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You have to be viewing the beta version TER has...
xyz23 45 Reviews 423 reads

...made available so we can use it and give feedback. After you log in you're on the My TER page. The picture says  "We are excited to share with you the New TER! It's smart and sexy. Come play with it."  

Click on the "Come play with it." You'll be taken to the new version. Check it out. I've been using it exclusively for a week or so. I like it so far. There is a feedback button on the left edge of the page so you can comment to them as you go along (if you'd like to).

I am surprised no one has started a discussion about the new interface -- am I really the first?

Overall, it is an improvement. The menu navigation at the top of the pages is much better. And the look is cleaner.

The results of a review search have some nice improvements, like displaying the price in the margins at the top, so you don't have to scroll down.  

On discussion board messages, it does feel like the font is harder to read. I'm not sure why but I I find it unpleasant to read the discussion board messages.

And on the review search page, it feels like the page is very spread out. It would be nice to have it more compact. There is a lot of scrolling.

Anyway, this is after playing with it for just a few minutes. I was curious to see what others had found. So far, I haven't really seen any new features. Just a cosmetic change.

... for example, on some local boards and on the Reviewers Only board.  

As you keep using it, you'll notice several changes.  One of the biggest is that when reviewing a provider who already has a profile, you no longer need to fill in all the profile info (again).  There's also been changes to support the new review rules, eg adding "star" ratings for Incall and Chemistry.

I just came across a change that I don't like at all.

When you view My TER and then look at reviews that you wrote and which were posted, some of the details are not available. The only one that really matters is the fee. Now I use this feature all the time. As we know, the fee you pay is necessarily the fee that is publicly displayed. I have referred back many times to my own reviews to remember how much I paid. It may be to check the price before I use an agency again or before I see this provider again.

But I think it will be a big loss if we can't see this feature again.

...hit the feedback tab on the left margin when viewing the beta version.

I like the added functionality so far.

The main thing I don't like is how everything is spaced out. The old version was much more compact, profile pages, search page, forum, etc. It just isn't as easy on the eyes. I do like the look but don't care for how spaced out everything is. Perhaps I will get used to it.

On the other hand, I like how all the posts now open when in tree mode.  Tree mode should be able to be made the default mode instead of always having to switch to it when I go on to TER.

On the one hand, everyone has been asking for autopopulation of the review form with existing Profile Data. So they did that.  

HOWEVER! I see no way to edit or change the Profile data to reflect a personal experience.  

I used to believe that TER would use such information to create a database behind the database to track changes in a Profile BEFORE actually updating a Profile.  (If you have published reviews, go to "My Reviews" and look at your old review forms: the individualized data is there and saved by TER, even if it never made it into the Profile.)  

Let's say the Profile says BBBJ but the most recent reviewers (manually) entered mostly CBJ.  We all know that it requires a Problem Report to actually change a Profile, but I always thought that TER would look at the recent review forms to support or deny such a change request.  


(The only work around I can think of is to start a new review submission de novo w/o loading any preexisting data. That kind of defeats the convenience of autopopulate!)

Of course, the requestor of the change can point out relevant review(s) to make it easier for Admin.

If a reviewer wants to highlight something that's different from the profile, he/she can mention it in the review. That way everyone can see the delta from the profile.  An example is where profile says Kissing w/o tongue.  A reviewer can mention in his/her review that there was DFK, and not only does that make the provider eligible for an extra point for that review under the new rules, it lets potential clients know there may be DFK offered even before the profile gets updated.  And if the provider wishes to put DFK into her profile, she has at least one review to back it up.

...made available so we can use it and give feedback. After you log in you're on the My TER page. The picture says  "We are excited to share with you the New TER! It's smart and sexy. Come play with it."  

Click on the "Come play with it." You'll be taken to the new version. Check it out. I've been using it exclusively for a week or so. I like it so far. There is a feedback button on the left edge of the page so you can comment to them as you go along (if you'd like to).

Hey there, thanks for (trying to) help.

Just went to the my TER page, again. I got the poll, I got news at TER, which is headlined by the breathtaking Corry being named Ms. TER in December, I got the did you know section, I got the tabs at the top: my reviews, my feedback, my problem reports, etc. I can't find any picture anywhere that says anything about a new TER or come play with it. I know what to look for too, because a while back somebody posted a screen grab talking about a typo that was on it. At the time I wondered where the hell she found it but never asked.

Oh well, maybe I'll see it when TER has it ready for the masses. Kinda sucks though, I got half a dozen reviews I need to write and that auto populate was sounding sweet!

Thanks again, really.

