Suggestion and Policy

Since when did you not like a good shit show?
JackDunphy 6031 reads
1 / 64

Here's the thing. The world has changed in the last 2 years. Numerous women have been fucked over by many men as we all found out from #metoo. Personally, I knew some of this shit went down, but like most men, I had no clue it was as bad as it was.

So I think it is due time we make some changes to TER to reflect the above. I have seen so many women de-list (and VERY recently) or not even consider joining TER that would have, had a few changes been instituted.

1. Lets better address fake reviews- yes, many women benefit from fake reviews but some have their business ruined with some fake ones that are negative. Allow the women to challenge a review in which they claim she never met the guy, which would force the review to come down immediately, but temporarily, for a period of 10 days. The guy would then have to produce evidence he saw her, for TER's eyes only. If no proof, the review stays down for good. With proof, the review goes back up.

2. Allow the women to reply to a review- this only seems fair and is the standard with any reputable review site. How is it fair to get only one side of the story? This would also give pause to the guy because if he knows he can be challenged, he is much more likely to tell the truth from jump street.

3. Get rid of the ridiculous add ons to get a "10". People are obviously lying to get the rating to a 10 anyway, in many cases, and why do I care if a girl will do/won't do anal if I don't seek that from a woman?

Let's face it. Many, many women have de-listed from TER due to some of TER's antiquated rules and anti-provider stances. I understand why, at the time, most of those rules were instituted. But we can make it better and more women friendly, which will only make TER better in the long run.

Times have changed. It's about time TER acknowledge those changes which I believe will incentivize more women to join, which is best for all.

GaGambler 330 reads
2 / 64

I think EVERYONE will agree that fake reviews, both fake 10-10s and fake 5-5s are a serious problem for TER and both the guys who rely on them and the girls who's livelihoods are impacted by them.  There will always be easy graders and hard graders, and nothing can be done about individual taste, or lack thereof. lol, but I think at the very least the encounter needs to have least occurred before being added to the permanent record here.

As for "the ridiculous add ons to get a ten" I made an OP on the subject that got what I believe are the most like of any post EVER on the S&P board, and the comments were overwhelmingly AGAINST those ridiculous add ons.

impposter 49 Reviews 347 reads
3 / 64

Posted By: JackDunphy

1. Lets better address fake reviews ...
2. Allow the women to reply to a review ...  
3. Get rid of the ridiculous add ons to get a "10".
If they are going to do a lot of revamping, some are "rules based" or "procedural" only, such as 1 and 3. Some would require modifying a lot of code to create a new GUI, such as 2.  
It has been frequently suggested that TER switch to REAL forum software for the discussion boards. There are several open source (FREE!) options:
The REVIEW database is totally separate from the Boards and is not a "forum."  But there have been lots of really good suggestions to change / improve the review dbase in such a way as to make the OP's first three suggestions more workable.  
Review form suggestions:  
a. switch to a pallet of colors for complexion (instead of "race"): reviewer clicks the swatch or picks a number
b. switch to something like cultural origin or country of origin (instead of "race")  
c. switch to a pallet of hair colors for hair color: reviewer clicks the swatch or picks a number.

inicky46 61 Reviews 337 reads
4 / 64

What kind of "evidence" do you suggest the guy provide to prove he actually saw the girl? We are talking almost exclusively about cash transactions where the location was her hotel or apt. so there's no evidence he would have that he was actually there, even if it was for TER's eyes only.
Also, providers have, for years, been able to claim the date never took place. One of my first reviews was rejected because of such a complaint. I think I gave her a 7/7, which would have dragged down her overall score. The review was honest and was approved but she told TER the date never happened and they took it down. I was never given the chance to prove it did, but even if I had been I had to way to prove it. All I could have done was name her hotel but there was no way to document that.
So while I agree with your general idea I don't think it's practical, unless you can give me more info. If I've missed something, please explain...

GaGambler 287 reads
5 / 64

I do share some of your concerns about allowing providers to challenge reviews they don't like however. There are more than a few providers that dispute EVERY sub par review they get and I do see this increasing the number of women doing this, not reducing them.

I do have a suggestion for acceptable "evidence" however, it would not be proof positive, but I do believe it would satisfy a "preponderence of the evidence" threshold. Almost all sessions are booked by text, email or some kind of DM, there is a paper trail of communications on virtually every session booked, and likewise, almost all cancelled or even NCNS sessions almost always have a paper trail as well, even if that trail ends with "where the fuck are you?" I believe if a client can prove the session was booked, with the date and time matching up with what he writes in the review, it's up to the provider to prove that the session was canceled. If she claims the client simply no showed on her, any reasonable person would expect her to provide some kind of evidence that she tried unsuccessfully to reach him at or around the time of the appointment. A simple screen shot of a text or email chain of conversation should be all the proof we need.

JackDunphy 334 reads
6 / 64

As GaG has suggested, the documentation today with DM's, texts, emails, etc should make it easy for anyone to prove a date happened. The burden of proof should rest with the guy if the gal flags it but ONLY if she flags it for a date that never occurred.  

That being said...I also wouldn't allow a woman to consistently have reviews taken down, and then, when the investigation happens, the guy proves he saw her. If she has a track record of doing such and wasting TER's time, discipline action would be brought upon her.

GaGambler 326 reads
7 / 64

I think it should be like challenging a call in football, you get so many "challenge flags" if you are proven correct it doesn't cost you any of those "flags" but if you are proven wrong, after two or maybe three strikes at the most you risk being delisted.  

I think there is more review fraud done "by" the providers than "to them"  and I think review fraud and score manipulation is at least as bit a problem as is the problem of vindictive reviews about dates that never happened. That said, I do support a "fair" system to deal with this, but I do NOT support a system that would generate a free for all of  he said, she she said.  

