Sports Talk

Really? That bad, lady?!!!regular_smile
MP67 11 Reviews 6090 reads

I saw a few posts of his, and I understand it'll be 'open season' on his ass when the Colts hand the Jets their's tomorrow...

I do, however, like your idea of a 24 pack and 5th of my choice...

Maybe I should do as you say and turn him onto MY sense of fairplay and just do what I do on the other boards?

With your permission, of course! ;)

How the hell do we re-claim this board?

I have tried reasoning with this man(?). I have reponded ONLY to his posts which are attempts at coherent sports related subject-matter.

I'm at a standstill folks. I have made a humanitarian effort to accomodate him with accepting his desire to participate on the board. I'm ALL FOR participation. Isn't that what TER's mission is?

I'm not the most tolerant individual or easy to tolerate,for that matter,but I fear there are those regulars who are now disappearing because of the BS here-on.

We have all agreed to ignore him,but that doesn't seem to be working. I'm all ears at this point.

I may even be chastized for posting something which isn't Board related. Oh well. Martyrdom for a greater cause? So be it.

How many times must WE endure the same DAMNED 'post'(or point)before we rip our frickin hair out?

Now i'm rambling.

If there is a GOD,please take me soon. :-(

and I am guilty of troll feeding and even worse, troll baiting.  

I won't respond to any more of his posts. I will just ignore him.

And God said he isn't going to take you yet.  You have too many PYTs to meet yet and there are too many bottles of single malt scotch with your name on them (we don't wasnt the distillery workers laid off do we?).  But he said something about lightening so Liorr, don't go out doors

to show my ass (And not literally lol).  It is amazing that someone can be that ignorant.  But I also think he realizes it bothers us all, so he is sitting back getting satisfaction from watching us all squirm every time he makes a cunt muscle post.  

So frustrating to read the same shit 50 times, and 50 times he is asked 12 different ways to stop and he can't seem to comprehend.  Either he is taking serious drugs, is an alcoholic or just plain dumb.  

I sure hope we can make this board fun again though.  Friendly banter is one thing, hostility is another.

I should start with all the Who Dat Nation crap so you have someone else to yell at?  


Just remember, if the Saints lose you all will ignore Liorr and be giving me shot for several months about the Saints.

..I think i represent all hobbyist here....Tash, will you please post a pic of your ass here every time liar post!  Please, I don't want to make you work over time, but you do have a sweet ass! :-)

Well, maybe that would take up way too much of your time...but a boy can dream.

Being quarantined in my house leaves me plenty of time to post ass shots :D  So here ya go.  Some will be new, some will be oldies but goodies :D

Man am i glad ???? hasn't seen that pic. He'll be on the next plane to Vegas. ;-)

GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

anon76588495516 reads

You've gotten plenty of people to leave the GD board.  If liorr listens to you guys long enough, he'll get nauseous & leave this board.  ;-)

The only other option is moderation which will take some fun out of the board as I liked the real time status of all posts.

With liorr there is a huge deficit between both ears where he doesn't understand what he posts nor posts what he understands.

How else do you explain the numerous times he has threatened to quit only to comeback a few minutes later. He holds the record for most comebacks out of retirement. I am sure Brett Favre is jealous.

Obsessive compulsive disorder maybe? I don't know.

Maybe CYNIC should be a moderator, he can take liorr out to the backroom and overwhelm the guy eventually with his 5:1 post ratio. Liorr couldn't keep up at that rate. Like I said though, board moderation would be the last option for me.

-- Modified on 1/23/2010 6:43:39 PM

CYNIC5894 reads

is a pain in the ass, and I wouldn't be in favor of that.  

We're obviously dealing with a sick individual, so thought and reason don't apply.  This moron actually thinks we like him.  He is simply too dumb to realize that people here just are revolted by him.  I'm retired, and probably have more time than most of you.  There are certainly better things to do with it, perhaps, but for the time being I will continue to inundate this SOB with demeaning posts in the hope that he'll eventually realize that his motivation to continue to post these irrelevancies is doomed to failure.  However, I will happily join any movement to have him banned from TER.  Truth is, that may be the ONLY thing that will get rid of him!

-- Modified on 1/23/2010 7:02:06 PM

What's up with this fucking guy?

Tash, OSP, educate me! ;)

If I find him totally fucked-up?

I'll admit. I'm not a HUGE sports fan. Meaning, I don't read the sportspage everyday in the paper and such.

HOWEVER, I am a HUGE Steelers fan, ever since I was 8 or 9. And when boxing is on, like now, I watch.

Oh yeah, always dug the Yankees! ;)

So, to make a long story short, if Tasha has a problem with someone, *I* have a problem with that someone.

Besides, I like a good fight! ;)

When the sports board was off line he was showing up on the P&R board.

Let me do a couple things, have a few more drinks, and have some fun at this 'sports fans' expense.

Feeling a little 'saucy' tonight! ;)  

WTF is this supposed to mean? I hope most of us are beyond that by now!

If not, we should still be in school.

This should be fun!

I'm gearing up! ;)

I saw a few posts of his, and I understand it'll be 'open season' on his ass when the Colts hand the Jets their's tomorrow...

I do, however, like your idea of a 24 pack and 5th of my choice...

Maybe I should do as you say and turn him onto MY sense of fairplay and just do what I do on the other boards?

With your permission, of course! ;)

A little 'reading is fundamantal' time would serve you better than hearing it from the crowd.

Ghost.of.Glen.Livet5396 reads

....not playing the Bolts again this week (God, I forgot how terrible they have been in the playoffs!)....not even going to see the Colts JV, unless it is 49-0. Colts have been over 30 points 7 times....Jets only twice, both on shutouts.

Lookin like Colts - Vikings.....

Sanchez ain't no Broadway Joe, will need more than 17 points will be quiet after 6PM tomorrow if not sooner.

"Lookin like Colts - Vikings....."

I would have said the same thing before the Colts laid down on the Jets.and LOST  Its fine to rest Manning but if the rest of the team can't keep up,its bad football Karma on the Colts..Just saying. Jets will win tomorrow ...and Monday will be Sports DJ analyzing heaven.
 Jets 27 Colts 24

When he posts IGNORE him.  He is an idiot that much is true so just let him talk to himself.  Just act as if he is invisible even if he posts on our threads just IGNORE him.  We can have our own conversations and let him have his own.  He already quite obviously talks to himself so let him continue with that.

DO NOT FEED THE TROLL THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HE IS BEGGING FOR!  Why I have no freakin clue but that's what he get's his rocks off on so don't play into it.


I am not sure CYNIC can avoid responding to his posts. CYNIC appears to relish it.

Maybe we can allow CYNIC and liorr to have their own conversation, eventually CYNIC can "goad" liorr into going away.

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