Suggestion and Policy

Seems to me the current local boards work fine for this.
L.Guapo 553 reads

No need to start a whole bunch of new boards to solve a "problem" that doesn't exist.

I was just reading one of the regional boards and noticed a recent thread. Someone visiting the area asking for recommendations for placed to get good meals. I've seen this a number of times -- and it makes a lot of sense. But it got me thinking, this has to be a question a number of people might ask. After all, the community is rather refined in many ways and most have great taste.    Moreover, I suspect it's not just in the USA or the regional board I was reading that these questions come up.

Would it make sense to have some board dedicated to these types of questions and the related recommendations? Personally I'd find that valuable even if I'm just looking for something new locally. And while the lasted post was about food clearly there's also the question of local culture and sights that are of interest to many -- It's not all work and not play even when work is play ;-)

L.Guapo554 reads

No need to start a whole bunch of new boards to solve a "problem" that doesn't exist.

local boards are just fine for discussing restaurants, theaters, etcetera... These requests break the monotony of Last minute ISOs and "anyone have (xyz)'s phone number". At times, they even become interesting threads :-)

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