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Re:How about installing a spell checker?- a possible solution.
caharmon 2 Reviews 17064 reads

Hello again:
You said you are not aware of a good web based spell checker.

I don't know if this is feasible, but I use Hot Mail, as my EMail. It has a spell check feature that is as easy(I think) as Microsoft Word. The issue is can an independent web site like this use it?

Can you, or perhaps is it financially feasable to, install a spell checker?

I admit that it's not like we are submittting anything we write here for work, or school, etc. I also admit that I am as guilty as anyone else with the typo's. Nevertheless, it appears, to me anyway that the spelling errors are getting more and more frequent. Sometimes it drives me nuts. Clearly many of us, myself included have become dependent on this feature on our word processors, and email browsers. I can't say how many besides me would use a feature like this but depending on how much it would cost, it's an idea.

What do you think?

Staff17283 reads

I have never really seen a good working web based spell checker.  Most are very hard to use.  I usually type my message in Microsoft word and paste it into the message board.  If someone has a good spell check plug-in for ASP, please email me.

-- Staff

Hello again:
You said you are not aware of a good web based spell checker.

I don't know if this is feasible, but I use Hot Mail, as my EMail. It has a spell check feature that is as easy(I think) as Microsoft Word. The issue is can an independent web site like this use it?

Staff15184 reads

NO, they own that feature.  We would need to purchase the module and the proper amount of user licences (ALOT!) to use that feature.  (If it is even for sale)

-- Staff

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