Suggestion and Policy

Traveling providers
ocplay 100 Reviews 11391 reads

I have  a queston on how traveling providers are to be profiled. For instance Rebecca travels throughout Canada and the U.S. and will invariably have multiple profiles for each city she has been to. If we consolidate into one profile what city gets the listing? Is it possible to have multiple cities so a  city search will expose her profile ?

I understand it is more efficient to have one profile per provider but then a search say in San Francisco will not turn up Rebecca if her profile states Los Angeles previously.
I just posted a review for her and it does not show up on an Orange County search , the city I saw her in.

I know I sometimes alert TER when duplicate profiles come up and they consolidate them.

oc out

Staff12148 reads

With the help of members like yourself, we do our best to consilidate providers into a single profile.  In this case, their "home city" would be the first city field.  Their seconds city could be of their choosing.

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