Suggestion and Policy

A review is a review
SashaBenjamin See my TER Reviews 3026 reads

So I suggest (Since this is a place for suggestions) you all stop denying reviews because they're not explicit enough. You all basically require a written porn scene. Anything too tasteful or too much class gets denied. It's ridiculous. A gent should be able to review his experience with a provider openly and freely without having to worry about it being denied because he didn't say "I fucked her tight pussy real good in missionary then she sucked my dick like a real slut.." versus "Our bodies intertwined in many positions and she is beyond excellent in the head department." Who's the review really for? Can't be for the provider. The requirements for an overly explicit tell all review and how classless you all prefer them to be can make providers seem like rented property.  

Also the fact that reviews are denied by you all if you think it's rated too high is insane. Once again a review is a review, which is left by someone who experienced the encounter not TER. SO how can you all tell someone that they're scoring something too high. Isn't a review a personal opinion? A man can't rate a high score because he absolutely had a great time and the provider blew his socks off but ONLY a high score if the provider did this and that?

You guys base the number score off of acts a provider does. I had a perfect score review denied because I didn't do XYZ and so to you all, that couldn't have been a perfect encounter. You all push for unsafe practices and those practices gives a perfect score which is highly disturbing. CIM, BBBJ's give higher scores. To add on to this craziness, not everyone is into greek nor requires greek when booking with a provider. So that shouldn't deflect scores either, But it does.

Yellow pages and yelp are reviews. People can freely and openly voice their honest opinion on the service they received and score it as high or as low as they'd like. The way this board scores, denies and controls reviews completely takes away the authenticity. I care to receive reviews because it proves I am legitimate and established but it puts me on the fence with the way they're done. I completely understand why providers no longer accept reviews.

I wrote this after a guy who I absolutely loved got denied twice from leaving me a review. First his review was not explicit enough so he resubmitted. He was then denied again because he scored me too high. How in the absolute fuck do you tell a guy what score to give? did I suck TER dick or my gents? I must've missed something. Maybe yall were hiding in the closet and are scoring me from watching? I don't get it. To make matters worse, He's not into review boards as he thinks they're trashy (He couldn't have been proved more correct with the reasoning of his denial).  

I can imagine the ignorant backlash I'm going to receive from the "seasoned" members here lol. I could give two shits. Save your typing and instead follow me on twitter, purchase an item from my wishlist or give my website more views.

The highly Opinionated Sasha Benjamin

...about the rating system. If you've been paying attention you've noticed the discussions. (If you haven't, do a search there are plenty of them.) You and your client aren't the only ones feeling the way you do about the nature of the details TER wants. But it can be done without sounding like a dime fuck novel.  

Read the reviews by swimtrekr (or mine) for examples.

thank you. I will definitely take a look at your reviews. I've had a few kind gents reach out to me to see examples of how reviews can be done tastefully. Guys like you are awesome. I have seen previous post like mine about not agreeing with the scoring system. I just couldn't deter myself from this rant as I was pissed lol.

As for the rest of what you said, you're NOT wrong. I know it's frustrating. I've talked this over with a few women, it's a shitty dilemma.

I will just say that as far as your comment, "Who's the review really for? Can't be for the provider." I don't mean to be a dick, but.......well, duh. This place was started for and by mongers. That's just how it is. Again, I agree with the points you're making regarding how this place operates, but that's just the way it is. I'm sure this place can be like a slap in the face for you at times, but it also can be a potential tool for you.

Good luck out there.

lol. It's ok if you don't have intentions. That part was for the assholes lol, not you. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who feels this way though. thank you.


A performance score should rate you by how well you do something, not whether or not you do something.

People can see what the menu is from the profile or your site, or the reviews.

I totally agree with you. And sometimes, well in my situation... the menu is off lol. Meaning, the menu was from my very first review which may seem like I don't participate in alot of services. But by reading the reviews, a person will see that I do.

Use Contact Us (bottom of any page) to give TER the corrections and ask them to update up your profile. Be prepared to point out the reviews that corroborate the corrections.

