Suggestion and Policy

MILFCARESSA See my TER Reviews 175 reads

Why doesn't TER change its White List Policy to require a gentlemen to write a review on a lady PRIOR to requesting a White List from that lady.  For a variety of reasons, that would seem to add to the legitimacy of the White List concept.  If a lady didn't like the guy or want to white list him, then she could do so without being concerned about a pending review.  

The white list and review were never meant to be a quid pro quo thing!

A client should be free to write or not write a review and a provider should be free to give or not give a whitelist. They were never tied together and absolutely should not be.

There are certainly ladies and gents who prefer not to be reviewed or whitelisted.  Communication is key to sensuality and in this case the "paperwork" of the site.  

If the review was required first on site, it would safely signal the ladies that whitelisting would be well received. Seems like a win-win, so I think a reasonable suggestion.  

Unfortunately, many gents do use their reviews as threats and coercions.  Fake reivews as well as ones that are eant with a mean spirit or an overly harsh stance do happen.  Anyone who has spent time reading various reviews can see that.  Ladies need to professional and kind in this world or they have no business being here...gents need to be respectful and that kindness word made it back here again.

The system can be gamed in any and all situations. If a provider asks not to be reviewed I shouldn't be penalized and not get a white listing from her as a consequence.

GaGambler206 reads

Actually it would have the opposite effect as it would make for a "quid pro quo" as PS stated above (fucking fucker, always beating me to it. lol) which is exactly what TER is trying NOT to do.

Under your scenario White lists would only be given in exchange for "positive" reviews. What a totally horrible idea.

I don't see how it would create a quid pro quo environment --- which I am COMPLETELY against.  I think that the current environment lends itself more to a quid pro quo environment.  I have had ladies who I had no intention of reviewing white list me and then ask me to write a review (implying quid pro quo).  I also suspect that some ladies may feel as though a guy has leverage over them until he writes a review.  

I am COMPLETELY against any sort of environment that lends itself to ANY form of coercion, which I feel that the current environment arguably does.  Requiring an individual to write a review prior to enabling that individual to ask for a white list would seem to 1) eliminate most (but not all) coercive pressures; 2) reduce the probability of coercion (again, which I am AGAINST in any form); and 3) arguably make the process more ethical.  

Wouldn't a lady then be in more of a position to white list guys that she felt deserved a white list because there is no fear of a bias review for not white listing them?  And ladies would not be able to white list someone that they never met.  Which would also seem to add to the legitimacy of the concept.  

I'm not saying that it would be perfect, but I do see it as a modest improvement.  How would it create any more of a quid pro quo environment?  A lady might still feel compelled to white list a guy out of fear that not white listing him would harm the relationship --- meaning that he might not want to see her again.  But if she wants to see him again, then the guy "deserves" a white list anyways, right?  Would it be better to just do away with the white list concept altogether and look at TER as just a review site and rely on other sites for verification?          

...perfectstorm's post.

Take a look at my whitelists and tell me how I "coerced" those providers to whitelist me.  I'll tell you how I did it - with my big dick!!

someone would have few reviews and a lot of white lists.  And it seems much more plausible.

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