
The Win-Win
BRex 58 Reviews 3506 reads

I just left the company of a sweet, gorgeous (TER Reviewed) regular Companion of mine, and I was reminded of a favorite quote, "making love is a lot like a Chinese meal, it isn't really done until EVERYONE gets their cookies".

Before I get into my thoughts, let me be clear about the fact that I'm not talking about being a white-knight or falling in love with anyone; I would not have lasted 40 years in the Game if I struggled with either one of those afflictions.

Okay, my thoughts are these... If I want some real "connection" with a lady, if I want a GFE, then maybe I need to provide a little connection, maybe I need to provide a little BFE (to ask, to listen, to pay attention and to give a rip).

My experience has been that treating a lady with respect & kindness, caring about her feelings and caring about her pleasure results in one thing over and over again... heaven opening wide, fantasies coming true and the creation of some hella good friendships in the process!

Sure there are always exceptions, but that's all they are, exceptions. The rule, over and over again, has been that taking some time (both before, and in the after-glow) to talk, to ask questions, to care, to listen and to compliment, has lead me to the Win-Win with great regularity; and heaven, as they say, opens wide at the point of the Win-Win.

Plus, it is a fallacy that ladies don't recommend clients to each other. Sure some don't and never will. But my experience, especially with the Cadillac and Ferrari class of ladies, is that if you routinely foster the Win-Win, they tell each other; and then heaven opens wide on the grandest imaginable scale.

Yes, it is a business relationship (it isn't a real romance), but she's still a woman and both of you are still human; why not take a trip to the island of Win-Win?

I'm always looking to hone my craft and sharpen my skills; Why? Because, to quote another favorite saying of mine (by Paul McCartney), "That Jo-Jo is always on my mind!"

Rock On!
BRex / Bandit Rex    

Of the fruits born of the Win-Win, a favorite is that of long-term associations.  
One of my very favorite providers is KelseyKel (TER: 322101; P411: P244726), we’ve been good friends for a while and the Win-Win has fostered a very nice, long-term association between the two of us and, as it goes with the Win-Win, both of us always get our cookies.
Kel is beautiful, vivacious and full of elan; but on top of that she’s just a hoot! Spending time with her is never less than laughter-filled and life-giving.  
You can find reviews of her in my TER reviews, both Single and Doubles.  
Speaking of Doubles, one of the things that is a hoot about Kel is that she really, I mean REALLY, enjoys Doubles. I don’t think I’ve ever had a “friend” who enjoys Doubles as much as Kel.
So, I’m just sayin’... Kel is a hoot and time with her is life-giving.

It’s just a business relationship, or in some cases a close friendship that has blossomed atop a business relationship, but it isn’t a real romance. None-the-less, she’s still a woman and both of us are still human, and in my experience, taking the time and putting in the effort to get to know a provider well enough to foster genuinely passionate connection is often nothing short of magnificent.

I just left the company of a delightful, European beauty, Carina Dream (see my TER review) and our time was characterized by the type of mutually-engaged, passionate connection that lingers long in the memory of a simple man like myself. Cheers!

Bandit Rex

This is the first of a few posts about Win-Win Junctures.  
In this post, I’m just going to define the Win-Win Juncture concept in general and how I see it being applicable to my pursuits as a hobbyist.
Then, in my the following posts on this thread, which will start later today, I will highlight several different opportunities for Win-Win Junctures in the hobby.  
Specifically, opportunities that I think are “low-hanging fruit”, and that have produced consistently desirable results for me, but that are still, none-the-less, routinely missed by many guys.
However, before I go any further, let me play devil’s advocate to my own concept... “Why, as a client, would I care about identifying Win-Win Junctures and fostering a Win-Win Dynamic? I’m the one paying the money, I’m the customer, isn’t that for those White-Knight guys?” No, this has nothing to do with being a white-knight or pursuing unhealthy “crushes” on providers!  
The answer is easy... If you become practiced at identifying Win-Win Junctures and, at those significant pivot points, routinely foster the Win-Win, heaven will open wide for you (with beautiful, sexy women); and it will do so in some unbelievable, living-the-dream ways. Further, in my experience, this will occur on a regular basis, and isn’t that why we are in the hobby to begin with?
I haven’t been doing this for 40 years because I think beautiful, sexy women are “fine”; I’m a hobbyist because I LOVE the company of women! I love just about everything that comes with intimate, passionate connection with women... so, YES, I am very interested in heaven opening wide on a regular basis.
Okay, now back to the concept, both as males and females, as we become adults, life has a way of banging on us, to the degree that we give into the erroneous belief that everything is a Zero-Sum Game: for me to win others must lose and/or if others win, I must be losing.
But this is an erroneous belief, everything is NOT a Zero-Sum Game (sure, some things are, but they are the exception not the rule).  
Most relational scenarios, in most arenas (Professional, Personal, Business and, yes, Hobby) are defined by a series of “pivot points” or “junctures” (between the parties involved); and those junctures, in turn, establish the nature of the relationship: positive, negative, productive, etc. etc.
My life-experience has taught me that if I can look beyond my fear, my anxiety and/or my selfishness, what becomes readily apparent is that there are far more opportunities for these pivot points to become Win-Win Junctures (in which heaven opens wide for me on regular basis) than there are for these pivot point to devolve into nothing but a Zero-Sum Game (where, truthfully, everyone loses).
Obviously, if we are talking about the hobby, everyone, provider & client alike, should never check their brain at the door; we all need to exercise discretion and discernment, but I’m assuming that as a precursor to this conversation. My final point is this, especially to other brothers, don’t confuse discernment with being a selfish, Zero-Sum Gamer, or you will never get the thing you want, in the way you want it and on a regular basis.
Eastbound & Down,

