Suggestion and Policy

Let me get this straight...
Senator.Blutarsky 430 reads

You want to grant "official" capacity to those you mentioned to do what they do now on the "newbie" board? What? so they can have their handle in red? Seems to me, that everyone you mentioned and yourself, do a pretty damn good job setting the newbs straight with or without swim.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

GaGambler1204 reads

Not that he really does a lot when here, but this is the one board where it's kind of nice to have at least "someone" here in some kind of official capacity to make sure the newbs aren't getting incorrect or downright dangerous advice, and he hasn't made a post here in over two weeks.  
 Obviously this is not a job for admin as it needs to be done by someone not only familiar with TER rules and regs, but ideally by someone familiar with both the laws regarding prostitution and how the business actually works on this side of the pond. So it needs to be done by either a hobbyist, a provider, or even both.  
 I think it would be a huge improvement if we had co hosts here, one guy and one gal. That way the newbs could hear both perspectives on any one issue. We have a lot of qualified veterans here, PerfectStorm, xyz23 and BigPapasan are three that come to mind from the guys side of the aisle and I think DebbienoonerGirl, our latest MS TER is the overwhelming choice from the ladies side.  
  I think this is something that is long overdue. This is not a slam against Swim, speaking as a former moderator of this board I can tell you first hand just how tiring it gets answering the same old questions everyday for years, still with a smile on your face, even though you have heard the same question a thousand times. I think it's just high time for a change and that it would be good to have some fresh voices carrying the load here.  
 Anyone else have any thoughts of the subject?  

-- Modified on 11/14/2015 3:48:12 PM

Swim left the Life Preserver here (top of the home page), but I hope his cruise is going well and that he doesn't need it.  

What I think is really needed is a "real" FAQ with actual Qs that have been asked and answered over and over and an edited consensus answer to each.  It might even be an anchored "top post" with links within:
Most Common and Frequently Asked Questions  
Q: How do I post a picture to the Photo Only or Ad Board? [hot link]
(Is that the number one most common?)
Q: I'm a newbie guy. How do I get started? [hot link]
Q: I'm a newbie gal. How do I get started?  
(Ad boards, watermarking pics, photo board ...)
Q: How do I get my first review?  
Q: Where do TER guys search? [hot link]
Q: Where do non-TER guys search? [hot link]

Q: How long should I wait for a reply?
Q: I waited and waited but she never showed. What do I do?
I think that readers are more likely to click and read an actual Q than pore thru general guidelines, even tho' the answer is in there someplace.
Many answers are static for long periods.  Others need more frequent updating.

Posted By: GaGambler
speaking as a former moderator of this board I can tell you first hand just how tiring it gets answering the same old questions everyday for years
Those are the real-world Qs that should be part of a real, practical FAQ

GaGambler368 reads

Not to mention outdated and rather difficult to find in between all the other info in the Self Help Center.

Your examples and a few more I can think of should perhaps be put in a completely separate area from the self help center, and the Q's and A's updated, The Newbie tips weren't only posted before Swim took over, they were even there before I was mod of the board and could definitely use updating.

I don't think I like the idea of anchoring a thread to the top of the first page as those thread tend to get very long and very distracting, Check out The Erotic Hwy as an example of how distracting an anchored thread can become.

This is a good start, I hope others have additional ideas to add to the mix, not the least of which would be having "someone/s" that we could count on to reliably and accurately be on call to answer the newbs questions. The community itself does a pretty good job of helping out, but bad advice is inevitable on the internet and it would be nice to once again have some one posting in red who's advice would be beyond reproach, that has been lacking for quite some time now.

I don't agree with pinning a thread to the top of the page, but I have long thought that there should be a real "FAQ for Newbies" separate from the newbie discussion board. The current "FAQ for Newbies"  should be renamed "newbie discussion board."
"FAQ for newbies" should be a separate page and should be an actual list of frequently asked questions with replies. (What most people expect to see when they click on a FAQ page.) There are a bunch of frequently asked questions (some you have listed) that could easily poulate this new FAQ page, and others can be added as needed. This FAQ should also be separate from the self help center, and the self help center itself definitely could use some updating.

It has also been suggested by others in the past that when new people sign up for TER they should be directed to to some links. For example:
Welcome to TER! Before participating, Please visit the FAQ for newbies section 'here' (with 'here' being a direct link), the Self Help Center 'here,' and the Message board Guidelines 'here,' then feel free to participate in discussions on our many general and regional discussion boards. If you still have newbie type questions after reading the above links, please ask them on the newbie board. We hope you enjoy being part of our community!"

-- Modified on 11/15/2015 12:30:36 PM

I totally agree that having actual FAQs as its own page would be very, very helpful.  

It would make the necessary information easy to find.  

Providing direct links to new members is an even better idea!  Kinda of like a tutorial lol.   :-)

xoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo of the page.  His posts cover everything a newbie needs to know.

Swimtreker is a nice guy and I certainly hope he is okay, and his non posting is just because he is recuperating from his cruise. I do think it is time for him to step away from hosting the newbie board. Yes he is a nice guy, but he is not the best person for that job at this time.  