I know SEVERAL providers that contest, or come whining on the boards EVERY single time they get a review that lowers their scoring average and many of these women have a legion of spineless suckups that will come on the board and attack any guy who commits the cardinal sin of "telling the truth"  I think this kind of system "might" just put an end to this kind of thing and at the same time give the legitimate providers who work hard for their high scores a mechanism to deal with fake reviews.

inicky46 61 Reviews 304 reads
8 / 64

I'd be fine with using copies of emails, texts, etc., ASSUMING there's no way of faking them. I don't know one way or the other but would like to be sure before adopting Hack's "solution."

impposter 49 Reviews 307 reads
9 / 64

Someone proposed an authentication system a while back ... but it's complicated and not fool proof.  Maybe someone else can find those old posts. Basically,  
1. Client C and Provider P make an appointment. P (or both P and C) submit info to Authenticating Service AS. (AS could be TER but it could be a different indy group altogether.)  
2. P gets a code number from AS upon submitting the appointment with C to AS.  The code number could have a reasonable expiration date to allow for the usual screwups and schedule adjustments.  
3. C does not get the authentication code from P unless and until they actually meet!
4. C submits review using authentication code that he could only have gotten from P thus proving that he actually met with P.
That system wouldn't work for so many Providers who may be reviewed on TER but who are not members of TER and do not interact with TER, e.g., most AMPs. Providers could be tempted to withhold the code number until AFTER the session instead of providing it at the start. If things don't go well, she might decide that C probably won't give her a 10/10 so she forgets where she put the code number ... or she could come up with some other scheme.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 317 reads
10 / 64

I don't think any proof system that is also LE resistant is feasible. The less tracking we do the better.

My only suggestion is that once someone gets more than 10 reviews you hide the lowest 10% and ask clients to  take the top 10% with a grain of salt. I'd say hide the top 10% too, but that would get howls of protest and just more gaming of the system.

BoardAdmin 271 reads
11 / 64

We would ask reviewer all the questions about hotel , and some details only two of them would know.  

But in most cases provider would already correspond with reviewer, often  would blackmail him  to simply not to answer to us.  

Do you know how many guys left the site , when they have a nerve to give to 10/10 provider a well deserved 7 ?  

worldtravelluxury 306 reads
12 / 64

You are comparing apples and oranges .  

Imagine some  information about you that you do not feel like sharing would  would get posted ?

BoardAdmin 313 reads
13 / 64

When submitting honest reviews with low scores.  

Don’t forget, provider had all his private info after verification. It’s very easy to blackmail him.

moneyball5 296 reads
14 / 64
aprivatejet 359 reads
15 / 64

All my not so flattering reviews are submitted from alias.  

And yes, I would rather let my honest review been taked down, then provide my personal information.

artificial_intelligence 338 reads
16 / 64

This is why the scoring system TER has is necessary.

GaGambler 308 reads
17 / 64

I had mixed emotions when TER started allowing anonymous reviews. I have since changed my mind on the subject and I am now COMPLETELY in favor of them.

That said, I think TER should seriously reconsider what the typical monger is interested where it comes to the numerical scores. I am fully on board with DFK and BBBJ being VERY important menu items for most mongers, I will even concede the "naughty factor" where it comes to Greek, but honestly how many guys are really interested in gang bangs or if the women he fucks like to fuck other women? I honesty could not possibly care less if a provider offers gang bangs or if she is into women too. I also believe that just offering her asshole makes her plenty slutty enough for me, If I don't take advantage of her open back door, does she really deserve a point less because of MY choice, not hers?

impposter 49 Reviews 354 reads
18 / 64

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: Please remember, IMP likes complicated solutions to simple problems.
The "TER issued serial number" suggestion was not my idea but I can't find the OP. It is too complicated and it has other limitations.  
On the other hand, the current scoring system (basic 7 + specific extras to get to a 10) is not good.  
I have had other suggestions on S&P to address that.  See my posts about "X-out-of-Y" scoring. I have had some FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7 experiences!
If you want a 10-point scale, use X (Reviewer's rating) divided by Y (theoretical max, based on services provided) times 10.
7/7 x 10  = 10 (can be a FANTASTIC time!)
5/10 x 10 = 5 (lackluster DFK; mostly hand BBBJ; 2 seconds x 1 inch anal; ...)
10/10 x 10 = 10
Assuming things remain steady or improve TER-wise, I hope that Admin will read and listen to input from members regarding changes.  
I guess I should revisit my other suggestion that TER sponsor a TER Retreat for brainstorming sessions regarding future changes to the website. To keep their costs under control, TER should only invite those with a history of making suggestions and can choose a location to minimize travel costs for those who are invited: Las Vegas? Nashville? (rather than my previous suggestions of Hawaii, Paris, Budapest, Costa Rica, ...). Maybe Costa Rica would be a good choice ...?

JackDunphy 331 reads
19 / 64

And why would you be asking questions about the "hotel" and "details only two of them would know", again, if the date never happened? There wouldn't be any "hotel" nor would there be any "details."

I am not suggesting girls can take down reviews that they don't happen to like i.e. they received a lower score than they thought they deserved. I am saying if the girl claimed the date did not take place i.e. a "fake" review, only then could she have it taken down until the guy proved the date took place.

You lost me here a bit.

JackDunphy 284 reads
20 / 64

She wouldn't be allowed to post "information" about the guy under my scenario. She could only thank the reviewer or claim x or y menu option he claims to have partaken in didn't happen, or something similar. Nothing of a personal nature would be allowed.

MANY women think the current system is brutally unfair to them and thus have de-listed and many more new girls to the biz have bypassed TER altogether. I happen to think TER is strongest, and most beneficial to the guys, when it has more women willing to be a part of the site, not less.

worldtravelluxury 311 reads
21 / 64

So she would not be allowed  to say she didn’t  DFK you , because your breath smelled like ass.
Or round two was not possible because you need at least a week to recover .  
Or she had to stop BBBJ after an hour because , well it’s just sad!  
Do you realize how many old farts like you would be embarrassed as fucks?  
You want to be fair? That would be fair!
Dude! Stop  wining!  
TER is the best product in the hobby world ! As good as it gets .  No need to change anything !!!  
Two years of darkness proven that to all of us.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 276 reads
22 / 64

I like the initial, overall idea. I dont know if your plan is the best we can come up with JD but the things you offer could be used as a starting point. I too know of several escorts who have abandoned Ter for other vehicles they feel are more fair or more pro-provider. I think Ter should do everything reasonable to get some of them back and to attract new girls to sex work to jump on board.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 313 reads
23 / 64

That would strike most as very odd, I do believe. I agree that Ter is the best site of all of its competition but that doesn't mean it cant improve. Simply giving providers a chance to reply back to a review is just one step on the road to fairness but an important step. Ter has made many changes over the years and I think they keep trending towards a more fair outcome for all but they are not there yet, imho. Any great institution constantly evaluates itself to see if it can become better and I am sorry and a bit surprised you don't view it that way. Have a great day!

