Suggestion and Policy

Submitting a problem report to update Cost of Services
thirsty 2 Reviews 27568 reads

I just submitted a problem report to help out a friend who has recently gone independent. Many changes to her profile were necessary (at least one entry under every sub-category. Everything that I submitted in the PR was correctly updated except Cost of Services. No changes were made in this category. (Actually, I didn't submit change(s) in this category, I just added two more entries.) I assume this is okay. Many profiles have multiple entries under Cost of Services.

Just wondering...was this an oversight or do you wait until such info comes in attached to a review before updating?


-- Modified on 7/16/2002 7:49:13 AM

-- Modified on 7/16/2002 10:49:24 AM

Staff27766 reads

We may have just missed it, can you try again?

-- Staff

I sure will. I figured that was the problem. I submitted a lot of new info.


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