hope it never happens though.  

Good luck and stick to well reviewed girls to minimize the risks...

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 10:12:06 PM

I've never suffered a legal problem you mentioned since registering with and utilizing TER 12 years ago.

Prior to TER I wasn't so fortunate.

yea true, i probably wont run into any trouble especially if i stick with ter well reviewed ladies but unfortunately i wont have peace of mind

Posted By: RRO2610
I've never suffered a legal problem you mentioned since registering with and utilizing TER 12 years ago.  
 Prior to TER I wasn't so fortunate.
-- Modified on 7/31/2014 10:23:14 PM

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 1:42:39 AM

I honestly didn't know as I had never seen nor heard you called that before. I've already denounced CPA as that hence my new education of the 'name' lol. In my reference below to Mr. 'Nick'name himself I explain lol.  

Now......how could you have Blue Balls in this wonderful world of Beauties. You need to get on that then Papa.

-- Modified on 8/1/2014 5:48:15 PM

curious as to how successful one can be if there was a trial to try to prove solicitation is not a crime involving moral turpitude

i can kinda understand how it can be a crime in certain conservative countries but a crime involving moral turpitude? cmon!  kinda frustrating america considers prostitution or solicitation morally wrong

Religious folks imposing their beliefs on others. I don't ever impose my beliefs (or lack of any belief in any god) on any of them. And yet they don't extend me the same respect.

I would defend anyone's right to believe in and worship any god they wish or their right not to believe or worship a god. My feeling is if something conflicts with your integrity, then don't do it, but don't impose your integrity on me.

I'm paranoid, too.  

First, the furinners come in and take our jobs and competitively depress US salaries.

Now, they come in and take our girls and competitively increase the cost of having fun.

Lose lose. I guess we do need immigration reform!

(Just kidding ... don't get caught.

and were busted, one twice, for P4P; yet they are still here and I suspect will be for the rest of their lives.

I think you just need to get a lawyer who knows how to fix things should the worse ever come to worse.

It may cost a few bills, but it won't be the end of the world.

On the other hand, I was once driving back to the USA from Canada with a gal who had a bust many, many years ago for P4P, and despite my cautions to her to not mention it if they ask about previous arrests or convictions, she blurted it out.  This lead to a  four hour detainment while they did a background check on us and completely went through everything in the car.  

So, they can turn medieval on you if they want.

I had a similar experience crossing the Canadian border. The young lady was not a provider and had no priors to admit too, but she was 25 years my junior. I guess that constituted probable cause..

Four hours sitting and staring at walls while they tore everything in the car apart. Clothes and personal belongings strewn from hell to breakfast.  It should be a requirement that they put things back as they found them but, unfortunately, not the case

Posted By: LoboGris
I had a similar experience crossing the Canadian border. The young lady was not a provider and had no priors to admit too, but she was 25 years my junior. I guess that constituted probable cause..  
 Four hours sitting and staring at walls while they tore everything in the car apart. Clothes and personal belongings strewn from hell to breakfast.  It should be a requirement that they put things back as they found them but, unfortunately, not the case.  

GaGambler787 reads

Every lawn in America would go uncut, every car wash would shut down, and fruit would have to learn how to pick itself. lol

Yeah, Canada is a bitch.

I would love to go to Montreal and/or Toronto for both the great food and the hot women, but considering the airfare is twice as much from Texas, the fact it gets cold as hell up there, and last but not least, having to deal with Canadian customs, I very rarely make it north of our border to play.  I have to confess, if it were not for those factors, I would love to go to either city as an alternate playground from Latin America.

t was US Customs on re-entry to the States that tore my car apart.

I was in and out of Canada several times a year for a number of years and had considerably less hassle from Canadian Customs going in than I did fro US Customs on re-entry.

I hope the Mexican border never gets so tight Juan and his weed whacker can't come north to make a buck. I hate Manual Labor (there's a pun in there for those astute enough to get it). Mexico can, however, keep the cartel and their products thank you very much. (a few drone strikes would probably solve that problem too :)

GaGambler775 reads

y si, Manuel Trabajo es el Presidente de Mexico, no?

The last time I drove back from Canada, I only went for an overnight business trip. Actually I flew into Buffalo and took a limo service to Niagra Falls, on the way back, in the limo mind you, I was asked what I had been doing in Canada. When I told him I had simply gone up to Niagra Falls to go to the casino, I got a 30 minute interrogation about why I had to go to Canada to lose my money, and why didn't I just stay in the US. I can only imagine if I had told him the truth that I was up their on business. That's the LAST thing you ever want to admit to when going back and forth to Canada.

I was stopped at the Canadian border and they asked me a bunch of questions.

Border Police: Do you have any weapons?
Me: Why? What do you need?

It took a lot longer to put the car back together than to take it apart

It's the conviction of the underlying crime that is defined as involving moral turpitude.  For immigration purposes, there doesn't even need to be a conviction.  If it is shown that you were even arrested for pandering or other crimes involving moral turpitude, an immigration law judge can revoke your visa/RA card and toss you out of the country.   If you are treally worried about it, I would suggest you start donating time to a reputable charity showing you are a valuable member of the community to offset the potential black mark on your permanent record.

Immigration is in the news alot, with the usual tea bagger crazies in the House and Senate screaming for the immediate return of kids and other refugees from crime ridden and very bleak circumstances back home.  Fortunately most immigration law judges are fairly lenient in those circumstances.  The doctrine is to allow immigration to those who want it, not deny immigration to those who deserve it.  Visa and residency revocations are usually based upon pretty serious violations that go beyond what you are talking about

mmm i see
it just doesnt make sense to me that solicitation is considered a crime of moral turpitude  

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
It's the conviction of the underlying crime that is defined as involving moral turpitude.  For immigration purposes, there doesn't even need to be a conviction.  If it is shown that you were even arrested for pandering or other crimes involving moral turpitude, an immigration law judge can revoke your visa/RA card and toss you out of the country.   If you are treally worried about it, I would suggest you start donating time to a reputable charity showing you are a valuable member of the community to offset the potential black mark on your permanent record.  
 Immigration is in the news alot, with the usual tea bagger crazies in the House and Senate screaming for the immediate return of kids and other refugees from crime ridden and very bleak circumstances back home.  Fortunately most immigration law judges are fairly lenient in those circumstances.  The doctrine is to allow immigration to those who want it, not deny immigration to those who deserve it.  Visa and residency revocations are usually based upon pretty serious violations that go beyond what you are talking about.  

GaGambler815 reads

but I would worry too much, the chances of you actually getting booted out of the country for solicitation are so slim as to be statistically irrelevant. I don't know any men who are "foreign nationals" for lack of a better term that have ever been popped for soliciting a hooker, but I know many, many women who are "aliens" both legal and illegal, who have been popped for solicitation, who are still here in the country, and don't have any intentions of leaving any time soon.

I would say as long as you are careful, and you take the advice of many of the veterans here, your chances of getting busted in the first place are rather slim. Personally, I have been at this right about 40 years, I have seen literally thousands of different women over this period of time and I have NEVER been arrested for it. I am not saying that this is risk free, but with a little common sense and research, you shouldn't ever have a problem

join organizations like SWOP USA and others in the fight against criminalization. At least financially if you can't physically. :)  

Posted By: yellowfever1250
solicitation or patronzing a prostitute is a crime involving Moral turpitude (yea okayyyy lol) which is a big deal for immigration  
 i am a permanent resident but if i get caught my green card renewal and application to be naturalized for american citizenship are in jeopardy :/  
 lol just thought id share  
 sucks, being the paranoid person i am

-- Modified on 7/31/2014 10:03:44 PM

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