GaGambler 314 reads
24 / 64

I also agree it is FAR from perfect and it could benefit from several changes, BUT allowing providers to publicly dispute reviews other than airing their grievances on their regional boards is NOT one of them. I think it would be a shit show of he said/she said, with a few of the "top" girls whining about EVERY review that is not a 10-10. Some of them already do that, and giving them yet another platform to do so would be a huge mistake IMO.

BTW, this subject has come up MANY times over the years, and has been overwhelmingly been rejected as a VERY bad idea. TER was never intended to be just another ad venue for the ladies and it wasn't created "for" the ladies, it was created for guys to share experiences they have had with hookers, to recommend the good ones and to warn our little community about the bad ones. Anything that discourages reviewers from being totally honest is a bad thing, even if it gets a few noses out of joint by the hookers who are less than honest about their looks, age etc, or who give bad service.

JackDunphy 298 reads
25 / 64

Personally, I just love them. Cant get enough of them. lol

You are placing me in a very uncomfortable position of having to agree with a full fledged lib here in BB and I hate you for that but I digress. lol

So I ask...just bc something has always been, or has been rejected in the past, or was "intended" for a different purpose from the outset, doesn't mean its not a good idea to try now. Times change. Peoples opinions change.

And who rejected it btw? A few dozen guys on this board? You know this board never got the eyeballs on it the GD does so your "evidence" is a VERY small sample size made up almost entirely of the client side of the coin. Not exactly representative of the community at large.

And don't you think if a girl "whined about EVERY review that is not a 10-10" that guys would take that into consideration about seeing those girls bc who really wants to pay to be with a whiner?

You and I both know of many guys who have had vendettas against girls and they knew they could go get there "revenge" by making some shit up and placing it in a review. I think the likelihood of that happening would be less if the guy knew there were repercussions for him for doing so i.e. a girl who would challenge his version of events.

All that being said, I am not wildly in favor of responses but mildly so. My MUCH bigger issue is the fake review issue bc that causes so many problems for both guys and girls. If TER gave me the choice of enacting just one of them, I would pick the fake review protocol changes I mentioned in a heartbeat over allowing responses to reviews.

At the end of the day, and you know this from info I have sent you plus others telling you the same/similar thing, that many girls no longer feel they need TER as they choose alternate advertising venues (whilst TER was essentially down since Sesta/Fosta) and/or they believe iTER is sexist, unfair, degrading and one sided. It has caused these girls to leave TER or never join to begin with. We live in a post #metoo age and I think we make some changes to reflect that fact.

I am NOT saying your points don't have some merit to them. Of course they do. The question is can we do it better moving forward that will help the most amount of people using the site? That's the question.

I just think TER is best when women feel like they are getting a fair shake which will incentivize many of them to come back if the proper changes are made. The more women, the more choice for the guys. Win/win.

xyz23 45 Reviews 284 reads
26 / 64

...JD's #3. Get rid of the extras for a 10.

GaGambler 324 reads
27 / 64

I don't mind bending over backwards to be accommodating, but I am not going to bend over forwards. I think that this 20 months or so has bent you to the will of the ladies. You started off talking "fair" but you drifted into "Let the hookers start running the asylum" territory when you started talking about allowing providers to "tell their side" of EVERY review they get. I guess maybe I have gotten too nice over the last couple of years, so let me put it in old GaGambler terms, It was a stupid fucking idea the first time it was suggested, it was even fucking dumber the second time, and now that it has been hashed and rehashed and roundly rejected EVERY single fucking time, it's even dumber yet.  

You want to encourage women's participation here and I not only get that, but I agree. That said, we also want to encourage the guys to not only write honest reviews, but to actually write reviews in the first place, subjecting reviewers, especially HONEST reviewers to a constant pushback from the women every time they tell the truth about an OTHFB is a GREAT way to discourage anything but suck up, worthless reviews from a bunch of spineless fucking jellyfish that do NONE of us mongers a bit of good where it comes to vetting the providers we see. Do you REALLY want nothing but 10-10 reviews? We might as well do away with reviews altogether as the reviews will be completely worthless to anyone with actual standards.  

Honestly, I "like" having the ladies participate here on TER, but if it's a choice between getting honest reviews and having the girls join in, I will take honest reviews every day of the week. The ladies don't have to actually "join" TER to be reviewed, if they don't like it here they can leave, and if they want to be delisted, quite frankly I am ok with that as well if the alternative is to chase every honest and discerning reviewer off the site..

Ok, Rant over. I'll make a separate reply about the stuff I agree with you about.

GaGambler 340 reads
28 / 64

I've already let you know how I feel about the dumb idea, which in your slight defense you only "mildly" support yourself, so lets move on to your good ideas.

I agree that fake reviews are a problem, I do disagree (slightly) that BAD fake reviews are the major problem. I personally think that undeserved 10-10 reviews outnumber fake 5-5 reviews by a factor of 20-1 if not more, that said while I don't believe a guy should be forced to withdraw his actual opinion, even if it's MUCH different than everyone elses as long as the guy actually have a session with the woman he reviewed, and unlike BFSF who seem to know nothing about technology I think that is a VERY easy thing to prove, all the reviewer has to do is provide the text or email chain of communication leading up to the date. Virtually NO ONE books a date anymore without some kind of text, email, or DM chain of communication. If he can't provide such a paper trail, the review comes down. If the provider claims the session was canceled, she needs to provide a cancelation email, or at the very least a "where are you?" message from her to him at or near the time of the session. Easy Peasy.  

