Suggestion and Policy

The use of alias screen names
Magnum 17 Reviews 21543 reads

Hi, It would seem to me that the unchecked use of alias names has some problems. First, a VIP member that has a personal axe to grind with a service, provider or another member can define an alias, hide behind it and attack other members of the community. Based on reading this board, it also looks as though an alias can be used to submit a review, is that true? If the reviewer wants to trash someone without giving up his VIP screen name he can do serious damage to a service or providers business. I know that complaints can be registered through problem reports, but in the length of time it takes to get a bogus review removed the damage can be done, especially to a travelling lady.

Frankly, I think allowing the use of an alias is a bad idea except for the ladies. I can see them wanting to express opinions without fear of reprisal. But unrestricted general use that allows trolls to bring turmoil to a board by trashing people doesn't seem right to me.

I guess that I would suggest that alias names for hobbiests be eliminated and leave them available for the ladies.

If your sense of fairness won't allow that, then either ban the use of all alias names or if an alias can be used for reviews disallow it and restrict reviews to a 'main screen' name.

At the very least can you restrict the use of the alias to the same IP address as the original registered screen name for easier tracking and banning of abusive posters.

-- Modified on 4/6/2003 4:01:59 PM

ZedEx14979 reads

...I posted a long time ago about this same topic--and I too feel the abuse of the alias function has hurt the boards.  But it has gone on too long and will not be changed at this point.  

I do admire, however, those posters who are only able to flame others behind some lame alias--the fact that without a spine they are still able to type at all is inspiring.

Staff16365 reads

Actually, if you guys go back in history, I objected to aliases on the board.  Many of the members threatened to cancel memberships if they fcould not have an alias for their alias.

So be it.

FYI - Aliases cannot be used to submit reviews.  Just on the message boards.

Thanks 2K1, glad to see that I am not alone. And thanks Staff, I wish I had been around then to support your position against alias names. I understand that the driving motive was to keep and boost membership. I don't blame you for wanting to achieve those goals, after all, your not in this just for fun.

I wonder though, how many of those people that troll also pay you anything. If they are low enough to attack others in this community from behind an alias, then they are low enough to provide you with false reviews to get those 15 extra free days. Just a thought.

One more thought, have you considered that you may lose the membership of people that are tired of trolls and BS antics on their home boards?

Personally, I think you have enough of a following that should you stop all alias names the folks that you lose are probably not worth keeping anyway. Providers would be my only exception for alias names, hobbiests have overwhelming control of the boards so I think it would be fair to allow the ladies some sort of a smoke screen from unwarranted reprisal.

-- Modified on 4/8/2003 5:25:41 AM

I have to disagree with you on the use of alias for providers only. There are a few very vindictive souls out there that like to stir the pot and try to ruin the competition.

And not all alias posts are trolls or trouble makers. Some alias users post very informative messages that are intended to benefit the entire TER community. Some of these posts are a little controversial, and they may not have been posted if an alias was not used.

Hi Jaejae, as a fellow Boston poster, you know why I'm complaining here. I respect your opinion and I agree there are some posts from an alias that have been beneficial.

BUT, if you believe in what your posting, controversial or not, then you shouldn't have to hide behind an alias.

Vindictive providers, well, if there is an issue with that, ban all alias names and give the provider's their own board where they can openly discuss bad clients without a fear of retribution.

Staff, do the ladies have their own board on TER?

In any case, thanks Jaejae... personally, I have chosen to ignore anyone using an alias as a troll and not worth the time to read their posts or to argue with. By the way, I know who it was that came after me, and all is fine I'd drink with him anyways lol.  

-- Modified on 4/8/2003 6:20:09 AM

How do you know that someone is posting a certian message under an alias and another under their primary name?  Maybe i'm blind, but i couldn't tell who's who in most cases. Naturally, there are some regular posters and you start to remember the names just from repitition. Am i missingsomething really obvious? Probably.  :((

-- Modified on 4/8/2003 3:51:02 PM

I think that if an alias is used, then no little enveelope appears next to the posters name.

Hi Jaejae, I think that is also true if the member is not a VIP member. Staff? Do non-VIP members get mail?

Magnum, how are ya this fine morning?

Good point.

-- Modified on 4/9/2003 5:35:16 AM

An alias will show no envelope next to it.  Even non-VIP members names have that envelope next to their names; however, they must be VIP members to read their mail.

-- Modified on 4/9/2003 4:57:56 PM

Ahhhhhhhh, thank you girl, jaejae, magnum. I always assumed that the envelope only signified a VIP member. Thank you for the clairification.

Likewise, thanks... that'll make it much easier to decide who to ignore and who to respond too :)

But that envelope doesn't show until you open the message :(

You should never use an alias. If you are ashamed or want your identity protected, don't write it!

Reviews should be honest and truthful. Don't be a coward. Tell it like it is!

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