Let’s start this discussion about specific Win-Win Junctures someplace easy.
So... What is a Win-Win Juncture that lives at the intersection of ‘an often missed opportunity’ and ‘not very difficult to pull off’?  
Well, how about AFTERGLOW (the enhanced sense of satisfaction and well-being that lingers following intimacy and tends to foster relational bonding).
Having been a hobbyist as long as I have, I have heard hundreds of clients & providers alike talk about two things regarding Afterglow...
1).Both groups always talk about the value and desirability of Afterglow AND...
2).Both groups always talk about how horrible the other group is at Afterglow (specifically, “they just hopped up and wanted to be done” say many clients about many providers AND say many providers about many clients).
Okay, I know, and am thrilled by the fact that many providers read my posts; but most fundamentally I am a client with a client-facing message; so, I’m just going to tailor this towards the guys.
I discovered a long time ago that, regardless of where a provider resides along the “quality” spectrum, whether she’s a used-Chevy or a brand-new Ferrari... providers love Afterglow. Sure there are exceptions, but that’s exactly what they are, exceptions, not the rule.  
Further, once you get into the Cadillac-Bentley-Ferrari range, it is, in my experience, extremely rare to find a provider who doesn’t love high-quality, lingering Afterglow.
But I do want to pause and make the point that, in 2020 alone, I had two regular providers who were used-Chevy providers (the type that you might imagine might want to bolt as soon as the business transaction was complete) who both loved lingering Afterglow just as much, if not more than, any of my other regular providers in the Cadillac or Ferrari class.
In other words, enthusiasm for Afterglow is pretty close to universal.
Okay, I know clients love Afterglow and I learned a long time ago that providers also love Afterglow, so what’s going on? Why isn’t high-quality Afterglow more universally shared and enjoyed? I think it is as simple as these two things...
1).Fear of rejection AND
2).Guys not honing their Afterglow game.
But guys, I’m telling you, you hone your Afterglow game and heaven will do some serious, long-term opening up for you.
Here are three simple things that I have habitually practiced and worked at to develop an A+ Afterglow game:
1).Pamper Her: This means different things to different ladies; but, after she has warm-washclothed me and gotten me a drink (to which I always take the time to say Thank-You) I always invite her to lay back in my arms and I scratch her head (ladies with long-hair love to have their head scratched) OR if she has hair extensions, I’ll give her a light massage. AND...
2).Ask Her Questions & LISTEN: I always have several questions ready to ask. Just simple stuff, nothing to deep or personal, but things everyone likes to talk about: What’s your favorite type of music? Have you seen any good movies lately? Tell me about your travels? Etc. etc. Those ice-breaker questions never fail to lead to more interesting discussions... because I am LISTENING.
3).Keep It Positive & Inject Laughter: Which, if you are pampering her, asking her questions and listening to what she says is pretty easy.
Wait a second, you might say, why should I put in all of this effort? Because, once again, heaven will open wide for you in any manner of ways that are going to pay you back far beyond the effort you put in AND nothing feels like GFE like her snuggling up into your arms (and it not being awkwardly quiet).
Rock On,
Bandit Rex

I’ll be honest, to me it’s all about the buff, you know, BOOBIES! And when I say boobies, I simply mean that as a humorous euphemism for “I love women and I love their bodies... au naturale!”

But even so, one of the things that I really appreciate about almost all of my lady friends is the effort and energy that so many of them put into their lingerie outfits.

I hope it’s a Win-Win; and not just a Win. I hope it’s a Win for them as much as it is for me; I hope that showing off their gorgeous figures in their frilly unmentionables makes them feel sexy and beautiful and confident.

Seeing my lady friends in all their gorgeous, sartorial splendor, and knowing that they’ve put forth all this energy and effort on my behalf is nothing short of staggering, I mean, what can I say? It’s just one hell of a sexy, life-giving revelation.

Whether it was an intricate bra, panties, garter-belt and stockings ensemble OR a simple thong with stiletto heels and nothing else OR two lovely ladies greeting me in matching bright orange outfits OR a see-through, full-body unitard, it has been a great start to the New Year when it comes to the various outfits that have welcomed me into the company of my various lady friends.

This is particularly on my mind this evening because my good friend and regular Kelsey had an insanely sexy new lingerie ensemble for me to enjoy this afternoon, and even after I took it off of her she kept the sexy thigh-highs on for the entire session. I won’t forget that anytime soon.

Kel’s outfit is lodged in my brain and my libido, as are several others from the last two months (and, YES, I’m talking to you Mia L’Amour).  

Again, for me it’s all about, you know... BOOBIES! But good lord, I sure do appreciate the effort and energy and attention to detail that my dear friends put into those incredibly sexy outfits that, even if I am eager to get them quickly off, I will, none-the-less, long remember!

Bandit Rex

When I read this it made me smile. I have been trying to tell these men & you put it so perfectly. If all the dates were as considerate as you. We all benefit from being kind. Smile 4 me! xo

Just yesterday, I had an acquaintance of mine, another guy, ask me a question about how I seemed to always get such “good mileage”?  
In other words, relative to the concept of YMMV, how is it, given that he and I have similar resources at our disposal, that so many of our companion friends seem to show me preferential treatment? First, I reminded him that I don’t click with everyone (and mentioned two providers that really like him a lot and can barely tolerate me); second, I reminded him that it couldn’t be my looks, lol; and then I just rattled off my mantra:  
*Treat a lady with kindness & respect... be trustworthy,
*Don’t forget it’s a business relationship, but...
*Just because it’s a business relationship, it doesn’t mean you can’t be good friends who care about each other as human beings and
*Always look for the Win-Win in the relationship, the place in your connection where both Win and no one has to Lose.
I have to say, as I have before, given the number of high-quality providers who are both stunningly GORGEOUS and as KIND as the day is long, it isn’t that hard to find the Win-Win.  
In other words, let’s don’t refer to it as “the elusive Win-Win”, because, with just a little effort, that ‘ol Win-Win can fall right into your lap.
All that being said, let me add one more to that list, Eliza Eishen, she is so GORGEOUS and so KIND, just like the others I mentioned a few weeks ago (Christie L’amour, Alyse Anniston, Tanya Delight, Jenni Tay, Mia L’amour and my long-time ATF, Candy Curves).  

In my book, a significant part of the Win-Win is mutual respect, including respect for each other’s wishes. Towards that end... I wanted to mention that I had a fantastic time with Brandi Highland the other day, she is an incredible woman.  
But out of respect for her wishes, I won't be posting a public review. Still, I wanted to mention how delightful she was. Thanks Brandi.

