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Do providers give a lot of false compliments?
Sway0828 24 Reviews 1405 reads

I saw a provider today who was full of compliments for my big package, good head and the experience. I have had that said to me before. She then said she will tell all the other ladies about me and they will all want to see me later. Did she say that for extra business or to let her provider friends enjoy the same experience??

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 2:27:33 AM

TheSkyFell268 reads

Sometimes I try to force myself into it based on the feedback my girlfriends receive...but its not in my nature so I don't do it typically.

If I pay a client a compliment, I mean it with all my heart.

Thanks for your response. I just responded to another commentator about looks.  I am in my 30's, a gym rat, in great muscular shape and I can go for hours. I do remember she was disappointed when I came. Usually, providers are in a hurry to make u cum.  I am tempted to believe that the compliment are real. I am curious about why you force yourself to say something nice based on what your gfs tell you. Do you force yourself when they tell you they had a good or bad experience?

TheSkyFell95 reads

In doubles and heard from gfs in chatting about biz that guys like the ego pump.

When I find myself "trying" to make small talk compliments it just doesn't sound real and if it sounds like that to me I imagine it sounds patronizing to the client...so I generally don't do it.

If I say that I like the way a client looks, the way he performs, when he comes to see me...I mean it.

If you look how you say you look then its probably genuine and you should be happy about it.

First off, I'm not what you would call a handsome dude, second of all, my bear gut has reduced my cock size to only about 3 inches. In all of my SO relationships, all of my SO's told me that I was terrible in bed.

However, after seeing providers, its the total opposite. They told me that I have the biggest dick they've ever seen. Also, they always call me hottie, handsome, or cutie. I feel so good when they call me these names. Also, all of the providers I've been with told me I'm the best lover they ever had. It makes me feel good to be able to satisfy their needs.

I think my SO's expected too much from me. However, providers don't expect too much from. They tell me that I'm the best thing that ever happened to their lives, and, I believe them. I have no other reasons not to believe them. So, no, I don't think they give out false compliments. They are just telling you the truth.

I agree with you on the low expectation that providers have. After all, they are there for the cash and they cannot wait for you to cum.  Nothing personal but I am the opposite of you; I am a gym rat, in great muscular shape and I can fuck for hours if I am aroused ;)  They may be telling the truth like you stated..

The smart money says not one of her girlfriends would want to see you because of your sex skills.
Put it to the test.  Ask her if she would see you for free.

... (that's part of it yes) but to see how good there sex skills were/how good I was gonna get it lol. Of course they know better they can't get the fun for free but like I read another provider "say"  elsewhere on TER that "sometimes my pussy gets hungry" lol.

saturnsky131 reads

However we find that some men are actually good in the sack, so it's a bonus. I won't say something unless I mean it. I am not one to go "tell other asp's" though.

We get enough experiences that show very poor skills so we welcome and praise those that are good.

Because we are in a service industry, it's not good for our bottom line if we tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth when someone has no clue how to give head, kiss or fuck. Bottom line it's his fantasy not mine and I am not here to critique his performance, but to give him the best time I can. And if he is good, I will damn well tell him.

If someone asks me if they were good and they were not, I will tell a white lie. Not my job to make a guy feel like crap. Sometimes honesty in this business where egos are frail enough as it is is not the best policy, but to volunteer a lie, no, ONLY if outright asked.

If you cannot get honest feedback on whether what you are doing is pleasing, you cannot improve your technique or learn what works.   It is exacerbated when having sex with providers because every one that I have been with goes into auto audible mode and starts cooing and groaning.  So I have no idea if they like what I do or not.  And as you say, when I ask, I don't get honest answers.  According to them, I am great.  

According to my wife, with whom I have only brought to orgasm once in 33 years, I am great and give her what she wants.  Nobody is telling me the truth.  I can only judge if I am being effective by whether I get their vaginas moist.  But that is not a tell-all, such as when the provider is on her 5th trick of the day and I am lucky #5.  There is only so much sex one can have in a day and have it remain pleasurable.  So what I am doing may be pleasurable, but the response just isn't going to happen.

And as far as giving orgasms go, I don't have a clue whether the ones the providers I have been with had were real or pulled from "When Harry Met Sally".  I really do not like them to fake it, it is distracting me from my mission to learn.

I want women to find me pleasurable to be with, and I want to learn, so I would appreciate honest feedback to go to school on....

But I do understand your position completely, and you are reflecting the reality of the situtation accurately.

saturnsky104 reads

Posted By: thewinger
If you cannot get honest feedback on whether what you are doing is pleasing, you cannot improve your technique or learn what works.   It is exacerbated when having sex with providers because every one that I have been with goes into auto audible mode and starts cooing and groaning.  So I have no idea if they like what I do or not.  And as you say, when I ask, I don't get honest answers.  According to them, I am great.  

According to my wife, with whom I have only brought to orgasm once in 33 years, I am great and give her what she wants.  Nobody is telling me the truth.  I can only judge if I am being effective by whether I get their vaginas moist.  But that is not a tell-all, such as when the provider is on her 5th trick of the day and I am lucky #5.  There is only so much sex one can have in a day and have it remain pleasurable.  So what I am doing may be pleasurable, but the response just isn't going to happen.

