Suggestion and Policy

I just love guys with too much time on their hands. 8o)
mrfisher 108 Reviews 468 reads


Anal should not be required in order to get a ‘10’ rating.  Not only because so many members(pun intended) don’t want, but because it has a coercive effect on providers.  Many, I met one today, really do not want to do it but feel they need to compete.  Obviously the provider can always say no but they risk failing out of the various top lists.  TER should be a helpful guide but not pushing an agenda.

MANY, Providers AND Clients, agree with you. There was quite a firestorm of comments and complaints when TER made the change. However, TER is "anal" about retaining anal as an /almost/ essential requirement for a top score.  And I am anal about posting my X-out-of-Y scoring suggestion as a way to make everyone happy.
I advocate for a change to an X-out-of-Y scoring system. The maximum Y score is determined by what was offered and accepted, as checked off and written in the review. TER already checks that to make sure that nobody gets over rated.  TER knows the Y values already. The X score is the reviewers subjective score based on the experience.  TER knows the X values because reviewers enter the numbers into the form.
An OK time on a 10-basis is a 7. A FANTASTIC TIME on a 7-basis is a 7.  How to tell one 7 apart from another 7? Post the scores as 7-out-of-10 (7/10) and 7-out-of-7 (7/7).  
I have had some WONDERFUL 7-out-of-7s that I would have liked to score 10-out-of-7. In fact, the system could be made to allow submission of a 10 and the software would automatically lower it to the highest allowed Y value.  
X-out-of-Y will allow top, 100% scores without the pressure to do things you don't want to do.


Anal should not be required in order to get a ‘10’ rating.  Not only because so many members(pun intended) don’t want, but because it has a coercive effect on providers.  Many, I met one today, really do not want to do it but feel they need to compete.  Obviously the provider can always say no but they risk failing out of the various top lists.  TER should be a helpful guide but not pushing an agenda.
EDIT: fixed typos and added "auto reduction of 10 to Y" part.

-- Modified on 3/20/2018 1:53:44 AM

The idea of a points average is inherently flawed. People will always make up what they think the final rating should have been. Any ratings system overhaul has to help protect against this.  


 What should happen is that a monger should review each service they received with an individual score. No numbers involved, just a slider that's outputting a value 1-100.

 Then, from those individual scores you can calculate the average (x of 100) for all services rendered. This way, a sensual massage provider has a shot of getting a high score, but, keeping with TER's tradition, if they offer more services their overall score is likely going to be higher (more points to support the average) but ONLY if the additional services they offer are performed well.

  The text of the review should have to support the scores. So if you tried to give a provider 100% on every service, but said in the text that you didn't enjoy the CBJ, that review gets booted. On the back end, they should know why a review got booted and if someone tries to get smart and change the text to match a perfect score, that review gets perma blocked and will never get approved (because you're obviously lying).


 This way, EVERYTHING that gets a score has to be substantiated in the text of the review. It's much harder to fake a text description of 10 services rendered than it is to move 10 sliders to 100% and call it a day. Additionally, the search function could become VERY granular because you could search for exactly the services you're looking for which makes the overall scores much less of an issue.


I'm putting together a demo of how this should work. Give me a couple hours and I'll have it posted.

Alright, see link below for a half-assed demo I put together on a free survey site.

1. It has to be something the reviewers will use and not complain about or skip over or allow to deter them from writing new reviews.
2. It has to be easy enough for TER programmers to implement CORRECTLY.  Hahahhahahahhahhh ...
3. It has to mesh, as much as possible, with the existing system and existing database, working both backwards (display OLD info in a new format) and forwards.  
4. It is still missing the level of service. Some guys do want to know QUICKLY it's a 7/10 or a 7/7.  
X-out-of-Y can be implemented immediately, is backwards compatible and only requires minor coding to display the info in a new format. The Max score Y is already something that TER checks for so that nobody gets a 10 when their max should only be an 8 or 9. Y is in the system. The Reviewer's score X is entered by the reviewer.
Appearance / PERFORMANCE  
                 10 / 7
Appearance | PERFORMANCE  
                 10 | 7/7 (or 7/8 or 7/9 or 7/10)

Posted By: justsauce16
Re: It should be an average per service rendered.
Alright, see link below for a half-assed demo I put together on a free survey site.
Not saying this isn't a way to go, but I don't see it as something as easy for TER to do as the X-out-of-Y scoring system.

I don't know that adapting the old system is the way to go, coding wise. With big projects at TER's scale, it's almost always easier to implement something from scratch than it is to iterate the existing system.

This is long-winded. If you're lazy, there's a TLDR at the bottom.  


It does have to be easy for the reviewer to use, that's a totally fair point, and I would say, X*N/Y is easier to use from the standpoint of you not having to worry about reviews getting declined because you felt you received a 10/10 BBBJ, but TER saying you received a 7/10 BBBJ. That's the source of much confusion and frustration, especially among new reviewers.