Different strokes for different folks, and I’m completely fine with that, especially when it comes to the hobby. I’m also completely fine with the fact that not everyone loves what I love; but here’s something I think is a real Win-Win and I DO LOVE IT...
So, what is the IT?  
IT is when a touring provider that I have seen before reaches out to me personally (via text or e-mail) and let’s me know she is potentially visiting my fair city, BEFORE she posts any ads!  
I love that deeper, friendship-oriented familiarity. In my humble opinion, it is a very, very nice thing whenever a beautiful woman asks me “hey sugar, would you be interested in spending some time with me?”  
I DO NOT CARE IF IT IS A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP AT IT’S CORE, if a beautiful, sexy woman, who I already know and like, initiates the pursuit of me, because she wants to BE WITH ME, well then... that’s just heaven on Earth!    
To me it feels like the epitome of a true Win-Win!
It is a WIN for her because it allows her to add stability to her business model. When I say "YES, I would love to see you", then she knows that her visit is going to be anchored in the stability of a "tent-pole" (economically speaking); AND, as I’ve already implied...
It is a WIN for me because a beautiful, sexy woman who I already know & like has, out of nowhere, initiated a text with me because she wants to BE WITH ME!  
Further, it is also a WIN for me because I’m a very busy guy, who has a wife, family and many vocational interests that don’t exactly allow me to just set around spending lots of time looking at Twitter and/or websites and/or ads for visiting friends; although I wish I could, there are some GREAT websites and Twitter pages out there (and YES, Jenni & Tanya I am talking to you, respectively!). So, when a visiting friend initiates, it helps me stay on top who is thinking-about or planning-on visiting my neck of the woods.    
Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

Hey Nashville, Mia L'amour is coming to see you for the first time the week of April 19!  
I'm an East Tennessee boy, and I'm a little sad and more than a little jealous that Mia's April Tour won't bring her all the way to Knoxville, but since it's her first visit to Nashville I had to let you know, SHE IS AWESOME!  
Please, do yourself a favor and check out my reviews of her.
BTW, I posted this in my Win-Win thread because I want her to have a great experience in Nashville (a Win for her) and I wanted to let my Nashville brothers know you want to see her, it will be a Win for you!
She's sweet and young and smart and sexy and as pretty as they come; plus, she has an insane figure.  
I have had the pleasure of doing both singles and duos with her and I recommend longer sessions, she is worth it!
Good lord, just writing this is making me even more jealous than I already was.
Happy Easter everyone, enjoy the ham and deviled eggs.
Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex  

I often get asked questions about how I manage the pragmatic or mechanical side of my Game. In fact, I get asked mechanics-oriented questions about the Hobby two-to-one over questions about my favorite ladies.
Since so much of my answer to questions about successful Hobby mechanics is an in-depth discussion about how easy, cost-effective and fruitful it is to utilize a VIP TER membership in conjunction with a VIP P411 membership, I thought I would just go ahead and, right here in the public thread, share a condensed version of that discussion... tomorrow.  
But before I do that tomorrow, I want to say this today... I am not shilling for anyone, EVER!  
This is my hobby, not my business... I am not shilling, I’m not soliciting and I’m not receiving any personal gain.  
Whether I’m talking about my enthusiasm for TER or P411 or my enthusiasm for a provider... I am not shilling.  
I am simply using the written word to share my genuine, personal thoughts, feelings, experiences and opinions about the Hobby.
Let me just “pull the curtain back” a little bit; sure, I love to write, but I write as much as I write on TER, in part because, at least on the Tennessee board, no one else is posting much. So, I would imagine that my writing is somewhat appreciated.  
Given that I can see how often people read my writing, I further assume that TER likes having a prolific poster.
Past, present or future posts, I just wanted to clarify, I’m not shilling.
BTW, TER, I’m getting ready to say nice things about you, are you going to yank my post down like you unceremoniously yanked my “Hey Charlotte” post down?  
That was not shilling, I truly was jealous as hell (in the nicest, funniest, well-written way); in other words, the post was nothing but genuine personal thoughts from a prolific poster and a long-term Hobbyist, who thought that the first time that Duo was going to happen, it was going to happen ON HIM, not in another state, just sayin...
Bandit Rex

