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badkarma 1 Reviews 3999 reads
1 / 27

Okay, first of all I don’t do reviews unless it was a negative EXPERIENCE.  With that said, I would like to comment on people reviewing negatively about a providers physical appearance/features.
I guess it’s okay to say that she had a great set of nipples or a round ass.  But some of the more recent reviews I’ve been reading, are being taken a little too far.  Nobody is perfect, but does making a negative comment about a certain physical trait really need to be posted?  
Here are some examples of what I’m reading:
-Leathery skin
-Implants are too hard
-flabby tits
-ass too big
-ass too bony
-facial comments
-hairy bush
-too Fat

What if the roles were reversed and they can comment and post on the internet (so that everyone can see) about your physical flaws:
-Halitosis breathe
-Beaver-like chompers
-Blinding Glare coming off your bald head while in Missionary
-Wool on your back
-Velcro on your balls and ass
-Beady stalker looking eyes
-Teeth that can butter a whole loaf of bread
-Rank smelling feet
-Sandpaper lips
-Beer Belly
-Droopy ass with pimples all over it
-Weird or ugly looking dick (imagine if she said small!)

The real deal is performance.  If the performance sucks, then it’s okay to comment on it.  But lay off the negative comments about physical features.  Rating a girl from 1 to 10 is enough, and most can get an idea of what they are getting into.  If you want perfect looks, then go spend the extra cash and get the PSE you’ve always wanted.  

Before you play, you kind of see what your getting into.  It’s okay to say “NO” if your are not satisfied with the looks.  Your brain is smarter than your dick.

alias smith and jones 3721 reads
2 / 27

I think you are totally off base on this one.  While it is true no one comments on hobbyists' appearances, it is the hobbyists who pay, not the providers.  The consumer has a right to know before making a decision to spend his money.  The point is not to be hurtful, but to be truthful.  Many providers do not post face pics, or their pics are dated.  There is no way to know unless someone who has been there makes a specific comment.    

I have seen enough supposed 9's who in reality were at best 5's or 6's to appreciate specific comments from the guys who have the conjones to be truthful, so that I can make an informed decision.  It is not all about performance.  I personally get more out of a 9/7 experience than I do out of a 5,6, or 7/9 experience.  

Specific comments are fair, informative, and appreciated.

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 3002 reads
3 / 27

I agree with both to an extent: if you're gonna do a review, do a review, warts and all. That's what we're here for. On the other hand, be kind, be gentle. You can be creative enough to let the next guy know without using hurtful language.

badkarma 1 Reviews 3364 reads
4 / 27

When you meet a provider for the first time, you can pretty much tell what you're getting into (as far as physically).  I just don't like that guys will go through with it and then make comments like that afterward.  My one and only review is an 8-2.  I have no problems paying for a 5-9 or higher.  The 9-10 and 10-10 are way out of my price range.  

It's okay to say "NO" if you're not happy with what you see.  If a provider's performance sucked, then feel free to lay the wood.

AverageFacedGal 2555 reads
5 / 27

I am not beautiful. I am just plain jane here. I don't have a model 's body. I just have an average body. My pictures reveal that. My reviews reveal that too. But I do get high ratings in performance and in attitude :) I agree with you that some reviews on us average gals can be more gentle and kind. Just because I wasn't born with a perfect body doesn't make me less human. All us plain janes can do is to do our very best and hope that our personalities will shine in each and every review, and less of unflattering descriptives of our bodies, although the reviewer claims to have had a good time.

I wish there were more men out here like you Karma. It's nice to see a man who really is sensitive and caring. To me, that is makes a man a man.

Thank you again.

SULLY 24 Reviews 2849 reads
6 / 27

ain't that one of our eternal arguments?  Face guys vs. overall session guys.  For the face guys, a lady who sucks 'em dry, takes it all ways and gives 'em 5 pops in an hour still has to be a 9-10 to get any respect.  for the overall session guys, no amount of beauty makes up for poor skillz.

I put myself in the latter category BTW, as I seem to find that less than stunning ladies have given me the best times.  Besides, what do I have to discuss with a 22 yo hotty anywho?

SULLY 24 Reviews 2266 reads
7 / 27

-- Modified on 7/12/2004 2:37:59 PM

hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 2219 reads
8 / 27
MrSelfDestruct 44 Reviews 2401 reads
9 / 27

One man's 10 may be another man's 7.

Hopefully, those who encounter someone they consider to be deserving a lower score will express this, as you say, creatively without being hurtful.

denverdon2757 49 Reviews 2602 reads
10 / 27

hairy bush, god I luv hairy bushes, what's with all theseshaved pussies?

2sense 2702 reads
11 / 27
hrnyguy31 95 Reviews 2720 reads
12 / 27

In case you didn't realize it, I was agreeing with you. Although my caption says "I disagree", it's because it is a reply to "alias smith & jones" reply. I also agree, and I think a majority of us vererans agree, that a 5-10 beats the hell out of a 10-5. BTW, my big head is smarter than my little head, but you know the old joke "there's only enough blood to work one of them at a time"!

SULLY 24 Reviews 5409 reads
13 / 27

Don't pull my Cheney!  I'm Tense.

now off to the undisclosed location....

tba 20 Reviews 2412 reads
14 / 27

if you were the only hobbyist on Earth.  However, you're not.

