Suggestion and Policy

Hate this one long paragraph thing. Unreadable. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 530 reads


I am new to the site and truthfully I only signed up to write a new provider I saw a review because she did such a great job, that I thought I could at least do her that favor. She gave me very detailed instructions on how to do it and basically sum up how I found her, our communication about setting up the appointment and actual arrival, what I thought of her, her appearance and the environment in which the encounter took place, and then what happened during the actual encounter. She also told me answers to some of the basic questions they ask at the beginning, which was very helpful. I wanted to fill the thing out in front of her, but she specifically told me that was a no no according to the rules for  writing reviews on here. Some of those questions, I wouldn't know the answer to.. hell breast size and cup size? Most girls list their cup size on their ads and stuff, so I could of found that out, but how am I suppose to know the measurements of around the breast for the "breast size" question... I can't look at the bra or bareness and tell if he is a damn 32 or a 40, yanno? Why do they even ask that question. Anyways, like I said its very annoying that I spent a good 30 minutes writing that review, just for it to not get approved. I don't see how the TER staff even feel they have the right to approve or not approve reviews bc they don't know these providers and they were not there when the encounter was happening, so who are they to tell you its not approved for some bc reason or that the girl doesn't deserve the performance score you gave them? If I think she went the extra mile, then she did. If it was so good I forgot it was a service, then I did... aren't the reviews supposed to be OUR version of what happened during the encounter, how WE felt about the service we got, and how good of a job WE thought she did. The whole thing makes no sense. I was talking to my provider about it when she asked if I had checked if the review had gotten approve or not and she told me some other crazy stuff like some of her reviews from people got approved, were up for a week and then they took them down and when she asked them about, she said they said their were "irregularities"... what the hell are those, and if they felt that way, why did they approve them in the first place and then change their minds and take them back later? She was so upset telling me how some of the people who wrote them were married and stuff and only did it because they felt like I did, that she did a good job and she deserved the reviews because they help her get more/ better up-scale clientele. She said they won't even log back on and fx it because they don't want the site history on their phone/computer for their significant other to find and get them busted when they had their out of town flings and such. She even told me, she was doing a special offer for repeat customers, where if they wrote her a review, she would give them $20 off their next visit, so she had held up on her word because the reviews DID get approved and then TER took that away from her. Personally I find the site hard to navigate unless you really want to spend time and read all the instructions and play around with it and I totally understand that those married men didn't want to have to correspond with the TER staff about the unapproved reviews. Why does this site even want people to write reviews on girls if they are just gonna question them about what they wrote and not approve it. They aren't really trying to help these girls establish names for themselves. They just want the money for the VIP memberships. Does anyone have any ideas of how maybe we can get them to change their policy about the approval process? I read on this board about the one guy who has been on this site and wrote something crazy like 300 reviews and recently some of his weren't getting approved.. now that is just crazy. He is obviously a legit, loyal customer and they should approve everything he writes. A lot of what I wrote in this thread, I wrote in a letter to the TER people when asking why my review didn't get approved. Can't wait to see what kind of explanation I get... I will probably post on here and let ya'll know. Does anyone else feel the same way I feel about the approval process? Everyone who disagrees with it or finds out the review they wrote has been unapproved should write the TER people back let them know how unfair and frustrating it is. If a lot of people complain, maybe they will change it. I also read that they read and approve them sometimes, then someone else goes through within 7 days, re reads the review and then determines if it should of been approved in the first place. So not only is one person deciding if what we wrote is "right" when they weren't there and don't know what happened, but TWO people are... anyways... who with me on the approval process sucks??????

...They do have guidelines and if you follow them your review will be approved. One exception: if you (reviewer) are brand new and she (provider) is brand new (if the review is the first for the reviewer and the provider) they will hold the review until one or both establish themselves by writing/receiving more reviews.

I agree that going back and forth with them can be frustrating. However, I've never had a review rejected so while there are some things about writing reviews that needs improving I can only say following the guidelines will get your review approved. If you believe she deserves ratings other than what is allowed by the guidelines you can and should state that in the body of your review along with your reasons.

One other thing, please use paragraphs. See how much easier my post is to read.