As promised, a pragmatic discussion about the strategic use of TER in combination with P411. For the sake of this conversation, I am primarily talking about upscale, touring-providers; Cadillacs, Bentleys and Ferraris. Since I am primarily discussing touring-providers, let me go ahead and mention a significant point, one of the more pleasurable fruits, born from a strategic use of TER and P411, is that it can pull your local-provider game into closer & more-pleasant proximity to your touring-provider game (“Duos Anyone?!?). If you are a guy, and aren’t already indulging in touring-providers, I wholeheartedly recommend it! It isn’t nearly as tricky or cost-prohibitive as you might imagine.
Now, let me dive in... Have you ever found yourself noticing a provider who isn’t local? Maybe you “heard” about her OR maybe you saw her on another provider’s Twitter OR maybe you read a TER review about her OR maybe she suddenly “popped up” on your local P411 listing. If you have, then you know... the question immediately becomes “NOW WHAT?” How do I efficiently & successfully navigate from noticing her to spending intimate time with her? How do I make that journey without having to jump through lots of hoops to contact her or to get verified by her, how do I avoid creeping her out AND how can WE avoid getting terminally annoyed with one another, before we even meet?
It starts with memberships to TER and P411, and using the two sights in combination with each other. Jumping in starts with the basic understanding that TER and P411 are COMPLEMENTARY, not duplicative. So, I really recommend VIP memberships to both; the cost for each is minimal, and the return, even over a short, 6-month stretch, can be vast. Seriously, no fluff, no BS and no shilling... TER and P411 memberships are the place to start, and stay, if you are looking for a consistent, dependable way to efficiently & successfully navigate the touring-provider landscape.
WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and WHY on TER and P411: Neither TER or P411 are perfect, but given that I don’t hear too many complaints and, when I do, I hear an equal number from both clients & providers alike, TER and P411 must each be doing a pretty good job of striking a healthy, sustainable balance between the interests of both providers & clients. I'm not a mouth-piece for P411 or TER, in fact, I have some issues with both, none-the-less, in my opinion, TER and P411 are the best at what they do.
P411: P411 essentially acts as an intermediary between clients & providers, for the sake of verification. P411 provides a universal standard, the P411 "OKAY”. Okays help accelerates & enhances the verification process. Specifically, once a client has seen a P411-listed provider, you simply “Request an Okay”. You receive an Okay from a provider after you have seen her and she likes you enough to “vouch” for you in front of other providers. In turn, other providers can see your Okays, and who has given them to you. Obviously, the system isn’t perfect, but I’m telling you, it is done very well. Long-story-short, clients collect & bank provider Okays, as they are the currency by which you can quickly & efficiently demonstrate your trust-worthiness to other providers.
Somewhere between 3 to 5 Okays, a client begins to reach critical-mass. With 3-5 Okays, most P411 providers are going to be willing to accept you as “verified”, NOW THAT’S A WIN-WIN. Further, because of the manner in which P411 scrutinizes providers before they are allowed to join, there are very few scams (I’m not saying that there aren’t ANY scams, so, as always, use common sense).
TER: Clients can’t rate or review providers on P411, and that’s where TER comes into play. As a vast, nation-wide resource, TER is the most well-managed and well-executed source for posting & referencing detailed reviews on providers that exists anywhere.  
HOW TO BEST USE P411 in COMBINATION with TER... Once you have a membership to both and you have 3-5 P411 Okays, then you should be off-to-the-races. Here’s a hypothetical... you “notice” a touring-provider; you find her on P411 and use P411 to do a preliminary vetting of her legitimacy, by looking closely at her P411 information: How long has she been a member? Has she given Okays? Does she have a personal website? Does she have an email? You don’t need an “affirmative” answer to all of these questions, just a few. On P411, you can also see if she is on Twitter and, even more importantly, it is easy to contact her FROM P411; so, you do... and she can easily see that you are a member in good standing AND that you have many OKAYS.  
Because you are both P411 members in good standing, all you & she have done is clicked a few buttons and written a few words and YOU HAVE ALREADY ESTABLISHED A PLAUSIBLE FOUNDATION OF MUTUAL TRUST!  
Then you hop over to TER and finish vetting her, by triangulating her P411 information with her TER information.  
On TER, I find her profile/reviews and I ask myself a few key questions... Does she have at least 3-5 reviews? Are some of her reviews older and are some of her reviews more recent? If so, that means, between P411 and TER, I am 99% sure that I am talking to a provider who IS ABSOLUTELY LEGITIMATE!
A FEW FINAL NOTES and some DEVIL’S ADVOCATE QUESTIONS... Remember, with touring-providers, you have to be ready to pay some deposits, especially the first time you book with her, it’s just a part of the scene. But if you have triangulated her as I have just described, there is little to no risk associated with a deposit.
How long does it take to get up to speed? It only took me about 10 weeks, to go from an absolute touring-provider newbie to having seen 3 Cadillacs and 4 Ferraris, with no scams, no disappointments and a lots of smiles!  
AND LAST, BUT NOT LEAST... I want to answer two questions that are inextricably linked, and encourage all of us, client & provider alike, to show empathy for one another AND to relax... Why are some very high-quality touring-providers not on TER? and, strategically speaking, what are TER reviews best used for?  
Gentlemen, put yourself in your providers’ shoes for a moment, men subjectively picking you apart cannot be fun; surely, as clients, we can all see that? These gorgeous women are human-beings.  
That being so, while some clients might not agree and some providers might not agree, TER is, genuinely, doing an admirable job in balance the interests of both providers & clients... IN AN ARENA IN WHICH ONE GROUP IS SHARING THEIR SUBJECTIVE OPINION ABOUT THE OTHER GROUP’S APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY... I mean striking a balance in a scenario like that is fucking rocket-science, seriously! And it is the in-depth nature of the reviews that keep some providers off of TER. As such, I think it is important for me to say very clearly that TER reviews are most useful in the aggregate. Specifically... IF a provider has 13 great reviews and 2 bad reviews, THEN I would throw out the bad reviews, in total. IF a review is “saying” nice words, but the “numbers” are low, THEN I know that the client is still trying to figure out how to navigate the TER “system”, and I will navigate by his words, not the numbers. IF you really want the most out of the reviews, THEN don’t look for them to be literal, all-inclusive panacea. I recommend reading TER reviews broadly, to verify her legitimacy and to get a general feel for her services, her personality and her style. Let’s exercise some wisdom here brothers; as clients, if we aren’t kind, respectful and empathetic we’re going to damage a great resource; the last thing we want to see is a mass-exodus of high-quality providers from TER, no what I mean?  
In conclusion, triangulating TER with P411 can help you efficiently & successfully navigate that journey from noticing a provider to spending intimate time with her; and isn't that what the Hobby is all about?
Hell Yeah!
Bandit Rex  

Nothing is more Win-Win than sharing a big, belly-laugh with a beautiful, naked provider.
I was spending some time with a favorite provider the other day and, while we were snuggling in the after-glow, she asked me to... “ask some of those questions you ask on the TER boards”.
So, I asked, out loud, “What are some great, old-school songs about sex?” We had Spotify on her phone, so, whenever one of us would throw out a song, we’d listen to 20-30 seconds of the song. We were both throwing out some great songs and having a good ‘ol time.
Did I mention that she’s about 20 years younger than me? Because when I threw out “Ain’t That A Kick In The Head” by the coolest man that has ever lived, Dean Martin, and then played the first 20 seconds of the song, she whipped her head around at me and said “do you ACTUALLY like this kind of thing?” Then she froze... “Oh babe, I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that... does that make you feel old?”  
We both just burst out belly-laughing. Good times!  
There’s nothing better than sex and laughter; even if you get outed as a boring, old man in the process.
Bandit Rex

So, here’s a Win-Win two-fer...  
A “steer clear” (something that, as a client, you might want to stay away from) AND a “steer towards” (something that, as a client, I have found produces surprisingly strong return on investment, aka... ROI).
STEER CLEAR: Whether we are talking about texts or emails, think through your "greeting", it matters! This may be a business relationship, and you may be the customer, BUT SHE IS STILL A WOMAN.  
Last year, I received a couple of very similar compliments about the way I “speak to women”, all in-a-row, from several different ladies.  
So, I asked my ATF what she thought those compliments were mostly referring to (because, even at my advanced age, I still want to be improving my Game... every-day, all-the-time). She gave me several bits of high-quality insight, but most of her insight was what I expected her to say. HOWEVER, she also zeroed in on my “greetings”, which I didn’t even, almost, have on my radar.
“Greetings?” I asked, “What do you mean?” That was all it took, she went off, talking about how unimpressive so many clients’ greetings were. As much as I love her, I challenged her a little... “Are you sure they’re that bad?” So, in response to my challenge, she just started saving the worst ones to show me; and while they were horrible, they were also hella entertaining. Then I asked several other provider friends and I got enough really bad (but really funny) “greetings” that I could write a book, it would be entitled... “Dumb-Ass Things NOT To Say, If You Want To Impress A Woman”.  
But since I don’t have time to put that together, I’ll do a short, simple summary... DO use their “handle” OR, if not their “handle”, a normal, affectionate greeting, like “Beautiful” or “Gorgeous” or “Sweet Girl”. DON’T use inappropriately familiar or sexual terms in the greeting, let the double-entendre or the sexy talk roll-out slowly, it is far more powerful and less cringe-inducing that way.  
In other words, DON’T use the following, real-world examples that I have seen with my own eyes... “you free, knock boots?” (no class and bad grammar); “yo sexy, wanna f@*#k?” (oh, come on man!); “Hey Hot Ride” (was that guy dating Rhianna for a while? LOL) and, my favorite... “What Up Shawty” (no joke, I have seen some version of “Shawty/Shotty” four or five times... First of all, you aren’t Shaggy, second, it is not endearing and third, what year are you living in man, LMAO). I think you get my drift, “Good Afternoon Ashley” or “How are you Beautiful Girl” goes a long, long way... Just Sayin’!  
STEER-TOWARDS: E-Gift Cards sent directly to her email go a long, long way. I’m not talking about giant dollar amounts here.  
I just want to make this point, women like to be thought of and women like gifts; so, it makes sense that most of the time, when I give an E-Gift Card, my ROI is HUGE! Truly, “heaven opens wide” type of HUGE! Just thought I would pass it on.
Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex  

