Sports Talk

Yay.........Vikings won. More on the next game later, off to celebrate! (eom)regular_smile
Eden Roc 1 Reviews 6068 reads


Because that would make the ass kicking the Saints would put on them that much better.  And I could give Tasha a hard time about til next season.  Guess all the Tony Romo voodoo dolls will have be changed to the Old guy

Although I love the Cowboys more it couldn't have happened to a more deserving team and quarterback.  I have watched Brett for years and am happy that he has been vindicated!  He deserves the win as they were clearly the better team.  The Saints had better watch out this could be their most even match up to date!


Aren't you suppossed to be dead or banished?  ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MG what an asshole i am. LOL

Which is about how I feel. Long ass drive from Lejuene to DC.  Nor sure why I decided to drive the TR6 but with the nasty weather this ride sucks. At least I found a good radio station to keep up with the game.

Banished?  Doesn't Lejuene count?  

OK back on the road. Next Starbucks is about 100 miles up the road.  Coffee, warm up a bit and harass the toll from there

I'd have preferred they went down LAST weekend!!  But, waytogoVikings!!   :)

CoachFollowme3627 reads

I did pick the Vikings to win, not because I like the Vikings or that I do not like the cowboys but because I simply thought the Vikings would win.
Having said that it is clear and without doubt that with scoring that last touchdown  with less than 2 min to go and the score the way it was the vikings and farve have no class at all. They could have run the clock out with no problem but noooooooo farve had to go run up the score. NO CLASS

Chengster not only do I want the Saints to win I want them to open a large can of WHOOP-ASS, and kick the crap outta the vikings and send farve home crying all the way.

Thank you
XLV  =  4

Okay you only get this joke if you saw the video from a gentleman who auditioned for American Idol with his own song called..."Pants on the Ground"

Google it.

The Cardinals had a worse blow out.  What was it again??  14-45?  Ouch.

Very sad, but I expected it as I said in my post below.  And while I wish that the Cowboys would have won and proved me wrong, I don't think there is a quarterback in the NFL that deserves it more than Farve.  Can't wait to watch him kick the shit out of the Saints next week.  Kind of how the Cowboys did em :)

Next stop total global domination. After crush the Vikings and that elderly guy

That I have a very special place in my heart for you, even though we never got to meet in Vegas (someone had a blond moment) but you did introduce me to Melody and for that I will be forever in your debt, no matter how misguided and confused your team loyalties are.

The lost to the Cowgirls hurt but I can't say that it wasn't expected, I think I put out there enough times that the Saints bubble was going to burst and burst it did.  But now it seems like they found their mojo and the Who Dat Nation is on the move again.  

So come over to the dark side and cheer for the Black and Gold.  We party better than any other team.  :)

Between Chengster and Tasha.

If the LINE is NEKKID i'll pick Tasha(simply because i have no desire to see Chengster nekkid ;-()

And I don't look anywhere near as good on a piano as she does.  I can almost lick my eyebrows and hopefully that excited her more than you.

Their defense didn't show up, and the offensive line couldn't have stopped a JV team.  Just embarrassing.  Pity they didn't get further, but hard to not be happy for Number 4 (unless you are a Farve hater).  All three teams that have won so far I am okay with, so we just need the "bye week advantage" (as it is turning out to be this year) to hold and have the Chargers win.  

Go Bolts!

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