To many, looks are a big part of the equation.  Reviews should be informative regarding looks and performance.  Hopefully it would be done in a tactful way...

SirPrize 2100 reads
15 / 27

They are mean because it makes them feel like big men.

You can say things in a nice way or a mean way, and still convey your message.

If you rate a girl a 5 in looks, you can say you didn't find her attractive or you can say that she was ugly. We get the idea either way.

Rickbethel 21 Reviews 2531 reads
16 / 27

There is probably no single issue that drives me more crazy than reviewers who comment negatively on the appearance of attractive women.

Maybe I'm just lucky, but I am always very pleasantly surprised by the beauty of ladies who get hammered constantly by negative comments about their appearance. Are guys just not looking? Are they missing a woman's beautiful eyes because she is carrying a little extra weight? Are they missing some really interesting facial features because she looks a little different?

Enough venting. Here's a funny story. NetMichelle had a number of reviewers comment on how "big" she is. So the night before I saw her, I had a dream that she had to bend over to get through the door of my hotel room (possibly influenced by her comment that she wears heels that are longer than most guys' erect pricks.)

Bottom line - I take appearance scores and comments with a grain of salt.

Ci Ci 3787 reads
17 / 27

It's discouraging as a provider to hear that your performance was "out of this world" according to most men I see. They keep telling me how beautiful I am, although I think beauty is subjective and in the "eyes of the beholder". Some like blondes, some like brunettes, some like redheads. Some like freckles (which I have). Some probably hate them. I a mature provider but have been told I look like I'm in my early thirties. I am slender, have bright blue eyes, am tanned, etc., yet I have received a "7" in the looks department (only once but it was upsetting at the time). Up until now, I haven't even considered doing a two-girl appointment so there's probably a reason why I haven't got many 10's because I am not super-bi and I don't do anal (except for rimming). Does this make me any less special? I don't think so, unless you're looking in particular for two girls (which I might consider now) or want anal. I think this whole rating process is silly anyway. I think it helps men to pick out a partner. However, I've seen many reviews where the lady got only 5's and 6's but she's reviewed a lot. So throw that theory out the window.  I think there should be statements made if you thought the girl was pretty or unbelievably gorgeous, was good in bed and was receptive to almost everything (or anything). Just my .02


lildesi 2838 reads
18 / 27

As long as the provider is not deceiving customers with her photo or description, there is no reason to get huffy or start with hurtful comments. Other providers may see your review of her and be frightened off, thinking you a cruel, callous man.   If something must be said, tact is always appreciated.  People will understand how you feel simply if you say you wouldn't see her again, she is a little heavier than her pics, etc.    

Jockeypants 22 Reviews 2010 reads
19 / 27
ElvishArtisan 5 Reviews 2261 reads
20 / 27

Methinks that rather unduly skews the overall results.  I always try to do a review, regardless if the experience was good, bad or whatever.  Considering how hard most of these ladies work (the overwhelming majority I've seen), I think a balanced and objective review policy is only right.


STUMPY 25 Reviews 2184 reads
21 / 27

It is wrong to be nasty in the review narrative when reviewing a lady regarding her performance or physical appearance.    

What is fair and proper is to comment regarding how a lady's appearance compares to her pictures.  If her pictures were taken when she was 25 years old, stood 5'4' inches tall and weighed 120 pounds and now she is 40 years old and weighs 175 pounds then that information should be included in the review narrative by just making a statement that the pictures are 15 years old and the lady has put on 55 pounds since the pictures were taken.

If the lady is upset by that comment she should get new pictures taken that reflect her current physical appearance instead of keeping old pictures that basically constitute false advertising.

If a gentleman arrives at the door and decides to go through with the date that is his business and certainly if she is a 10 in the performance area he should write about it.  However even in that event it is fair and should be stated that she did not look like her pictures because of they are 15 years old and she has put on 55 pounds.  That type of comment serves both the provider and the hobbyists.  The hobbyists who will be put off by the weight and age differential will not make appointments and be disappointed and the provider will have to deal with fewer unhappy hobbyists and their negative comments about her appearance.

AliOfLosAngeles 3125 reads
22 / 27

 There's a big difference in

'her tits sagged to her toes'


'her breast aren't as perky as I prefer'

Reading reviews tells a lot about a gentleman..
how he treats a women and whether he has some class..
and its one of the reasons I want to read a few posted reviews before accepting a date with anyone new.

BigD_XXL 2930 reads
23 / 27

I agree with your thoughts on this.  There are a lot of ways to say something without being hurtful or direct.  I read a recent review where the reviewer said the provider was “15 pounds heavier than any attractive weight”.  First, the dude was way off as I had seen this provider recently, secondly – wouldn’t of a “heavier than pics” or “a bit more of a lady than I like” conveyed the same message without sounding cruel?

Just a thought.

SirPrize 2869 reads
24 / 27

BEFORE I try to see you ..... again.

Hope all is well sexy.

Turkana 3637 reads
25 / 27

One man's ceiling is another man's floor.

asebs 2866 reads
26 / 27

do a search for reviewer "taroman" - he doesn't like ANYBODY

newguy71 2 Reviews 2974 reads
27 / 27

Ali I found your site refreshingly honest with regard to your preference in making new friends.

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