As for your other good suggestion, I think it will mollify the women who complain (rightfully so) about how they are being punished for not being bi, doing gang bangs, or actually providing (not just offering) greek in a session. I bet you only one percent of the mongers here, or less care about a provider being bi or doing gang bangs when booking a provider for an individual session with a lady. As for anal, for the guys who like that particular service, I am also willing to bet that they are just as happy to know it's on the menu as they are reading that EVERY guy she sees is now claiming to tap that ass. It's making liars out of otherwise honest people in an attempt to game an unfair system. You spoke about "previous discussions" on your dumb idea, well there has been a lot of discussion on this topic too. I started a thread on the subject that got more "likes" than any previous post on this board of OVER 100. Virtually EVERYONE was against the new changes, and I think that fact is VERY relevant, and I think you are right that this would be a GREAT time for TER to do a "reset" on the topic. I remember daring TER to do a formal poll on this, but my words fell on deaf ears, maybe the "new and improved" TER will take a second look at this.

JackDunphy 322 reads
29 / 64

Lots to do before we open back up In August but I digress. lol

It's hardly letting the girls "run the asylum" by simply allowing them a rebuttal. You way overstated that. There is no perfect solution, I will grant you that, but allowing the gals to have a come back isn't going to end the world. I think the positives would outweigh the negatives. I am telling you from first hand knowledge that fact alone is keeping many women off TER.  

Now, I would NOT be taking this stance, and you know I did not BEFORE Sesta/fosta and before #metoo. Both of those events have had a chilling effect on girls entering the business and causing many girls to leave and/or leave TER. The ones who stayed found other avenues to advertise on and feel they no longer need TER. If you don't find that problematic, you just aren't in touch with what is going on and that is further evidenced by your move out of TER style of p4p and into the sugar bowl.

I am NOT knocking you for joining the sugar world as it not only sounds perfect for you but many others have had success there as well. As you well know, I don't find it appealing for reasons we discussed.

So I mention all that to say that I believe I am MUCH more in tune to what the higher end girls are saying and feeling AND doing.

We can all sit around and pretend its 2017 but it isn't. There have been massive changes and the girls were forced to make changes and one of those changes was living in a non existent TER world and them having to make the best of that. Some of them were severely hurt when TER went down while others thrived after the initial setback and shock.

I think we have to acknowledge the changes even though we may not like them. Otherwise TER will become a sausage festival. Again, you know from me and others that MANY hot women delisted from TER in the last 2 years for a myriad of reasons.  

High on that list of reasons was them being tired of being lied about, the inability to respond back to the review and the frustration of fake reviews that hurt their business and their person. So they sought other avenues were that isn't the case in TER's absence. Other sites give the girls the right to respond back and a much fairer process to remove fake reviews.  

If you have other ideas to keep the higher end, super hot women from leaving I am all ears. But when you look at Deb's poll and other girls comments, many, many women are on the fence with regards to delisting or joining TER in the first place.

I don't think the attitude of "bu-bye" is cutting it any longer.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 531 reads
30 / 64

My opinions are nowhere near objective; I'm not going to pretend they are.  

I haven't had a TER account for nearly as long as I've been in the business, although this site has been around for the majority of that time.  

Why not?  Because it simply didn't appeal to me.  It had the image/reputation of being  a Boys' Club (locker room mentality)  where companions' voices were largely discredited and, all too frequently, dismissed as the bitter rantings of subpar providers who are little more than hustlers.  

That is still the perception of many, many companions.  

Can I saw they're completely wrong?  That TER is a healthy community, striving to achieve fairness for both clients and providers alike?  No.  
Even the public tone from Admin on the message boards can seem dismissive, and even mocking, in response to ladies' complaints.  

Yes, it's difficult to be patient with ignorant questions and those asking them, as well as the hard-headed and overreactive types.   I completely understand that.  But the effort to remain respectful and professional to all should still be made.  

To be fair & honest, my own experiences with this site (once I claimed my profile here and began contacting Admin for support, changes, fake reviews etc) have been much more positive than what I've heard from others.
I don't know why this is.    

Some ladies have asked me how I got this or that changed on my profile, how I've kept my phone number from being listed there, and what did I do/say to get a fake review removed.   Too many, including those knowledgeable in the correct procedures for these issues,  have difficulty with all of those matters and I don't know why.  

There is my first HUGE complaint: the inconsistency.  TER's tendency to disregard its own rules regarding review content.  

I'm certain many of us have stumbled across a review containing hate speech  or  flat-out cruelty, which are supposedly disallowed.   On that same note, quite a few clients have reported their reviews of our time together were rejected for lacking sufficiently graphic content.... yet I have at least a few which are completely vague in nature but were posted with high numbers.  
I mention this not because I enjoy talking about myself (I have both a blog and newsletter for that purpose lol) but to show my own firsthand experiences.  Of course, many other providers have shared very similar stories.  

I'm not special.   Despite my current surname, I do not live in Holland and certainly haven't flown over there to perform enough sexual favors to become TER's  "teacher's pet".  ;-)


But what are the biggest negatives for most providers?

The numerical scoring system.  It simply feels objectifying to many companions.  
It's a huge issue AND encourages review manipulation.  

In today's climate, rating someone's physical appearance on a scale of 1-10 is, at best, crass.    

 Reviewers can use their words to describe someone's looks rather than simply picking a number, which is highly subjective.
I've read more than one review (not of myself but others) which essentially said she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in person, truly gorgeous!  BUT his personal scoring system doesn't include a 10 because that would be perfect and NO ONE is perfect so he gave her a 9.   In those instances, TER should step in and edit the review, changing the score to a 10, but they do not.

I can't recall how many times I've read like comments, evidence of people using their own criteria rather than TER's definition of what each number should indicate, or simply giving the same number as her performance whether he even truly felt that way or not.  

The numerical scoring system for Performance is so intensely problematic I'd love to see that become a thing of the past too.  There's so much abuse and manipulation on BOTH sides it's gotten beyond ridiculous.

What might be of the most interest to the clients is the fact ladies with a certain numerical average and above sometimes use peer pressure to keep everyone in their "class" at similar rates.  The scores drive prices UP.
 It's not quite price-fixing, but at times it does come close to that.  

