Suggestion and Policy

Since a providers profile is set up by her first review....
sweetman 93 Reviews 1225 reads
1 / 7

The TER search engine needs improving, I think we can all agree.  One of my peeves is the "build" category.  I recently searched for providers who are skinny, among other criteria, and got a number of hits.  But looking at their pics I found exactly zero of them were in fact skinny.  Most were average or at best thin.  I have used the "report a problem" feature to report such inaccuracies, but as often as not, my problem reports are unapproved.  It's very frustrating to devise a search and have results which don't conform to the search parameters.

MissMarieM See my TER Reviews 449 reads
2 / 7

Are you asking for a setting to approve subjective descriptions or that they add a body type of "skeletal?"

lopaw 29 Reviews 478 reads
3 / 7

....many of her physical descriptions can be very subjective as interpreted by that first reviewer. Also- with providers constantly losing weight, gaining weight, changing hair color, getting BA's, aging, etc etc it would be not only impossible but very time consuming and never ending for the admins here to try and keep up with it all. Really the only thing that you can do is what you are already doing, which is investigating all of the hits you get and then weeding thru them all. Very tedious and frustrating for sure....but there really is no other option.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 417 reads
4 / 7

I never drew much of a distinction between the two, and I doubt most guys do.

It is pretty subjective, and I certainly would not want TER to do anything that encourages gals to become anorexic, because that is a significant health problem that some gals have, including one very dear to me

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 409 reads
5 / 7

If there was a keyword search, OP could search for spinner or other terms more likely to net them the results they want. Of course, as lopaw pointed out, looks aren't static, but it would be better than the current method.  

I know keyword searches have been requested before, but it would also help for other interests.

impposter 49 Reviews 456 reads
6 / 7

I'm beating a dead horse here but ...  

I agree with mrfisher: thin, skinny? What's the difference? Some think thin > skinny but others think skinny > thin.

Solution: Add a field for BMI!  

And add a TER Marketing device.  A "TER Pocket Tool" consisting of a TER logoed measuring tape and luggage scale. Before you leave, slide the strap around her, lift her up and the digital memory records the value without you having to write down a thing. Use the tape to measure her height right into the digital memory. She won't suspect a thing!  

Once you're back at your computer, it will autocompute her BMI for you to include in your review

jeandeaux 243 reads
7 / 7
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