I hope you get the issue resolved.  

Another thought : you mentioned she gave a discount off the next session if they wrote a review. TER may have felt that was inappropriate. Offering a discount to TER members is acceptable. Discounts for reviews is a bit more dicey. It could be seen as a discount for a good review rather than an honest review.

I have no idea if this is the case and I'm not saying it is but it's something to consider from TER's point of view. I only mention it because you mentioned some irregularities that caused TER to remove some reviews.

edited for spelling

-- Modified on 5/23/2015 12:30:03 AM

Good points. Definitely in need of some paragraphs up there.

I am relatively new to the site, a few months under my membership belt, and have written two reviews for established girls. They were approved in 48 hours or less. Followed all the rules, no problems.  

However, I just logged in to check on a third review I posted over the weekend and saw that it has been "Deferred", with the reason stating "On Hold". This would have been the provider's first review. She just moved to NYC from LA, where she used to work for an agency. She is trying to attract a more elite client base here, and deserving of her requested donation. She showed me a phenomenal time and is smoking hot, so I gave her a 10/10 review.

I feel bad for her since I know this delay will hurt her business. She is only able to find clients through word of mouth of other provider friends she has until she has a review approved

...she can contact TER using the Contact Us link and ask them to change the contact information and any other pertinent info like provider name (if she's using a different one now). Then she will have a profile and reviews potential clients can check out. She will probably have to provide some evidence and may need to get the agency to verify with TER. But providers do this all the time when they go independent. Tell her to get on TER and read the Self-Help Center and the Newbie Board.

Too hard to read.

By the way, if you wrote your review like that, no wonder it was rejected.

Posted By: boothang262
I don't see how the TER staff even feel they have the right to approve or not approve reviews
Short answer: because it's their site, genius. That's why they feel they have the right - because they actually do have it.

Long answer: because it's their site, genius, and something you posted in your review did not meet the review guidelines. I see this kind of comment a lot and it's absolutely incredible to me - TER does not have some kind of personal vendetta against you, and is not rejecting your review (or anyone else's) out of spite or malice or whatever you care to characterise it as. If you can't follow the guidelines, the review doesn't go up. It's really that straightforward.  

If you don't like how the situation is or what the guidelines are, feel free to not write a review. You are not obligated to do so, much like you are not obligated to go on an entitled rant. The review approval process isn't going to change because you, new member with no reviews, think it should be. Ditto for the one guy posting earlier also. For your two guy's complaints, hundreds of reviews get posted every day that meet the guidelines just fine.

The problem is not TER, it's you. Look in the mirror.

like bigpapasan, I didn't read your post.  One long run-on paragraph is a pain in the ass to read.  Break it up.