 From a user point of view (which is the majority of people on TER), the current scoring system is garbage. It's not immediately apparent looking at a review list what 7.9/8.3 even means. I think the X/Y system you're improving is more confusing if you don't know what you're looking at. It's a very poor user experience. I think the star rating system makes much more sense for someone who's going to search for some basic things and select a provider with good pictures provided you can bring up the appropriate list of providers.

 Also, the more you reveal about what numbers someone has the worse off you are because the system becomes easier to game (and it certainly is being gamed). I think we'd be good to set 5 stars somewhere around a current 8/8 so any additional ranking would just determine where a provider falls in a "SortBy:rating" or a specific min/max search kind of scenario.  

On that topic, Why force a new, paying user to sift through hundreds of providers to find someone?

I think you and I see TER in different states see. You've been here longer and have adapted to how it works. It's perfectly usable as-is, which is basically a bulletin board with some profile functionality added in. You see it as it is, and want it to work better without changing much. What I see TER's real potential in is not necessarily a bulletin board but instead a curation service. You punch in a list of things you're interested in, and tell the site how much you value each thing you're looking for (this can happen simultaneously, like an inverse review), and it spits out a list of providers to your specifications (that is service score(s), distance, price, recently reviewed, etc). Think, "the Yelp of hookers"  

Of course, you have to keep and expand on the current system, so the advanced options should always be there and there should be more of them, but if we're going to improve anything, it should probably be the experience of new users. In order to do that, we need data.  

(X*N)/Y is a good first step. Changing the default provider lookup criteria would be a good second step (it should be recently reviewed in the last couple months, accurate pictures, sorted by overall rating. Currently it defaults to date, which isn't useful by itself) and having some sort of recommendation engine would be a good endgame.  

 Existing data would have to be ported over, which shouldn't be too hard to at least have a weighted starting score to kick things off. Like you had N reviews with an average of X score, so that counts towards Y reviews at your average in the new system to start and it'll go up/down from there.


The idea here is to abstract the rating system from the numbers, and provide additional detail about the quality of specific services. Then use the new abstract system to improve user experience, with a focus on new paying members.
This adds additional value to the site, makes the review system harder to game, reduces the pressure on a reviewer to only give perfect scores, reduces the pressure on providers to only have perfect scores and gives a concrete method of enforcing authentic reviews.

The only way to make sure TER exists forever is to keep it useful and relevant.

In terms of the total number of Hookers and Tricks, TER has a tiny market share. It could be much, much larger.

Would it be better?

I have some doubts about that.

More hookers is more. I can't see that being a bad thing.

Also I can't see TER making more money as a bad thing either. Better, faster servers, additional features, harder to scare with lawsuits, etc.  


The key is good moderation, which TER does seem to currently have. Sure the occasional provider winds up with a fake review here and there, but those are easy enough to sort out.

I have absolutely no interest in anal. But to each their own.  
But OMG I have had some Wall to Wall incredible experiences with ladies who might not provide greek but definitely  give a 10 performance wise.

This is a generalization but it is based on my experience. Many ladies that offer anal are not necessarily bonzo incredible in other aspects of service.
Plus I’ve always felt reviewers who are bsc about anal tend to inflate the appearance score for ladies that take himto the islands. Just IMHO.

I tend ( this is not an absolute) to avoid Providers who advertise or have reviews indicating anal is on the menu. Since it’s of no interest to me and I fear I’ll be disappointed in appearance and level of the things I do like.

No disrespect toward those who provide or seek greek.  Just mt 2 cents. And 2 cents certainly ain’t what it use to be !

I prefer to read the reviews.  And really the top 100 is the most ridiculous feature on TER.


Anal should not be required in order to get a ‘10’ rating.  Not only because so many members(pun intended) don’t want, but because it has a coercive effect on providers.  Many, I met one today, really do not want to do it but feel they need to compete.  Obviously the provider can always say no but they risk failing out of the various top lists.  TER should be a helpful guide but not pushing an agenda.

As much as I think that rating us on a number system is goofy as fuck and makes me embarrassed for men, if we're going further that way, then this would at least give providers an opportunity to analyse their own performance as well as giving clients a way to drill down hee hee the items of most importance to them.

 if I consistently get 10s on my BBBJ, then someone who is a connoisseur of such things could easily find his way to the best, me.  

Ideally, this data collection would enable providers to see analytically areas for improvement.  

All that aside, a review process that doesn't allow for (or is antagonistic about) easy removal of fake reviews, rebuttals to lies and accusations and correction of misinformation isn't very helpful to us as providers. Sites like this  dont 'need' to be' helpful to providers but...

Being helpful to providers makes providers happy. Happy providers provide better services. Better services make clients happy. Happy providers results in happy clients. That's logic.

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