And as far as giving orgasms go, I don't have a clue whether the ones the providers I have been with had were real or pulled from "When Harry Met Sally".  I really do not like them to fake it, it is distracting me from my mission to learn.

I want women to find me pleasurable to be with, and I want to learn, so I would appreciate honest feedback to go to school on....

But I do understand your position completely, and you are reflecting the reality of the situtation accurately.
Some get really hurt or downright crabby if their so called perfect technique is not working and a correction to what I specifically like is made. You just never know...so I err on the side of caution and what makes me the most money. Not meaning to be harsh, just telling my truth.

But I think he might pass that test.  I would not try it because I would feel like I was now trying for a frebie and that might change the whole feel of the visit.  Now if the connection is that stong do you want to date her. If she was telling the truth and told her friends would it be bad for them if she was right?

Would you have them start acting like the airlines and nickle and dime you to death?

Oooh, what a beautiful envelope you have!
My, look at the size of that envelope!  Such girth!
I have never seen an envelope with a better shape than yours!

Of course providers give false compliments...it is caled Salesmanship.
When she says "Oh my..but you are a handsome devil".....eventhough you actually look like Elmer Fudd's less attractive Older Brother she is being polite and trying to maintain the fantasy that you are paying for. She wants and needs you to feel good about your session.....which is why some providers pay you the false compliment of faking an orgasm so that you will feel like Sir Studly! ;-)  

BTW.....This is no different than when your Tailor says "That Suit looks fabulous on you!" And that color is very Sliming....when it fits you like a Potato Sack....over-stuffed with an extra 30lbs of potatoes....or when the Car Salesman tells you how women will flock to you while driving this Mini Van. Marketing makes the world go round!

Now....Not every provider will intentionally smother you with phony compliments (I know several who firmly believe in the honesty is the best policy motto) because if it is insincere the client will know it and they not enjoy themselves.... but they will certainly be VERY polite and try and make you feel a King....because as a man isn't that what we want afterall?

Just my $0.02

If she's going to tell all the "other ladies"  Are these other ladies not competitors of hers?  Unless they are her friends and associates in the business, then they have to be.  As a business owner I can tell you that any competent operator will not refer you to someone else unless they are unable to help you.

I think some compliments are legit and others are not.  For instance, I recently saw a provider who kindly mentioned how smooth my face was.  I'm inclined to believe this because I shaved so closely before seeing her that I damn nearly scrapped the skin off my bones.  She also mentioned that my mouth tasted pleasant, which considering I took measures to ensure this, there's no reason to doubt it.  All of the things she touched on I knew to be true.

Come to think of it, I've seen a few providers in my life time, and I don't think I've ever been dealt a false compliment.  Except maybe for this provider I saw out west...  She might have been faking orgasms.  I would imagine this is probably the most frequent fake "compliment" if you will.

It's probably easier for me to spot a real compliment than it is a fake one though.

Posted By: Sway0828
I saw a provider today who was full of compliments for my big package, good head and the experience. I have had that said to me before. She then said she will tell all the other ladies about me and they will all want to see me later. Did she say that for extra business or to let her provider friends enjoy the same experience??

-- Modified on 5/29/2012 2:27:33 AM

I feel like it is a provider's job to give you all her attention during the allotted time and to make you feel like a king.  If that means giving compliments, so be it.  You will probably never know if they were false or not.   I'd say enjoy it.

Does that really make guys want to see you or come back? My guess would be only the naive ones who need an ego stroke. I like guys who don't need to hear that unless it is genuine, or care really.

are you sure it is a compliment..not a complement..one little letter makes a big difference..most i know are experts at both..

The lady is putting on a performance to make you feel good, to please you. If you look at her reviews, or talk to others who have seen her, the odds are good that over 90% of what you have experienced is the same performance she puts on for every guy.

No, I am not saying that there is not some personal interaction, and some ways in which your experience is unique, but she is doing a job, putting on a performance for you no matter what she actually feels, or does not feel, when you are together. And, despite what you will feel, the better the date, the better the provider, the more likely that it is all a standard performance.

Yes, providers like some guys more than others, but if they are good at this and last more than a little while in this job, that has very little to do with the perfomance they deliver. It can't, or they would not be good at this.

But I am sure the OP is a hell of a lover.


...without knowing her personality. Some people just get verbally gushy after a particularly satisfying experience. I've had to take that tendency down because in this world, it does come across as over-the-top.

If she seemed like she had a lot of fun, she said that she had a lot of fun, and you had a lot of fun, I'd just take it as an overly enthusiastic compliment and not worry too much.

That said, there are some providers that will give insincere compliments thinking that it's good for business. Personally I give compliments when they're sincere - otherwise, why say anything at all? (Of course, speechlessness can be its own compliment...)

It's actually kind of funny sometimes trying to give someone a compliment in this world, watching them demur, and trying to get them to understand it's meant quite seriously and is a quality they should be aware of.

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