I have lots of odd little quirks, and one of them is MY RULES, rules that I have, literally, written down to help direct me and remind me of how I “want” to navigate the Hobby.  
Before I get into this, let me be very clear, just because I have a personal rule for or against something, it doesn’t mean I think others should or shouldn’t be doing that thing. I just thought this might be an entertaining subject matter for a post.  
Rules? C’mon man, how uncool is that? How un-wild-child is that? Well, truthfully, in all likelihood, I’m just not a cool, wild-child, even on my coolest, wildest day.  
But hopefully the popularity of Gibbs on NCIS, and his fascination with “personal rules”, will at least give me some cred.
First, a little pop-culture context, from the movie Book Smart: MOLLY: “We haven't done anything. We haven't broken any rules. AMY: Yes, we HAVE, we’ve broken a lot of rules; one, we have fake IDs! MOLLY: Fake college IDs, so we can get into their 24-hour library. AMY: Still, name one person who made life better by breaking rules? MOLLY: Picasso. AMY: That doesn’t count, he just broke art rules... name a person who broke real rules? MOLLY: Rosa Parks. AMY: Name another one. MOLLY: Susan B. Anthony. AMY: God Dammit!”
So, as I’m getting ready to share the 12 rules that comprise MY RULES, let me assure you that I do break them with some regularity.
I’m going to list MY RULES and then follow-up with some deeper thoughts and/or smart-assery about each rule.    
#1 Score Well & Often! and kiss many beautiful women deeply along the way.  
#2 Only ONE VICE, and you have already chosen yours (so, No Drinking & No Drugs).
#3 Embrace all “types” of women and feast on what has been set before you.
#4 Never let a Provider OR a Brother Fuck With You (and never, ever let a provider treat you like a cuckold in any way).
a: If a provider does, walk away. If a brother does, take the fight to him.
b: Never leave your current location, to go to a session, until you have FULL confirmation from the provider, to prevent ghosting, which is a form of cuckold.
#5 No Street Walkers, No Unverified Providers and No First Time Visits by Outcall (unless highly verified).
#6 No Pictures, No Video and No Souvenirs.
#7 No Loans (Gifts? SURE, ABSOLUTELY; but with no strings attached from you; remember, travel light and hold loosely).
#8 Be Nice, Be Kind, Be a Gentleman and Care About the Other Human Being: Always assume that she is GIVING you more than you could ever give her...
#9 But Never, Ever Chase.
#10 Maintain a Community of Hobby Friendships, Both Providers and Brothers (where possible).
#11 Never Be A Sugar Daddy.
#12 Never Share Your Home Address.
Now the commentary...
#1 Score Well & Often! and kiss many beautiful women deeply along the way.  
I have to tell you, the last part (aka, “kiss many beautiful women...”) was rarely accomplished between 1983 and 1999; if you were a hobbyist during that stretch, you know what I’m talking about; there was absolutely NO KISSING, everything was wrapped in latex and I had condoms on my fingers!
#2 Only ONE VICE, and you have already chosen yours (so, No Drinking & No Drugs).
Wow, saying that out-loud in front of others sounds so insanely uncool, I’m pretty sure that rule #2 confirms it, even on my coolest, wildest day I’m just not a cool, wild-child.  
#3 Embrace all “types” of women and feast on what has been set before you.
This one has paid me so many fabulous dividends over the years I don’t have anything to say about it, except it’s probably the best rule on the list. To quote a favorite movie of mine... “Life’s a banquet, but most poor sons of bitches are starving to death.” Anyone know the reference?
#4a Never let a Provider OR a Brother Fuck With You (and never, ever let a provider treat you like a cuckold in any way). If a provider does, walk away. If a brother does, take the fight to him.
Okay, my apologies, that sounds a little aggressive; but I’m straight outta Lonsdale, so... you know, you are who you are.
#4b Never leave your current location, to go to a session, until you have FULL confirmation from the provider, to prevent ghosting, which is a form of cuckold.  
Okay, WTH! CUCKOLD gets mentioned twice, does this guy have an issue? Uh yes, yes I do. It goes back to when I was 6 years old (YES, 6 not 16). it’s kind of a funny story, but since I’m not paying any of you for therapy, I’ll save the “cuckold-issue” story for another day. Otherwise, 4b (aka, “wait for full confirmation”) is actually a great, practical rule; it has saved me lots of frustration and agitation over the years.
#5 No Street Walkers, No Unverified Providers and No First Time Visits by Outcall (unless highly verified).
This is my primary “safety” rule; and it’s about safety, specifically, not getting robbed or LEO’d; it isn’t about any aversion to a certain “type” of woman. If you have read any of my “Buck-Wild Country-Girls” posts, you know how much I like all types; not just Cadillacs & Ferraris, but used Chevys as well.
#6 No Pictures, No Video and No Souvenirs.
This is primarily a “don’t get caught” rule... BUT I BREAK THIS ONE ALL THE TIME, I need to get my shit together (LOL); but so many of these women are just so gorgeous, and, you know... BOOBIES!
#7 No Loans (Gifts? SURE, ABSOLUTELY; but with no strings attached; remember, travel light and hold loosely).
This one is a reminder, to give freely or don’t give at all; and I do a lot of both. If I can’t give something to someone freely, it’s usually because my “little voice” is warning me about something (either danger for me or, just as likely, danger for them).
#8 Be Nice, Be Kind, Be a Gentleman and Care About the Other Human Being: Always assume that she is GIVING you more than you could ever give her...
I’m not Captain Save-A-Ho and I don’t suffer from White Knight Syndrome, but I am unafraid to admit that I LOVE WOMEN; and that’s what this rule is all about!  
I must admit, hobbyists who seem to despise women are a mystery to me; if the Hobby isn’t about the SHEER HEAVEN of dwelling in deep, intimate connection with a woman, then WTF is the Hobby about?!?
#9 But Never, Ever Chase.
ONE: There is a fine line between being a kind gentleman and being too much, this rule reminds me not to be too much. TWO: More importantly, rare though it is, about once a year a provider will mistake my kindness for vulnerability and/or she will think I am whipped and she’ll make some juvenile move, I just smile, tip my hat and walk away.
#10 Maintain a Community of Hobby Friendships, Both Providers and Brothers.
In the “real-world” I have dozens of guy friends but, other than my sweet wife, very few gal friends. What’s so funny is that, in the Hobby, it’s backwards... lots of genuine Provider friends and very few Brother friends. I’m guessing that the flip-flop between the real-world and my Hobby-life is somehow related, I just haven’t figured out how yet.
#11 Never Be A Sugar Daddy.
This is another rule that I will occasionally break. This rule is also about not getting caught, I have seen more than a few SD/SB relationships get a brother caught. When I break this rule, as I currently am, it is never in an “exclusive” arrangement. And truthfully, while this is going to sound so insanely uncool, I tend to use this type of agreement in situations where, for one reason or another, the relationship has taken a decidedly non-sexual turn... good Lord I do sound old and boring, don’t I?
#12 Never Share Your Home Address.
As if, in this Google Earth world, it can’t be figured out pretty quickly anyway; this rule is a dinosaur, like me.
There you go, I hope it made you smile or chuckle or nod in empathy. Does anyone else have any odd or entertaining rules?
Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