When TER went dark, I read comments from many ladies who then felt free to charge what they want, for the time-increments most comfortable for them, without being bullied by other ladies.  One lady whose blog I read detailed the pressure she felt to drop 30 minute dates and I myself had been repeatedly encouraged to raise my own rates and only offer multi-hours.   It's both the "whoreachy" and those who are attempting to circumvent a free market.  

By rating and ranking us this way, TER feeds into this.  

Without TER for the better part of 2 years, I've seen many reputable ladies change up their offerings.  
Yes, as GaGambler has mentioned elsewhere, there likely are far more super-high-end ladies in the major markets.  
But I have also seen a lot of established companions expanding their offerings to include FBSM, NURU, BDSM, shorter dates, discounts for off-peak hours and much more.   There are also far more touring ladies, especially those going to smaller cities and often DECREASING their rates for such tours.  
These examples show that at least some ladies feel free to be the provider they want to be without as much fear of the labels and bullying.  


Should providers be allowed to comment on  their own reviews?  If TER wants to be perceived as fair to us, then yes.  

 Neither reviewers nor reviewees should be allowed to divulge personal information or outright insult one another;  so why now allow us to make a brief statement?  

I'd love to be able to say things like, "Thank you very much for the review!  I don't recall doing every position in the Kama Sutra but I'm happy you're pleased with your memory of our date!"  or "I'm sorry but because I haven't ever done __________ , I'm afraid this review was meant for someone else".    :-)

All comments can be kept as kind and non-argumentative as possible, and I'm confident that if provider comments are ever allowed, this would be one thing TER really WOULD be stringent about enforcing.  

Yeah, it'd be funny as hell to read, "Sorry I couldn't get you hard but I didn't bring enough candles to perform a seance on your dead dick!"  but of course that would be unkind.  
I wouldn't even THINK something along those lines.  Nope, not me, never. ;-)    

Because I cannot imagine reviewers will suddenly cease embellishing their reports, misremembering events or even making a critical typo (forgetting the word NOT can be very significant lol) and getting a reviewer to edit it after the fact is time-consuming and sometimes impossible.... our feedback would be of help to readers.  

All that being said, I have no idea how coding and programming work so please, if what I'm suggesting is so difficult or costly it shouldn't even be suggested, go a little easy on me there.    
These are "in a perfect world where all technical changes are cheap and easy" type of ideas.  :-)

JackDunphy 283 reads
31 / 64

And I thank you for it. Your response is very noteworthy bc so many of the guys here have respect for you, even when we disagree with you. Come to think of it, I cant really ever recall you making a ridiculous or absurd comment or observation. You also give very good advice on the NB and your voice is sorely needed there.

Back when TER made a change with the NB moderator, or "host" as they prefer, I openly and privately lobbied for you to be co-host with Perfect Storm. Now, Storm has done a great job, as I knew he would, but it would have been better, imho, had a guy and a gal acted as co-hosts.

I don't agree with everything in your post but I respect it. Personally, I love the numerical scoring system. I wouldn't make any changes to the 1-10 grades as that is the way guys think and talk about women. Is it crass and a bit rude? Guilty your honor. I just always found it helpful when I searched the db here to plug in numbers for my search.

That being said, the hoops and bullshit the guys have to jump through to give a girl a score higher than a 7 is absurd. "Anal", "really bi", etc etc etc should have no bearing on a girl getting a 10 for performance but I do understand why TER implemented it initially. I just think we are well overdue for a change.

Your response, your current poll, my numerous talks with many women over the last few years, reading girls posts and pm'ing with girls here etc etc etc  have all taught me we need some really big changes if TER is to be respected and used by more women moving forward . They don't have to like every aspect of TER, and you cant please everyone BUT I think it is high time TER started getting some more info from the gals on this topic and open some of these ideas to all the members.

TER has made numerous changes over the years and I think they are overdue on more changes.

Great post and thanks for your time. I would love to hear from more reasonable women like yourself. The only way change ever happens if enough people stand up and make their feelings known.

lester_prairie 12 Reviews 320 reads
32 / 64

I think too many people are trying to lawyer the numerical score. In reality I don't think anyone regards it as precisely meaningful.  I think most people take it in a qualitive way... a rough idea.

Someone who gets a seven, in my opinion, is perfectly adequate. Why fret over details beyond that sense?

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 291 reads
33 / 64

EVen when someone uses a wider search criteria, having a higher average score impacts where one turns up in the search results.

Ladies with very high averages show up on the Top lists.

All this encourages manipulation, and a ton of pressure, to get those high numbers.

Since TER has been down I've met quite a few TER-member clients from my home area who never heard of me.  

How could they not have seen my profile when I've been here for years?    

Well, lots of members were (and still are) totally unaware of the Ad Boards here; they use this site to browse reviews and that's it.  So their only resource for finding ladies was TER's reviews.    
Because these men only search reviews with average-scores of 9+ ,  I never popped up in their search results here.  

Some only look at ladies with those numbers because they feel said scores are highly exaggerated, inflated.  
Others stick with higher numbers because they only book 5-star hotels and they want the "best of the best" for providers too so..... yes, the numbers are important to a lot of people.

The main reason I'd like to see them go is because they lead to to manipulation and abuse.  Reviewers will dangle high-scored reviews like a carrot, offering to give 9s and 10s in exchange for discounts, OTC time and more.  
Why?  Because they KNOW how important the scores are to so many providers.  

After TER went dark, people had to start looking for companions in other ways.  Ad sites and social media are how most gentlemen have been finding the ladies.    

There were a few review resources left and, when asked for my reviews,  I steered people there.    

As far as I'm aware, none of those sites use a numerical scoring system.    One, which is infamous for fake reviews and those scraped from this site and others,  has seemingly been thriving.   If numbers aren't necessary on those sites, I can't see why they should be an integral part of reviews here.  

I personally feel dropping the numbers would increase provider-support and thus help TER regain its former glory more quickly.    :-)

mrfisher 108 Reviews 303 reads
34 / 64

but I like to look at the bright side of things, and one bright side is that some women are encouraged to raise their voices against this state of affairs, as in the present case.

When I see providers who do this I am impressed by them and have often used this as a criterion to meet up with them, and have been amply rewarded by doing so, a situation which I hope was mutual.

