Suggestion and Policy

Having a dumb idea doesn't make you dumb.
GaGambler 320 reads

I don't see anywhere that I called you dumb, just your idea.

Actually your idea really is not that dumb, it's just against TER's self interest and as such it will never happen.

Don't worry Court, I still like you just fine:)

I was thinking, since some people post reviews under aliases so they can bash providers, (I haven't dealt with this recently, but it is an idea I just thought of,) perhaps alias reviews should be more regulated for the true vigilantes and omit free VIP days.

What do you all think?

I like to think the typical reviewer uses the alias not because he wants to but because he feels he has to in order to protect himself from back splash after writing a poor review.  Remember, poor reviews help the potential client and the good providers as well by helping to rid the market of the bad providers.

Sure, there may be some assholes who just love to write false bad reviews to be a jerk to a gal for some reason, but I think the good does overcome the bad on average, which is why TER instituted the alias review some years ago.

In any case, you're talking about losing about 1/2 a month of VIP or about $15 by not getting the free VIP.  I don't think, given the over costs associated with hobbying, that this is considered any big loss

GaGambler486 reads

How about if reviewers who give nothing but 10/10 reviews stop getting free VIP days too?

Sounds kind of dumb doesn't it?  

Well so does your idea

GaGambler321 reads

I don't see anywhere that I called you dumb, just your idea.

Actually your idea really is not that dumb, it's just against TER's self interest and as such it will never happen.

Don't worry Court, I still like you just fine:)

You didn't say it was dumb, did I say you said that?  

Either way, I'm just yanking your chain. ;)

I like you just fine too Ga

Posted By: GaGambler
I don't see anywhere that I called you dumb, just your idea.  
 Actually your idea really is not that dumb, it's just against TER's self interest and as such it will never happen.  
 Don't worry Court, I still like you just fine:)

whether alias or not. There is plenty of review abuse already; taking a financial incentive for abuse away (no matter how small an incentive - are people really so fucking cheap?) is a good start in the right direction

Reviews enhance the website. TER rewards the people contributing. Same as with problem reports. I don't see writing reviews or submitting problem reports as being cheap. I see those VIP days as a reward for helping the site. If there was no reward, a lot less people would contribute. I would guess the 1.2 million reviews in the database would be more like 400,000.

GaGambler352 reads

it's main asset is what is inarguably the largest review database in the world. Why would TER do anything to fuck that up

as I usually say "makes sense"

But a thought popped up and I decided, "hey, let's see if it's a grand idea."


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