Whenever I hear more than one of my Provider friends say the same thing in a short period of time, I always feel obliged to share it with other brothers as a public service announcement; so, I have two PSAs today...  

PSA #1:  
On a positive note, over and over again, all the time, I hear Providers say “kindness, respect, a positive outlook and a sense of humor, that’s what I love!” I literally hear it over and over again, and it certainly does wonders for this boring old man.

PSA #2:
About five weeks ago, as I was getting dressed and preparing to leave the company of a favorite Provider, she glanced at her phone and said “Ugh, if I hear that one more time I’m going to vomit!” Then she showed me her phone, it was a text from a guy she had not met before who, I suppose, thought he was doing what you do to try and secure a first session with a quality Provider; BTW, he was wrong.
Among other things he had texted this...  
“I’m in top shape and really good looking, you are going to enjoy yourself!”  
Since then, I have heard that same complaint about that same “line” from two other Providers. So, that’s three Providers in less than two months, which means I feel obliged to share the following PSA...  
“I’m very handsome and in really good shape, you’re gonna love me” is a BAD way to try and start a connection with a Provider.
Guys (especially younger guys) DO NOT SAY THAT! It makes you look like you are either...
1). Lying OR
2). A patronizing, clueless douche-bag.
And both are bad.  
There is absolutely a time for swagger, but there are more times for humility.  
Before you have met a woman is definitely a time for humility. I’m telling you; you always want to show a woman the humble respect of a gentleman before you have met her.  
In fact, humility and swagger are a lot like listening & talking (and the object lesson illustrated by our two ears and our one mouth), we should all (Clients and Providers alike) spend twice as much time listening as we do talking. Which is to also say... Guys, exercise humility twice as often as swagger.  
You may eventually be fucking each other like animals; but before you actually meet her, be a gentleman and carry yourself with humility and respect.

Additionally, if you say things like “I’m good looking & I’m ripped” it also makes you look like you are either...
1). Really young OR
2). Lacking even a basic understanding of women.
And in the Hobby, both are bad.
This may be a business relationship, but you are still a man and she is still a woman. Show her that you at least have a basic understanding of women;  
and at a very basic level, women don’t even really care if you are “good looking & ripped”. It isn’t that they don’t care at all about such things, it’s just that, for all women (and especially Providers) that sort of thing is way down their list, certainly not in their top five. So, if you treat it like you think it might be number one or number two on their list, they know you are clueless.
Take it to the bank, in regards to men, a woman’s top five (a Provider’s top five) is always going to be some version of kind/respectful, positive, humorous, can carry a conversation (especially including listens-well) and generous.    

Bandit Rex

I don't know much about Astrology, but I know enough to laugh hard at a good joke...
The month of June and the first few days of July were characterized by far more drama, Hobby-drama, than I normally see in a full year.  

I learned a long time ago to always angle towards the Win-Win. Which means, among other things, that I refuse to get pulled into the CENTER of ANY DRAMA. None-the-less, not being omnipotent, I still get some Hobby-drama splashed up on my shoes from time to time.  

So, as I was wiping the last of June’s drama off my shoes, a dear provider friend of mine made this quip...  
LMAO, that is funny! On so many levels!

The truth is, I don't think the drama was based in Astrology; but I do think the drama was the result of a larger, systematic force... an exploding economy; aka, our current prosperity.  

One of the few places that being an old man comes in handy is in the wisdom & moxie that is born from experience & engagement; and my experience has taught me this... most people have a harder time with prosperity than with challenge. To my point, research indicates more businesses collapse in growing economies than in recessions.

During growth economies, I have consistently witnessed that, as humans, we tend to tighten up so much that we become these little tape-balls of stress and angst and fear; and every little negative thing starts sticking to us and staying with us. In particular...
We fear getting left behind,  
We imagine others are besting us and, ultimately,  
Many of us convince ourselves that we aren't even being allowed to partake of the grand banquet that is prosperity.  
When the truth is, a high tide raises all boats; it just does!  
I have a different friend, my Mon Petite, Breezy; and she CHOOSES to live from an enlightened center, one that is characterized by positivity, gratitude, generosity and thankfulness! That’s why her aura is also characterized by those things, she intentionally & proactively chooses those things; and, before anyone says anything silly, let me go ahead and say this...
So, my experience has taught me that the most important thing to do during a growth economy is to live like Breezy: choose to have a spirit of gratitude and thankfulness and generosity AND don’t tighten up so much.
Gratitude and thankfulness and generosity, far more than stress or angst or fear, will put all of us in a much better position to seize the opportunities offered up by this current prosperity; so that we might enjoy what can be enjoyed.
Life is always going to be a challenge, if not straight out hard. The last thing we want to do is make it worse by not, at the very least, enjoying that which can be enjoyed.  