JackDunphy 303 reads
35 / 64

Girls want to out score a rival or competitor and that is where some of the pressure on the guys come from.  Jealousy is. hug motivator for some.

Personally, you wouldn't show in my search not due to your score but your age. In NYC, there just isn't any reason for me to see 35+ age girls as we have hundreds in there 20's and early 30's, my preferred age group. I start my overall score search at "8" as that gives me the most hits and then just weed them out for other reasons.

Again, some of those girls are getting gigged for not doing things I could care less if they do i.e. "anal", "really bi", etc. so that is why I start my search at a lower number than maybe some in your area.

GaGambler 304 reads
36 / 64

As both Deb and Jack have mentioned the review scores have a HUGE impact on a girls business, and unfairly so IMHO. For every guy like you and me who look past the numerical scores, there are a dozen guys who look first at the "top 100 lists" and then never look any further.  

I completely agree with Jack that the "top lists" are the biggest problem we have were it comes to review manipulation and I said so dozens if not hundreds of times. I also agree that the prerequisites to qualify for the higher scores are unfair and don't reflect what's important to most mongers, and most definitely should be changed if not scrapped entirely.

squagga 20 Reviews 300 reads
37 / 64

Guys NEED and DESERVE a fair platform where they can recount their experience(s) with providers. TER gives them just that. When TER was down, I strongly suspect this OVERWHELMINGLY shifted all leverage in these exchanges/transactions to the providers. As a guy, I don't think that is fair. There are many negative reviews that should be posted, but are not-for fear of retribution. All across the country, ridiculous, religious conservative lawmakers decry prostitution, the women who do it for a living, and their customers who keep the industry active and support this EVER so important type of private sector employment. It isn't fair if a customer is ripped off by a store or restaurant and they don't get to post a review saying their experience sucked. By that same token, if a business is fair and ethical, and provides its customers with a great experience that leaves them satisfied...that business will prosper! Fair customers will publish and explain to others their positive experience(s) with this business, whose products and services they consumed, and thoroughly enjoyed! TER needs to exist. It doesn't just help guys. It helps girls by giving a fair, discreet platform to interact with and screen potential customers, and gives all parties involved more information. TER is a VERY good thing for society. It helps the men who partake in this hobby, as well as the women who work in it. IF, doesn't "help" women, I strongly doubt that it HARMS women the way some are complaining that it does. All parties need to be honest, ethical, fair, and transparent and act in good faith. TER makes it MUCH harder for bad behavior to go unnoticed/unpublished/unknown by stakeholders in this industry. If that means it helps men or gives them more leverage, so be it. The situation shouldn't be so rigged against guys in the first place. In 2019, men are called "creeps" by women for politely approaching them on the bus, train, street, mall, restaurant, or at the park and explaining their interest in them and trying to start a conversation in hopes of getting a girl's phone number...with the intention of taking her on a date! This happens on dating sites/apps, as well. The idea that men deserve to be criticized, called creeps, or be threatened, blackmailed, pepper sprayed, assaulted, kidnapped, robbed, scammed, they are being, all over the country, and this board, TER, shouldn't be allowed to help them avoid getting scammed or blackmailed, or avoid honeytraps, is ridiculous. It is not at all "unfair" to the women who wish to suppress this TRUTHFUL/accurate information. They want to kill these posts/reviews, stories or reports so they can continue to control the playing field and bend the rules and enforcement in their favor. This info MUST be made available to men all over the country who have a right and a NEED to know it. TER needs to exist. It is a good board that has a positive impact on society.

b21b 2 Reviews 280 reads
38 / 64

It’s time to allow Bbfs, CIP, and such awful activities. It should be ok to post without being judged by you right wing radicals. I don’t want to hear no preaching not Sunday, not on Monday, seeing new site allowing women to post ads openly advertising their offerings has opened many eyes. To each their own.

JackDunphy 297 reads
39 / 64

But several times you state "TER needs to exist." Who is arguing otherwise? A total of nobody, that's who. I, nor anyone I know here want TER gone, but some of us think it needs some changes to reflect the recent changes in our society and just to be more fair in general.

If you don't think some of the stuff that goes on here "harms women" you just aren't paying attention and you are branding all the girls who state differently as liars. Fake reviews can seriously hurt a women's rep and pocketbook. What is wrong with trying a new system that may help to reduce them?

No info would be "suppressed" under any of my ideas. I am just saying that a women should be able to challenge something she knows to be false and let TER be the final arbiter of that challenge. Isn't that the essence of fairness to hear from both sides?  

Women have left TER in droves over the last few years and if we just sit around and do nothing about it, it will continue, leaving guys with MUCH less choice and MUCH less desirable choices. Is that what you really want? I would think not.

Lastly, the LEFT has JUST as much guilt with regard to demonizing prostitution as the right. How many liberal law makers are out there calling for its legalization/decriminalization? Very, very few. And what about the women's libbers? They don't even think a women should be able to make the decision to enter SW in the first place. They decry prostitution just as much as the right and as fervently as well. They view a SW as a victim and too stupid to know what is best for her.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 350 reads
40 / 64

I'm sorry but your suggestion is unclear to me.

If you're advocating engaging in such activities, I think that's best discussed on your local regional board.  

As to including them in reviews: I know I've read such details quite a few times, and many ladies have complained of reviewers falsely claiming such activities happened.  So they're definitely there.  


Do you mean to have such things listed on companions' profiles?

The main problem with that is if all it takes is one reviewer claiming she offers such activities for it to then be on her profile under Services Offered then anyone with an ax to grind could do so, and cause myriad problems for her.  


Now, if there are numerous providers who WANT this on their profiles then yes, it's something TER should consider.  

If I recall correctly, a few reviews mentioned that I use Female Condoms but it wasn't listed under my Services Offered until I asked TER to do so.  (it might've been more than a few; I didn't even think to request that change until I saw people talking about FCs on one of the boards)

I don't know if TER would have eventually added that to my profile after enough reviews mentioned it (and possibly someone else sent in a problem report about it) or not.  