One of the things I go back and forth with is asking myself if we really need a "host" on the newbie board? Most of the people that reply on that board are helpful and kind to the newbies. When there is someone giving blatantly wrong info or being mean on the newbie board, other folks will generally call them out, or report the post for admin to remove. Since the "host" has no moderation or admin abilities, all he or she can do is also call out the person or report the post, so is a host even necessary? On the other hand maybe having someone with a red name sort of directing the board is a good thing, and comforting to some newbies. However if there is a host, this person should be very familiar with TER rules and policies, as well as be very familiar with the hobby, and have been a TER member in good standing for a long time. Many questions have replies that are subjective and just opinions, and that is usually a good thing. There is more than one way to do a lot of things in this hobby, and it's good for newbies to hear different opinions and perspectives and make their own choices. However, some TER policy questions are clearly black and white, and someone who's name is in red is representing TER and should know the correct answer!

If we do have hosts, I do like your idea of cohosts consisting of a provider and a hobbyist. Again the choice of who serves as host is very important on both sides. It has to be someone knowledgable about the hobby and TER, but also someone sort of nuetral who realizes there are other opinions. We don't need a host to be an indoctrinator. We both know there have been many posters who have tried to indoctrinate newbies that their way is the ONLY way to do things. I do think debbie would be a great choice. While she is relatively new at posting on the board, she has been in the biz and on TER for a while, and very helpful on the newbie board lately. Xyz is also an excellent choice. He is very knowledgable about TER policies, the hobby in general, is always nice and polite to the newbies and his replies are thoughtful and thorough.

-- Modified on 11/15/2015 1:36:51 PM

Senator.Blutarsky431 reads

You want to grant "official" capacity to those you mentioned to do what they do now on the "newbie" board? What? so they can have their handle in red? Seems to me, that everyone you mentioned and yourself, do a pretty damn good job setting the newbs straight with or without swim.  

Solo mis dos centavos.

GaGambler398 reads

The newbie board is the one board where it would be nice to have a "voice of authority" and nothing say authority better than putting someone's name in red.  

Swim's been doing this for a long time, and I suspect he is getting tired of it. Admin could take over the job, but unfortunately it's kind of tough for someone from Europe to teach newbies how best to either be hookers or hire hookers over here in the US. There is so much bad advice dispensed on the board and although there is almost always one of us around to correct the bad advice, it can get confusing for a newbie to figure out which one of us actually knows what they are talking about.

Senator.Blutarsky399 reads

...and that works as long as the voice of authority is credible. I'm not implying that those you suggested aren't, they are very credible in my opinion... It's their words and advice that give them the voice of authority... not having their handle in red.  

I'm sorry, but I've experienced way too many people of high rank or positions of authority who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground.  

Assuming this is adopted... to avoid burnout of these voices of authority, how about a rotating schedule or term limits?

GaGambler378 reads

"They are credible because their name is in red"

The current host has blown it in the advice department several times in the last several months and he damn sure heard it from the rest of us for "blowing the call" If the new host/s blow a call in the future I am sure there are plenty of us to catch any errors down the road.

Having rotating hosts might be a way of combatting burn out. I can speak from experience that after barely a year I was tired of having to be "nice" all the time.

But I look pretty damn good in red.   Just sayin.  LMAO!!


GaGambler381 reads

BTW there is precedence for women posting in red. "TheGirlNextDoor was not only the GD board moderator for years, but she was the GD board's very first mod and "FoxyFuckPants" was pretty much in charge of all the discussion boards for several years as well.

I think you'd make a great host as not only do you offer the woman's perspective especially for the new providers here, but you have never that I can recall ever been guilty of trying to "indoctrinate" the newbies by offering up only the hookers POV with out consideration of the guys perspective too. We need more of that from the guys and the ladies alike.

Mister Senator, nice handle. Teireios.

I never met him on the boards, actually I believe he posted yesterday. The screenname seems familiar, any who, speaking as former teacher it does get exhausting saying the same thing over and over. Especially when all the information is there. (I'm guilty of it too)  

I LOVE the co-host idea, that sounds great. How would TER go about picking the 2 co-host? I honestly think it's a great idea GaG.  

Also Mr.Fisher and DREW, they are on all the time and are very helpful. As far as females TS Sasha or MatureGFE those ladies are always sweet and never rude as a matter of fact when you write to them they write back. To me that means a lot. Both ladies also answer the same question over and over and never get lackadaisical. Great idea.

But Mr. Fisher would be great!

Steph xoxo

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
I never met him on the boards, actually I believe he posted yesterday. The screenname seems familiar, any who, speaking as former teacher it does get exhausting saying the same thing over and over. Especially when all the information is there. (I'm guilty of it too)  
 I LOVE the co-host idea, that sounds great. How would TER go about picking the 2 co-host? I honestly think it's a great idea GaG.  
 Also Mr.Fisher and DREW, they are on all the time and are very helpful. As far as females TS Sasha or MatureGFE those ladies are always sweet and never rude as a matter of fact when you write to them they write back. To me that means a lot. Both ladies also answer the same question over and over and never get lackadaisical. Great idea.

I posted on the newbie board about my cruise.  I didn't want to pay the cruise line's internet fee while on board the ship, so I went silent while cruising.  Then, when I got home I got sick and just didn't get online, didn't feel up to it.

I would have no problem if admin wanted to appoint a co-host, and I would prefer a female.  As a former teacher, I am used to answering the same questions over and over, so that is not a problem for me.  I still enjoy all the postings on here, and don't really consider it a 'job'.  I like helping people becoming active in this wonderful activity we enjoy.


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