First, of course, there are many who agree with your criticism of the new scoring system.
Then, let me thank you for the chance to post, again, about using an X-out-of-Y scoring system. Once "services" establish the maximum score, a reviewer can honestly report how well he or she rates the services as provided.  
Just going by the numbers, I am more likely to consider learning more about a 7-out-of-7 than a 7-out-of-10.  (I am not interested in many of the things needed to qualify for a 10.) Many would not bother to read the reviews of a "6" but a "6/7" or "6-out-of-7" could merit a read. Even a 6-out-of-7 might be due to some small thing ("she didn't bring me a warm washcloth") but a 6-out-of-10 is likely to mean several small disappointments or something major ("pulled out and it was covered in brown ...").  
I have had many FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7 experiences.  The x-out-of-y system would make it easier for Providers to focus on what they do and to do it well, not on just adding items to their menu that they don't even want to do or don't do well or with enjoyment or commitment.  
I have given my X-out-of-Y suggestion a 10-out-of-10 score because, as regular readers know, I am anal about posting the suggestion over and over.  :-)  
TER has told me that they will not change the current scoring system but I think that comments from the users may, some day, convince them to change it. If and when they do, I think that x-out-of-y should be discussed on the boards and considered for possible adoption.

It's a much better system for all the reasons you point out and more.

Love your scoring system as it just makes sense!! Your scoring system shows how the OVERALL experience went versus showing services the provider may/may not have provided which currently can either hurt or help the overall score. We should be able to be scored as well as show what services were provided without letting that hinder the overall experience score as that's what really matters.

How about a per service score? Then you average those scores to get an average for the provider. Overhaul the search to let you search for individual service scores and everyone's life gets better.

If the scoring system is truly for mongers, why the hell can't I search for who gives the best blowjobs or whatever?

Posted By: justsauce16
Re: X-out-of-Y is a 10-out-of-10 suggestion
How about a per service score? Then you average those scores to get an average for the provider. Overhaul the search to let you search for individual service scores and everyone's life gets better.
I think there's a trade-off between making it easy enough to write and submit a review that will be useful and making the process too complicated, difficult,and time consuming for anyone to want to use. The "overview" numbers (X-out-of-Y = overview of or overall performance -out-of- service max score overview) are easy to figure out and reviewers won't have to anything different than they do now.  
TER would do the same thing when they check reviews and agree to post them EXCEPT that they would post X/Y instead of just X. That should be an easy programming task.  Revising code to post every menu item with a 0-10 score is just too cumbersome for the TER guys to handle.
If the scoring system is truly for mongers, why the hell can't I search for who gives the best blowjobs or whatever?
First of all, opinions differ. One man's "best BBBJ ever" is another man's dud. Some reviewers write that EVERY bj is "the best BBBJ ever".  
After narrowing down the major categories by the existing search function ("BBBJ swallow"), read some juicy details.  
My X-out-of-Y suggestion is an easy change from the current X (only) scoring. Your suggestion would be hard to implement and would be information overload.

List-Ted415 reads

That's WAAAAAAAY too much math for my tiny brain to even begin to comprehend, and I'm not a stupid guy either. I'm more of a word guy than a numbers guy, so even though I'm intelligent, I can't understand one iota of your algebraic explanation.  I am sort of new to bring a VIP, I do submit reviews, and I'm very detailed in the way I write. I don't get know all the point system workings, and they'll most likely mean less to me until I've had more time here. I just hope that through the written word, someone gets something useful out of my submissions.

It's not really as complicated as you think. MP girls can only rate a 7 in performance, per TER rules.  Escorts are not eligible for more than a 7 in performance unless they perform certain acts, per TER rules. I assume you are familiar with the review scoring rules. If not you should read them.

What the X or Y system is about is saying the max that COULD be given is Y.  For the MP session that is a 7; for the escort that does not BBBJ, DFK, do anal or a threesome session can also only get a 7. So if you have a session with either of those  you can only rate the performance a 7. If you do, then you're pretty much saying she was perfect. If you give her a 6, you're saying she is pretty damn good.  

However, most people tend to assume that all the scores are on the 1 - 10 system so that 6 you gave looks a lot different that perhaps it should.

All that means is if a lady just does massage and doesn’t do any G.I. feed and she can only get a seven. But it’s not a seven out of 10, it’s a seven out of seven. If a lady does all of the GFE things and anal to she is entitled to a 10. If she gets a seven out of 10 then that is saying something but at least we know what the ladies entitled to. Since I don’t do anal I can only get a nine. That’s the most I can get. There are a lot of people who don’t realize that so if they see a nine they think I didn’t get a ton.  With that simple system, it would say I got a nine out of nine.

