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I sense much hatred in you. (cue star wars meme) :-)teeth_smile
some-guy 6 Reviews 475 reads

've always thought that this site was supposed to be all about the Hobbyist. A place where hobbyists can freely and openly discuss their experiences with providers -- as well as read reviews.

What I have come to experience, at least on the discussion boards, is that the ladies / providers are given WAY too much opportunity to take over discussions, to the point where they disrespect the posts of hobbyists (yes, I get it some of them are really really dumb. Just move along and ignore them!).

I, myself, have been insulted, called names, slandered, called a "sexual predator" ... and that's not even the half of it. The way I look at it, if someone like GAGambler wants to call me a douchebag ... that is his right! He is a hobbyist and I assume a paying member. If he wants to call me a douche, then fine. I'm a douche -- he's a bigger douche. We have both paid our membership dues for the right to call one another the douches we are.  

But if I were in a position to try and run this place as a business? Whoa! NO WAY am I going to allow a provider (who pays nothing but reaps rewards of free advertising) to insult a paying VIP member. Not only does that make her look classless and hurt her own business ... but it's the kind of thing a VIP member should be protected from. If I want to be insulted, I can go anywhere on the World Wide Web and start a flame war. VIP membership should actually mean something ... i.e. you are going to be given some respect because it's your monthly membership payments that pay the bills, make the site possible and that allow the freeloading providers to market their wares for nothing.  

Without us, this site doesn't exist.

For that reason, I am imploring the moderators and administrators to please make at least some effort to clean up the garbage around here. For everyone's sake. Many of the ladies here I would have banned a LOOONG time ago for some of the crap that is allowed to come out of their mouths.

That is all!  Good day sirs

You publicly threatened several providers last night. I assumed that was a bannable offense!

By the way, did you stop taking your schizophrenia meds? I have never seen anyone go back and forth between biggest suck up and misogynist so quickly.

From this:

To this:


he girl I was calling out in that thread ... was the one who thought it would be all fine and dandy to flippantly throw out the word "sexual predator" like it was nothing.

Now, I make no pretense to be the perfect nice guy sissy message board poster. So I am totally cool being called any of the following:

- douchebag
- dickhead
- asshole
- idiot
- numb nuts

But once you start getting in to "sexual predator" territory ... ALL GLOVES ARE OFF. And YES I will threaten you with every ounce of threat I have in me. I will make your life as inconvenient as possible and stand up for myself. You just used the term "Biggest Suck Up."  Well ... I am a nice guy, and I am a suck-up to a certain extent guilty as charged. But once you rattle my cage hard enough and go places you have no business going ... the nice guy thing goes right out the window. I will stand up for myself and I won't let you go there.  

Sexual predator is the worst possible thing to be called, so no .... don't even think about it because I will bring you down and make your life inconvenient if that's where you want to go.

And I would hope that you would stand up for yourself in the same way, and I will support you 100% if you ever find yourself baselessly attacked. BECAUSE I STAND UP FOR MY FELLOW HOBBYISTS.

Where were you, by the way, when I, a fellow hobbyist was being baselessly attacked? PROBABLY BUSY BEING THE WORLD'S BIGGEST SUCKUP. Thanks so much! So nice to know we have one another's back

Posted By: some-guy
 I've always thought that this site was supposed to be all about the Hobbyist. A place where hobbyists can freely and openly discuss their experiences with providers -- as well as read reviews.  
 What I have come to experience, at least on the discussion boards, is that the ladies / providers are given WAY too much opportunity to take over discussions, to the point where they disrespect the posts of hobbyists (yes, I get it some of them are really really dumb. Just move along and ignore them!).  
 I, myself, have been insulted, called names, slandered, called a "sexual predator" ... and that's not even the half of it. The way I look at it, if someone like GAGambler wants to call me a douchebag ... that is his right! He is a hobbyist and I assume a paying member. If he wants to call me a douche, then fine. I'm a douche -- he's a bigger douche. We have both paid our membership dues for the right to call one another the douches we are.  
 But if I were in a position to try and run this place as a business? Whoa! NO WAY am I going to allow a provider (who pays nothing but reaps rewards of free advertising) to insult a paying VIP member. Not only does that make her look classless and hurt her own business ... but it's the kind of thing a VIP member should be protected from. If I want to be insulted, I can go anywhere on the World Wide Web and start a flame war. VIP membership should actually mean something ... i.e. you are going to be given some respect because it's your monthly membership payments that pay the bills, make the site possible and that allow the freeloading providers to market their wares for nothing.  
 Without us, this site doesn't exist.  
 For that reason, I am imploring the moderators and administrators to please make at least some effort to clean up the garbage around here. For everyone's sake. Many of the ladies here I would have banned a LOOONG time ago for some of the crap that is allowed to come out of their mouths.  
 That is all!  Good day sirs!  

