Sports Talk

furnsam 29 Reviews 7894 reads

Why should he give up his livelihood and the game he loves?! He hasn't reached his personal professional goals. If he walks away now, he defeats himself and allows the press and critics to do so as well. The golf course is his refuge. He needs to get back to it.

It's kind of depressing, but he makes some good points.

I would certainly miss him.

I had no idea this thing would have such sturdy legs.

Why should he give up his livelihood and the game he loves?! He hasn't reached his personal professional goals. If he walks away now, he defeats himself and allows the press and critics to do so as well. The golf course is his refuge. He needs to get back to it.

Give up his livelihood?  I'm pretty sure Woods is not hurting in that department; he is most certaily set even if a divorce were to transpire.

Give up the game he loves?  Last time I checked, all of his faculties were in place.  If he does retire (and I do not believe he will do that), this does not preclude him from playing golf, does it?  Let's not forget, most fo all, it is a game ...

Personal professional goals ... while I do agree that those publicly stated goals have yet be acheived, the life-effecting events of the past 3 months could make an individual re-evaluate things.

Some of these "media" folks need to just "GO AWAY"

CYNIC6405 reads

"go away."  Indeed, I read 3 articles this morning disparaging Tiger for setting up his "news" conference in the manner he has.  Basically, all 3 articles called him arrogant and said that he STILL doesn't get it.  Based on this, I'd say he will get skewered after his statement.  This will only go away if he meets the press and answers questions.  If he tries to control everything, they won't leave him alone.

Vajayjay_Singh6184 reads

Very controlled & No tough questions.  The media will shred & skewer him for dodging. His handlers are fucking up & giving LOUSY advice.

His media problems have only just begun!

St. Croix5953 reads

sorry? I hear the line 5.5. I also hear the bet on whether Elin attends is +200 if she attends and -260 if she doesn't. Gotta love bookies for putting odds on just about anything.

Had he just stayed single, he could have played the bad boy playboy. This wouldn't have sold as well, but the downside wouldn't have been nearly as bad.  Let's face it, he will never be able to restore his's destroyed.  But, he will be able to reestablish that he is the league of Arnold and Jack as the greatest in the game, on purely a performance level.    

As I see it, what he has done is a quarter step away from the baseball players tainted by the juice scandal, though some will see it as worse.

The American public has a short attention span. Once Tiger gets back on the course, the media will find some other schmuck to skewer.

Tiger will eventually be old news and start winning majors again. The public will return in droves and sponsors will jump back on board.

If you do not believe it.....look to Kobe Bryant. Accused of rape and then tears up the Laker team while trashing management and his teammates. A couple of winning seasons later and all is forgiven. Or have you not seen the Kobe/Lebron puppets? Guess whose jersey is the number one seller in the NBA? The hypocrisy is startling.

I do not condone Tiger's actions but they are no where near the steroid abusers. Steroids cheat the fans while Tiger was cheating on his family. Neither is laudable but we are not part of Tiger's family.

Once they find someone else to trash or find some real news to write about.

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