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I always get numbers now too. I never had much of a...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 607 reads

...problem with the letters.  Usually only one of the words was distorted.  Maybe they saw I was pretty good at solving the captcha so they so they decided just to give me numbers.  Who knows?  But I don't think TER is responsible for the captcha - it's an outside source.

I tried to submit a "Report this post" problem (it was a duplicate) but I couldn't solve the damn captchas.

I took a chance tried using "Contact us" to report the problem that way.  I couldn't solve the damn captchas.

TER ADMIN:  Please dial back the degree of difficulty on the captchas.  They're killing me!

Thank you

Even before when there was a tough one, I would just type whatever it looked like and if it was wrong they give me another captcha, and I try again. It never took more than 3 tries, but usually got it in the first one. I find the numbers now really easy.

I get B&W warped, wiggly letters.  I used to be able to solve them OK, sometimes after a few tries, but they are getting more and more difficult to interpret.  I assume that there must be some kind of setting for the wiggly-ness or difficulty.  

Or maybe I need to get a computer to help me decode the captchas to prove that I'm a human.

This is the kind that I've been getting, but even wigglier and more distorted

...problem with the letters.  Usually only one of the words was distorted.  Maybe they saw I was pretty good at solving the captcha so they so they decided just to give me numbers.  Who knows?  But I don't think TER is responsible for the captcha - it's an outside source.

...don't always get the numbers. When the numbers came into use it seemed that was a permanent change because they came up every time. Then occasionally the creepy hard to read letters would come up. Now I get the creepy letters most of the time. I keep hitting the change button until I get something I can read. A few times it changed to a number.

are the same in both upper and lower case.  How are you supposed to know

I'm still surprised thaf different people get different captcha types. Why is it thaf me and bigpapa only get numbers and some of you guys still get letters? I find that odd.

If you are using methods that help keep you more anonymous (like some proxies/vpns, tor browser, etc), you are more likely to be considered "not a human" and get those impossible to solve captchas.  It's very annoying when you're not a robot!

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