Also the idiot states the site wouldn't exist without hobbyists. Duh, thank you Captain Obvious. Of course the site wouldn't exist without providers either, and hobbyists wouldn't exist without providers (and vice versa) so what's his point again?
However, I have bigger issues with him! Did you see the thread where this guy actually threatened some people?

Posted By: MatureGFE
Posted By: some-guy
  I've always thought that this site was supposed to be all about the Hobbyist. A place where hobbyists can freely and openly discuss their experiences with providers -- as well as read reviews.  
  What I have come to experience, at least on the discussion boards, is that the ladies / providers are given WAY too much opportunity to take over discussions, to the point where they disrespect the posts of hobbyists (yes, I get it some of them are really really dumb. Just move along and ignore them!).  
  I, myself, have been insulted, called names, slandered, called a "sexual predator" ... and that's not even the half of it. The way I look at it, if someone like GAGambler wants to call me a douchebag ... that is his right! He is a hobbyist and I assume a paying member. If he wants to call me a douche, then fine. I'm a douche -- he's a bigger douche. We have both paid our membership dues for the right to call one another the douches we are.    
  But if I were in a position to try and run this place as a business? Whoa! NO WAY am I going to allow a provider (who pays nothing but reaps rewards of free advertising) to insult a paying VIP member. Not only does that make her look classless and hurt her own business ... but it's the kind of thing a VIP member should be protected from. If I want to be insulted, I can go anywhere on the World Wide Web and start a flame war. VIP membership should actually mean something ... i.e. you are going to be given some respect because it's your monthly membership payments that pay the bills, make the site possible and that allow the freeloading providers to market their wares for nothing.    
  Without us, this site doesn't exist.  
  For that reason, I am imploring the moderators and administrators to please make at least some effort to clean up the garbage around here. For everyone's sake. Many of the ladies here I would have banned a LOOONG time ago for some of the crap that is allowed to come out of their mouths.  
  That is all!  Good day sirs!  

I think a screw has come loose.



GaGambler601 reads

They really were rather insulting, to douchebags that is.  

Just who the hell do you think you are anyhow? and are your widdle feelings really so butt hurt that you need protection from the big mean providers here?

How you have gone from leading BSU to leading "danger to the ladies" so quickly really is beyond me. and how you are still here after publicly threatening the ladies here is also beyond me. I can only assume that TER wants you where they can see you, and don't want to have to start looking for you posting under whatever new handle you decide to create after burning up your reputation under yet another handle. Call me what you want, but I can stand behind everything I have ever said here on these boards and I have been using the same handle here for well over a decade. but if TER is going to "take out the trash" I would humbly suggest they start with you, you've crossed over more lines than I can count over the last several days.

et me get this straight.  

Fellow monger makes innocent post.

Fellow monger gets character-assassinated and called a "sexual predator" with no justification or provocation.

And where is your code of honor and alliance? With the dumb, idiot chicks who put their collective feet in their mouths. People like you allow this place to be over-run by a giant cesspool of disrespectful, potty-mouthed hookers ... because all you care about is swinging in on your Tarzan vine with your big, gigantic balls ... so you can kiss the asses of every cheap hooker so they can all pat you on the back and tell you what a swell guy you are.

Congratulations for becoming best buddies with the low-lives of the internets. This is why truly elite and classy providers won't touch this site with a 10-foot pole. They don't want the guilt by association shame that comes with posting here.

Thanks for your help, Jackass. Keep making this a better place by flashing your big sheriffs badge and your giant nut sack

Posted By: some-guy
 For that reason, I am imploring the moderators and administrators to please make at least some effort to clean up the garbage around here. For everyone's sake. Many of the ladies here I would have banned a LOOONG time ago for some of the crap that is allowed to come out of their mouths.  
 That is all!  Good day sirs!  
Kinda' you know - like threats should be banned immediately.

This guy is very "women should be respectful of their masters, which are men."  
"Women, don't talk back when I threaten you. Just take it and be silent."  

So if your threats are real, just be careful. You sound very sociopathic and dangerous.

I have notified those in my building of the situation, (men) including the landlord, so if you show up they'll have fun playing a little ping pong with you. ;)

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 2:09:13 PM

feel so badly for people who have the misfortune of living near you.

I don't think there is any hope for you.

Can't fix stupid

This was your quote to me:

"I need to apologize for the false accusations and judgments I made toward you in the beginning. Over time, seeing how this has affected you, perhaps I need to take a step back before responding to newbies."

Right there is the cue for you to say .... "THE END."

Did someone not pull you aside in like grade school and teach you how to issue an apology? I feel very badly for someone who brings themselves to the brink of doing something very grown up and mature like offering a sincere apology ... but then blows it at the very last second. It hints that your parents, teachers, coaches and any other role models you may have had while growing up failed you.

I'm disappointed because for a split second I thought you were sincere. And that there might be a grown woman behind this gruff, hardened internet loud-mouth persona that is Courtney Ova of the TER discussion boards.

-- Modified on 10/1/2015 10:58:06 PM

If you want people to stop calling you a douche, stop acting like a douche.

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