Suggestion and Policy

There's plently of medical advice boards, why one here?
JVM 15372 reads

STD board sounds good to me, but general medical doesn't

It seems, to me anyway that there are a reasonably significant number of requests for medical advice, and/or referals to specialists.

Now granted, the majority of us are not medical professionals. However,  since there are a significant number of Attorneys in our ranks, I would not be surprised if I was told the Hobbyist community contained an equal, or significant number of Physicians, PA's, Nurses, And RNP's, of either gender.

It also appears that the information sought is not limited to the treatment, or prevention of STD's.

The "Medical" board could function the same as the "Legal" board. Members could ask for guidance for dealing with medically related concerns, with the proviso that the member use the information, as a guideline, to be followed up with a consultation with an appropriate medical professional.

What do you think?

Staff13173 reads

We did have a medical board sponsored by AIM Healthcare foundation.  It was really cool until they went in one night and deleted all the messages and decided to "take thier marbles and go home".

One day we will put it back up.

-- Staff

answered questions(the few times that they did)strictly concerning STD's.

I am suggesting a board similar to the legal board. This board would allow people to ask medically related questions, NOT LIMITED TO STD'S!

If you read, or re read my original suggestion, I suggested that although I have no evidence to support this, it can be logically presumed that we have many Physicians among us.

I suggest a board where members can ask medicaly related questions , not necessarily STD related. These questions would be answered by Physicians, Dentists, PA's, RN's, or RNP's.

I know we have Dentists in our ranks, I would be very surprised if we had no Physicians. I know of at least two providers who are RN's.

Now, I mean no disrespect but please read these suggestions more carefully before you respond.

JVM15373 reads

STD board sounds good to me, but general medical doesn't

Staff12958 reads

I am sorry you feel I did not read your question correctly.  A general heath board really does not fit well under TER.  A board concerning playing safe in the hobby and hobby related health questions does.  

As I stated in my earlier message "One day we will put it back up."

-- Staff

I believe you read his question and fully understood it. And there is no reason to have a medical board on TER other than to address STD's and other sexual health questions. I don't go to my mechanic and ask her how to paint my house, why would I go to a hobby board and ask about a root canal? Try for general medical questions, other than that ask a real Dr. Not a nurse, but a Dr.

It's ashame that AIM wasn't able to see the help they could've provided here. Oh well, their loss.

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