But with such stigmatizing activities as those you mentioned, I think it should take either the lady's confirmation that she does indeed offer them and/or a LOT of reviewers all saying it.  :-)

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 308 reads
41 / 64

I had a couple of fake reviews taken down after she gave a gent a certain amount of time to respond and contest. I never even met the guys (yes REALLY). There was  process back then and IMO it's needed again n some form. Right now there be some guys trying to get those 15 days credit and there needs to be a way to verify if the lady knows the meeting didn't take place.

Lots of food for thought and I really love JD's ideas. GaG's as well.  

Steph XO

BoardAdmin 344 reads
42 / 64

Summarize  all these opinions into a nice TER  poll . We need new one anyway.  

Winner gets 200 VIP days!  

Let’s start a different thread on this one.

eastside70 41 Reviews 291 reads
44 / 64

Manipulation and abuse of the scoring system occur by providers in order to stay at the top of the ratings. Some providers might even go to the extent of saying something along the lines as: unless the scores are at least 9/9 it actually lowers her average which then drops her rankings and how she shows up on searches which could hurt her business.

If one doesn't provide the minimum score that she wants, she could create problems for that reviewer so many probably either submit to her will or don't provide a review at all. And for those reviewers who are honest and provide a nice review with a lower score, look out for her wrath. Why? Because they WANT the top rating regardless if it's warranted.

msviktoria See my TER Reviews 299 reads
45 / 64

I don't know why any provider would do this, it would really reduce the chances that anyone else would see them.  We generally don't do things bad for our business and you obviously have a very low opinion of providers.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 293 reads
47 / 64

I agree totally that this is the best review site out there .
In our local area have seen many reviews that were IMO fake . Most were above average and done for days.
That way the provider would not question. In absence this site the “Chimpanzee “ came alive while the “Gorilla” was in hibernation and that site could give every one here a lesson on fakes .  
One thing I did like one that site was a screen that chronologically showed that a provider had accessed her site. Told me she was at least active even without a review in the last period of time.  
Welcome back TER.

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 264 reads
48 / 64

A call to action that any man I want to invite into my bedroom will second...
and third...
and fourth...

Guys why are there not dozens of responses to this post in agreement. Raise your hands and effect the change.

I bet you start to see rewards and thank yous coming from your favorite ladies for effecting change in the community.


mrfisher 108 Reviews 346 reads
49 / 64

on that basis that the session never happened has merit.  After all, it should not be any big deal for a reviewer to forward to TER the emails with the provider that prove the session happened.   A gal knowing that the session happened and that there is proof of it in the emails has no incentive to waste their time objecting knowing that the reviewer can prove it.   There should be a time limit of say 30 days for the gal to mount an objection.

The idea to allow a provider to object to specific things in a review is another matter however.  Does everyone remember the kid in their class at school who threw a snit because they got an A- instead of an A on a test?   Yup, it would be like that, and we don't need that kind of BS.
Besides, I think TER already allows a provider to post an objection about a review on their local board, so this already exists.   I think the reason that we don't see providers commonly objecting to a review is that they would be foolishly pointing out two things that they ought to know would work against them:

1.  First is that such a review exists and
2. They are a complainer.

Regarding the add-ons to get a 10, I am in complete agreement.   The performance score should reflect how a gal does what she offers, not just the fact that she offers this or that, information that is already offered in her profile anyways.
If I see a massage-only gal and she gives me the massage of a lifetime, I would like to give her a 10.  Right now I can only give her a 7, which would probably cause a lot of potential clients to skip right over her profile and that's a shame.

impposter 49 Reviews 500 reads
50 / 64

Posted By: mrfisher
Regarding the add-ons to get a 10, I am in complete agreement.   The performance score should reflect how a gal does what she offers, not just the fact that she offers this or that, information that is already offered in her profile anyways.
See my many posts over many years promoting X-out-of-Y scoring. The "check off list" would determine the maximum score (Y).  Y max could even be MORE than 10. Usually, Y will only max out at a 7 or 8. The performance score X is then ratioed to Y.  
Think of the Olympics (gymnastics, figure skating ...). There is a maximum score for each routine based on the difficulty of the elements. The awarded score is based on actual performance. (See the picture, below.)
You could either use a 0-10 scale for X (max score = 10-out-of-7) or a 0-Y scale for X (max score = 7-out-of-7).  I have had many FANTASTIC 7's over the years. And I usually prefer a 7-out-of-7 to a 7-out-of-10.  
Note: Currently, scores are shown as Appearance/Performance, e.g., 10/10 or 9/8 ...  
To retain Appearance scoring, you'd have to get used to a third number: Appearance/X/Y, e.g., 10/10/7 or 10/(10/7) or  9/7/7 or 9/(7/7) or 7/10/8 or 9/6/10 ...  
Some version of X-out-of-Y is the way to go.

-- Modified on 1/14/2020 8:59:48 AM

lololancer 32 Reviews 298 reads
51 / 64

If "T.E.R." can, or will, revise ANYTHING, they need to start with the NUMBER rating system.

If we were rating APPLIANCES, perhaps then, rating an item a "7" would be considered adequate.

But we're rating PROVIDERS here, the bulk of which are WOMEN.

NO woman appreciates being rated a "7," no matter how innocent your intentions are.

I found out the HARD way when, years ago, a provider I believed I had given an entirely POSITIVE review to told me she did NOT appreciate being rated a "7," no matter what I wrote in said review.

She pointed out, and rightly so, that rating her a "7" only managed to drive down her OVERALL rating.

Had another similar experience recently, whereby I had to "downgrade" a numerical rating for a great "pro" because the review wouldn't be posted without some VERY specific details, details neither I nor the "pro" were comfortable divulging.

So, yeah, that numerical rating system needs a SERIOUS overhaul.  :(

mrfisher 108 Reviews 281 reads
52 / 64

The most fantastic massage provider in the world can only get a 7, while a so-so provider who does anal and is bi can get a 10.

This does a disservice to the escorts and the customers.

I would be happy to scrap the numbers and perhaps just give two ratings to the effect of:   Would see again/won't see again.

That would allow a user to dispose of a provider with a bunch of the latter ratings and then force them to read the reviews to find out how good or poor the gal is.