I hate how ugly the Hobby looks when Clients and Providers wind each other up into these whirling-dervishes of Zero-Sum grabbiness (aka, "you have to lose for me to win"). The Hobby has so much potential to be a Win-Win, but it is so terribly ugly when it is nothing but a Zero-Sum game!

To be clear, earlier when I said “Hobby-drama”, I don't just mean Providers. In fact, at least 50% of the drama that has recently splashed up on my shoes was the direct result of Clients either being selfish assholes or, worse, abusive.  

Since I'm a guy and a Client, I'll start this sermon with us...
Clients, don't just be males, be Real Men... and when interacting with ladies, be Gentlemen.  

First, guys, don't tighten up about rates; don't begrudge for your Provider what you want for yourself. Yes, rates will go up a little, everything is going up, everything! That’s what happens in an exploding economy. But do you know what I enjoy more than all those other things that are going up? Yep, you guessed it... BOOBIES!  

On a related note, guys, please be responsible members of the Client-community! If you are a selfish ass-hole and/or abusive, it spills back on me and the rest of the Client-community; and if you are one of those guys, and I get the opportunity, I will, on behalf of both communities, use my bully-pulpit to, at the very least, embarrass you.  

Guys, let me also warn us about being accidental ass-holes, that also makes it harder for everyone else.  
In particular, you can’t cancel anytime within 24 hours and act like its no big deal, especially during a hot economy.
Every Client should take stock of the fact that THIS is why so many more high-quality Providers, who weren’t previously requiring Deposits, are now requiring Deposits. It isn’t Providers being selfish it is Clients being ass-holes (even if it is accidental). Guys, we shouldn’t tolerate this; the Hobby is about us spending intimate time with beautiful, naked women... not protecting foolish, unwise and all-around ass-hole-esque behavior from some other guy that we don’t even want to be acquaintances with in real life.

Just like us, Providers have more choices in a growing economy; so, if more Providers start demanding a deposit, it’s time for a little code-red on the AHs among us, they are the ones to blame.  

BTW, it isn’t a hunch, there are always More Clients and More Providers in the game during a hot economy; and if you have been paying close attention, that explosion has been going on, on both sides of the aisle, since the latter part of 2020.

Speaking of which, over to the other side of the aisle...
Providers, look, it's no secret that I love women! To the degree that more than a few other Clients have accused me of being "too pro-Provider" over the years. But c'mon ladies, help me out here, don't just be providing a service! Try and do so without also seething negativity, venom and disdain through every fiber of your being... especially your Twitters and Instagram.

Ladies, you have to watch those public feeds!  
I have seen more than a few Twitters of late wherein every third post is either deeply negative OR is blasting EVERYONE with a message that is really just intended for a few ass-holes.  
But remember, IF they are ass-holes, THEN they don't give a shit what you post. So, you aren’t hurting the ass-holes, but you are hurting your Brand and, consequently, your Business.  
Remember, whether you like it or not, a public feed (Twitter, Instagram or whatever) is a customer-facing piece of marketing... 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  
One entrepreneur to another, let me encourage you that, unless you are trying to kill your Brand and then kill your Business, you have to remember that public feeds are customer-facing!
There’s a reason why McDonalds has never had a jingle that included the phrase “Hey customer... FUCK YOU!” LMAO!  
In other words, guys aren’t the only ones turning my stomach of late. I have seen more than a few Twitters in the last six weeks that have also made me nauseous; so much venom and negativity and “F-you”; and, as a potential customer, when I see it, I just move on (while thinking “I’ll leave that one for the masochist fets” LOL).
Just like Providers, Clients also have a lot more choices in a growth economy; and there aren’t too many “good guys” that are going to see someone who is publicly throwing around “F-you” more than once a month.  
I have a few close friends who I do see who struggle with this (thankfully I didn’t look at their Twitter before I started seeing them), and it hurts me for them. I feel like I’m watching a slow-motion train wreck, because they are killing their Brand and they are killing their Business.    

My hope is this, that we would all pause and appreciate the current prosperity AND that we would all angle towards the Win-Win, while being characterized by positivity, gratitude, generosity and thankfulness! For each other and for ourselves; because I am too old to constantly be bending over to clean off my shoes.
Bandit Rex  

Depending on your age, the title of this post is either a Harry Potter reference or a Jaws reference; I’m old, so it’s a Jaws reference for me.  
What does it mean?  
Well, to me, in general, it means here’s to being a man who loves loving women! Lots of women… well and often.
But today, it more specifically means…
Here’s to the joys that come from traveling around the country when you know so many Touring Providers!
Because you can visit them along the way AND meet some of their friends that you have long wanted to see!
I just embarked on what will be almost 10 days worth of business travel and I am excited about seeing som regular friends AND meeting a few new ones; including one young lady who, a the recommendation of a provider who knows me very well, has been on my bucket-list for a while!
Here’s to swimmin with bow-legged women!
I look forward to having new reviews to post in a few weeks.
Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

Not all of my Touring Provider friends even like Out & About time, but many do...  
Meals, shopping, the lake, the mountains and other such adventures allow me to spoil them a little bit AND allow both of us to get to know each other as real human beings (and deepen our friendship).
Again, it isn't for everyone and consideration structures can be a little challenging to navigate, especially at first; but just because it isn't for everyone and takes some effort, doesn't mean it isn't wonderful for many.

Within the larger group of my friends that do enjoy Out & About time, there is a much, much smaller group that have been willing to trust me enough to follow my lead to a little spot, far off the beaten path, that sets high above and across the river from downtown Knoxville. The walk is too short to be called a hike and, on top of that, the walk isn't much to write home about; but when you get to the edge of the bluff it is gorgeous and a little awe inspiring. It is certainly the best view of downtown Knoxville that can be had anywhere and, even better, it is easy to string up a little Eno double-nest hammock at the edge of the bluffs.

It is a delightful place to spend a few lazy hours talking, laughing, enjoying the view and relaxing in a hammock with a friend... a little slice of heaven, less than 10 minutes from downtown.