Had to first go to view the mobile version. The one I never look at because it looks like the internet circa 1994.

Then I got into the beta version. Once in the beta, I could find no way to change mobile version vs full site. The beta I was in is a bit of a disaster on a mobile device. The drop downs won't work in portrait. The boards were always operating in flat mode, whether I had it set to flat or tree. The indicator did toggle between flat or tree, but it didn't effect how the page was displayed, always in flat which I never like to use.

The photo board looked fuckin awesome though. Much better than the old version somehow.

Thanks again.

...don't log in. Look below the log in for the "enter full site". Click that then log in.

I'm posting the beta link below. You can bookmark it or keep it in history or something maybe so you can access it again.

Yeah, what you linked is what I'd found. Thanks. There are some things that are better, but a lot of it that, sorry, I don't like it.

I probably should've been more clear. The flat vs tree effects how the board is displayed. Like say I'm looking at page 1 of the GD board. But once I go into a thread, whether I'm in flat or tree, I gotta scroll past every post in the thread to get to the bottom of the page. Not just past the subject lines, like tree mode in the old version is, but scroll through every post in it's entirety to get to the bottom. Wtf.

Thanks again.

...about it. I hate having to open each post as you do in tree on the present version but using flat gets the reply posts out of place so I have to use tree. On the beta tree opens all the posts but the replies stay in the correct relation to the post they are replying to.  

Try this trick. On a new thread click the last post of the thread. Then scroll up to read everything. When you come back to that thread later the font of the post you clicked will be lighter (looks faded). It marks where you stopped reading previously. Click it and go from there. The entire thread will open but the post you clicked will be on your screen. You'd have to scroll up to see what you read earlier.  

I sent TER a lot of comments and complaints at first but after using it I think it is pretty good. I use a Kindle most of the time and the beta version has made it easier to see.

Please don't think I'm arguing with you about this since I keep replying.  This thread is one of the few discussions (that aren't simply complaints) I've seen on the boards I frequent.

LoL, I know you're not arguing, hope it doesn't seem like I am either.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, and that's a good point occasionally about not having to open every last post individually. However, for me, there are A LOT of posts, that based on who it is and the subject line, I don't need to open it, I know I got the gist of the conversation and I can move on. It's nice to be able to read a post, then scan the subject lines for the next one in the thread I want to read, while of course maintaining the tree/flowchart format to keep track of who is talking to whom. The way the old version was, IOW. In Beta, I gotta go back to forum every time, or scroll through a bunch of posts I probably never would've opened in the the old version.

Click on the last post, then go in and scroll all the way back up and read my way down. I see what you're saying, but I'm probably not going to do that hassle. It's just gonna be a lot more use of the back button for me, since the "back to forum" button is half a mile away, LoL. But that's my point, in old version I wouldn't need to go back to forum but once for each thread, when I'm done with it and ready to move to the next one, meanwhile scanning the subject lines just underneath the post I just read, and not seeing what I don't need to see.  

Not a big deal, just need to get used to it I guess. Fuck ton more back and scrolling down than I'm used to, that's all.

The photo board looks great though. The pics show up full screen without having to zoom in manually. Seems like the resolution is better somehow too. Maybe that's just in my head. The review form auto populate will be great as well. Have to admit that overall, the beta has a more modern, nice look.

If you're in the beta, is there a mail notification that's visible from anywhere like the old version, or do you have to hit messages to check? I know how to get to the inbox in beta, obviously, just asking if you see you have a message from any page or if you need to "check the mail".

...using the beta version. I think the notification is a small circle with a number in it next to the  Messages tab (though it's not really a tab). I had one message so the number 1 was in the circle. I don't recall whether it blinked or not.  When I had feedback from TER on my comments to them there was a blinking circle next to the My TER tab. You slide the grey bar with My Reviews, My Favorites, etc. to the left to get to My Feedback. (On my Kindle, may not need to on a different device.)

LoL, just discovered that if you have something in my feedback or messages, there's a little orange dot with no number on the menu button, top right by the search button. Cool.

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 11:43:09 AM

...the number of reviews of a poster or the "See My TER Reviews" link for a provider. You have to actually open their post to see that. I commented to TER about that. They said they were working on it and it would be fixed by the time they launch. I consider that a big deal.

In addition to that, the only way I've found to tell the difference between an alias and a handle is that you can no longer PM an alias from a post. I left feedback about that.