Posted By: boothang262
I am new to the site and truthfully I only signed up to write a new provider I saw a review because she did such a great job, that I thought I could at least do her that favor. She gave me very detailed instructions on how to do it and basically sum up how I found her, our communication about setting up the appointment and actual arrival, what I thought of her, her appearance and the environment in which the encounter took place, and then what happened during the actual encounter. She also told me answers to some of the basic questions they ask at the beginning, which was very helpful. I wanted to fill the thing out in front of her, but she specifically told me that was a no no according to the rules for  writing reviews on here. Some of those questions, I wouldn't know the answer to.. hell breast size and cup size? Most girls list their cup size on their ads and stuff, so I could of found that out, but how am I suppose to know the measurements of around the breast for the "breast size" question... I can't look at the bra or bareness and tell if he is a damn 32 or a 40, yanno? Why do they even ask that question. Anyways, like I said its very annoying that I spent a good 30 minutes writing that review, just for it to not get approved. I don't see how the TER staff even feel they have the right to approve or not approve reviews bc they don't know these providers and they were not there when the encounter was happening, so who are they to tell you its not approved for some bc reason or that the girl doesn't deserve the performance score you gave them? If I think she went the extra mile, then she did. If it was so good I forgot it was a service, then I did... aren't the reviews supposed to be OUR version of what happened during the encounter, how WE felt about the service we got, and how good of a job WE thought she did. The whole thing makes no sense. I was talking to my provider about it when she asked if I had checked if the review had gotten approve or not and she told me some other crazy stuff like some of her reviews from people got approved, were up for a week and then they took them down and when she asked them about, she said they said their were "irregularities"... what the hell are those, and if they felt that way, why did they approve them in the first place and then change their minds and take them back later? She was so upset telling me how some of the people who wrote them were married and stuff and only did it because they felt like I did, that she did a good job and she deserved the reviews because they help her get more/ better up-scale clientele. She said they won't even log back on and fx it because they don't want the site history on their phone/computer for their significant other to find and get them busted when they had their out of town flings and such. She even told me, she was doing a special offer for repeat customers, where if they wrote her a review, she would give them $20 off their next visit, so she had held up on her word because the reviews DID get approved and then TER took that away from her. Personally I find the site hard to navigate unless you really want to spend time and read all the instructions and play around with it and I totally understand that those married men didn't want to have to correspond with the TER staff about the unapproved reviews. Why does this site even want people to write reviews on girls if they are just gonna question them about what they wrote and not approve it. They aren't really trying to help these girls establish names for themselves. They just want the money for the VIP memberships. Does anyone have any ideas of how maybe we can get them to change their policy about the approval process? I read on this board about the one guy who has been on this site and wrote something crazy like 300 reviews and recently some of his weren't getting approved.. now that is just crazy. He is obviously a legit, loyal customer and they should approve everything he writes. A lot of what I wrote in this thread, I wrote in a letter to the TER people when asking why my review didn't get approved. Can't wait to see what kind of explanation I get... I will probably post on here and let ya'll know. Does anyone else feel the same way I feel about the approval process? Everyone who disagrees with it or finds out the review they wrote has been unapproved should write the TER people back let them know how unfair and frustrating it is. If a lot of people complain, maybe they will change it. I also read that they read and approve them sometimes, then someone else goes through within 7 days, re reads the review and then determines if it should of been approved in the first place. So not only is one person deciding if what we wrote is "right" when they weren't there and don't know what happened, but TWO people are... anyways... who with me on the approval process sucks??????

I have a review that shows as unapproved as well.  I have no idea why and it's on an established provider.  How can one find out why it's unapproved?  I submitted it about three days ago.

...My Reviews. Look to far right under "status" to see the reason for rejection.

If it doesn't make sense to you use "Contact Us" at bottom of page. Ask admin what needs to be done to fix it.

Next time, you should do a draft of your board comments and definitely your review on a Word document. Use shorter paragraphs and let Word correct your grammar, syntax and spelling errors. After you review it, click copy and the paste it into the TER board or provider review.

...I'll give you a respectful answer.

Bottom line is, sometime reviews get rejected, and it can indeed be frustrating.  But you are always owed an explanation for why.  if you disagree with their explanation, you can ask that they reconsider and briefly and clearly give the reason why you think your review should be approved.  But before doing so, make sure that YOU clearly understand all the review rules/requirements, and specifically which one or ones they felt you were not in compliance with.  I myself have on two occasions appealed in this manner after I had reviews that were not approved.  In one case, they agreed with my appeal and approved, in the other case they didn't (I had to rewrite and submit with a lower score - but DID make note in my revised review why I thought she deserved a higher score than current rules allowed).

I have recieved short, but profressional replies to any inquiries that I've made to TER.  In your contacts with them it is critical that you be brief and on point too - if you want to have a good result.  And if you aren't happy with the outcome?  Well, you can always come to the newbie board and discuss your situation with experienced guys.  You'll get more of the in-depth logic for why particular requirements exist, or perhaps even some sympathy - as we ALL don't agree with ALL of the review rules.

And lastly, you can come here to the suggestion board if think you have a SPECIFIC idea that you think can improve the quality of this site.  Note, you went on so long in your post, you didn't even get people to address your concerns here.  Again, be brief and clear.

You may not ever get the result or change that you want, but through all the above you will have done all you can to both educate yourself AND have your voice heard.  After that, just accept reality, move on, and find a nice lady to take your cares away!

-- Modified on 6/7/2015 9:03:55 AM

-- Modified on 6/7/2015 9:16:46 AM

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