It could be listed right there with the list of activities. Since that doesn’t often change.

That seems like the best idea and the easiest.

But I still think A point should be given for allowing photos and videos.  

GaGambler529 reads

but that doesn't mean she is always wrong, and this is the "Suggestion and Policy" board the place where we are supposed to make suggestions and air our grievances.  

I made a similar post recently criticizing the new rules (and the old) where it comes to reviews that generated well over a thousand reads and almost a hundred "likes" so at least a few of us don't like these rules, but if no one speaks up how is TER supposed to know just how much we dislike these rules.  After all isn't it the goal of every business to provide what their customers want so they will be more willing to pay for it?

That is awfully closed minded. My ONLY issue with you stems from you placing newbs in danger here. I can separate that out and have a civil response to your OP. Maybe if you gave us a chance, we can thaw out that frigid opinion you have of us. But I digress.

I agree with you about the scoring system to a large degree. I could care less if a gal does anal, fucks two guys at a time or even fucks her brother. lol. None of those things interest me in the least. A guy should be able to give a "10" for performance, based on, wait for it...her PERFORMANCE! lol

Her menu list is separate in my mind. I know going in, most likely, if she does BBBJ, or DFK, or whatever. I saw this one girl named Ember Simmers several times. She didn't kiss. No DATY. CBJ. I didn't care. I knew that before I booked with her and she priced her services accordingly.

My buddy told me she was hot as fuck and incredible in bed and he was right. I knew it wasn't GFE, but I don't ALWAYS need GFE. She should be eligible for a "10" for her performance by the guys but the TER gods say no dice. So we are in total agreement on this Sasha.


The even MORE highly opinionated Dean of JDU,  

Mr. Jack Dunphy

GaGambler512 reads

But it can be rather harsh at times, especially when some no nothing BSC hooker comes on the board demanding we listen to her about things she knows nothing about.

That said. as I said earlier, just because I don't particularly like the OP doesn't mean she is wrong about this, but I and several others here have been making this very point well before the OP ever decided to rent her pussy out for a living.

Chemistry  was the 'i had a fantastic time (who cares if you got the alphabet soup or if she only read Pride and Prejudice to you for an hour).  And there was just a category to rate any extra service you recieved?  


Thank you for writing your post.  You are so on point !  I recently wrote a review and ran into this exact issue, and its crap.  If someone is writing a review from their perspective, then the review should be as it stands.  I have written a number of extremely respectful reviews in the past, and each time I do so; which illuminates the provider's personality and truly wonderful traits; the reviews were denied and I was told I was being too much of a "white knight".  Your expectation of the ignorant backlash is totally understood.  I am not fond of writing reviews, solely because so many that I see are not even close to respectful of the provider at all.  There are many reasons why people enter the hobby, as a client and as a provider.  There do exist those who totally adore and appreciate those they come in contact with.  Both providers and clients treat each other with integrity and dignity, and respect the boundaries these opportunities create.  

It is maddening and disturbing to be told by those reviewing the review before posted, that you aren't crude enough; or that the provider has to be labeled as such and such, to receive a great score.  In that respect, reviews are not able to be represented properly, because essentially someone else is writing them.  

In my recent review, I actually did not want to into all the details, but so that I could get it past muster, I caved; as I want those out there reading to know that the provider is a 10.  That "10" to me is about how fabulous her personality is, and not something I want to be judged on BBBJ or CIM.  I, in fact, fulfilled the required verbiage that should have garnered the provider a 10.  I was denied twice, being told I could only make her a 7, although I had already documented the necessary parameters to make her a 10.  This went back and forth until I just gave up to get something posted on her behalf.  She and I discussed it, and she spoke with TER.  I followed their instructions, but still my review would not reach "10" status.  

I am totally with you on your complaint and wish that those reviewing, would be able to exhibit their true belief; which is what I thought the site was supposed to be about.  I am in full support of you.  I wonder if I will have my account removed for saying that, but if that's what they do, that's what they do.  I'd rather have my account thrown off for supporting you, then to sit here and watch you not only be frustrated; but also receive negative commentary as well.  I am YOUR FAN!

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