Suggestion and Policy

The Erotic Review Policies
teiresios 1 Reviews 1155 reads

I posted a very favorable review of a provider in oct., 2015 here on this site. I noted that if you treat this provider with kindness and respect you will very likely have a great time. Well, when I'm wrong, I'm wrong. I took my own advise. I saw her again and I paid more, got a totally different attitude, much worse performance and she ended the $200.00 one hour sesion after about 30 minutes. I was robbed and I was pissed. And TER will not let me post a review of this encounter. They tell me there has to be a 3 month interval between reviews by the same writer. I though readers should know the first encounter, I think you need to know the second. The provider is Belle. The Erotic review also refused to post I wrote in Sept. of a provider named Sexy Sarah in Stratford Ct who robbed me. Is there anyone out there who would rather not know these things? Do reputable providers think you should not know this also? These policies tend to protect the very worst "providers" and to harm readers by depriving them of the truth. I doubt TER will allow this post. Teiresios.

Did TER give you any reason for rejecting the review of Sexy Sarah

Yes. In its entirety; "From time to time TER chooses not to post reviews from users with limited history for providers with no other reviews. Once the provider receives more reviews your review can be resubmitted for approval.t said; " I see no reason why TER should have this policy. Any reader of TER is going to read any review with a grain of salt. I do and I'm sure you do too. Now this provider robbed me in the parking lot. Four days later she hit me up for more money twice. I didn't give her any but she is bad news. I think this should be exactly the kind of thing the whole TER community should know. It is providers like her and the provider I wrote the second review on that ruin the whole scene. They also are a lot more likely to draw the attention of L E. For TER to reject these reviews is a disservice to reputable providers and readers alike. Teiresios.

You can post a warning to your local board. If you don't want to mention the provider by name in public, you can offer to provide an ID via PM.

I'm sorry about your disappointment, however, you can now help others with your reviews and board posts.

It seems that the lady only had one review before your review. You might want to stick to those with more reviews and more reliable reviews for a little while.  

Thanks for the heads up and better luck next timeS

Hey Imposter! Thanks for the idea. I don't know what you mean by PM. I'm only a basic member. Please advise and thaks for encouragement. Teiresios.

Posted By: teiresios
Hey Imposter! Thanks for the idea. I don't know what you mean by PM. I'm only a basic member. Please advise and thaks for encouragement. Teiresios.
PM is private message, TER's internal email system. Based on your bad experience, I recommend that you sign up for paid VIP for a while anyway. You can pay by Credit Card, Money Order or Anonymous Gift Card.  

Given the SPECIFIC situation and that you already posted the specific info (the names) here on Suggestion and Policy, you can post to your local board (NE) without the names but say something like, "I do not have PM but I posted more info to S&P a few days ago."  

Put the link in the box at the bottom:

Most guys don't want to post names because of the he said - she said arguments or retaliation (or worse) that might ensue. After describing a situation, others can inquire by PM (if you, the poster and they have PM privs) for the details and come to their own conclusion

Thanks for the info and the advice. As you know there are two providers I would like people to know about. TER tells me I can post a second review about one of them 3 months after the first (positive) review I wrote. That will be in Jan. so I certainly have time to think about it. On the subject of the other provider I tried to post a warning review here, on Tazlist and on Backpage. All with the same results. Adultfax certainly did put up warning reviews but they are gone. So for a month I put up a warning ad on Cityvibe. I wrote; "Beware; Sexy SO AND SO of XXX robbed me. When this is her routine can L E be far behind?" In a medium sized city I got close to 5000 hits and several likes. In that instance I think I accomplished something. Now, when two of my reviews (both highly negative) were rejected  on TER, I have to ask myself What else TER may be holding back on any given provider? Their practices to me are biased and arbitrary and to that extent this web site is diminished in its value and reliability. Teiresios.

Error of commission are more damaging than error of omission.

TER strives to be sure that any information they allow up on this site has been vetted, and until they feel safe about that, they don't allow it.

I can understand their POV on this, even if it does inevitably lead to flaws.

GaGambler343 reads

My suggestion is the same as impposter's , make a warning post on your local, (I assume Boston) regional board.

Some people will suggest you not name the woman publicly as to avoid any blowback, I do NOT subscribe to that POV, if you have the courage of your convictions to do so, I say NAME THE BITCH, do it publicly and that will hopefully get the word out about this ROB.

I have no idea who this woman is and whether or not she is a TER member, I suspect she is not, but if she is I will warn you that she will have the opportunity to rebut your accusation, but you don't sound like someone afraid of controversy, so I say make your post on your regional board, and hopefully the community at large with thank you for your efforts.

That's what I did when I got NCNS'd.  I posted it on my regional board, the newbie board and the GD board.  Told the story and that if anyone wanted the provider's handle to PM me.  Got a number of requests.  By not outing her in public, hopefully you will avoid any repercussions and shitstorm from her that could ensue.


I want to thank all who have replied to my posts concerning the two "Ladies" and the policies of TER. Disreputable providers have lots of ways to fly under the radar. Name changes, different or misleading pictures, changes of phone #s and moving around from city to city are just a few. I tried to post 2 separate reviews of providers who robbed me. In both cases pimps were involved. Although money and sex were involved so are  issues of personal safety. Coupled with this is the fact that this type of provider is more likely to draw the interest of L E. ALL of these are solid reasons for steering clear of such "Ladies." When TER blocked both my negative reviews about such problems they show a disregard, not just for sex and money but also for the safety and freedom of the community. At the same time they do a disservice to reputable providers by excluding this information. It was all of these concerns that motivated me to warn the community. Both providers are named in what has been posted on this board. Some might consider that TER is not the only place to register dissatisfaction. I do want to thank everyone who read and took the trouble to reply to what I have posted. Teiresios.

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