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$11.66 a min sounds better than $700 an hr ?
mobileclimate 2318 reads

How do you sleep at night ?

If a lady is charging $700/hour, she's getting enough responses to justify the price. Otherwise, she'll lower it (supply and demand). If I can't afford her going rate (and I certainly couldn't handle that rate), that's a reflection on my economic status, not her business acumen, nor her ethics.

GaGambler651 reads

Seven hundred bucks is barely one football bet for me, one of maybe forty or fifty I will make in an average week, so I can easily afford to spend $700 if I so choose.

Now if the question is "will I hire a $700hr hooker?" that's a completely different matter, as I don't see where paying more actually gets you anything more, and this has nothing to do with her business acumen or ethics, it's simply a matter of value. While seven hundred bucks is not a lot of money in my world, I still work hard for my money, and in most thing in my life I still look for value. I just don't like getting gouged, I was in Whole Foods yesterday, which is a rarity for me, but I was looking for caviar which obviously not every grocery store carries, I looked in their meat section while I was there and saw fucking pork chops for over seven dollars a fucking pound, fucking pork chops for fucks sake. Now I can easily afford seven bucks, but am I going to pay seven dollars a pound for something that I can buy in any other store for half that amount? FUCK NO!!! and that how I view $700 hr hookers.

Do I begrudge them for their success? NO. Do I ask for them to lower their rates? Hell no. Will I pay that rate? Fuck No, but please don't try and tell me that I don't see HDH because I can't afford them.

I wouldn't pay fucking $7/ fucking pound for fucking pork chops for fucks sake! Holy Crap! And I fucking love me some fucking pork chops, with some fucking saute'd mushrooms. Haha

Jesus tittyfucking Christ (that's a Tobi'ism) them must be some good fucking pigs, like Kobe Pigs or something.

All that cursing has made me thirsty, guess I'll have to go to my favorite restaurant and have a fucking Bourbon, and for fucks sake I'll have to get me a fucking pork chop with mushrooms. Oh Hell, I think I do pay more than $7/lb for pork chops.

Looking forward to partying with you guys in CR sometime GaG and inicky, and attempting to catch up. A person should have goals you know. Lather, rinse repeat. I fucking love that.

Pork chops at any price? Just gross. BBQ pork ribs? Nirvana! No bbq sauce, please. Talented BBQers season to perfection. 'Nough said

factory farming is cheap. The pigs are fed copious amounts of antibiotics, and as pigs are highly susceptible to worms, factory farmed pigs are given drugs to combat them that are so strong that the pig must be withdrawn from slaughter for 30 days or those drugs will poison the people who eat it. The overuse of antibiotics has created numerous strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. But hey- you didn't have to pay much for it. ;)

On the other hand, organic pork farming is not permitted to use antibiotics or the worming medicine. So it's more expensive to effect organic workarounds. Personally, I find value in humanely and organically raised pork. Though i rarely eat meat these days, when I do I get the best quality I can. I get mine from a small sustainable farm where the pigs and cows and chickens are pastured and allowed to roam. Not Joel Salatin's, but very similar, and the same farming philosophy. I'm willing to pay a lot extra for that value. And I definitely notice a taste difference.  

Posted By: GaGambler
Seven hundred bucks is barely one football bet for me, one of maybe forty or fifty I will make in an average week, so I can easily afford to spend $700 if I so choose.  

Now if the question is "will I hire a $700hr hooker?" that's a completely different matter, as I don't see where paying more actually gets you anything more, and this has nothing to do with her business acumen or ethics, it's simply a matter of value. While seven hundred bucks is not a lot of money in my world, I still work hard for my money, and in most thing in my life I still look for value. I just don't like getting gouged, I was in Whole Foods yesterday, which is a rarity for me, but I was looking for caviar which obviously not every grocery store carries, I looked in their meat section while I was there and saw fucking pork chops for over seven dollars a fucking pound, fucking pork chops for fucks sake. Now I can easily afford seven bucks, but am I going to pay seven dollars a pound for something that I can buy in any other store for half that amount? FUCK NO!!! and that how I view $700 hr hookers.  

Do I begrudge them for their success? NO. Do I ask for them to lower their rates? Hell no. Will I pay that rate? Fuck No, but please don't try and tell me that I don't see HDH because I can't afford them.

Op might be a recent graduate from the University of Enigmatic posters. JCA is an alumni and graduated with a magna cum Laude for being the most enigmatic student ever. Lol

How did they sleep at night?  We can ask JCA what he meant by this?  

Remember,  sleeping existing before night existed.

And I don't spend money that I don't have, so I sleep soundly - especially well after a good nut.

Robert_BadenPowell526 reads

Reminds me of when Kirk and Spock were booted off the bus, and Spock asks Kirk, "What does it mean, 'exact change'?"

've seen many many many 700/hr+ girls and I'd say a number of them were very deserving. I've seen a number of 1700/hr + and other than a fantasy fulfillment, the performance wasn't as good as some favorites.  

Not many are really worthy of that price.  They just charge it because they are in a market and the demand exists while supply for decent looking girls are low.  Sometimes they are just very popular and its a brand name premium.  

I'd see them for 400/hr or 5, but not 700/hr+

Though I'm still not sure what it is you're asking here...

Posted By: mobileclimate
How do you sleep at night ?

Either how does she sleep at night charging that much or how does a john sleep at night paying that much.  

Just another version of a rate thread possibly meant to knock the hookers who charge that much and the johns who pay that much.  

Do people add rate threads to other sites like antique care sites or rare coin sites? Or is it just people who pay for pussy have rate issues?

-- Modified on 9/10/2014 9:32:23 AM

Posted By: mobileclimate
How do you sleep at night ?

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