I feel like what you're saying here sort of demonstrates what I was saying. So, you're in tree mode scrolling along and you can read whole posts. You can like, reply, or quote any of them. If they have their number of reviews next to their handle on that page, and make the handle clickable to open a PM, then what would be the point of ever "opening their post"? That whole lower layer of opening an individual post is meaningless because you've already got everything crammed into one crowded, unwieldy page. That's how I see it.

If someone wants to be able to read a thread in it's entirety without ever clicking and only scrolling, I'm all for their right to do that, but that's what flat is supposed to be for. Tree is for being able to follow and skim. My two cents anyways. I'm sure I'll get used to it. Maybe.

Another Problem with the New (Beta) Version:

I'm reading Juicy Details and many times they are truncated. There is no scroll bar to move down, so it's NOT a frame or window problem. Examples:

"All in all it was an above average session. Sherry aims to please. My slow and sensual preference was met but some passion in the mix would have been welcomed. It’s difficult to have all of your wishes fulfilled, I know, and generally that results in a rare" ?????

"Within minutes I had mamasan texting me asking how it was. She seems like a real operator. If she gets her hands on some good girls who like kinky shit or can be trained well then she" ????

"We did a couple minutes of riding and then in the midst, I lost it and made my deposit into the dom. She laughed and then" ????

I think that other lists are truncated, too. When I click on a phone number or Agency Name, I'm supposed to get a list of Names (Profiles) associated with that data. Some of the lists seem truncated or shorter than they should be (from memory and general knowledge of those agencies).  

Using the Appearance - Performance analogy, I am NOT a fan of making Appearance / Cosmetic / Format changes to websites and prefer the same look and feel with the ADDITION of new features and improved PERFORMANCE.

-- Modified on 2/28/2017 10:08:26 AM

They have replied to me a few times saying they are working on something I pointed out to them.

I go to Advanced Search and enter some options / filters. WHERE IS THE [SEARCH] BUTTON??  

In order to get the search to start, I have to scroll to a plain text box (e.g., Name), but the cursor in the box and hit Enter to get the search started.  

Put the [SEARCH] Buttons back, at the top and at the bottom.

On Newbie, General or elsewhere, I always advise the ladies to build custom web pages that are user-friendly, emphasizing that the users are US! This ain't Disney or Yahoo or Burger King.  


Meaningless white space in reviews and discussion boards makes it much harder to navigate,
Missed a giant opportunity to search by ranges e.g., two heights 5'3" to 6'  or breast cup A-C

Well, at least you can still search that way on the old version. I can see me using old for some things and beta for others.

In the current version there are only multiple choices for age, height, and a few other things. Now you can select multiple options for almost all fields, such as hair color, and breast appearance. That was actually the first thing I noticed when I started testing the beta version in early January, and the first thing I liked. This was something that was asked for on this S&P board many times.

Posted By: OldSchoolGent
Meaningless white space in reviews and discussion boards makes it much harder to navigate,  
 Missed a giant opportunity to search by ranges e.g., two heights 5'3" to 6'  or breast cup A-C

Just noticed they added eye color and got rid of the redundant thin/skinny redundancy. Nice.  

You're right, you can search for multiples on height, weight, etc, but that isn't immediately apparent. At least it wasn't to me, and at least one other person, LoL. Awesome.

Who exactly was this designed for? Why is there so much white space? And why is certain information hidden? For example, you used to be able to see automatically how many reviews a poster had, but now you don't see any unless you hover over their username. And even then if they are using an alias, it's not very obvious it's an alias.

I like the navigation bars at the top. The site overall looks more modern, but the discussion boards are just really hard to read. There's a lot of white space and it just seems unclear what you're reading at times. Then again, I've never been a fan of the discussion forums here in how they show posts. I wish they were more like other message boards where there is no threading of posts within a discussion. Wish all posts just showed up in sequential order so the most recent posts are at the bottom of the thread.

... I don't understand your comments re how many reviews and aliases.  To my eyes, the number of reviews are clearly shown when you click on a post to read it, just like in the current version.  And it's easy to tell who's an alias by the absence of the little green-bordered envelope. ;)

-- Modified on 3/5/2017 2:12:01 PM

They really should add a way to search key words in the body of reviews.

The new look it hard on my eyes.

Like the old much better.

Easier to see and I could see AT A GLANCE what I was looking for.  

Now much to much scrolling and wasted space.  And the color and font is killing my eyes.

Give it a ctrl+ to bump up the font size and you'll be much happier.

If it's still too bright, you can use google chrome with an extension called "deluminate" that will invert the colors and make things much nicer.

Dont like the new look at all.  I keep having to enter a location.  I am only interested in the city in which I live.  Pain in the butt

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