My dear, sweet, sexy-as-hell friend Jenni Tay, who was in town for the weekend, was kind enough to spend a good part of the afternoon with me there yesterday; and again, I don't know what else to say except that it really was a little slice of heaven. Thanks Jen!

I share the story because it is such a vivid snap-shot of how easy it can be for Clients & Providers to craft a delightful WIN-WIN with each other.  

There can be so much tension and drama in the Hobby (a pursuit that is ostensibly about pleasure & connection), what better than a delightful WIN-WIN (of any stripe) to foster more pleasurable connections?

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

Speaking of heaven and my favorite providers...
A stunning young woman, a wonderful human-being and a great provider is coming to visit us in about 10 days... Dana the Unicorn (P411#: P279585 / TER #: 341114 / Site: https://www.danatheunicorn.net/).

Dana is one of the primary reasons I love Denver so much and, while I have seen her several times before (check out my most recent TER review of her, it’s only 6 weeks old), this is the first time she’s ever come to Knoxville (or Tennessee for that matter).  

She will only have a few limited openings, but I thought I would spread the word...  
Trust me, for those of you who understand what this means, we want Dana to come and visit us with the regularity that Mia L ’Amour does. Oh, and BTW, it was Mia who introduced me to Dana, and they share the same sweet, dynamic spirit!

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit (BRex)

Just yesterday I met and had a session with NikkiGFE (TER # 356225 / P411 # P330386); and she was delightful!  
We met in Knoxville, but I am fairly certain she is in Nashville for the next few days. So, even though I hope to get a review up soon, I did want to go ahead and say a few things before she left Tennessee.  

As I mentioned, this was my first visit with Nikki and our two-hour session was fantastic, from start to finish!
 Nikki is a wonderful young woman with an inquisitive, fun-loving spirit; I absolutely loved spending time with her.

She met me at the door with a big, friendly smile and a very warm & welcoming embrace. She was wearing a gorgeous white-lace one-piece tetty that revealed all of her beautiful features.

Nikki is a voluptuous, African-American brunette in her mid-20s; and she has a GORGEOUS face and figure!  
She has big, beautiful eyes and a smile that easily turns into laughter. She is very sweet and kind but VERY sensual.

Again, I hope to get a full review up soon, but I wanted to get the word out, at least about my opinion... I found Nikki to not only be a stunning beauty, but a sweet, delightful and even charismatic young woman as well!

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

What a great Fall it has been for East Tennessee!  
The Vols looked better last Saturday than they have in years and there’s enough great Hobby stuff going on to fill up two seasons.  
I have said it before and I will say it again, we are in a Golden Age for the Hobby.

Specifically, in East Tennessee...
All of my favorite Touring Providers (except Christie L) have already come to visit East TN this Fall!  
Mia L ’Amour (P411 #: P189403/TER #: 278354), Jenni Tay (P411 #: P326657/TER #: 345639), Vanessa Glide (P411 #: P336333/TER #: 351605), Tanya Delight (P411 #: P329084/TER #: 345342), Kate Linville (P411 #: P248782/TER #: 345589) Carina Dream (P411 #: P107066/TER #: 213000) and Skylar Ryan (TER #: 358026) have all come to Knoxville multiple times in the last 10 weeks. Plus, DanatheUnicorn (P411#: P279585/TER #: 341114) embarked on her first Tour ever and made little ‘ol K-town her anchor!
In my opinion, every one of the ladies I just listed is something VERY SPECIAL and, at the same time, they are all very unique from one another.  
My “type” is diversity and that list includes a hell of a lot of diversity... in age, ethnicity, style, body type, look, country of origin and personality! Including several girls who have at least one set of Go Big Orange lingerie!  
And there is LITERALLY nothing better than a gorgeous, sexy woman (who knows me well) stepping out from behind the door in some insanely sexy, orange lingerie, holding her hands up in the air like a cheerleader while whisper-shouting Go Big Orange! Talk about heaven opening wide! In that moment, several of my most long-standing personal enthusiasms come crashing together in a way that my 17-year-old self could never have imagined I would ever get to experience, much less regularly!  
I have reviewed every one of the sweet, sexy women I just mentioned above; so, if you are looking for a more in-depth discussion of who they are and what they are like, you can check out my TER Reviews; OR PM me, I love talking about my friends. Plus, several of them will be swinging back through Knoxville and/or Nashville before Thanksgiving!

I don’t talk a ton about UTRs on TER, but I could, LOL.  
I love my UTRs and, since about 2006, UTRs have been an important part of the Hobby for me.  
I’m an “organic developer” when it comes to UTRs, but regardless of whether you prefer the “organic” route or the SA route, if you ask me... when a UTR becomes a regular, it is magic, PURE MAGIC!  
For almost two years now, two of my long-standing regulars have been UTRs; but again, it has been one heck of a Fall and, in the last four weeks alone, I have had the opportunity to double that number to four; and even if only one of my two new UTR friends sticks as a long-term regular; it has been FANTASTIC getting to know both of them!  

I just bought a Sybian/MotorBunny machine for my ATF Candy Curves (P411 #: P63925/TER #: 167210) to keep in her studio, for her to use however she wants and for us to play with during Doubles.  
It has been far more fun and entertaining than either one of us could have imagined. If you don't know what a Sybian/MotorBunny is, search it on Xhamster or Pornhub, it is an amazing, entertaining, orgasm-inducing little machine. Not only is it sexy-as-hell to watch... it’s just a good old-fashioned HOOT!  
CC and I have now used it during Duos with four different partners; and every single time It has been hot, sexy, laughter-filled, orgasm-inducing fun!  
And YES, the Duo with CC, Vanessa Glide and the machine (that I mentioned I was looking forward to several weeks ago) WAS EPIC FUN! We all got off in a big way... but I swear, we laughed more than anything... all three of us laughed like little kids, and you gotta love that. Life is pretty hard sometimes... it is always good to laugh!  
I mention the machine for two different reasons:  
1) While they aren’t cheap, they are worth it; I’ve already gotten my money’s worth and we’ve only had it for about eight weeks. So, if you happen to have an ATF like Candy, you should think about splurging, both of you will love it, for so many reasons! And...  
2) If you are in Knoxville, you should visit CC and/or set up a Duo with her and another friend and see for yourself!  
I’ve now seen five different ladies on it and, no exaggeration, 3 of the 5 had an orgasm within 30 seconds and the other two had an orgasm within a minute and 30 seconds!  

Eastbound & Down,

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