Till then, we have to rely on users using discretion.   One thing I always do is check the review history of the reviewer in question.   It they average a 7 for performance and give a particular gal an 8, that would be a lot more in terms of how I would rate the gal myself than a gal who gets a 9 from a guy who gives mostly 10s.

lololancer 32 Reviews 294 reads
53 / 64

If a seasoned and well respected "T.E.R." personage such as "Mr. Fisher" gives one of my posts his APPROVAL..., heck, I'll take that to the BANK anyday! :)
Respectfully, sir, I would have to disagree with you over the suggestion of just having a "would see again/won't see again" rating.
By just taking a perusal of a random sampling of reviews, you'll find a lot of QUALIFICATIONS in them, as in "would see again... if I were drunk," or "would see again... if the "donation" remained the same," etc., etc., so there's PLENTY of "wiggle room" when it comes to rating HUMAN "interactions."
The one thing I do agree with you is checking a reviewer's PAST submissions.
It gives you an idea as to WHAT an individual reviewer VALUES in a "pro" (which may not match yours!), and it helps weed out the FAKES (as in the "guy" who has the ONE overly gushing review of a SUSPECT, brand new "pro!"  ;)

Black-Panther 269 reads
54 / 64

This already exists. If a provider disputes a review, TER asks for a paper trail. I've been there and done that. Gave a TRUTHFUL review, she went ballistic. TER investigated and asked for records, I gave them to TER. Did it just like you said. The review stood as written.

Black-Panther 296 reads
55 / 64

You want to improve TER? Ban women. Too many fucking White Knights on here as is, pandering to the providers. "Oh, you're so right - men are mean and bad, I'll save you".  Fuck that.

"Here's the thing. The world has changed in the last 2 years. Numerous women have been fucked over by many men as we all found out from #metoo. Personally, I knew some of this shit went down, but like most men, I had no clue it was as bad as it was."

Geezus, you want us to call the Coast Guard to go look for your balls? This isn't the real world, this is a fuck board. We literally fuck women for money. It's pretty clear cut. This isn't Fox News Roger Ailes coercing women into a blowjob for an anchor spot. We literally pay women to fuck them - period.

A provider can ask to be de-listed, but if a guy sees her then reviews, it is there for all to see. If anything, I would say screw de-listing. Its like Yelp. And in fact, Yelp sucks because you can pay to have bad reviews removed.

You really want to make TER better? Get rid of women on the boards, all of the boards except ads. Hunt them down, hunt down the fake names and users that are women. Ban them.

lololancer 32 Reviews 284 reads
56 / 64

... with the BATH water,” as they say.

I can appreciate a WOMAN”s/SW”s opinion on here, if only to provide us with a DIFFERENT perspective on the issues at hand.

What I AM with you though is BANNING these DICKLESS “white knight” assholes!

They AINT foolin NOBODY with their groveling and FAWNING praise.

Just makes me ill!  

And if you think it’s bad on “T.E.R.,” then you obviously haven’t been on TWITTER.

Try to call out a “chick” for genuine unprofessional behavior, and a bunch of SPINELESS douchebags comes to her defense, without having a SINGLE clue as to what REALLY went down (smh...).

I had to leave TWITTER entirely because of the NONSENSE perpetuated by  BALLLESS wimps like those.  :(

Black-Panther 263 reads
57 / 64

True, true that.  Maybe as I posted in another thread, we vote the bad providers off the island. Like the thread on NCNS and blacklisting with the provider going full retard - "dateswithlexi". She's off the deep end.

GaGambler 297 reads
58 / 64

besides if we threw off ALL the BSU's and BSC hookers who would we have left to ridicule? Only people with Random Capitalization Syndrome is who. lol

I completely agree about TWATTER, I have seen enough of those spineless suckup acolytes to ever be bothered spending any time there.

Women have been demanding equal rights for years, well that's exactly what I give them. I neither fawn over them, nor do I denigrate them for no good reason. I will support them when feel they are in the right and I won't pull my punches when they are in the wrong. Just like I treat people without boobs or vaginas. lol

justsauce16 4 Reviews 293 reads
59 / 64

It's trivial to fake an email.  

Check your spam folder, odds are, you've received emails from yourself. If you download the file and look at the headers, it looks legit. How? Because those fields are based on the honor system, and spammers have no honor. The reason your spam filter catches them is because your email service signs the messages with a public key that matches it's private key. This private/public key pair verifies that the message did indeed come from their servers, and therefore you.

The problem is, while gmail or someone can verify that the email was sent from them, TER has no way of verifying that, because they don't have gmail's private key to check.

The better way to handle it is to allow providers to comment on the reviews themselves. If it's going to be a matter of heresay, which it most certainly is, let the reader decide what's real and what isn't. In most cases, that leaves everyone feeling like they can have their say and it'll be pretty easy for a hobbiest to make their mind up. It also requires less moderation to maintain, which there's no reason to place more stress on the TER mods/admins if we don't have to.

lololancer 32 Reviews 160 reads
60 / 64

Who... ME, or “GG?”  

lololancer 32 Reviews 155 reads
61 / 64

Man, “Lexi” talking in “CODES” now. 😳
Oddly, it’s turning me ON! 😈

GaGambler 181 reads
62 / 64
lololancer 32 Reviews 181 reads
63 / 64

Only if she comes to the “EAST SIDE!”  😛
That”s a fine looking hunk of MILF right there!
We need MORE on the EAST coast!  😉

applecious 95 Reviews 271 reads
64 / 64

Posted By: BoardAdmin
 Do you know how many guys left the site , when they have the nerve to give to 10/10 provider a well deserved 7 ?  
Yup. So true. It's hard to deal with the "10/10" perfect provider when they don't perform well (to any standard) and then reviewing her a 7. Then the provider throws a huge fit about that one review and then also leaves TER.

I think the way right now works. I wouldn't try to make drastic changes. At the end of the day, TER reviews a service. Whatever you like to romanticize it, the ladies are running a business and their services are getting reviewed. If something didn't go the way it should be, the provider and the gent should communicate it out if possible. Then again, that takes people willing to communicate and open to constructive feedback.

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